Chapter 98

So far, Ye Chuxiao has carried on his body, the only one that can be called a "supernatural skill" is the Nine Death Demon Art.

Others, such as the Nine Styles of the Master of Swords, through smashing Dao Yun, the various skills and secret techniques obtained can only be regarded as ordinary or excellent, and they are still in the category of "normal" martial arts and spells, and they are completely incomparable with the Nine Death Demon Art. Metamorphosis comparable.

Ye Chuxiao was attracted by such illusions precisely because he had understood the power and arrogance of real magic arts.

Even knowing that there are fakes, it is still easy to be seduced.

Of course, Ye Chuxiao's 'study and practice hard' during this period of time was not a lie after all, so he quickly came to his senses.

And fought back.

Illusion is indeed a way to please people, but if you want to disgust people, it is also very easy to use.

A prison cell, a stunning female prisoner who is firmly tied up, Ye Chuxiao has watched too many dramas like this in his previous life, and there are many elements that can be used for reference.

There was a flash of rainbow light in her pupils, and the demon girl Ying Shu was disdainful at first, then a look of disgust appeared on her face, and then gradually panic.

Even Ye Chuxiao herself didn't know what exactly Ying Shu saw.

After all, half of illusion is man-made, and the other half is up to the subject himself.

When the wave of illusion attacks was over, Ying Shu was covered in cold sweat, and the thin black gauze skirt was clinging to her snow-white skin, making her wet and pitiful look even more so.

This not only added a sense of brokenness, but also made people unable to bear it, wanting to rush up and crush her even more.

Knowing something was wrong, Ye Chuxiao took a step back, and then silently recited the Tao Te Ching.

"It's a good method. I almost fell for the trick. Although I temporarily emptied my kidney qi, you want to stimulate my instinctive animal nature. The more beautiful things are, the more you want to destroy them."

"I have to say, I still underestimated the horror and perversion of Wugou Tiannu." Ye Chuxiao said sincerely.

Wugou Tiannv has no real emotions, and their feedback to the outside world all comes from emotional simulations borrowed from their hearts.

So, don't say that Ye Chuxiao just used some illusion techniques. Even if it is real practice, Ying Shu may still have no real feelings. She will only "perform" and perform panic, despair, anger, Numb, and then take advantage of the opponent when he is proud.

She is no longer a real and full person, her soul is thin and terrible.

No wonder Liu Suifeng was so afraid of her, facing such a peerless beauty, he didn't dare to look up.

"You are also very good, almost hurt my Dao heart." Ying Shu looked at Ye Chuxiao proudly and approvingly at the moment. Although she was trapped on the wall, she looked down arrogantly like a queen Ye Chuxiao didn't have the slightest awareness of being a prisoner.

Ye Chuxiao was unmoved, he knew very well that this was Ying Shu's deliberate 'performance'.

For ordinary people, in such a situation, it is inevitable that they will be angry and want to punish such a proud woman cruelly.

However, Ye Chuxiao would not, because he had already prepared himself in his heart.

"I'm here to negotiate terms with you!"

"I have something to say directly. I want the inheritance of the original teaching in your hands. You can make a price for how much you can give." Ye Chuxiao said.

This doesn't count as 'self-destructing'.

Ever since Ying Shu used a lot of magical skills as bait to lure him into the illusion, Ye Chuxiao understood that his plans had always been 'transparent' in Ying Shu's eyes.

Opening the skylight to speak honestly now is just throwing stones to ask for directions.

"Inheritance of the original doctrine? What a big appetite!"

"Who are you? Can you stand it?" Ying Shu sneered, and then asked Ye Chuxiao contemptuously.

This attitude is still just a show.

She has no real emotions of her own.

Ye Chuxiao suddenly wanted to understand why Wugou Tiannv needed to plant her heart pills into the body of the cauldron, because with the improvement of their cultivation base and the increasingly complicated external situation, the emotions simulated by the feedback of the heart pills are necessary. delays and errors.

This is like, a high-performance computer is not as good as real artificial intelligence after all.

For Wugou, Xindan is a high-performance computer, and Dinglu is the artificial intelligence.

Accepting Xindan's cauldron helped them perceive the real first-hand emotional feedback and delicate perception of the outside world, and at the same time let Dao backlash and stopped at the cauldron.

"Of course I can stand it. Of course it's empty talk."

"Why don't we chat casually first, talk about other things, such as... Xindan and Dinglu."

"I don't know if the ancestors of your original teachings have thought about it. If you divide the heart pill into many parts and plant them on many cauldrons, and let them share the weight of the heart pill, will it be a win-win situation?" The situation?" Ye Chuxiao asked.

Ying Shu looked at Ye Chuxiao more squarely.

But again, this is still performance, not reality.

"You can think of this verse, if you really have some understanding, the supreme method taught by my original principle, if it is really passed on to you, it will not be considered an insult."

"If you would like to worship me as your master, kiss my toes, respect Master Yushen together with me, and enshrine the two patriarchs Dao Chuan and Dao Shi, then I will teach you a lesson, so what's the problem?" Ying Shu said to Ye Chuxiao said.

She didn't even propose to make Ye Chuxiao swear.

On the surface, it is just a simple and superficial initiation ceremony, which can be regretted at any time.

Ye Chuxiao took a look at Ying Shu's slender feet. Although it was stained with dust and got involved in the mud of this dark dungeon, it still looked like a pure white lotus that emerged from the mud and was not stained, which made people feel affectionate and playful.

She didn't choose to follow Ying Shu's rhythm.

Once in her rhythm, Ye Chuxiao is equivalent to gradually giving up all the initiative.

Although it seemed that Ying Shu was the one who was bound and imprisoned.

But if she has what Ye Chuxiao wants in her hands, then Ye Chuxiao is also restricted by it.

Ye Chuxiao is not without desires and desires, and if he can't do without desires, he can be strong.

"I want to understand, because after splitting the heart pill into many parts, there will be multiple backlashes. Once a large number of cauldrons collapse due to unexpected reasons, as the original owner of the heart pill, the spiritual backlash that will be endured will be the same as that of ordinary seed pills. Many times that of the Liding Furnace."

"While the risks are shared, the risks are also continuously doubled."

"In comparison, it's better to lock down a monk with a firm mind and extraordinary aptitude, which is safer and more secure." Ye Chuxiao said the answer that he had thought about a long time ago, and said it in a tone of sudden understanding.

Ying Shu has absolute reason, so she will strip away those complicated emotions and look at Ye Chuxiao from the perspective that best suits her own interests.

After listening to Ye Chuxiao's analysis, she switched to an attitude of really negotiating conditions: "Singing Demon Sword Intent, Immortal Art, Two-Divided Magic Finger, and Transformation Dafa, you can learn from me the best of these four unique skills. Any one, just based on your words, you don't need to pay any price."

Ye Chuxiao couldn't believe the punctuation marks of the truth in what he said.

Free is always the most expensive.

It's not impossible to be a white female ticket, but you must be sure and have the confidence to handle it.

The original intention of her words was still to disrupt Ye Chuxiao's rhythm.

At this time, Ying Shu had even begun to recite part of the content of Chanting Demon Sword Intent. Although it was not the basic chapter of practice, it was obviously a practical chapter for the stage of utilization, but after listening to both ears, Ye Chuxiao already had The feeling of enlightenment.

Although Ye Chuxiao has always been a part-time swordsman, but because he was an instant master at the beginning, the means of using swordsmanship are relatively 'simple'.

And in Chanting Demon Sword Intent, some methods of using flying sword, sword energy, and sword light are amazing. Ye Chuxiao has collected many sword cultivation methods, but none of them can compare with it.

"I can't let her continue talking!"

"This sword formula is obviously weird, and it lacks fundamental chapters. If I follow it and learn it, I will easily deviate from the right track and go into evil ways." Ye Chuxiao tensed his nerves and resisted the temptation with great perseverance.

Quickly said: "If we weave the seven emotions and six desires into a network, and all living beings are nodes and passers-by on the network, then I'm afraid it will be terrible!"

Ye Chuxiao's words made Ying Shu shut up.

At the same time, the blood-sucking vines tightly attached to her body reacted for the first time.

It wriggled violently, more like a 'vessel' spreading out from the body.

The blood-sucking vine sped up and squirmed, drawing the energy from Ying Shu's body even more violently, suppressing her tightly, causing her condensed energy to collapse in an instant.

"You actually found a way!"

"Go on!"

Seeing that Ye Chuxiao didn't respond, Ying Shu increased her volume: "I'll let you go on!"

The urgency and anger at this time are also disguises.

But at least, she is willing to pretend like this, maybe it has a sense of reality.

"Why don't we exchange!"

"I take what I want, and you take what you want."

"Everyone trades with each other and fulfills each other." Ye Chuxiao said to Ying Shu.

"Okay! I'll give you whatever you want!" The illusion came again, but this time, what Ye Chuxiao saw was no longer blurred characters, but real content that could be remembered and recorded.

On the surrounding stone walls, there are four unique techniques engraved respectively.

It was Ying Shu's previously mentioned Sword Intent to Sing Demon, Immortal Art, Two-Finger Magic Finger, and Transformation Dafa.

I have to say, they are all amazing.

Especially the magic power of immortality and the great method of transformation. After the former is practiced, it can increase lifespan to the limit and keep youth forever.

The latter is the general secret of the original principle to teach the art of transfiguration and phantom body. Unlike the technique of transfiguration and phantom body that needs to be peeled and transformed, the method of transfiguration only needs to imitate and imitate different beast forms for a long time. A returnable is consumable, undergoing a short-term transformation.

This method reminded Ye Chuxiao of the cat form that Ye Chuqi in the white mask had changed before.

This method of change with almost no flaws, if used well, is an excellent technique for escaping life, avoiding disasters, avoiding disasters, and finding out information.

The reason why it is difficult to capture the heretics of the Original Principle Sect is because of the difficulty of detecting the transformation and illusion.

This time, Ye Chuxiao was no longer reserved.

Instead, he quickly recorded all these kinds of magical skills and secret methods.

This was his purpose, wouldn't it be hypocritical to push and push?

After memorizing the four methods, Ye Chuxiao also reciprocated, expressing some ideas: "The backlash of the cauldron is uncontrollable, but if the group is large enough, the cauldron itself can bear the uncontrollable backlash on your behalf. , does that mean that you have not taken any risks or injuries at all?"

Ying Shu pondered.

After a while, I came back to my senses and said: "Your idea is unconstrained, and I agree with your idea."

"But it lacks an operational basis."

"All your assumptions are that you can place a large number of cauldrons on a big net that advances and retreats at the same time."

"The question is how to find the net, spread the net, and use it."

Ye Chuxiao was waiting for this question.

So I pinched my fingers and made a gesture of asking for a price increase.

"Okay! I'll pass on to you the magic heart skill, the chessboard array diagram, and the Sanyang talisman diagram." Ying Shu really had a rich family background, so she directly took out three unique skills.

Although these three unique skills are still not as good as the Nine Death Demon Art, they are also on the same level as the four previously presented. If you learn how to use them well, their miraculous and subtlety will be second only to the Nine Death Demon Art.

This time, Ye Chuxiao obviously bought goods in wholesale.

Sure enough, if you take the risk, you will inevitably have a big profit.

After recording the exercises, Ye Chuxiao didn't continue talking.

Facing Ying Shu's gaze, Ye Chuxiao said: "The next thing I want to talk about is the first key point, so I want to increase the price!"

"I want the longevity knife inheritance in your hand."

Ying Shu frowned when she heard this, even though she looked puzzled, she still looked very good-looking.

"How did you know that I have the Longevity Saber inheritance?" Ying Shu asked.

Ye Chuxiao said: "Isn't it true that every Wugou celestial girl has the inheritance of the Longevity Sword?"

Ying Shu shook her head and said, "I don't know where you got the news. If the Longevity Knife is reversed, one of the styles is the 'Heart-Splitting Knife' that splits the seven emotions and six desires. An important legacy."

"Only by taking this step, you Wugou Heavenly Girls will have a tomorrow, won't you?"

"Otherwise, are you really sure that you can win Jin Buwei?"

"He already counts you as dead! What he wants is definitely not to join hands with you to tide over difficulties together, but to plunder everything from you and make you his cauldron instead. Just like Tang Sutong is better than Bai Xuanjing."

Ying Shu said: "It sounds like you already know everything about me in great detail, and you even know that I'm choosing Jinbuyu as my partner."

"So, there are also your eyes and ears in the top of the original religion, but how is this possible? The top of the original religion are all..."

"You don't have to tell me too in-depth and detailed, as well as the illusion method you used, also restrain yourself. What we want to talk about is the question before us, the Longevity Sword... Do you teach it or not?" Ye Chuxiao interrupted Ying Shu's words, even if she continues to say so, Ye Chuqi's vest may be stripped off, so that he can see it more clearly.

But that deviates from the topic, and it's not what Ye Chuxiao wants to know most right now.

In 'cooperating' with a witch like Ying Shu, it is impossible to obtain any information for free.

If it is not equal in value, then she will definitely be a hidden danger.

And even if it was a reciprocal exchange of information, it was still impossible for Ye Chuxiao to listen to it directly, and there would naturally be opportunities for him to verify and judge later.

"Longevity Knife! All I want is the Longevity Knife!"

"You taught me Longevity Knife, and I will tell you all my thoughts. If you don't want to, I will leave immediately!"

"Never hesitate!" Ye Chuxiao said decisively.

Ying Shu smiled when she heard the words, bright and gorgeous.

Suddenly, the blood-sucking vines all over the stone wall began to twist wildly, appearing extraordinarily restless.

And the talisman imprinted on Ying Shu's forehead also started to heat up, and white smoke came out from the talisman.

These two restraints, which were supposed to cause Ying Shu pain, did not stop Ying Shu from struggling.

She has long been stripped of all emotions, so naturally she doesn't know what real pain is.

Ye Chuxiao looked at Ying Shu who was about to approach him, and it was too late to leave the cell at this time.

"What is she going to do?"

"Wait! She wants to plant the heart pill on me."

"The answer she wants doesn't actually need to be exchanged with a longevity knife. As long as I accept her heart pill, I will be a grasshopper on the same line as her. Compared with Jin Buyi, who has entered the artistic realm, I am obviously better." There are a lot of manipulations..."

"Is she crazy? How dare she make such a decision?"

Eighteen thousand years flashed through Ye Chuxiao's mind in an instant.

But still grabbing the moment, using Dao Yun as a ticket, the golden clock is turned on, and the world is crossed.

At the moment of rising to the long river, Ye Chuxiao vaguely saw the crazy smiling face of the demon girl.

"You can't run away!" she seemed to say.

Standing on the deck of the ship of fortune again, Ye Chuxiao let out a breath of gloom.

Taking the risk of contacting the witch Ying Shu, she got seven unique skills, which is obviously not a loss.

But in Ye Chuqi's mouth, the most important Longevity Saber, he didn't get it.

"Furthermore, with the triple suppression, for Ying Shu, there is still room and leeway for resistance. This is something I didn't expect."

"She's not Tang Sutong, how could she be so perverted?" Ye Chuxiao sighed again.

Now that he has escaped to the ship of good fortune, Ye Chuxiao can choose to take this opportunity to embark on a journey in another world, or he can return to Daheng after a period of relaxation on the ship of good fortune, and reappear in that cell.

"Just going back like this is somewhat unsafe."

"I don't know if there is anything on the ship of good fortune that can resist Xindan."

"Although there seems to be a complementary relationship between the cauldron and the celestial maiden, there is no doubt that being planted with a heart pill will be controlled by others to some extent."

"I don't want to experience this feeling." Ye Chuxiao thought to himself.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly felt someone tap his shoulder.

Turning around suddenly, just as he was about to throw an elbow, he saw a familiar smiling face.

"Little... little sister?" Ye Chuxiao folded his elbows and greeted embarrassingly.

"We met again! What a coincidence!" Ye Chuxiao said.

Ye Chuyu wrinkled his nose and said, "It's not a coincidence! I made a note on you, big brother. As long as you get on the boat, the ship of fortune will remind me. If I happen to be free, I will be dragged aboard."

"The ship of fortune has this function?" Ye Chuxiao asked in surprise.

Ye Chuyu said: "Of course! As long as you are willing to pay the price, it has many functions."

Ye Chuxiao secretly checked the expenses followed by the notes, and then silently closed the page.

It's not reluctant, it's just not necessary.

Of course, there is 'binding', and there is also the need to avoid being bound. It takes a lot of life. The ship of fortune sells guns with one hand and armor with the other. It is really a good business.

"Creating problems, then solving problems, perfect closed loop, learned! Learned!"

Then Ye Chuxiao reluctantly bought a year's insurance for herself.

In the next year, except for Ye Chuyu, no one else can lock him up through this rascal way.

Now that I have met Ye Chuyu, it will prevent Ye Chuxiao from looking for a way out by himself, and directly ask Ye Chuyu: "Do you know, is there any way to avoid being regarded as a cauldron of the soul?"

After Ye Chuyu heard the words, he thought for a while, and then clapped his small hands: "Brother! You are being targeted by the Wugou Goddess of the Yuanyuan Sect!"


Ye Chuxiao smiled wryly, "Is this something worth celebrating?"

"Hmm! Why is it not? After all, the Heavenly Maiden Wugou has always been targeting the favored ones of heaven. Ordinary cultivators don't waste their time." Ye Chuyu said with confidence.

"Okay! Don't be poor, if there is anything you can do, just say it." Ye Chuxiao said.

Ye Chuyu said: "Of course there is no way. The Supreme Dao's Wangqing Tianshu, the Ancient Immortal Court's Emperor's Shocking Record, the Supreme Sect's selfishness, and the Famous Sword Mountain's Extreme Sword Heart can all be refined into Wugou. The celestial maiden's heart pill, use it as a gift, and devour it in reverse."

Ye Chuxiao clicked on the exchange list of the Ship of Good Fortune, and looked at the long list of exchange numbers behind these exercises, and didn't even bother to count how many zeros there were.

Ye Chuxiao was very skeptical that the boat of good fortune posted these exercises just to support the scene and pretend.

It's not actually redeemable.

Those who can afford it don't need it, and those who need it can't afford it.

On the contrary, it raised the standard.

"That's very good, don't say that next time, I'm afraid I can't help it and become a scumbag who beats my sister." Ye Chuxiao said through gritted teeth.

Ye Chuyu immediately smiled and said: "Hey! Just kidding, if you have been planted with a heart pill, of course, you have only these options besides hard resistance. But if you haven't been planted with a heart pill, it's just a precaution If so, it would be much easier."

"Brother! Come with me! Go and see my original world."

Ye Chuxiao was taken aback: "Go to your world?"

Ye Chuyu said: "Yes! The world I live in is a world where everyone has their own passions and obsessions, and then do their best to develop and use their strengths."

"And in order to avoid affecting the survival and interests of more people because of personal 'hobbies', the Academy Federation has launched a 'mind encryption' method. The higher the encryption layer, the lower the probability of being influenced by outsiders."

"This can not only effectively prevent others from interfering, but also reduce the possibility of interfering with others."

Ye Chuxiao didn't directly ask Ye Chuyu if he could just teach him the method.

Theoretically possible, but in practice not necessarily.

Many exercises with specific characteristics must be started in a specific world.

After getting started, the integration and adjustment are done, and the environment will not be acclimatized.

Of course, if it is just for reference, there is no concern in this regard.

There are also martial arts and spell-like 'skills' means, which are less restricted.

There will be relatively many restrictions on the means of exercises.

"Tell me about your world, I'll think about it!" Ye Chuxiao said.

Ye Chuyu wrinkled her nose, always feeling that what Ye Chuxiao said was wrong, but she didn't think too much about it, and said happily: "Many people call our world 'academy', because in my world, there is no imperial court, and there is no court. There is no sect, and there is no division of the country, there is only a city of practitioners that is centered on the academy and spread out."

"As for this lady, I... am the eldest lady of Canaan College, the contemporary dean of Canaan College, and my great-grandfather."

"When you customize your identity, just note the students of Canaan College, and then mark me as the coordinates, and there will be no errors, and you will come directly to the world where I am."

"When we get to Canaan Academy, I'll take you around and let you know how arrogant your sister is!"

As he spoke, Ye Chuyu raised his head involuntarily. If there was a tail behind his buttocks, he would probably be shaking it proudly.

Ye Chuxiao rubbed her little sister's head.

Then he thought for a while and said, "You invited me to your house as a guest, how are you going to entertain me, a cheap big brother?"

Ye Chuyu didn't seem to notice that he was off topic, and continued to say triumphantly, "That's too many, I can't even count them, anyway, just follow me."

Hearing this, Ye Chuxiao quietly let go of [-]% of his guard.

If Ye Chuyu really has a plan, at this time, he should publicize how beautiful and tempting he is.

She didn't say it, precisely because for her, she would not keep what she could give.

"Can I ask a question?"

"I'm just your cheap brother, why are you being so nice to me?" Ye Chuxiao asked after all.

Ye Chuxiao has also customized his identity. The old king of the island world was devoted to him at first, but after he came to his senses, he fell into a dilemma.

It's still good.

Like Liu Suifeng and Liu Qiantiao, how can there be any affection between them?

Of course, it can also be said that this is related to the personality of the individual.

A loving and righteous person will care even if it is a false emotion.

And ruthless people, even real biological children, can be abandoned indifferently.

Ye Chuyu lowered his head, and then his eyes were slightly red: "I miss my brother!"

Then the tears fell, patter, patter.

Ye Chuxiao could only comfort her non-stop, and at the same time knew in her heart that this was the effect of empathy.

Maybe Ye Chuyu once had a brother, but lost it.

After crossing the border, he reacquired two older brothers in another world, so he naturally regarded Ye Chuxiao and Ye Chuqi as his own brothers.

Although Ye Chuyu is like this, Ye Chuxiao does not guarantee that Ye Chuyu's family members and elders have the same attitude.

So it's still three chapters with Ye Chuyu.

"Going to your world is fine, but my identity cannot be revealed."

"When you arrive, you can call me by my identity at that time, and try not to attract too much attention."

"Also, unless you have to, don't take the initiative to meddle in my affairs. Your identity is an advantage, but sometimes it can also become a source of danger."

Ye Chuxiao trusts Ye Chuyu, but it doesn't mean he can also trust Ye Chuyu's relatives and friends.

Only by being a villain first can we avoid some unbearable incidents in the future.

"Okay... okay!" Ye Chuyu blinked his big eyes, tears were still shining under his long eyelashes, he had some vague ideas about Ye Chuxiao's three chapters, but he still didn't have a clear idea.

Of course she is smart.

But he is not good at reading people's hearts from the worst angle.

"Since it's agreed! Let's go!" Ye Chuxiao said.

He planned to go to Ye Chuyu's world and learn the method of mind encryption.Then return to Daheng.

Because of time constraints, Ye Chuxiao even spent a lot of money to buy a time airbag on the ship of fortune.

After using the time airbag, he returned to the ship of creation within a month. The time Ye Chuxiao disappeared in Daheng was only the time he was delayed on the ship of creation.

And the month of traveling to another world is not counted.

The time airbag can't be used too much, otherwise it will cause its own existence to be disordered, and there will be great troubles in the future.

Generally speaking, it is best to only use the airbag for one to three months within ten years, and use a longer period of time to flatten and cover up unnatural places.

Ye Chuxiao also had no choice this time, entering the fifth floor of the dungeon to 'communicate' with the demon girl Yingshu, it took a few hours to say the past.

If it takes ten days and a half months to disappear, it will not arouse suspicion, it will be called hell.

Crossovers are certainly no secret.

But Ye Chuxiao's cross-border method is quite easy and convenient, and if it is spread, it is also a huge hidden danger.

After setting the customized identity, Ye Chuyu was marked.

Ye Chuxiao, who had used the time airbag, started his third crossover.

As always, the feeling of falling and falling.

After stabilizing, Ye Chuxiao also grasped his current identity information.

"Song Jiamu, a second-year student in the high school of Canaan College, hobbies... blowing the flute!"

"This is on par with my club's use of Chang Xiao's method of sound cultivation." Ye Chuxiao thought to himself.

Ye Chuxiao was still thinking and observing this new world, when suddenly a huge brute force hit her from behind.

The powerful pectoralis major muscles of the two groups hit Ye Chuxiao's back first, as if they made a sound of 'duang, duang'.

Ye Chuxiao's figure was stable without any shaking.

So much so that the person who hit it seemed to have hit a solid iron wall, and was shocked to take two steps back, clutching his heart, but embarrassed to rub it.

"Wood! When did you become so strong and strong?"

"Such good muscles... It's a pity not to be a model! Do you want to be my painting model? I can use the stockings I have worn as a reward!" The girl behind her grinned in pain, but she still spoke playfully to Ye Chuxiao Said.

Only then did Ye Chuxiao turn around and see clearly who was attacking him without regard to martial arts.

This is a girl with short brown hair, wearing a simple pure white shirt on her upper body, a JK plaid skirt on her lower body, and a pair of small black leather shoes. She looks full of vigor and vitality.

"Xiong Maomao, the childhood sweetheart and best friend in Song Jiamu's character set, although he is a childhood sweetheart, he has no ambiguity." Ye Chuxiao made a simple summary of the girl in front of him.

"No! Smelly bladder!" Ye Chuxiao waved his hands and said, as if he had already thought of the sour smell, and frowned.

"Wow! Are you so rude?"

"How can I say that I am also the school belle of the high school of Canaan Middle School." Xiong Maomao said dissatisfied.

Ye Chuxiao continued to look around, stepping on a road completely paved with huge white stones, surrounded by various skyscrapers with strange shapes, but all with aesthetic feeling.

Colorful spell auras kept shining in mid-air.

And in the images projected on the walls of the building, there are all kinds of competitions going on in full swing.

It can be seen that the audience at the scene are in high spirits.

"This is a world where everyone has their own hobbies and seems to be relatively peaceful." Ye Chuxiao first came to such a conclusion after making a judgment with the naked eye.

 The new book is finally out!

  That's right, the card point only has [-] words in this chapter.

  It is true that there is no manuscript.

  Waste Paper has not recovered from a cold, and the baby who has just been infected with norovirus for more than eleven months has gastroenteritis, vomiting and diarrhea. Not only that, this virus is highly contagious, and his wife, mother, and father are all infected. It's a trick, but because of a cold, Waste Paper didn't dare to approach the baby, but it seems to have escaped. At least so far, there are no symptoms of vomiting or diarrhea.

  There is nothing wrong with describing the current situation at home as a mess.

  I ran to the hospital all day yesterday, and this morning I heard from my uncle that there is a good doctor who went to see him.

  To write these [-] characters, I got up at four o'clock in the morning to write.

  It's really hard.

  Later, I will deliver medicine to the mother-in-law and the baby's cousin, who are also infected.

  In this way, there will be a few updates in the afternoon, there is no guarantee, anyway, Wastepaper will update as soon as possible!

  I also implore everyone to support Waste Paper as much as possible!

  Tired, that's it!

(End of this chapter)

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