There are gaps in the road

Chapter 99 The True Hobbies

Chapter 99 The True Hobbies

"However, it might just be an appearance. After all, Ye Chuyu also said that in her world, many people would hide their true hobbies for fear of being caught and used." Ye Chuxiao looked around.

At the same time, he took out his communication device and entered Ye Chuyu's communication number.

In the college world, almost every college has a similar communication network.

Although it is a pity that a large-scale communication network with global coverage cannot be formed, it is still very convenient to have such communication equipment within the scope of the college.

"Hey! Amu! You just entered an unfamiliar number, is it a new friend?"

"Isn't it cute! Fragrant! Soft girl?" Xiong Maomao poked his head from the side, smiling like an idiot.

Ye Chuxiao naturally pushed her head away: "Yes! That's right, so I still have a date, are you sure you want to be a large magic lamp?"

Xiong Maomao screamed excitedly: "Ah! Really? What kind of girl? Do I need to put on makeup, what preparations should I make in advance? Do I need to prepare a gift for her? What kind of girlfriend does she like? Cute Pure? Sexy?

Ye Chuxiao turned her head and looked at Xiong Maomao expressionlessly: "Maybe I like the kind of sensible ones who know how to look at the atmosphere and then disappear automatically."

Instead of dialing the number, a text message was sent.

Then Ye Chuxiao looked around, found a nearby teahouse and sat in.

The atmosphere in the tea house is very good, there are large bookshelves inside, exuding the smell of books.

Wearing glasses, a girl in a snow-white spun dress is playing a musical instrument that looks somewhat similar to a cello in the center of the hall.

The soothing music also slightly relieved some of Ye Chuxiao's impatience.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao could barely escape from the 'threat' of the demon girl Yingshu.

He still has time, and he has no other options.

Don't be so nervous.

"Drink tea?"

"Are you dating in the tea house?"

"Huh...! So boring!"

"Amu! You have to take the girls to some more interesting places!"

"Such as an adventure house, an underground exploration palace, or going out to hunt in the city together, these are more interesting!" Xiong Maomao continued to chatter.

Ye Chuxiao glanced at the guests who were quietly drinking tea and reading books, and said to Xiong Maomao, "Hush! Keep your voice down so that you don't disturb others."

A middle-aged man who was drinking tea looked up at Ye Chuxiao, then lowered his head, and continued to play with the two bloodstones in his hand.

Ye Chuxiao found a place to sit down, and the waiter immediately appeared at the table, and asked Ye Chuxiao in a low voice, "How many people, please? Do you need any tea and snacks?"

"Three! Thank you!"

Ye Chuxiao opened the menu, ordered a pot of fruit tea, and picked out several snacks.

After the waiter left, Xiong Maomao looked at Ye Chuxiao angrily, puffed his mouth and said, "Oh~! Amu really hates it, he doesn't even order my favorite durian cake."

"The taste is too strong! I don't like it!" Ye Chuxiao casually took a book from the short bookcase beside him, opened it and said.

"A straight man like Amu, be careful not to have a girlfriend in his life." Xiong Maomao said.

Ye Chuxiao said: "Ah! If you have money to go to the club, but don't have money to play games, isn't it good? What girlfriend do you want?"

Even Ye Chuxiao himself didn't realize that he would act so 'relaxed' in front of Xiong Maomao.

After a while, the waiter came over with a pot of fruit tea and some snacks.

The fruit tea was warmed on a warm jade mat. After the waiter poured Ye Chuxiao a cup, he turned and left.

Ye Chuxiao complacently picked up the fruit tea in the cup.

The taste is slightly sweeter, which is not very suitable for Ye Chuxiao's liking, but I think girls like Ye Chuyu and Xiong Maomao will like it a little bit.

Jingle Bell!
The wind chimes in front of the tea house rang crisply.

Ye Chuyu rushed in in a hurry, and when she saw Ye Chuxiao, she put her feet on her feet and waved her hands vigorously.

She was wearing a big mask and sunglasses that could cover half of her face, and she was tightly wrapped.

If it wasn't for Ye Chuxiao, he would have known it was her long ago, and he wouldn't have recognized her.

"Wow! Although I can't see the face clearly, but the movements and expressions are very cute!"

"Amu is really cunning, secretly dating such a cute girl." Xiong Maomao pouted.

Ye Chuxiao ignored Xiong Maomao.

Instead, he waved at Ye Chuyu.

Ye Chuyu walked to the table, sat down beside Xiong Maomao, took off his sunglasses, and threw them on the table in front of Xiong Maomao.

"How is it? The atmosphere here is good!" Ye Chuyu asked.

Ye Chuxiao nodded: "So, what is your real name in this world?"

Ye Chuyu said: "My name is Ye Chuyu! When I customized my identity, I just entered the name 'Ye Chuyu'."

"It's easy for you."

"By the way, when can I learn how to encrypt my mind?" Ye Chuxiao asked.

Ye Chuyu said: "You can do it at any time. This is not a secret. I also issued a library card for you. You can go to the library to borrow related books and learn some experience."

Saying that, Ye Chuyu searched the surrounding bookshelves, then ignored Xiong Maomao, stepped over from her side, took a book from the shelf and handed it to Ye Chuxiao.

"Mind encryption, everyone has a lock in their hearts!" Ye Chuxiao read out the name of the book.

"This is a book written by my third uncle. It can be regarded as one of the basic reading materials for mind encryption. You can refer to it to get started, but it's just the mind encryption at the introductory stage. You can't guard against Xin Dan. So after you get started, I will I will take you to sign up for the 'Deciphering Contest'." Ye Chuyu said.

"Decryption contest?" Ye Chuxiao had some associations, but he was not sure.

Ye Chuyu said: "It's a game in which monks use illusions, telekinetics, hypnosis and other means to unlock each other's mind encryption, and randomly assign attackers and defenders. There are regular games every month, with [-] rounds. For one game, the winner of each game will get some prizes."

It's weird. Xiong Maomao, who was still noisy before, seemed to be shy since Ye Chuyu appeared. He didn't talk anymore, but just sat on the side, looking at Ye Chuyu quietly, sometimes showing a snickering expression.

"Although participating in the competition is very hard, and it is very social to be exposed in public and to expose one's heart in public. But as we all know, participating in the deciphering competition is the fastest and best way to increase the level of encryption in the mind." Ye Chuyu Said.

"Wow! Amu! Are you going to participate in the decryption contest? Are you not afraid of death?"

"Or, there is no one you care about in this world anymore?" Xiong Maomao bluffed from the side.

Ye Chuxiao gritted her back molars, feeling a little angry, what's going on with this childhood sweetheart?

It's fine if you can't get rid of it like brown sugar, but you have no eyesight?

"You, shut up!" Ye Chuxiao said in a low voice.

Ye Chuyu was taken aback: "Huh?"

Ye Chuxiao let out a breath, pointed at Xiong Maomao, and said gently to Ye Chuyu: "I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to her, I haven't introduced you yet... this Quan should be my current childhood sweetheart, called Xiong Maomao!"

Ye Chuyu looked at the position beside him, and carefully moved his butt.

"Just to say, is there a possibility... There is no one else around me?" Ye Chuyu reminded in a low voice.


Ye Chuxiao was taken aback for a moment, and then the memory that seemed to be clear was blurred and distorted.

After that, his current identity 'information' actually changed.

The original hobby of 'blowing a job' has become 'fabricated friends'.

It is obvious that he likes blowjob, but his superficial hobby is a cover-up to hide his real hobby.

The image of Xiong Maomao was also in Ye Chuxiao's eyes at this moment, flickering like a bad signal.

"Ah... Mu! What are you... staring at me... What? Huh? I... Is there... something dirty on my face?" Xiong Maomao's voice began to become intermittent .

At the same time, Ye Chuxiao's heart also began to become flustered and panicked, instinctively wanting to catch Xiong Maomao.

prevent her from disappearing.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao suddenly realized that although this is the academy world, Xiong Maomao's dress and behavior are still different from this world.

She was originally fabricated by Ye Chuxiao's subconscious mind!

Ye Chuxiao hurriedly held her breath to calm down, and silently recited the meditation mantra, resisting the 'instinct' that seemed to be born in her heart.

"What's going on in this world, I haven't started practicing in this world yet, and I was directly loaded with such questions just after arriving in this world."

"It seems that people in this world have their 'defects' born with them, rather than being infected after they started practicing." Ye Chuxiao calmed down the turmoil in her mind, trying not to look at the flickering things. Xiong Mao Mao.

"It seems that your problem is that you have a hallucination-like 'hobby', which shows that your talent in mind encryption is very good."

"Often only people with good spiritual encryption talent will have similar 'hobbies', such as talking to the air, looking for a second me..." Ye Chuyu said.

Ye Chuxiao took a deep breath and said, "I originally thought that in your world, hobbies are like reading, watching theater, listening to music, and fishing."

Ye Chuyu waved his hand and said: "Most people are indeed like this! But there are also a very small number of people with special talents, and their hobbies will be a little strange."

"My great-grandfather used to have a student. His hobby was to find parallel worlds. Although he didn't really find parallel worlds, he obtained the talent of space and was known as the fastest speed in Canaan College. Unfortunately, he was exploited and died later. gone."

"So, for monks in our world, mind encryption... is always the most important thing. Only by controlling one's heart and one's hobbies can one control one's talent."

Ye Chuxiao heard the words, and opened the book that Ye Chuyu introduced.

Read it carefully.

 Sure enough, I did not escape, and was also infected with norovirus.Starting yesterday afternoon, my stomach was rolling, I had no appetite at all, I just wanted to vomit, and then I was sore and weak, and I didn't have a good cold, and I had a splitting headache, so I had to rest.

  Fortunately, the norovirus came and went quickly. After taking the medicine, most of them are better today.

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  Thanks everyone for subscribing!Reward!

(End of this chapter)

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