There are gaps in the road

Chapter 100 Mind Encryption = Password Lock

Chapter 100 Mind Encryption = Password Lock

After half an hour, Ye Chuxiao closed the book, closed his eyes for a while and thought for a while, and then said, "So that's it!"

"A momentary thought is the window of the soul, solidifying some specific thoughts can seal the mind."

"Of course, knowing is easier than doing. People's thoughts are complicated. The simplest mind encryption is just to continuously strengthen an ordinary thought and turn it into a fragile mental firewall."

"Only those monks who have cultivated the mind encryption to an extremely high level can put a false protective shell on the real mind, and let the false spiritual shell bear the spiritual turmoil instead of themselves."

"Although the heart threat is not as unsolvable and domineering as the defect of the Dao, it is also rooted deep in the heart and close to the heart. Presumably, it must at least reach the level of the 'spiritual shell' to defend against it."

When he said this, Ye Chuxiao paused for a moment, then looked at Xiong Maomao who was sitting aside, propped his chin with both palms, and tilted his head to look at him.

Xiong Maomao's figure became 'real' again in his eyes.

This is because Ye Chuxiao has accepted such a 'hobby' frankly.

"It's not all bad for me to have a hobby like that."

"At least, I can create some memories with Xiong Maomao, and then turn these memories into a spiritual firewall. For the outside world, Xiong Maomao does not exist, but for me, she exists here."

"With this distinction, I can also clearly distinguish what is the soul shell and what is the real soul."

"In a sense, my 'hobby' is naturally beneficial to my practice of spiritual encryption." Ye Chuxiao thought so.

Ye Chuyu said: "My third uncle said that mind encryption is to add a combination lock to the mind."

"The more complicated the password you set, the stronger the security performance of this lock will naturally be."

Ye Chuxiao felt that it made sense, but still couldn't help raising the bar and said, "Then what if you encounter violence to open the lock?"

Ye Chuyu smiled and piled up a stack of books. This time, she took these books out of her magic weapon storage.

"Psychic warning and psychic shock, this is a derivative technique of psychic encryption."

"Once someone violently removes the lock, the mind warning will actively stimulate your mind, putting you in a completely tense state, tightening your heart and not showing any flaws."

"The mind shock means that after the mind encryption is violently destroyed, the superimposed mind defense power will be quickly transformed into impact force, forming a violent shock to the enemy's mind." Ye Chuyu said.

Then, he added another sentence, blocking Ye Chuxiao's subsequent doubts.

"Of course, it's also possible that neither of these two tricks will work. First of all, such an assumption is meaningless. It's like having to worry about how to save your life and counter-kill when you encounter a malicious target from a powerhouse in Unfixed Realm. Since the other party has If the ability disintegrates all your means of resistance, then all attempts are meaningless."

"The premise of everything is that there is no absolute gap in cultivation and ability."

Ye Chuxiao opened his mouth, but had nothing to say.

I just think Ye Chuyu is ignorant!
Maybe it's because I went back to my hometown, so it's extraordinarily swollen!
"Since you have said so, I have no doubts."

"After five days, arrange for me to participate in the competition." Ye Chuxiao said to Ye Chuyu.

Ye Chuyu shook his head: "We have to wait at least seven days, and the next round of the regular season will start after seven days."

"Also, you better not be too confident."

"It's not difficult to get started with mind encryption, just like a single-digit combination lock, it's also very simple to make."

"However, it will take time and energy to complete comprehensive protection."

"Why don't I show you the highlights of those monks whose hearts were broken after failing to defend on the field!"

Ye Chuyu had a smirk on his face, and seemed to be looking forward to seeing Ye Chuxiao's jokes in the future.

Glancing at the listless Xiong Maomao, Ye Chuxiao decided to fight it out!
For the next seven days, Ye Chuxiao spent time accompanying Xiong Maomao and going to the library to find books to solve his doubts.

In just seven days, Ye Chuxiao put aside his scruples and created many memories with Xiong Maomao.

And these memories, like a layer of spiritual defense, firmly locked Ye Chuxiao's true heart.

In just seven days, Ye Chuxiao had already completed the first layer of armor for his soul.

Rather than simply building a firewall on the periphery.

"Although my progress is not bad!"

"But if it's just like this... I always feel that it's a little bit less interesting."

"It just feels...not enough!"

Ye Chuxiao also knew very well that it was greed at work.

The first time he crossed the border, he launched crowdfunding to cultivate immortals, and successfully practiced the extremely difficult Nine Death Demon Art.

The second time he crossed the border, he created a shared spiritual root and achieved the unprecedented spiritual root of the sacred tree.

And this third crossover, although the practice of spiritual encryption is well-regulated, there is nothing wrong with it, I just feel... almost meaningless!
"But the mind is a very private thing."

"This can't be shared or crowdfunded."

Ye Chuxiao also had no idea.

It would have been!

If those bold and pioneering ideas can emerge all the time, wouldn't it be easy to practice?
The seven days were up, and Ye Chuxiao stood on the field.

The deciphering competition of Canaan Academy is not to place the monks in a place similar to the Colosseum, so that the two sides directly collide with each other and attack each other.

Instead, in the luxuriously decorated hall, first enter the respective assigned deep diving device.

This set of devices has the effect of increasing the mind.

Under the action of this device, the monk's inner world will be presented in front of the eyes of the spectators very intuitively.

More intuitive visual impact.

Otherwise, when two monks engage in a spiritual struggle, from a third perspective, they would just stand and stare at each other, and then one would feel relieved after winning, while the other would start talking nonsense after losing... what's so interesting about it? of?

Lightning five whips are better than this.

"Welcome everyone to come and watch the regular season of this year's No. 12 decryption contest. Let's take a look together, and those spiritual warriors will come to participate." The host stood on the stage and spoke loudly.

In the spectator seats on the side, there are already quite a few young people, holding up light signs and shouting the names of some players.

There were even people who disregarded the ban and cast some harmless flame spells to write the names of some players in midair.

In a world where everyone has hobbies, it's not surprising that 'groupies' will appear.

Just like Ye Chuyu said, normal and ordinary hobbies are the normal state of ordinary people.

Star chasing is just one of many common hobbies.

Looking at the fanatical looks of these star fans, Ye Chuxiao thought of the 'Magic Heart Technique' she got from the witch Yingshu.

Ye Chuxiao obtained a total of seven unique skills from Ying Shu, and the Demon Heart Skill was included among them, which seemed inconspicuous.

But Ye Chuxiao, who took the time to study carefully, suddenly became aware that the demon girl Ying Shu, perhaps a while before she made a move, had already set her sights on him and wanted to turn him into a cauldron.

Because, this magic heart skill also has the effect of tempering the mind and resisting the threat of the heart pill.

In other words, this exercise was originally taught by Wugou Tiannu, who deliberately taught Dinglu to learn.

After all, the purpose of Wugou Tiannv was not to make the cauldron collapse and go crazy from the very beginning, but to perceive the world with the help of the cauldron, and at the same time let the cauldron replace herself to withstand the backlash of seven emotions and six desires.

The stronger the cauldron is, the more satisfied they are.

It's just that the effect of the magic heart skill is not too strong, and it can't really offset the oppressive force of the heart pill.

But to practice Demon Heart Art, what is needed is the emotions of expectation, yearning and admiration from all living beings.

It belongs to the purpose of maintaining the original mind with the help of the minds of all beings.

This is also one of the reasons why the Wugou Heavenly Maidens of all ages always choose a generation of outstanding talents as the cauldron.

Because these outstanding people are the best candidates for cultivating Demon Heart Kung Fu.

But the magic word in the magic heart technique is naturally because the technique itself is a 'double-edged sword'.

It works quickly and the effect is not bad, but it is easy to overturn.

The thoughts of all living beings, the conversion of good and evil, only in an instant.

Maybe the admiration and yearning in the last second will turn into disgust and disgust in the next second.

In this way, the magic heart skill can sometimes become a life-threatening talisman, causing the cauldron to collapse under greater emotional pressure at a certain moment.

"Let us welcome our star contestants Zhuang Feiyu, Si Dada, Zhao Zhen'er and Wu Jie with warm applause. According to the usual practice, they will automatically pass the audition and enter the third round."

"All contestants in this competition, please enter the corresponding deep diving device according to the random number."

The host's voice brought back Ye Chuxiao's thoughts.

Looking at the flashing numbers on the big screen.

Song Jiamu--position 33.

Ye Chuxiao walked towards the No. 33 deep diving device.

Put a device similar to a helmet on the head, and pull all the surrounding shoulder pads and waist pads over and fasten them.

As the device was activated, the aura of the spell echoed throughout the hall.

Accompanied by the sound of rushing water, Ye Chuxiao felt that his heart seemed to be liberated.

The soul actually increased tenfold in an instant.

He even felt that he could directly interfere with external objects with his thoughts.

"It's a pity! This kind of increase and interference only exists in a specific space and network, and it doesn't really set foot in the outside world." Ye Chuxiao calmed down and waited for the opponent to appear.

The first round begins!
Ye Chuxiao's opponent slowly appeared in front of him.

And Ye Chuxiao was also very 'lucky' to win the 'Defender' in the first round.

The opponent uses various methods that can attack the mind to dismantle his mind defenses and unlock the mind code.


"That's embarrassing!"

"As an old bird, it is necessary to teach you how to be a human being. Only a rookie who has died in the club can quickly transform into a qualified old bird on the field." Ye Chuxiao's opponent is a young man who looks a little foolish, with a mouth in his mouth. Cigarettes, saying such frivolous words.

Ye Chuxiao looked at the other party carefully, and then said, "Hu Kai? It's really unforgettable that you showed off your needlework in the arena!"

These days, under Ye Chuyu's bad guidance, Ye Chuxiao has watched a lot of social death collections.

Among them, the scene of Hu Kai's death is quite impressive.

Hearing Ye Chuxiao mention that sad past, Hu Kai immediately became angry.

Although he was the attacker, Ye Chuxiao's words seemed to break his defense at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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