() Yuan Chongshang said indifferently: "You don't need to say that. What the governor lacks now are well-trained soldiers and horses. Call out the guards and dress up as my imperial guards to Huzhou to suppress the rebellion. Is it possible?"

Li Wangsun frowned and said, "I'm afraid it's not right."

"Old Li, what exactly do you mean?" Yuan Chongshang was born as a military general, and his temper was not very good. Li Wangsun's attitude made him a little displeased: "What do you mean, are you planning to borrow troops?"

Li Wangsun hesitated for a while, and finally asked: "My lord, can I go and see the imperial envoy? Although the officer has the power to mobilize a small number of guards, and can even mobilize the 200 guards around him, but... this is not the Ministry of War after all. The Holy Majesty has always been very disgusted with the easy transfer of the guards by the local government." Looking at Yuan Chongshang, "My lord, it is said that Master Chu is holding a full moon gold medal. As long as Master Chu comes forward, the three of us can mobilize several Thousands of soldiers will be more than enough to quell the rebellion in Huzhou!"

Yuan Chongshang said angrily: "The Governor just came from Xingyuan, and Xuanyuan Sheng claimed that our Master Chu is not in good health and won't see guests. Hehe, I'm afraid it's just an excuse."

Li Wangsun sighed: "If this is the case, the matter will not be easy to handle. Even if he is sick, but the military situation in Huzhou is urgent, if Master Chu really wants to deal with this matter, it is not difficult to come out and see him." Paused , frowned and said: "I'm afraid Lord Chu also knows that the Holy One is taboo to easily mobilize the guards. Although he has a gold medal in his hand, to avoid the holy taboo, so...!" He didn't continue.

Yuan Chongshang stared into Li Wangsun's eyes, and said: "There are not many soldiers. Lao Li, you have dispatched [-] elite guards, and now that the governor of Huzhou is recruiting local braves, there can be a lot of people there. With the five hundred guards as the main force, and if you send two capable generals under your command, the bandit jungle will definitely have nowhere to escape."

Li Wangsun didn't speak immediately, he was silent for a while, and suddenly coughed violently, butler Xu, who was waiting outside the door, hurried in and said worriedly: "Master...!"

Li Wangsun raised his hand, and while coughing, he signaled Steward Xu to ignore it. Yuan Chongshang saw that Li Wangsun had a severe cough and his face turned pale. It seemed that although Li Wangsun was killed, his internal organs were traumatized.

After a while, Li Wangsun finally took out the handkerchief from his sleeve and covered his mouth. When he took it away, Yuan Chongshang clearly saw blood on the handkerchief, and a strange look flashed across his eyes. After Li Wangsun calmed down, he finally said: " Your Excellency Governor, if you come in person, the lower officials cannot refuse. It is not impossible to transfer troops, but... the five hundred soldiers will be transferred, and the lower officials will no longer have the right to transfer a single soldier from the guard army. What happened, I can only watch helplessly...!"

"What can happen?" Yuan Chongshang waved his hand, "Don't worry, the Huang family won't make any big troubles. The governor is making strict arrangements, and will soon wipe out this gang of chaotic parties!"

Li Wangsun did not change his face, and said indifferently: "My lord, it will be impossible to mobilize the guards to suppress the bandits. The lower officials can mobilize [-] troops, but they can only be transferred to Taiyuan City. There are [-] imperial guards in Taiyuan City. , Your Excellency Governor can dispatch [-] imperial guards to Huzhou to suppress the rebellion, and the five hundred soldiers and horses of the lower officials will supplement the defense of the city and be dispatched by your Excellency Governor, what do you think?"

Yuan Chongshang rubbed his chin, and an imperceptible sternness flashed in the depths of his eyes. After a long time, he said calmly, "Isn't Commander Li unnecessary?"

Li Wangsun's tone was very firm, "I can only do this. If my lord wants to employ people, I will immediately mobilize [-] guards, enter Taiyuan City, and let the governor deploy the city defense, otherwise... I will not dare to obey my orders." !"

Yuan Chongshang let out an "oh", stood up slowly, stared at Li Wangsun, his expression seemed a little displeased, but after a while, he smiled lightly, and said, "So, we will do as Commander Li wants!"

……… Jade Lock Lake.

The night is dark and the wind is high, and the wind is biting.

On Liyu Island, one of the two islands, there is a courtyard with carved beams and painted buildings, cornices and red tiles, winding corridors, rockery gardens, and even on the lake, you can see this luxurious courtyard from a distance. <, two of his concubines are kneeling next to him, massaging him, his eyes are closed, his face is full of enjoyment, and another concubine will hold a A jug made of jasper, put the spout on it, and Huang Tianyi took a sip leisurely and contentedly.

Although surrounded by officers and soldiers, Huang Tianyi didn't show any anxiety.

On the small island, his luxurious life has not changed in any way.

A maid came in very lightly and stood outside the door. The concubine holding the wine jug saw her and got up cautiously, not daring to make too much noise for fear of disturbing Huang Tianyi who closed her eyes and rested. She was barefoot, Stepping on the high-quality carpet with a pair of snow-white little feet, she walked over lightly, the maid listened to her ear, and then the concubine turned to Huang Tianyi, bit Huang Tianyi's ear, and said in a low voice: "Master, the seventh master please see me! "

Huang Tianyi opened his eyes and wondered: "It's so late, what is he doing here?" He ordered: "Let him in quickly."

The so-called "Seven Lords" refers to Huang Zhigui, the number one think tank of the Huang family. Huang Zhigui was not from An Guogong, but the son of Huang Ju's younger brother and Huang Tianyi's cousin. He ranked seventh among the Huang family's younger brothers, so he was called Lord Seven.

After the Huang family retreated to Yusuo Lake, Huang Tianyi and Huang Zhigui guarded the two islands separately. This was also to be able to completely control the two islands. With a huge amount of gold and silver treasures and a mountain of food, the two brothers sit on an island alone to avoid accidents.

In the middle of the night, Huang Zhigui suddenly came over from another island, Huang Tianyi knew that there must be something important, otherwise Huang Zhigui would not have come to ask for an audience at this time.

He waved his concubine to retreat, sat up, and soon saw Huang Zhigui appearing in front of the door, Huang Tianyi waved and said: "Zhigui, it's so late, why are you here? What's the matter? Are there any officers and soldiers?" What action?"

Huang Zhigui had a faint smile on his face, and Huang Tianyi was relieved when he saw the smile on his face, knowing that since Huang Zhigui could still smile, there was no bad news.

Huang Zhigui came in and said, "Brother, I brought you a person, this is our distinguished guest!"

"Distinguished guest?" Huang Tianyi couldn't think of any distinguished guests worth seeing, but saw that Huang Zhigui had turned his head and said to the door: "Cave Master, please come in!"

Huang Tianyi frowned, and saw a tall, burly and extremely muscular man coming in from outside the door. This man was dressed in fur clothes, with strange clothes, and a necklace full of small wooden carvings hung around his neck. He looked very rough, unlike This gorgeous hall is very mismatched, the man strode in and walked to Huang Zhigui, Huang Zhigui had already said to the big man: "Cave master, this is my elder brother!" He said to Huang Tianyi: "Elder brother, this is Yi Fang from Guifang!" Cave Master Gu Si!"

Huang Tianyi was still a little suspicious at first, but upon hearing Huang Zhigui's introduction, a smile appeared on his plump face, he stood up, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "So you are the Master of Yi Gusi Cave, I have admired you for a long time, come here, please sit down!"

Yi Gusi bowed to Huang Tianyi Heshi, and after being seated under Huang Zhigui's hospitality, Huang Zhigui had already said to Huang Tianyi with a smile: "Brother, Cave Master Yi Gusi came here this time to express his gratitude to elder brother on behalf of Guifang Zhudong. "

Yi Gusi waited for Huang Zhigui to finish speaking, and said to Huang Tianyi: "Master Huang, the food you donated to me earlier solved our urgent need. I am very grateful!"

Huang Tianyi waved his hands and smiled: "Don't say that. Cave master, I, Huang Tianyi, live in this world, and I am talking about loyalty. Zhigui told me that originally the Department of Household Affairs had prepared enough grain to be transported to Daqimeng Mountain, but what happened? Suddenly, Zhigui had no choice but to leave Taiyuan City, and I heard afterwards that the food that was supposed to be delivered to the ghost party was actually withheld by the household secretary, and your old ghost owner went to the household department to ask for it, but was...! Shaking his head, he sighed: "This imperial court doesn't treat us people as human beings at all. I know there are tens of thousands of people in Guifang, old and young. If there is no food, how can we survive this winter... Cave Master , how is everything in Daqimeng Mountain now? Don’t worry about food, the most important thing our Huang family lacks is money and food...!" Looking at Huang Zhigui, he said earnestly: "Zhigui, apart from food, the necessities that Brother Guifang lacks are also Be more thoughtful, no matter what, after this winter passes, I don't want to see another ghost brother or sister freeze to death or starve to death!"

Huang Zhigui said solemnly: "Brother, don't worry, I've been paying attention over there, I won't let them suffer from cold and starvation."

"It's so good." Huang Zhigui reassured.

A trace of gratitude flashed across Yi Gusi's eyes, and he said: "Master Zhao, in fact, besides thanking you for your help this time, I also... have a few things to discuss!"

"Oh?" Huang Tianyi smiled and said, "Is there any difficulty? If there is any difficulty, just say it out, as long as Tianyi can help, he will never refuse." Turning around, he said: "Come here, serve tea!" Xiang Yi Gu Siwen said: "Is the Cave Master used to drinking tea?"

Yi Gu thought: "Actually, I rarely drink tea...!"

"Bring wine!" Huang Tianyi laughed, "It's freezing cold, drinking a few glasses of wine is also good to warm up."

When the wine was brought up, it was naturally a top-notch wine. After Yi Gusi took a sip of the wine, he felt sweet and refreshing, and the aroma of the wine was overflowing. Putting down the glass, Huang Tianyi asked with a smile: "Cave Master Yi, how hard this trip was? Yusuo Lake is surrounded by officers and soldiers, it can be regarded as airtight, it is not easy for the Cave Master to enter Yusuo Lake!"

Yi Gusi nodded and said: "It's really not easy. I took a few people with me and found that the garrison in the south is the least, but their camps are connected together, and the soldiers patrol day and night, and there are watchtowers, which cannot be done during the day. We are there After observing for several days, I knew the time of their patrols. There was a short gap in the middle, looking for opportunities, and entered in the dark. There are many small fishing boats by the lake. Two people and I took a fishing boat and sneaked over late at night. We arrived there first. On the side island, as soon as I got on the island, I was arrested."

Huang Zhigui smiled and said: "Don't mind the Cave Master. It's the time when the two armies are confronting each other. Our defense is tight. They don't know the Cave Master. They offend you. I hope you don't take offense."

Yi Gusi said very coolly: "Mr. Huang, if no one sees you after you go to the island, and you can easily sneak into the island, Yi Gusi's trip will be in vain. If you can't even notice that someone has gone to the island, what will you do?" How to fight against officers and soldiers?"

Huang Tianyi clapped his hands and said with a smile: "The Cave Master said it well, he is happy and refreshed, Tianyi loves to make friends like you the most!"

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