Chapter 105 Invasion of Outer Gods

The little lover who walked towards her was stabbed by the little lover, and Aphrodite's beautiful face was full of disbelief.

what happened?

Didn't Hercules come to have sex with me?Why did you suddenly kill me?
The sudden attack made Aphrodite's mind confused, and she couldn't react for a while.

And her mind was muddled, and Hercules, who was opposite her, had no brains.

Hercules pulled out the Chaos Blade with a little force, and then stabbed it in again.

With one pump and one cut, a large amount of divine blood was brought out, and Aphrodite felt the unstoppable disappearance of her own strength and life. It wasn't until this time that the goddess known for her beauty reacted and felt Her own death was inevitable, and the goddess directly cast the most vicious curse, "Hercules, I curse you, I curse your face will be engulfed in flames, and become the ugliest face in the world, you are so, It's true of your wife, it's true of your children, it's true of your descendants, it's true of all the people in your blood, it's true of them all."

In the dark, the power that symbolizes the curse hangs down, and the invisible power entangles Hercules and penetrates into his blood.

But in exchange, another knife from Hercules.

The extremely sharp blade of chaos pierced into Aphrodite's body, taking away all the vitality of the goddess.

The beautiful goddess fell down in front of Hercules, and Miaoman's body was limp on the ground. After losing the blood, that delicate face was gradually swallowed by paleness. Knife, go to the next palace.

Since the goddess Eris won the favor of Aphrodite, the god of love and beauty, the palaces of the two goddesses moved together, and everything on the earth caused countless disputes over beauty and love.

Unlike Aphrodite's temple filled with blooming flowers, it is not empty and dead like the temple of the goddess Eris.

When Hercules came in, the discordant goddess Eris appeared in front of him by herself, and asked curiously, "Hero of mankind, if you are not in the palace of Beauty, you are not lingering with Beauty in the palace, enjoying the nourishment of love, come to me What is this deserted temple doing?"

"I'm here because Aphrodite asked me to tell you something."

Hercules walked towards Eris, and the calm pupil reflected the woman who brought him disaster.

"What?" Eris asked curiously.

"She said that a person is too lonely in death, and I hope you can accompany her."

Immediately afterwards, the light pierced the world in Eris' eyes, and the sharp blade of chaos pierced into Eris' chest, piercing his heart.

Divine blood gushes out.

Eris dies.

Slowly withdrew the knife, Hercules gently wiped off the blood on it, and then walked towards the next temple holding the two knives.

Persephone is the daughter of Zeus and the goddess of agriculture Demeter, the wife of Hades, the king of the underworld, and the queen of the underworld with infinite glory. Human beings on the earth write the relationship between this goddess and Hades into their poems , in order to describe the happiness of Persephone and the single-mindedness of Hades.

But few know that Persephone never liked Hades.It was not his intention to marry him to Hades. It was Hades who fell in love with him, came out of the underworld, snatched him into the dark underworld, and forced him to be his wife. As a goddess symbolizing seeds, he never He likes the dark underground underworld, what he yearns for is the sky, and likes Zeus who is in charge of the sky.

That's right, he likes his father. He has both a natural fear and an uncontrollable yearning for his father who is in charge of thunder and the sky. He also has a love for Hera, the only one among his father's many wives who can share the divine power with Zeus. Very jealous.

So when Eris, the goddess of discord, wants to see Hera joke, she joins in on the show.

"Is Aphrodite, a sensual goddess, so unable to restrain her desires? She can send Hercules directly into Hera's temple to kick off the show, but she has to hook up before the show... Sitting in the garden full of exotic flowers and plants and with clear spring water flowing, Persephone became dissatisfied with Aphrodite.

And just when she was dissatisfied, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly saw Hercules coming in with the Blade of Chaos.

"What is he doing here?"

Thinking in her heart, the beautiful goddess got up and came to Hercules, and was about to ask the human hero why she came to her palace.

But suddenly...

The man in front of him brandished a pair of knives, and the sharp blade of chaos directly pierced into the body of the goddess who hadn't had time to react in the future.

Persephone dies.

After killing Hades, Hercules went to the next temple.

After a while,

While wiping the blood off the blade, he walked towards the next temple...

One, two, three... I don't know how many gods died at the hands of Hercules.

God is strong.

But not every god is strong.

Powerful Zeus, God of War Ares, Hades and other gods are naturally invincible, but weak river gods, mountain gods, and even some gods who are favored by Zeus because of their handsome appearance, and then get immortal life... These gods, even No stronger monster can match it.

When they faced Hercules, death became their only ending.

But God is immortal.

Whether it is theogony or the various stories that have been circulated among humans, the prefix of gods is always immortal.

After these gods mastered the theocracy, they merged with the various rules of the world. They are the incarnation of the rules, the rules themselves. Even if they kill their bodies in this world, as long as the rules are still there, they Even if it is conceived by the rules, it will be revived again.

However, when gods such as Aphrodite, Dan Eris, and Persephone began to be resurrected, the scarlet light also chased them into the rules of the world.


on earth.

Inside the huge city, a beautiful woman is sitting in front of a dressing table, embellishing her face.

Although she is naturally beautiful, even without makeup, she is the most beautiful woman in the whole city, but which woman doesn't want to be more beautiful?
With her embellishments, the white skin fell off piece by piece, revealing the cheeks that were piled up with tumors behind the skin.

And looking at these tumors, a kind of beyond the extreme, unimaginable beauty filled the woman's heart.


It's so beautiful.

She felt that even the words and languages ​​passed down to humans by the wise Prometheus could not describe her beauty at this moment.

And this kind of beauty is naturally to be seen by everyone in the city.

Thinking of this, she stood up and walked out of her room slowly.

"Ah~~ so beautiful."

Countless people began to cheer, overwhelmed by such beauty.


On the sea, a huge fishing boat was sailing through the storm.

On the bumpy deck, a sailor is talking to another sailor,
"Arquito, there is something I don't know whether I should tell you or not. To be honest, I'm not sure, so I haven't told you, but I've been thinking about it, if this thing is true, if If it’s true, wouldn’t it mean I’m hurting you if I don’t tell you?” the thin-looking sailor with a slightly pointed mouth said to another sailor.

"Horatio, what are you talking about?" Arquito asked suspiciously.

"I saw someone else in your wife's house while you were away, and we both knew that person."

After Horatio finished speaking, he continued, "Of course, I'm not sure what the relationship between that man and your wife is, but I saw see him like your wife, do you understand?"

Hearing the beginning, Arquito was already furious. After Horatio finished speaking, the man could no longer contain the anger in his heart, and shouted angrily, "Who is that man?"

"It's the captain."

After Horatio finished speaking, he hurriedly warned, "But don't tell me, otherwise the captain will definitely take revenge on me."

However, he hadn't finished saying his name before Arquito rushed out.

Looking at the departing Arquito, Horatio showed a smile on his face.

In fact, he knew that the captain and Arquito's wife had nothing to do, because he saw Arquito's wife almost died, and it was the captain who saved her, so the former invited the latter to have a meal, but he just wanted to turn the truth upside down and provoke Arquito Ask to find the captain, because last time he sneakily stuffed his goods in the cabin and tried to take them to other places for profit, but the captain found out that he not only confiscated his goods, but also fined him three months Salary, for which he held a grudge.

But will that brutish brut of Arquito give me a confession?

Horatio grew worried.

And at this moment, he felt something flow out of his face.

But how could there be something flowing out of his face.

Horatio stretched out his hand and wiped his face. Pieces of flesh and blood stuck to his hand and fell off his face.



Beauty, disharmony, seeds, spring... As one rule after another is crazily polluted and deformed, everything in the whole world, even the world itself, begins to be crazily polluted, and various ominous phenomena that are different from this world It began to be produced, and until this time, the god who left the banquet and returned to his temple to rest finally noticed something abnormal.

"Outer God..."

 The volume of Olympus Mythology is coming to an end, please allow me to take a moment to sort out how to end it, this one is only 2900 words, I owe you a chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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