Chapter 117 Disputes
At some point, the human beings under the rule of Osiris suddenly found that there were many more people outside the oasis where they lived, and many of them were different from themselves and others at a glance. People are different, not only pale and thin, but also exudes a sour smell that has not been bathed for a long time, which is completely different from the people in the oasis.

In addition, the oasis people found that the eyes of these people were very strange. The eyes full of desire and covetousness made everyone who was watched feel uncomfortable.

But as a new world, this world has never experienced war, and does not know what looting is, so although these people make them feel uncomfortable, no one expels these people, let alone guard against them, but warmly sends them away. He came in and entertained these human beings who are also human beings.

Then one night, a group of people stormed the oasis.

The raging, unquenchable flame ignited the oasis, and the people who lived here died, and those who were captured back as slaves were captured back as slaves.

After looting an oasis, these human beings were not satisfied. Instead, they took advantage of the opportunity before the news spread to start looting other oases.

One, two... After the fifth oasis was plundered, the news finally spread. People in one oasis after another were shocked that some people didn't want to hunt and grow food by themselves, but came to rob other people's food. They even plundered others back and turned them into slaves, and then they became vigilant. Some smart people set up watchtowers near the oasis, and once they found strangers coming in, they immediately sent out signals, and some grumpy people were even more vigilant. After exchanging news, they decided to avenge their own kind.

They formed an army of more than 5000 people, preparing to exterminate these looters. It just so happened that the looters were not satisfied after looting six oases, but wanted to loot the seventh oasis.

Thus, the two sides met in an oasis.

Thus, war broke out.

For the first time in this world, newborn humans ushered in a war. The entire grassland in the oasis was covered with blood, and the most important spring in the oasis was also stained red with blood. No one counted how many people died, only the small The oasis is littered with severed limbs.

The terrible casualties stunned all human beings, and also shocked Osiri, the king of the oasis and the god of fertility.

So, in the palace of Seth, the second god besides Seth ushered in,

"Why did you let your people plunder my oasis?"

Osiris asked.

He didn't understand why Seth wanted people to plunder the oasis and cause a war. Everyone encloses their own territory as the king before, wouldn't it be good not to interfere with each other?
Seeing his brother questioning himself, Seth shook his head, "Why? Osiris, my brother, because they want to."

"They want to?"

Osiris first repeated in confusion, then as if he understood something, he asked thoughtfully, "You mean they want to plunder a richer oasis because this is a desert and too barren? But why did they Have such an idea?"

Osiris didn't understand, the human beings before, even though they were barren, didn't think about plundering others in the past, why would they have such an idea now?Could it be that Thoth, the god of wisdom, and Apep, the god of destruction, are playing tricks?But aren't those two gods under the surveillance of the father, mother and two ancestor gods?

And when he was guessing, Seth gave the answer directly, "Why? Because I told them that if you want to eat and drink, then go to rob, plunder, and go to war."

Osiris was stunned, "Why?"

Why did Set incite human beings to rob, plunder, and go to war?

"Why? It's very simple. I am the God of War, the God of War. If there is no war in this world, then what is the meaning of my existence as a God of War?" Seth said as a matter of course, and he added, "I I am also the creator god of this world, I am not superfluous."

"Inciting humans to kill each other just for the sake of existence?" Osiris looked at his younger brother angrily.

Seth was stunned, not understanding why Osiris was suddenly so angry.

"They are human beings and our people. What we should do is to help them and keep them happy and healthy, instead of starting a war for our own selfish desires, igniting the flames of war, and taking their lives." Oxi At the end of Reese's speech, he even roared angrily.

As the king of human beings, He really regards human beings as his subjects. For Him, even though these human beings are not as high in status as their heirs, they are not dispensable existences.

As far as he is concerned, if the reason given by Seth is reasonable, He will also admit it, but Seth... Ke Seth, he actually caused disputes, provoked chaos, and created wars just to make his own existence meaningful , which made him unacceptable.

Seth froze in place, "Do you think I shouldn't start a war?"

"of course."

Osiris raised his head and said.

Set didn't speak, but called Isis and Nephthys over.

As soon as he saw the two goddesses coming in, he immediately asked, "Osiris regards human beings as his own people, and angrily accused me of starting a war just to prove that I have the meaning of existence. How about you? want?"

"I think what Osiris said is right. Seth really shouldn't start a war for a little thing. No matter what, human beings are also created by the creator. They have their own meaning of existence. There is no need for a little boring Let them kill each other." Isis said.

In fact, He doesn't care about human beings, but He loves Osiris and longs to be with his brother and experience the beating heart full of fiery vitality in his brother's body, so He stands on Osiris' side.

Nephthys, the guardian goddess of the dead, was entangled.

She loves Seth, but also loves Osiris, so He doesn't know how to respond.

Seth stood there and looked at Osiris, who was dissatisfied, then at Isis, who agreed with Osiris, and finally at Nephthys, who had never spoken, and understood something.

Anger stirred in his heart.

The god of war looked at Osiris, Isis, and Nephthys coldly, and the more he looked, the angrier he became, and the anger in his heart burned more fiercely. He looked at the three gods aggressively, "I will do it!" So what, are you going to kill me for those human beings? Let me tell you, if you don’t kill me, then I will start a war, because I am the god of war, and I will make this world full of wars, for a moment It doesn't stop."


Osiris saw that his younger brother not only did not repent, but threatened himself instead, his voice couldn't help but grow louder.


Seth also roared.

In just a moment, the two gods were already at war, as if the next moment, the two gods were going to fight here, and one of them was going to die.

 Can't explode...

(End of this chapter)

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