There are gaps in the road

Chapter 12 Three Ways of Advent

Chapter 12 Three Ways of Advent
Generally speaking, it is to take the ship of good fortune and carry out a systematic traversal to complement one's own practice.

Among them, obtaining Daoyun ranks first, because Daoyun itself can not only strengthen personal talents and endow certain talents with abilities, but can also be used as a ticket to a new world.

The second is to master the practice methods and knowledge of practice in different worlds.

On this point, Ye Chuxiao still had doubts.

For example, practice in different worlds has flaws. Isn't there a group of people who integrate the knowledge of practice in different worlds to create a more perfect method of practice?

Indeed, in the process of spreading knowledge, it will be restricted and imprisoned due to various factors.

But Ye Chuxiao felt that perhaps this was not the real reason why it was difficult to integrate a more complete practice method.

"What if the cultivation method in the world you go to cannot correspond to the original defect?" Ye Chuxiao asked Ye Chuyu.

"Then don't try real cultivation, just collect cultivation knowledge, or even if you practice, when you leave this world, you should choose to cut it off and leave all the achievements in this world in this world." Ye Chuyu said .

Then he added more solemnly to Ye Chuxiao: "On the premise that the cultivation methods of different worlds cannot correspond to each other to offset the cost, there must not be more than three kinds at the same time, otherwise the defects will form a linkage, which will make you completely lost. Disgusting."

"In addition to acquiring dao rhymes and collecting practice knowledge, you also have to work hard for 'fate', that is, to increase your personal popularity, influence, rights, wealth, etc. in other worlds."

"The specific way of presenting fate and the final amount of acquisition will be clear when you come to the new world. Fate is equivalent to our regular currency, and it is the key to our daily exercise of some rights and obtaining convenience."

While speaking, Ye Chuyu's figure began to fade.

Apparently her time has come and she's being cast into another world.

"Finally, remember, don't exchange identities with strangers easily."

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Chuyu completely disappeared in front of Ye Chuxiao's eyes, and the small space divided by Ye Chuyu also disappeared like a bubble.

Back in the cabin, Ye Chuxiao saw many figures with his naked eyes.

It's just that many people's painting styles are not consistent.

Smaller differences are just differences in clothing, hair color, pupils, and skin color. Larger differences simply don't have much to do with the word 'human'.

Ye Chuxiao quietly stood in the corner, continuing to sort out the messages that Ye Chuyu sent him.

At this time, an old Taoist in white robes who looked like a fairy came over, looked Ye Chuyu up and down, and then showed a seemingly mysterious smile.

"Young man, the eldest son of Pindaotian, Tian will be the head teacher of the Immeasurable Immortal Palace in the Thunder Cliff Realm."

Ye Chuxiao glanced at the old Taoist, spread his hands and said: "Newcomers, no money, no teaching."

The old dao was taken aback, and then continued to lick his face and said: "Now, the old dao, I am in the period of cultivating mortals. Seeing that your cultivation base is mediocre and your aptitude is also ordinary, I want to exchange identities with you. If you and I are under the witness of the boat of good fortune , Exchange identities. When the time comes, you will be me, you can enter the Thunder Cliff Realm, be the headmaster of one party, and suppress the eternal immortal vault."

Hearing this, Ye Chuxiao showed an excited and yearning expression, but then struggled.

"Is it really possible?"

"Wait! No... no way!" Ye Chuxiao shook his head.

Seeing that the fish took the bait so quickly, the old Taoist hurriedly asked: "Why? As an old man, you act in the Thunder Cliff Realm, and you can see countless scenery that you couldn't see in your previous class. These are all available.”

Ye Chuxiao scratched her head shyly, still acting in a simple way: "I already have a wife at home."

The old Taoist said with a righteous face: "What do you think of this old man? I have lived for more than 1000 years, how can I take advantage of you?"

"In the fairy palace of the old man, there are many female cultivators. If you are interested, you might as well cultivate with them. It is also their chance."

Ye Chuyu rubbed his hands together, showing a gesture of eagerness, and his acting skills were only three kuns at most.

"I still don't believe you, why don't you pay me a deposit."

"When we get back, if you haven't lied, I'll return the security deposit to you." Ye Chuxiao said sincerely.

The old Taoist opened his mouth and said, "Security deposit? How much... huh? How dare you tease me?"

Ye Chuxiao's original tangled and shy expression disappeared, and he said with a cold face, "Didn't you tease me first?"

The old man stared at Ye Chuxiao viciously, and said angrily: "Boy! The old man Wang Qin has been in the world for hundreds of years, and he has never suffered such a loss. Do you dare to leave your name?"

"My surname is Wu, and my name is Yanzu. If you don't want to change your name if you want to sit down, if you want to curse me, just come anyway. I'm afraid it's not your father." Ye Chuxiao said.

The old man in white robe left angrily.

Another fat man approached with a smile on his face.

"Brother! Don't be afraid of him. This old man's real name is Xie Yu. He is just an old rascal. He only relies on cheating some newcomers. After obtaining their identities, he will go to another world to do evil and earn his life."

"There are quite a few people who have been tricked by him, and some of them are still in the top right now. They have already placed rewards, and he won't be able to play for a few days."

"Brother! Get to know me, my name is Xu Kun." The fat man said to Ye Chuxiao.

Hearing this, Ye Chuxiao glanced at the fat man, turned around and left without paying attention.

That old way is not a fun thing, and this fat man has no good intentions.

"Whether it's a veteran or a fat man, they seem to be old fritters on the ship of good fortune. They live their lives only by cheating and abducting. The question is... where do they get so many Dao rhymes as tickets? In other words, if there are so many Dao rhymes Yun is used as a boat ticket, so is it still necessary to cheat?"

"Perhaps, not every time you board a ship, you need to use Dao Yun to buy a ticket. This should be related to the fate point that I haven't really understood." Ye Chuxiao didn't stop in the corner anymore, but casually Walking between the cabin and the deck made him look even less like a newcomer who was at a loss.

Sure enough, as a result, there were no more people who took the initiative to strike up a conversation with him.

After a few minutes, a constricting force pulled Ye Chuxiao and threw him out of the boat.

Like being thrown into a washing machine, Ye Chuxiao felt dizzy in his soul.

When the dizziness disappeared, a purple light curtain appeared in front of his eyes.

On the light curtain, three choices are simply listed, as well as a balance of fate in brackets.

One, consume ten life points to randomly obtain an advent identity.

Second, spend [-] life points to customize an advent identity.

Third, to exchange identities with others and enter the name of the other party, a contract must be agreed in advance on the Ship of Creation.

Fate balance (thirteen).

These thirteen points of fate obviously belonged to the original Ye Chuxiao.

Judging from the balance of his life, Ye Chuxiao, a little jailer, is really not doing well.

Of course, barely enough to exchange for an identity.

He just didn't know if he came back empty-handed, and his life count would be reduced to three points, would it affect his living status in Daheng.

And those whose life points are less than ten, what method should they use to travel through.

"It's because I'm overthinking. Except for 'exceptions' like me, most people, if they have the opportunity to obtain Dao Yun and board the ship of creation, their initial fate will not be too low."

(End of this chapter)

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