Chapter 13 Backtracking Again
It is said that there are three choices, but for Ye Chuxiao, there is actually only one.

In an instant, Ye Chuxiao's life count was reduced by ten, his body fell suddenly, he crossed the river of the Great Dao, and broke into a brand new world.

Using Dao Yun as a ticket, traveling on the boat of good fortune actually belongs to the real body traveling, but the identity has been edited.

Even the exchange of identities falls under the same principle.

Of course, if he died in another world, it would be completely real.

On the light curtain in front of him, the words 'identity has been logged in' appeared.

Then a strange memory flashed through Ye Chuxiao's mind like a slide show.

This kind of memory insertion is different from Ye Chuxiao's feeling when he first traveled through this body.

To put it simply, there is no sense of substitution and no empathy.

It's just for Ye Chuxiao to grasp the identity information at this time, and to have a quicker understanding of the world he is in.

Chen Fusheng, male, 17 years old, status: lame, self-reliant.

Ye Chuxiao, who was squatting in the corner begging, quickly regained clarity after being confused for a while.

Only on the light curtain that appeared in front of him, a countdown appeared.

Beside the countdown, there are some simple reminder texts that jump from time to time.

After one month, he needs to 'renew' his current status, which means that he must earn ten life points within one month, otherwise he will be taken away and returned to his original world.

"The beggar is nothing at the beginning, but he has a lame leg and is also very weak, which is very problematic."

"Not to mention obtaining the cultivation resources of this world, but looking for other dao rhymes, even whether you can live in peace is a problem."

"Could it be because the fate balance is only three points, so it affects the randomness of the identity?" Ye Chuxiao couldn't help but feel a little urgent.

If fate is really closely related to the direction of personal destiny, then he must not return empty-handed in this world.

Otherwise, returning to Daheng with a mere three points of life, the flaws and hidden dangers left by him when he dealt with the cult monsters before, I am afraid that all of them will be detonated, and his bones will be wiped out.

When the cold wind passed through the alley and whipped against his thin body like a whip, the sense of urgency was even greater.

It stands to reason that Ye Chuxiao's real body time travel should not be so unbearable with Ye Chuxiao's strength at the third level of the stupid state.

But he didn't get any information about his practice in this world, so the reminder that his previous cultivation was "blocked" would occasionally flash across the light screen in front of him, fully explaining why he was in such a mess at the moment.

"Food, clothes and fire are what I need urgently. If possible, I can find a temporary shelter." Ye Chuxiao sorted out her memory and gradually found a suitable place.

With the knowledge of a beggar, I naturally don't know, what is the world, what is the current dynasty, the situation in the world, the practice, etc., are all nonsense to the beggar.

At this time, the useful information that Ye Chuxiao could extract from his memory was that in Linzhou City, the Tianwei Martial Arts Hall in the west of the city was destroyed.

Half a month ago, the Tianwei Martial Arts Hall located in the west of Linzhou City was destroyed overnight. There were a total of 130 people in the martial arts hall, and none of them survived.

Because of the tragic massacre, blood spilled all over the courtyard, walls, and stone slabs, leaving horrific traces of dried blood, so that after the valuables in the Tianwei Martial Arts Hall were carried and robbed, no one dared to enter again. That empty courtyard.

Ye Chuxiao plans to go to the Tianwei Martial Arts Hall to stay temporarily, and see if he can solve the problem of food by the way.

Maybe...there may be grain reserves that have not been emptied.

Limping on one leg, it took two hours for Ye Chuxiao to find the Tianwei Martial Arts Gym, which lacked a gate.

At this time, the street where the Tianwei martial arts hall was originally located has been evacuated.

Those who can be moved have already been moved, and even those who have not been moved for a while, the doors and windows are all nailed to death.

As if that would provide a paltry sense of security.

On the half-collapsed wooden door, there were still bloody fingerprints.

The black blood stains on the floor seemed to imprison ghosts and ghosts. Even if you looked at it in broad daylight, you felt chilly.

Ye Chuxiao walked in with a limp, without much emotion called 'fear' or 'awe'.

Practice is depriving him of some emotions, but he only regards it as his 'calmness'.

The rice jar in the kitchen had been emptied long ago, and someone made a big hole in the rice jar that was difficult to remove.

It's human nature to destroy something if you can't take it away.

And people are afraid of death and ghosts, but that doesn't prevent them from taking advantage.

Fortunately, there were still half an acre of sweet potatoes in the backyard. Maybe they hadn't grown well half a month ago, and a few seedlings survived by chance, and they were pulled out by Ye Chuxiao, and they could make a meal together.

Xuanwei Hall was originally the most majestic place in Tianwei Martial Arts Hall, but at this time Ye Chuxiao used the broken windows to build a fire, and the freshly dug sweet potatoes were still roasting in the fire.

Looking at the dancing flames, Ye Chuxiao breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he secretly scolded himself for not living up to expectations.

Just getting a meal gave birth to a sense of satisfaction.

The entire Xuanwei Hall was empty, and the seats that should have been filled had already been emptied.

On the two large stone pillars, there were traces of swords and the same dried blood stains scattered on them, making them look ugly and hideous.

Ye Chuxiao's eyes were gradually attracted by a sword mark.

That sword mark, upon seeing it suddenly, didn't feel that there was anything unusual.

It's just that when you look closely, you can notice its neatness and restraint.

After all, Ye Chuxiao can be regarded as a practicing family, and he can still see some clues from the traces.

Not feeling shy, Ye Chuxiao stepped forward and touched the sword mark with his hand.

Unexpectedly, the golden clock moved again.

The pointer is reversed, and time seems to be following the countercurrent.

"Obtain the remaining breath of Dao Yun, and start time retrospect, please intercept Dao Yun as soon as possible."

The same message came mechanically.

Ye Chuxiao also seemed to be following the upstream of time, and began to go back in time.

This time, the clock didn't just turn once, but turned sixteen times.

"It seems that the retrospective time affected by Dao Yun's breath is not only 24 hours, but the specific retrospective time is determined according to the specific situation when the breath is left, but I don't know where the upper limit is." Ye Chuxiao thought to himself.

In just a moment, Xuanwei Hall, which was originally dilapidated, bleak, and even somewhat eerie, became magnificent and magnificent.

A young man was kneeling in the middle of the lobby, with a dazed and terrified expression on his face.

And there are still a group of men and women standing on the left and right, all facing the same direction.

A burly middle-aged man with a half-open chest, a simple knife in his hand, and a dignified expression.

"Master! Xiao Jiu mistakenly killed the son of the head of the Qingxi Sword Sect. It's not his fault to trace the source of the matter. We directly abolished Xiao Jiu and sent him to the Qingxi Sword Sect. Isn't it too much..." A The young man asked the burly middle-aged man.

 Thanks to Lie Lan for the hundred coins!Thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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