Chapter 10 Tickets
After this original tenet cultivator escaped once, the control over him became even stricter.

Not only was his whole body wrapped in iron chains, but many important points were also nailed to death in a coffin soaked in black dog blood, ensuring that he would never use any means again.

An iron pipe was inserted straight into his mouth, and the daily food would flow directly into his stomach through the iron pipe.

If Ye Chuxiao was beating liquid food, it would be easier for this monster to swallow.

But because of Ye Chuxiao's 'kindness', the monster swallowed it very uncomfortable.

The fishy and smelly smell did not dampen the demon's appetite. Even though all his teeth had been pulled out, he still had his neck stuck, his veins exposed, and he desperately swallowed this rare ration.

He seems to have hope of survival, not to miss any chance.

One day, two days, three days... five days.

Every day like this, the food that Ye Chuxiao gave this demon every day was extraordinarily 'rich', but the complexion of the demon was getting worse and worse.

Until the seventh day, the demon's chains were covered with an extremely unpleasant smell.

He had already started vomiting and diarrhea, which lasted for nearly half a day.

Ye Chuxiao reported the situation to Team Leader Li, and the doctor in the dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment also came to make a diagnosis, and concluded that the demon was infected with the disease, and after drinking some decoctions, he left it alone. he.

On the eighth and ninth days, Yaoren's condition did not improve, but became more serious.

Not only was he severely dehydrated, but he was also in great pain. He began to speak nonsense, as if in a daze, and saw many ghosts who had been killed by him come to seek his life, often opening his mouth wide and screaming in horror.

No. On the 11th day, the demon was already dying. After the doctor came to see him again, he issued a death notice.

Immediately afterward, relevant subordinate officials from the Ministry of Punishment came to verify his integrity, keep the files and go through the procedures.

After the procedure is finished, the demon can enter the death express smoothly.

No one will care about his life any more.

No. On the 15th day, the cell where the demon was held has been moved to the most remote part of the third-floor B area. It is even colder, more humid, and the dirty water seeping in from the rock wall has even occupied half of the cell.

Ye Chuxiao carried the rice bucket and came over to cook as usual.

Standing outside the cage, he watched coldly the light of life in the monster's eyes, passing by quickly.

Seeing Ye Chuxiao standing outside the prison door, the demon who had returned to the light, seemed to have discovered something intuitively, and began to struggle with the last bit of strength, widened his bloodshot eyes, and looked at Ye Chuxiao angrily.

He tried hard to say something, but his tongue had already been pulled out by the jailers during the torture.

As for why torture needs to go to pulling out the tongue, this seemingly unreasonable process is another business and another process in the dungeon of the Ministry of punishment.

It can only be said that these subordinates in the Ministry of Punishment, like Ye Chuxiao, just exploit prisoners and exchange food for money, which is already the cleanest and kindest crop.

The real evil wolf's eyes are not only aimed at a dungeon, but the wider world outside.

Daheng has been established for thousands of years, and it has been rotten from top to bottom. The dungeon of the Ministry of punishment seems to be isolated from the outside world, but in fact it is by no means a good place where one can comfortably retire.

Seeing that the aura gradually weakened, and it seemed that there were only the demons of the cult who were venting their anger, Ye Chuxiao still stood coldly outside the cage, just watching, without pity, guilt or intolerance.

As a traveler from a peaceful society, such cruelty is not in line with common sense.

Unless Ye Chuxiao was not a good person in the first place.

But obviously, Ye Chuxiao's previous identity did not endow him with such a state of mind.

The reason for the transformation is the price of practice he is paying.

However, Ye Chuxiao herself did not notice this.

"In the world we live in, there are many bugs that cannot be seen with the naked eye."

"And the corrupt internal organs are one of their favorite places to go. Even high-temperature cooking can't completely kill all these bugs."

"Your vitality is very strong. I thought you could only last for three to five days at most, but I didn't expect you to last for fifteen days." Ye Chuxiao stood at the door of the prison, looking at this, which brought him a death crisis at the beginning of his journey. The demon of the cult, calmly narrated his method of 'killing' the demon step by step.

In Ye Chuxiao's thinking at this time, the survival of the cult monster is a hidden danger that may confess him at any time.

Just for this, he must be killed.

What's more, this is not the only reason for him to kill the cult monster.

There is no need to give a high-sounding reason, Ye Chuxiao just wanted to capture the 'Dao Yun' from the cult monster.

Although he had snatched Dao Yun once, there was still the breath of Dao Yun left on the skin of this cult monster.

This is enough to show that he originally had Dao Yun in him.

As a prison guard, Ye Chuxiao can have many opportunities to poison directly.

But doing so is too conspicuous, and there will be endless troubles.

So Ye Chuxiao bought a lot of animal offal with his own money, and it happened that there was a "rich" prisoner who had a preference for offal, so Ye Chuxiao's behavior was also reasonable.

Fresh offal, after cooking, was exchanged for a lot of money.

And those that are not fresh, rotten, and rotten are not wasted. They are chopped up and cooked in a pot, and distributed as prison meals.

Ordinary prisoners, because they mainly only drank some soup and did not eat much visceral meat in their stomachs, could overcome even slight discomfort.

After all, to be eligible to be imprisoned in the dungeon of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, or to be a prisoner on the third floor, everyone has some skills.

Even if the cultivation base is sealed, the physical foundation is still there.

Only this cult monster, he did it all the time, and Ye Chuxiao gave him ample amount, accumulated over a long period of time, how can he suffer from this to his already severely damaged body?

Looking at the cult monster, he gradually swallowed his last breath unwillingly in front of his eyes.

Ye Chuxiao still stood cautiously at the prison door, continuing to wait.

Two hours later, Ye Chuxiao opened the cell door, walked in, and reached out to touch the body of the evil cult demon.

At this time, the golden clock vibrated, and a ray of purple light was pulled out by Ye Chuxiao directly from the body of the evil cult monster.

It's just that the purple light no longer merged into Ye Chuxiao's body and was used by him.

Instead, it was directly absorbed by the golden clock.

At the same moment, Ye Chuxiao felt as if he was boarding a boat, bumping on the boundless and mighty long river of purple air.

The waves were turbulent, one after another, and Ye Chuxiao didn't know where he would be pushed.

When the feeling of drifting with the tide faded, Ye Chuxiao finally regained his composure, and everything around him became realistic and concrete.

"This is the ship of good fortune! No matter how many times you have seen it, you will be shocked."

"The supreme treasure ship that sails on the great road and long river, between the stars and the worlds." A voice attracted Ye Chuxiao, who turned his head and saw a familiar face.

"Ye Chuyu?"

"Big brother?"

"Why are you here?" The siblings asked in unison.

 Thanks to Long Haomiao for the [-] points, and to Yaogui for the [-] points!Thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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