There are gaps in the road

Chapter 15 It's Not Just Knowledge That Matters

Chapter 15 It's Not Just Knowledge That Matters
Babies grow fast, almost blown to the wind.

In a short period of time, he grew to the appearance of seven or eight years old.

Looking at its facial features, it is very similar to Yueting Mountain.

"Nine Death Demon Art, can it bring people back to life?" Ye Chuxiao was amazed.

He knows some practice, and because of this, he knows even more how inconceivable the so-called resurrection from death does not rely on the remaining vitality of the original body.

But soon, Ye Chuxiao discovered that the resurrection of Yue Tingshan had a huge flaw.

First of all, Yue Tingshan's bones are very soft, and his muscles are sore and weak.

Although his body is constantly getting bigger, his strength is still like that of a baby.

Limbs were limp, unable to support themselves at all.

Not only that, when Yue Tingshan's newborn body grew past middle age, it was still aging rapidly.

Yueting Mountain fell on the ground, like a fish that was thrown ashore, thirsty and dying. It could only open and close its mouth weakly. Fear and disappointment in the pupils continued to enlarge, and finally was completely occupied by death.

Ye Chuxiao was watching by his side, unable to interfere, unable to interfere.

Even though he was full of ideas about Nine Death Demon Art, it was difficult to do anything at this time.

The barrier of time is like an invisible but extremely strong wall.

Although Ye Chuxiao saw everything that happened at this point in time, his reality was still in the future reality, and he couldn't interfere with anything that happened at this point in time.

Of course, Dao Yun, who is above time and space, is not included in this list.

After struggling painfully and letting out a silent roar, Yue Tingshan, who had just been resurrected from the dead, died again!

So much so that his resurrection seemed to have never happened.

And when he died again, the resurrected body, like paper, began to dry and decay rapidly.

The time for a stick of incense is not enough, leaving only residues on the ground.

If they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes, people who saw the residue of this place would only think that it was the impurities left over from something that hadn't been completely burned.

The golden clock speeded up suddenly, and Ye Chuxiao's consciousness returned to normal time.

This shows that after Yueting Mountain came back from the dead, things never changed again.

Ye Chuxiao only needs to find the final place of death of Yueting Mountain, and then he can recover the Dao Yun that has been absorbed and utilized by Yueting Mountain.

Limping on one leg, Ye Chuxiao walked to the utility room where Yuetingshan really died completely.

In the almost empty utility room, there are only impurities scattered all over the floor, which are so conspicuous.

Ye Chuxiao thought about it, but still reached out to touch the impurities on the ground.

The impurities are like fine ash, and a small amount of larger particles will be scattered and mixed into the smoke and dust.

And as Ye Chuxiao touched these remaining impurities, a series of rhymes were sucked into the golden clock.

Although he obtained a new dao rhyme, this rhyme could not be absorbed by Ye Chuxiao himself and transformed into potential, understanding and unique talent, and could only be placed in the golden clock.

"Get a new option, do you want to smash the fixed dao rhyme and disassemble the dao-like information recorded in the dao rhyme?" The golden clock gave Ye Chuxiao a new feedback.

"Yes!" Ye Chuxiao didn't hesitate.

A dao rhyme that cannot be absorbed by oneself, even if it is preserved in this situation, is of little use.

Might as well trade for a new possibility.

Dao Yun shattered under the cover of the golden clock.

At the same time, several exercises and martial arts appeared in Ye Chuxiao's consciousness, like classics stored in his consciousness, which he could read at any time.

Ye Chuxiao took a rough look.

"36 Strange Iron Hands, Xuanxu Seven Slashes, Returning to Yuan Step, Great Vajra Fist, Twelve Ways of Collapsing Mountain Kicks, Qinglin Strength, and Nine Death Demon Art?"

"Are these the exercises and martial arts learned by Yueting Mountain?"

"The clock disassembled the Daoyun solidified by Yueting Mountain, but got the exercises and martial arts that Yueting Mountain knew?" Ye Chuxiao couldn't explore the principle, but was shocked in his heart.

The role of the golden clock seems to be far more than going back in time and absorbing the solidified Dao Yun as a ticket.

And after looking through those exercises and martial arts, Ye Chuxiao discovered that these are not just cheat books.

It is also mixed with Yuetingshan's cognition and perception of these exercises and martial arts.

Among them, Xuanxu Seven Slashes and 36 Qi Iron Hands have the deepest comprehension. They have almost realized the peak of these two martial arts. These two martial arts have been practiced to a relatively advanced level.

As for Guiyuan Steps, Great Vajra Fist, Twelve Ways of Bending Mountain Kicks and Qinglin Jin, there are still many gaps, which is enough to show that Yue Tingshan, who has been blessed by Dao Yun, has not fully understood these martial arts and skills.

Of course, Ye Chuxiao can still follow the study, even if the progress is a little slower, it is only relatively speaking.

In fact, it still seems that there is a master who has practiced these exercises and martial arts for many years, giving advice all the time.

The progress is much faster than learning the cheats directly from scratch.

As for Nine Death Demon Art, this is Yue Tingshan's lowest comprehension art.

In Yue Tingshan's perception, Nine Death Demon Art is regarded as a strange means of turning death into life.

Dig out a piece of flesh from your own body in advance, store it with precious elixir day and night, and seal it up with psychic juice after it is full of vitality, stamp it with a unique brand, and then spend ten years to truly treat this flesh and blood. Qi instillation and visualization, and every year, ten couples of boys and girls are taken to irrigate them.

Only by persisting in this way can a group of reincarnated flesh and blood remain.

Once the main body is killed, the remnant soul will attach to this flesh and blood, absorb the free energy between heaven and earth, and then reshape and regenerate.

Looking at it this way, it really deserves the name of 'Magic Art'.

"Facts have proved that the path of Yueting Mountain is wrong."

"He didn't learn the real Nine Death Demon Art at all." Ye Chuxiao thought to himself.

Afterwards, Ye Chuxiao looked through the specific content of the Nine Death Demon Art, only to feel dizzy, and at the same time, the content he realized was not even as good as Yue Tingshan.

"Nine Death Demon Art is too advanced, and it's not something I can touch now. I need to collect some other knowledge of practice before I can interpret it."

"The key now is to learn the methods of martial arts in this world first, unblock my own cultivation, and solve the embarrassing situation." Ye Chuxiao thought to himself.

Then he began to read more carefully the first few martial arts and exercises of Yueting Mountain, and at the same time observed and emulated them together with Yueting Mountain's understanding, and the progress was rapid.

Just watching, Ye Chuxiao frowned.

"It is true that there are some differences from the cultivation method I learned in Daheng, but these differences are in the details. From a general point of view, Daheng's cultivation method and the cultivation method of this world seem to be different. What a substantial difference."

"Why do practice methods without essential differences lead to different 'results' and form different costs?"

"Could it be that it's not the difference in skills and practice knowledge, but the difference between the rules of the world?"

"If this is really the case, then the inevitability of Dao Yun as the ticket for the boat of good fortune is understandable. The important thing is not knowledge, but the world itself where knowledge is born."

 There is another chapter adjusted to be updated at [-]:[-] pm. The new book issue hopes to attract as much popularity as possible. It is a small extravagant hope. I beg everyone for your understanding.

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  Thanks to Beishen の Xiaoyao Pirates for rewarding [-] dots, and thank Xinghai Tingtao ing for rewarding [-] dots, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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