There are gaps in the road

Chapter 14 9 Death Demon Art

Chapter 14
"You bastard! What do you know, the hatred of killing a son is irreconcilable, if it can be resolved like this, it will be a blessing." The middle-aged man holding a simple knife said.

The entire hall suddenly fell silent.

On everyone's face, there was an expression of anger but also a trace of relaxation.

Undoubtedly, it seems too humble and humiliating to send the 'Ninth Junior Brother' out to make amends.

But if it can be like this and avoid a bloody battle, many people will secretly feel at ease.

"That's right, if it's really that easy, then my son died in vain?" A voice came from outside the door.

The next moment, more than a dozen corpses flew into the hall one after another.

Many martial arts disciples in the hall screamed in surprise.

"Brother Yuan!"

"Junior Sister Zhao!"

"That's...Uncle Liang!"

"Dead, they are all dead, when?"

Tianwei Martial Arts Hall is not for the weak, and the martial arts in the door also have some means.

Now the disciples who were guarding the outer gate were killed quietly, it was really creepy.

Ye Chuxiao took the first step, walked out of the hall first, and saw the person coming.

There is only one person visible to the naked eye. He is dressed in a navy blue robe, with a square face, his eyes are slightly squinted, showing a cold light, he has no beard on his lips, but the beard under his jaw is a foot long, and two black flying swords are like two Like a dragon, it surrounds its body, constantly swimming around, exhaling an astonishingly cold light.

The already dilapidated gate collapsed.

The middle-aged man holding the simple knife stood up at this time, holding the simple knife tightly with both hands, the solemnity in his expression was fully revealed by the blue veins on his body.

Yue Tingshan has seen indescribable storms, but there has never been a moment, such as this, when he felt such a huge threat.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, he knew that he was definitely no match for the comer.

Not to mention others, but Liang Sanwu whose throat was sealed with a sword, and whose body fell not far away, Yueting Mountain used to want to defeat him, but he had to reach the end of a hundred moves, and if he wanted to kill him, he was not even [-]% sure. No.

When he saw the man in green robe and long beard walking in surrounded by two flying swords, the originally strong muscles on Yue Tingshan's body seemed to become more shiny under the flickering candlelight.

The question that came to his lips turned into a hard bone choked in his throat.

"I'm not a cruel person. I'll spare whoever escapes from the gate first within a stick of incense. That doesn't count as destroying your Tianwei Martial Arts Hall." The man in the green robe and long beard looked at everyone said the people in the lobby.

In the hall, the person who was originally begging for the 'Ninth Junior Brother' said angrily: "Qiu Changling, don't be arrogant, if we stand shoulder to shoulder, you may not be able to kill us all within a stick of incense. "

Qiu Changling didn't say a word, but the stick of incense that was originally placed on the altar in the hall jumped out automatically, inserted into the incense burner, and then lit it.

"Too much deceit! Fight him!" Several disciples pulled out their weapons and rushed towards Qiu Changling.

Yue Tingshan stretched out his hand to stop, but it was too late.

In just an instant, the heads of those disciples flew away from their necks.

Blood spilled all over the place.

Martial cultivators are not helpless against sword cultivators, and many martial cultivators have their own methods of restraining flying swords.

It's just that Qiu Changling's flying sword was too fast, too fierce, and too hasty. These days, the disciples of the Mighty Martial Arts Hall had no time to react, and their lives were already taken.

The 'Junior Brother Ninth' who was kneeling on the ground suddenly got up and shouted: "A big man is one person who does things and one person is responsible, the surname is Qiu! Your son oppressed the good and took away his wife and daughter. He committed a heinous crime. I beheaded him. Now you want revenge , just come at me, don’t kill my fellow disciple.”

Qiu Changling laughed when he heard the words: "What a chivalrous young hero."

"However... there is a price to be paid for being a chivalrous hero."

As soon as the words fell, an invisible sword energy penetrated into the body of the 'Ninth Junior Brother', instantly blasting it into pieces.

"Little Nine!"

"Fight with him!" Many disciples of Tianwei Martial Arts Hall shouted.

It's just that this time, the number of people who really rushed forward was much less.

More people turned around and rushed to the door, wanting to fight for the last chance.

Yue Tingshan's face was pale, but the simple knife he clenched tightly turned into a thunderbolt without any hesitation, and slashed towards Qiu Changling like lightning.

The knife was bright and sharp, and the entire hall was illuminated in an instant.

Such a strong and domineering saber energy should have pushed Na Qiu Changling back.

Qiu Changling did not retreat, but took a step forward.

He took a step forward, put his fingers together, and used his finger to represent the sword, shattering the light of Yueting Mountain's saber, and resisting the plain saber in his hand.

A sword cultivator, with a secondary martial art, is far stronger than a martial arts cultivator.

This can only be a huge gap in realm.

"It's still a little bit strong, but I can accept my sword." After Qiu Changling said, a flying sword automatically flew into his palm.

With the long sword in hand, a sword stabbed straight out.

Yue Tingshan felt that the surrounding air was frozen.

Ye Chuxiao was also fascinated by this seemingly simple sword, but in fact it has reached the level of back to basics.

Subconsciously, he began to simulate the trajectory of the sword in his mind, only to feel that every second had a different feeling.

With a sword strike, Yueting Mountain was crucified on the stone pillar.

The place where Yueting Mountain hangs is the place where Ye Chuxiao touched the sword mark earlier.

"It seems that the dao rhyme is on Yueting Mountain." Ye Chuxiao thought to himself.

Then I saw that Qiu Changling slowly pulled out his sword, walked to Yue Tingshan, who was seriously injured and dying, and asked, "Do you want to live?"

"If you want to live! Just hand over the "Nine Death Demon Technique"!"

Yue Tingshan heard the words, the corners of his mouth dripped blood, but he smiled miserably: " came here for the "Nine Death Demon Art", hahaha...I should have thought of it earlier."

"In order to be famous as a teacher, you are even willing to give up your own son."

Qiu Changling said: "It's just a useless puppet. Thirty years ago, your master Tianxie defeated me with three moves from the "Nine Death Demon Art". , I’ve been visiting them one by one, but it’s a pity that none of them have been able to pass on the "Nine Death Demon Art", although you are the registered disciple of Old Man Tianxie, when Old Man Tianxie went mad, you were the one who accompanied and took care of him for a long time."

"You want the "Nine Dead Demon Art"?"

"Then go to the underworld by yourself, and go to my master!" Yue Tingshan said, his true energy reversed, and he exploded into a ball of rotten meat in an instant.

Qiu Changling's face completely darkened.

Looking at the blood on the ground, he said coldly: "Kill them all, and then sweep the entire Tianwei Martial Arts Hall, not a single trace will be let go."

Moments later, figures jumped out from the dark corners and slaughtered the people in Tianwei Martial Arts Hall.

In the absence of a stick of incense, all the written items in the Tianwei Martial Arts Hall were taken away.

All the hidden compartments and secret rooms were also uncovered, and the hidden objects were taken away.

After sweeping away, Qiu Changling quietly disappeared into the night with many disciples.

Only Ye Chuxiao witnessed all this with his own eyes.

Time passed little by little.

People from the government visited the scene and took away a large amount of gold and silver goods as 'evidence'.

Fellow Jianghu from the same city also came to see it, and moved away some valuable furniture and soft goods, as clues to find the 'real murderer'.

After that, some courageous ordinary people came to dismantle some usable utensils.

It didn't take long for the entire Tianwei Martial Arts Gym to be almost completely emptied.

Three days later, Ye Chuxiao still could only wander around the Tianwei Martial Arts Hall, and the golden clock did not bring him back to real time.

Suddenly Ye Chuxiao felt the 'traction', and following the feeling, he found the back hall of Tianwei Martial Arts Hall.

In a room where sundries were kept, Ye Chuxiao witnessed with his own eyes that an unremarkable brick exploded.

The mass of flesh and blood wrapped in amber was actually absorbing the free energy in the air, quickly forming a baby's body.

(End of this chapter)

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