Chapter 104 Revenge Begins

Under the command of the great god-king Zeus, the gods once again defeated the invincible enemy, the terrifying monster Typhon bred by the earth mother Gaia and the abyss Tartarus, and threw it into the chaos , so that it can never return to the sky, the earth, the sea and the underworld for eternity... The servants who serve the gods wrote so in the theogony that recorded the great achievements of the gods.

The gods who defeated Typhon gathered on the holy mountain of Olympus under the call of Zeus to celebrate that they and other gods solved another great enemy.

For them now, there is only one enemy that troubles them, and that is the outer god who hides outside the world and does not know when he will act. As long as the outer god who covets their world is solved, the whole world will be , there is no longer anything that can threaten them.

However, the gods were happy and happy, but Zeus, who was the king of gods, was far less happy than the gods.

For him, defeating Typhon was indeed something worth celebrating, but Hercules, a pawn he had carefully cultivated to deal with Typhon and the Outer Gods, was thrown into the void by the gods along with Typhon. In the chaos, this means that when dealing with the outer gods, all he can rely on is his own strength and the gods.

But can he and the gods alone deal with the alien gods who came across the dark void?

Zeus also had no idea.

But at this moment, a servant of the gods broke into the noisy banquet of the gods, came to Hera's side, and whispered.

"Great queen, Hercules is trying to enter Mount Olympus."

If it were in the past, the servants of the gods would never come in to report, they would just stop people who the gods dislike at the door, and would not disturb the gods they served, but Hercules He made great achievements in the war between the gods and Typhon, whether he wrestled with Typhon or he got into Typhon's body and destroyed the monster's heart, he won the hearts of these gods. servant's respect.

For a hero who has achieved feats that even gods have never achieved.

They are willing to treat it another way.


Hera frowned. There is no doubt that the war between the gods and Typhon, the child of her husband and other women should be the first to contribute. If there is no Hercules, the war between the gods and Typhon will probably be The stalemate will continue until the gods or Typhon feel tired and exhausted. At that time, the immortal gods may not lose, but there is absolutely no way to fight The monster was thrown into chaos.

Such a hero, such a feat, logically speaking, is also qualified to participate in the banquet of the gods and be cheered by the gods.

But he is Hercules.

It was once regarded by him as his own glory, but now it is a tool for the gods to see his jokes.

Hera was entangled, but he didn't have to tangle for a long time, because Zeus, who was sitting next to him, spoke,

"Let him in."

The voice of the god king was not too loud, and it was almost covered up by the noisy feast, but Hera's servant still heard the words of the god king, and he respectfully agreed. He walked out with a sound and began to convey the will of the god king.


A person, a great hero that even a god would admire came in from the outside.

When he came in, the noisy feast fell silent almost instantly, the gods stopped talking, and looked at the human hero who walked in.

The goddess of discord, Eris, and the god of love and beauty, Aphrodite, who once manipulated the fate of Hercules, made this great hero who killed his wife and children a little restless and secretly happy.

The gods of the sea, the gods of the underworld, the gods of the Titans on the earth...these gods who have never manipulated the fate of Hercules and watched Hera's excitement looked at Hercules with praise and respect. He raised his glass and expressed his respect to this human being who made great achievements in the previous war.

Hera's children looked at their mother frequently, their eyes full of worry, worried that their mother would do something bad at the banquet, while their mother Hera's eyes were complicated, with hatred and a little bit gratified.

Under the watchful eyes of the gods, Hercules walked in with two knives in his hands. As soon as this hero who was arrogant at first but indifferent later came in, he glanced at the female figure sitting at the head, and then said indifferently. Look away.

Seeing this scene, a smile appeared spontaneously on the faces of the Goddess of Discord Eris and other gods.


Hera looked at this child whom she once regarded as an honor, and her pupils were slightly touched.


He also regards the other party as his own child, as if he was his own, but unfortunately...

An unspeakable emotion rose in Hera's heart.

After seeing his mother, Hercules looked at the other god in the first place, and there was a trace of tremor in his hoarse voice, "Zeus, you once promised me that as long as I kill Typhon, you will resurrect me." My child, does your promise still count now?"

"Of course."

Zeus, who was sitting at the top, nodded with a smile, and said to Hades, who was sitting only one seat lower than him, "Hades, my brother, this is indeed my agreement with him."

Hearing this, the latter nodded immediately, and asked his assistants, the gods of sleep and god of death, to go to the underworld, preparing to bring Hercules' wife and children back from the eternal sleep of death.

And Zeus looked at Hercules after watching the gods of sleep and death leave, and asked curiously, "Hercules, there is no up, down, left, right, or direction in chaos. How did it get out of there?"

"I left Typhon's body after being thrown in."

Hercules said indifferently.

Just went in and left?This can come out.

Zeus nodded.

Although it is easy to get lost in the chaos and never be able to get out, it is not impossible to get lost and unable to get out once you enter it. As long as you hide at the edge of the transition between chaos and the world, you can easily get out of it.

After a while,

The two gods returned, and with them came Megara, wife of Hercules, and children Hylos, Telephus, and Telepolemus.


As soon as Hercules' wife Megara saw her husband, she immediately stopped in front of her children in fear, and at the same time called out Hercules' name loudly, while his three children hid in fear. Behind his mother, three pairs of blue eyes looked at his father in fear.

The scene of being killed by their father was deeply engraved in the hearts of these three children. Even though they died and entered the eternal sleep for decades, they still could not forget the scene at that time, so that when they saw it As for their father, their minds automatically recalled their father's madness and the severe pain when the blade of chaos was approaching, as if that scene happened yesterday.

"Megala, Hylos, Telephus, Telepolemus..."

Seeing the attitude of his wife and children towards him, Hercules felt a pain in his heart. He had prepared countless words, but at this moment he couldn't say a single word.

Hades on the side saw this scene with a smile on his face.

He raised the wine glass in his hand and poured it on Megara, Hylos, Telephus, and Telepolemos.

After the wine fell on the four people, it quickly melted into it, and a slight light appeared on the four people who were splashed. In the blink of an eye, the four people were revived.

Seeing this scene, Hercules gave Hades a grateful glance, then walked up to look at his wife and children, with one hand behind his back and his wife and children in his arms,

Sorry for not being able to protect you guys, but it won’t happen in the future, the gods who manipulated my fate behind the scenes, they will soon pay the price in blood.

He put his arms around his wife and children, ready to go back.

But at this moment, the goddess of discord, Eris, stood up. This goddess who is used to stirring up disputes rarely sowed the seeds of discord. Instead, she raised her glass and asked Heracles who was about to leave, "Then Hero who made astonishing contributions in this war, how can you just leave? Without you, the celebration banquet of the gods will lose all its color."

Aphrodite, the god of love and beauty, also stood up at this time. This goddess, who was also the most beautiful goddess among all the gods, left her seat and stretched herself like a white jade to Hercules. The same finger rested lightly on his arm, "Hercules, the most valiant warrior among mankind, brave you, you are entitled to enjoy the hospitality of the gods."

Hearing these words, Hercules hesitated.

"Are you worried about the safety of your wife and children?" Aphrodite saw his hesitation, and the goddess said softly, "Let my servants escort them back, I, Aphrodite Te promises to you that your wife and children will never be harmed until you return to your own home, even the most ferocious thieves and the most powerful monsters, they will never hurt your wife and children."

"If that's the case, I'd like to stay." Hercules nodded hoarsely.

Upon hearing the consent, the goddess immediately arranged for her servants to escort Hercules' wife and children away from the holy mountain of Olympus, while the passionate goddess pulled the human into the seat, not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional. A goddess pulled Hercules to sit on Hera's lower head, and even though the mother and child were less than one meter away, they didn't have a word to say.


The interrupted feast of the gods began to continue, but what was originally a whisper to each other became a toast to the hero Hercules,
"To Hercules, our chief hero in this war."

The gods toasted the hero with the wine glasses in their hands.

In this celebration feast of the gods, Hercules became the absolute protagonist. Even the most prestigious gods, at this time, the radiance could not match him.

However, in the face of such a toast, Hercules just took the glass calmly and drank it down. If he had been treated like this by the gods before, he would have joined the celebration of the gods a long time ago. , but now... Looking at such gods, he only felt a little noisy.

Treated like this by a human, even the enthusiastic gods felt the coldness. After dozens of toasts in succession, they could only be indifferent. , bragging, and laughing happily from time to time.

Only Aphrodite came up to toast gently, and then didn't care about Hercules' indifference at all, covering her mouth with a smile, "A brave and fearless hero on the battlefield, why are you so indifferent? Isn't it so mellow? Doesn't fine wine and food from the sky, the earth, and the sea arouse your enthusiasm?"

Hercules didn't speak, but Aphrodite continued, "If none of these can arouse your enthusiasm, then can I, the most beautiful goddess of the gods, arouse your enthusiasm?"

As she spoke, the goddess opened her white arms, hooked Hercules' neck, and stretched her hands into his chest, teasing the latter with her beautiful face.

As the most beautiful goddess among the gods, if Aphrodite wants to, almost no male god or man can resist her.

The reason why it is almost is because among the gods, there are also gods who ignore her beauty.

Such as Apollo, the sun god, Ares, the god of war, and Zeus, who is not taboo about meat and vegetables, has no scruples about men and women, male and female, sisters, sisters and daughters.

I don't know why, but that lecherous god king has never laid hands on him.

Aphrodite was confident that the mortal in front of her, even if this mortal had power that could not even match a god, would definitely not be able to resist her temptation.

And as if to confirm the confidence of God of Beauty, under her provocation, Hercules nodded without hesitation.

After the pride of success emerged in her heart, Aphrodite made an agreement with her new little lover to meet in the palace of Beauty God after the feast of the gods was over.


"Ha ha……"

Even after dozens of days, the laughter of the gods still did not leave the temple of Zeus, and the gods still drank and ate here.

However, there is no permanent feast in the world, and so is God's banquet.

After a hundred days, the banquet of the gods finally came to an end.

Aphrodite, who had an agreement with her little lover, went back to her temple and changed into the most beautiful clothes, and then waited for her little lover to arrive.


Aphrodite murmured.

No one has ever known that Aphrodite has a soft spot for brave men, so she crazily likes Ares, the god of war, and fantasizes about Ares charging her, so when she sees Herac When Les charged Typhon, his heart was secretly moved, and love burst out.

"I don't know who is more brave, Hercules or Ares."

Aphrodite's mind swayed.

And at this moment, she suddenly saw Hercules walking towards her, stood up quickly, and greeted him, "Hercules..."

Available in the next second.

The sharp blade of chaos directly penetrated his body.

 The last day of November is coming to an end. As an author, I have updated 11 words, with an average daily update of 15 words. I have a group of 5000-word authors at the beginning. Please allow me to put my hands on my hips and let out a smug laugh /Ha ha
  Then there is the update plan for next month. I plan to make persistent efforts to keep a minimum of 15 words, move towards 18 words, and target 20 words.

(End of this chapter)

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