There are gaps in the road

Chapter 11 Each Other's Stars

Chapter 11 Each Other's Stars
Ye Chuxiao never thought that she would meet her little sister again under such circumstances, and Ye Chuyu also had a complicated look on her face. After a moment, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then took the initiative to come forward and grabbed Ye Chuxiao's hand. hand, pulled him aside, and hid himself in a corner on the deck.

"Big brother! I don't know, should I continue to call you big brother."

"But since you are also destined to be on this ship, let me, my younger sister, explain some things to you!" Ye Chuyu whispered to Ye Chuxiao.

After seeing more and more figures on the boat of fortune, Ye Chuyu pulled Ye Chuxiao directly into the cabin.

And Ye Chuyu seemed to have paid a certain price, and cut a small closed space in the cabin, so that the two brothers and sisters could continue to communicate.

Looking at Ye Chuxiao who was in pain and struggling in confusion, Ye Chuyu let out a long sigh, a bit old-fashioned: "You don't have to worry, I am indeed your sister Ye Chuyu, not Seizure, nor Instead, of course... that's not entirely true, in essence, you don't have a sister named Ye Chuyu."

"What do you mean?"

"Speak clearly!" Ye Chuxiao was not very clear whether he would still use his acting skills at this time, and try his best to continue playing the role of a bewildered big brother.

Of course, he would never confess to Ye Chuyu that the elder brother she thought had already changed his core.

"My identity is randomly fabricated to fit the rules of your world. Before you jump out, you won't feel any strangeness. In your memory, I am your third sister and get along with you We have been together for more than ten years, but in my opinion, you and I are not that familiar, we have only known each other for a few months." Ye Chuyu tried his best to keep his tone as calm as possible, as if he didn't want to irritate Ye Chuxiao.

Ye Chuxiao frowned cooperatively, gritted her back molars, then clenched her fists, and stopped talking.

Through a series of actions, the chaotic and confused emotions are performed.

Although the acting skills are not very good, but with the help of some specific formulaic expressions and movements, it makes up for the lack of acting skills.

In the past, Ye Chuxiao watched the performances of those young Xiaohua and Xiaoxianrou up close. They were all such template-style performances. It was boring to watch too much, but once in a while, they could be fooled.

"You say my memory is fake?"

"When my mother left, once you had a high fever, I was the one who hugged you, broke the curfew and knocked on the doors of seven medical clinics, which saved your life. When you were five years old, the second child wanted to give you Picking fruit, you got thorns all over your hand, you hugged your second brother's hand, and cried for half a night blaming yourself."

"These are our most precious and precious memories, now you say...they are all fake?" In order to strengthen the atmosphere, Ye Chuxiao also had to flip through the memories left by his predecessor, looking for those that impressed him deeply screen.

Ye Chuyu showed an embarrassing expression, and some memories would be very moving if he was the real party involved, but if he stood on the sidelines, it might not be.

Of course, Ye Chuyu still has a good impression of Dahengchao's eldest brother Ye Chuxiao and second brother Ye Chuqi.

Although they may not really be recognized as family members, they are definitely not strangers, and they must draw a clear line.

"Brother! I know it's hard for you to accept it for a while."

"However, no matter how difficult it is to accept, you have to accept it quickly. We don't have much time left, at most there is a stick of incense time, and this ship of good fortune will start to randomly launch."

"Every word I say next is very important, you have to remember it firmly."

"I don't know how you got on the ship of good fortune, but no matter how you got on the ship, it should be related to Dao Yun, so no matter which world you will be sent to and what kind of identity you will get, you must collect , Obtaining Dao Yun, as the first priority, nothing is as important as obtaining Dao Yun."

Having said that, Ye Chuyu paused for a moment, as if he was sorting out his thoughts.

Ye Chuxiao didn't interrupt Ye Chuyu's message just because she was acting as a character.

For Ye Chuxiao, what Ye Chuyu said was exactly what he needed urgently.

"The world is dense, just like the stars in the sky. We are each other's stars, and different worlds can communicate through the boat of creation. The ticket to board the boat is the Tao rhyme scattered by the Taoist ancestor."

"Of course, different worlds, different origins, and different ways of boarding the ship. Some communicate with the ship of good fortune through sacrifices, while others are created by their own powerful ancestors, pulling through the teleportation array, or leaving The artifact is the guide."

"The purpose of boarding the ship of good fortune is to go to different worlds, experience different lives, learn and practice the methods of different worlds, obtain different resources, and seek opportunities."

"Cultivation in any world is flawed. The practice in some worlds will make people lack emotionally, the practice in some worlds will make people overflow with certain emotions, and the practice in some worlds will cause people to be emotionally deficient. Insufficient, the progress of practice in some worlds is too slow, and in other worlds, practice does not increase lifespan, and if the practitioners' skills are so powerful, they can only die in a mere hundred years."

"As the boat ticket of Dao Yun, we are also unable to resist the defects of practice, but if we are lucky enough, we can get complements from the practice of different worlds."

"For example, in the world where I originally practiced, the defect is that the higher the cultivation level, the more indifferent my feelings. Then as long as I can go to a world where the higher the cultivation base is, the stronger the emotional needs are, learn their practice, and integrate into their practice. The two defects can be offset to a certain extent."

"This kind of offset can't be 100%, but it can be used to check and balance each other to maintain our true self." Ye Chuyu spoke quickly, as if he wanted to rush some basic cognition to Ye Chuyu before a certain time Xiao.

Ye Chuxiao listened carefully, and did not think deeply for the time being, but firmly remembered the message delivered by Ye Chuyu.

On the premise that there is no conflict of interest, Ye Chuxiao is willing to believe that Ye Chuyu's message at this time does not contain any malice, but pure goodwill.

"Dao Yun! Dao Yun is the most important thing. It is a talent, a miracle, a ticket, and the key to the treasure."

"However, ordinary people can only absorb and digest one dao rhyme at a time. After the miracle bestowed by the dao rhyme is completely absorbed, if they want to integrate into the new dao rhyme, they must consume the old dao rhyme. Dao Yun is consumed as a ticket, and stepping on the ship of creation is the only way to absorb and digest new Dao Yun."

"The emergence of Dao Yun is difficult to observe, but Dao Yun will attract and gather each other, so when you have Dao Yun, you will naturally be involved in the appearance of new Dao Yun, so it is very important to seize the opportunity. Guan Jian. Once Dao Yun is artificially received and used, it will no longer have value, because Dao Yun transcends time, space and spirit, and cannot be forcibly extracted from living beings in any way."

"So generally speaking, obtaining the first dao rhyme is the most difficult. If you don't rely on the big tree and be bestowed by the elders, if you want to obtain the dao rhyme by yourself, you have to rely on the word 'chance'."

With Ye Chuyu's continuous output of information, Ye Chuxiao also gradually got rid of the predicament of being blinded, and gradually formed a clear organization and thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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