Chapter 118 Duel

Seeing that the two brothers were about to fight, Isis and Nephthys couldn't sit still. The goddess of magic roared and came directly between Osiris and Seth, separating the two who were glaring at each other. Kai, "If you have had enough trouble, go back to your own palace and think about who the other party is to you. Is it necessary for you to make trouble with him like this? And the ancestor gods and the great creators called together, let them see how you are now, with your swords drawn and your brothers separated."

Looking at Isis in front of him, Osiris restrained the anger on his face, but he was still dissatisfied with Seth in his heart, and the anger and dissatisfaction on Seth's face never dissipated, but in front of Isis, He did not continue say what.

The tense atmosphere between the two gods dissipated with the intervention of Isis, but the atmosphere did not become much better because of it, but became more and more embarrassing.

Because neither Osiris nor Set was angry at this time, and neither of them said a single word to each other.

This awkward atmosphere lasted for about a short while, and Isis dragged Osiris out of Seth's palace.

"I can't understand why Seth became like this."

After leaving Seth's palace, Osiris could no longer hold back the desire to speak, and confided to Isis, "If it's just because there is no food, he can find me. As his elder brother, I will not Help him? I will not let the oasis bloom in the area under his rule? Why do you have to choose to use looting and war to get it?"

"And his sentence 'If there is no war in this world, then what is the meaning of my existence as a God of War?'... At the beginning of the creation, there was no war among the gods. Wasn't He still doing well at that time?"

Hearing what he said, Isis nodded first, and then shook his head, "I can feel that Seth has become a bit extreme, but Osiris, no matter what, Seth is your younger brother. You shouldn't get angry with your own brother for the sake of outsiders, we are a family."

Human beings are not outsiders, they are my people, people who love and worship me.

Osiris did not agree with Isis's words, but he did not refute Isis. He just looked at the endless desert outside, waved his hand, and sowed the seeds of the oasis.

He knew in his heart that in the eyes of all gods, human beings are actually ants that can be destroyed at will. They are tools created by the creator to realize the prosperity of the world. When dealing with tools, of course, they should be used when they are useful, and when they are useless Abandoning and destroying at will, He actually does not approve of this cognition, but He is also powerless to change this cognition.

For a while, Osiris became a little bored.

On the other side, Seth saw that he hadn't left Nephthys yet, and also couldn't hold back the desire to speak, and confided to Nephthys, "I really can't understand Osiris, he would do something for some The ants quarreled with me, scolded me, and even lost their temper at me."

And Nephthys, who heard Seth complaining, is actually not a god with his own opinions. As far as he is concerned, the views of his two brothers are actually his views. If it is when Osiris and Seth disagree , He was at a loss as if his left brain and right brain had quarreled, and he didn't know who to follow.

And now when there is only Seth here, she naturally followed Seth's words, "Osiris really shouldn't quarrel with you, especially for these human beings. You are the king of war. God, it is your vocation to bring war to the world, and you are not wrong."

Hearing that Nephthys agreed with what he did, Seth became happy, "Haha, Nephthys, you really know me best."

He walked back a few steps and sat on his throne, "I am the God of War, and it is my duty to bring war to this world, and it is also the meaning of my existence, so keep fighting, my people , break through the kingdom of the oasis, snatch the food from the other side, and turn them into your slaves... This is my reward for you, God of War Seth."

Seth's voice was heard far away, throughout the whole kingdom.

And Nephthys didn't know why, but a bad premonition suddenly emerged in his heart.

Did I say something wrong?

The war is about to begin.

When Seth, the god in the world, conveyed his will to his own country, the entire desert country boiled up. Countless human beings took their own leather armor and tied hard stones with wood as weapons. Then get on your own camel and set off.

Although I don't know why, a touch of greenery suddenly appeared in the barren desert. It seems that in a year or two, those tenacious greenery will expand into an oasis, but this has not extinguished the determination of the people in the desert country to yearn for war. , On the contrary, it made them look forward to the war even more.

Because after the oasis appeared, they needed slaves to grow food for themselves and catch prey for themselves, but how did the slaves come?Of course it is war.

As the people in the desert began to actively prepare for the battle, the people on the oasis began to feel uneasy.

Unlike deserts that are deeply hungry and cannot find a single prey or water source for a long time, the oasis country is very rich. Under the divine power of Osiris, the god of abundance, large areas of oasis are connected into one piece, like a huge forest. Newborn children don't even know what a desert is, and they always think that this world is a green world.

So Oasis people don't like war. For them, even if they win the war, what can they get?Food?They have no shortage, and people in the desert can't even eat enough, how can there be food for them to plunder?As for slaves, there is no such thing as slaves in the Oasis Kingdom.

Under such circumstances, some people went directly to the god they worshiped, Osiris.

"Great God Osiris, the people in the desert are gearing up, coveting our land, our food, and even our people, wanting to plunder us back to serve as their slaves..."

"Great God, what shall we do?"

Osiris had known Seth's actions for a long time, and had lost his temper a long time ago, but when his people entered the palace and prayed to him in anxious and worried tones, the uncontrollable anger once again struck him. heart lit.

He just angrily reprimanded Seth for the war, but Seth started a war in a blink of an eye. What is he going to do?Was he deliberately playing against himself?
"this matter……"

"This matter should be resolved by yourselves."

Before Osiris opened his mouth, Isis rushed to speak before the god. The beautiful, elegant and generous goddess came out from behind Osiris, "Human affairs should be resolved by human beings. Gods will not intervene." human affairs."

Hearing what Isis said, Osiris couldn't help but want to speak, but in the next second, he saw his sister, who was always gentle with him, looking at him with extremely cold eyes. He had never seen Isis before. Osiris froze in this posture.

"Won't God intervene?"

The visitor was disappointed.

If God does not help them, they will fight and fight against the desert people by themselves... But, can they really defeat the desert people?And even if he wins, many young men will die by then...

But no matter how disappointed he was, he knew that since God said he would not intervene, he would not intervene, so the visitor chose to resign after greeting him respectfully.

"Isis, why are you trying to stop me from speaking?"

Osiris, who came back to his senses, immediately understood that whether Isis interrupted or looked at him with extremely cold eyes, his purpose was to stop him from speaking just now.

Isis did not answer him, but asked, "Osiris, did you just want to go to Seth by yourself and persuade Seth not to start a war."


Osiris nodded.

"But what if Set refuses? What if Set refuses to listen to you and insists on starting a war? Are you planning to fight Set?" Isis continued to ask.

Facing Isis' inquiry, Osiris fell silent.

Seeing that he was silent, Isis already knew the answer, and he said disappointedly, "Now do you understand why I didn't let you speak?... Osiris, Seth is your brother and our family, regardless of his No matter what you did or what mistakes you made, you shouldn’t have the idea of ​​fighting him.”

"Is it just watching him launch a meaningless war and let human beings kill each other to death?"

Osiris couldn't help retorting.

"Why not?" Isis asked back, "What are human beings? Floating things with a lifespan of only a hundred years, even if you go to Seth and fight Seth for them now, after a few decades, your people We are still going to die, why do you have to turn against your brother for the short few decades of human beings?"

When Isis said this, he couldn't help criticizing, "Osiris, you love your people too much, but you have to think about it, is your people more important to you, or your family?"

Taking a deep look at Isis, Osiris remained silent, not answering his words.

Is the people more important than the family?

Of course family is important.

Both you and I think so.

But, Isis, the importance of family does not mean that my family can hurt my people for meaningless things. This is something I cannot allow to happen.


Just after the people in the oasis spread the news that "God will not intervene in war" throughout the oasis and the desert country, a shocking news spread.

Osiris, the god of fertility, was about to fight Seth, the god of war.

The bet is the whole earth.

(End of this chapter)

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