There are gaps in the road

Chapter 97 The real scene teaching

Chapter 97 The real scene teaching

"Illusion is a way to please people."

"It's to let you know it's fake, but still can't help but indulge in it."

"Back then, I was just learning the technique from some nobles who wanted to curry favor with the late emperor. If you really want to learn, Xiaoye, if you cut off the extra little gadgets and sealed the kidney veins, I can entrust you with some connections. Send you into the palace." Feng Yu looked at Ye Chuxiao and said, his smile was full of ill intentions.

Ye Chuxiao took a small step back, and quickly shook his head: "I don't need to worry about the old lady, the kid doesn't need to learn to be the best, but recently a wild phoenix came up on the site, so I still want to get on it, try to see if I can pull out a few. Feather, just make more preparations."

"Also, don't slander if you don't understand, it's definitely not a small thing."

Times have changed, identities and positions have changed, and the people he faces are also different. Ye Chuxiao doesn't have to be secretive about getting in touch with Ying Shu in the future.

There is no need to be as cautious and concealed as when you 'talked' to Tang Sutong.

In a sense, it was the responsibility of Ye Chuxiao, the chief prison officer, to get the words out of Ying Shu's mouth.

"You are cautious, it is a good habit."

"I've heard about that wild phoenix. It's been locked several times. In theory, it can't escape from this dungeon. Even if it takes you hostage, it's useless. You can't break any of the seals on her body, and you can't hide it from the world. Send her out. Contact her once or twice, if you are well prepared, there will be no harm." Feng Yu turned the chicken oil glazed tea bowl, and blew hot air on the top-quality Yunwu camellia in the tea bowl.

"Of course, if she wants to use you, the only way she can use is illusion."

"Forget it! For the sake of eating and sleeping like you in the future, I will teach you a lesson!"

"Come here with your ear!"

Ye Chuxiao stretched his head over, and Feng Yu only said three words in Ye Chuxiao's ear.

Immediately, Ye Chuxiao was dumbfounded.

Pingliangfang, Huanxin Pavilion, Ye Chuxiao stood at the door with a purse in hand, looking at the dreamlike attic that seemed to be connected to the distant mountains and the sky, showing a generous expression.

Everything is for practice, not for pleasure.

The moment Ye Chuxiao stepped in, it was like being wrapped in cotton candy into a pink and sweet dream, every foot was so soft that he could never touch the ground again.

The warm wind blows the tourists drunk, and there is no need to say more about the universe.

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Chuxiao stood at the door of the Huanxin Pavilion with a shriveled money bag, his gaze slightly dull.

There is only one question on my mind...was last night true or false?
How to use the simplest words to sum up his experience last night?
I am the devil director?Infinite Heroine Nightmare?Elegy from another world?A secret base on campus?

Are these enough?
Not enough there!

"True and false, false and true, as expected! Illusion is a way to please people, even if you know it's false, you can't help it. There is something in this illusion pavilion!"

"However, I can't conquer a mere Huanxin Pavilion, so what are the means to resist Ying Shu?"

"Fight again tonight!" Ye Chuxiao made up his strategy.

Another night passed!
Ye Chuxiao, who once again stood at the door of the Huanxin Pavilion holding a dry purse, felt the sun was a bit glaring.

What happened last night?
Dream of the Red Chamber?Am I a fake eunuch?my friend's wife?
"Ye Chuxiao! Ye Chuxiao! Why are you so unsteady, must leave the Huanxin Pavilion in Zishi tonight."

Seven days later, after Ye Chuxiao walked out of the Huanxin Pavilion in the early morning, he walked into the Tongde Hall again.

It's not that Ye Chuxiao can't stand it, but that the self-strategy based on illusion is really terrible.

While intracranial climax, in reality there are also beauties who are good at makeup and changing faces, performing simultaneous practical exercises, who can stand this?

No wonder Tongdetang wanted to open a pharmacy next door to Huanxin Pavilion, it was really lucrative.

"So the basic setting of the illusion is the flaw in the heart of the caster."

"Illusions are fake. No grand illusion can get rid of this limitation. It is the highest pursuit of illusionists to make illusions real. Before that, no matter how huge the illusion is, it can be pierced by mortals. "

"The key point is how to make people who have fallen into the illusion unwilling to wake up and willing to sink." After taking a dose of medicine, Ye Chuxiao regained his vigor and vigor.

After another three days of practice, Ye Chuxiao actually passed the sea of ​​suffering of illusionists, and raised the method of illusion to the realm of energy.

With the illusion cultivation of Energy Realm, ordinary illusion methods are no longer useful to Ye Chuxiao.

Ying Shu may be good at illusion and can confuse people with words, but after all, she is suppressed by the seal, and there is no power that she can use.

At this time, the basic conditions for Ye Chuxiao to meet Ying Shu were ripe.

Even so, Ye Chuxiao still visited the Huanxin Tower for another two days without taking any tonic.

After filling up the status for himself, he walked into the dungeon, and then told the guards on the fifth floor that after he came out of Ying Shu's cell, no matter what unusual orders he had, No need to comply, report immediately.

Opening the cell door, Ye Chuxiao walked in.

At this time, the blood-sucking vines had already covered half of the cell.

Ying Shu was restrained by this vampire vine. The roots of the vampire vine pierced into her limbs, absorbing the essence and blood in her body as nourishment.

Her face was so pale that it seemed to turn into a transparent color.

Despite this, she still looks broken and withered, unlike most beauties who become dull, ordinary, or even unsightly once they lose the blessing of their dress, clothing, and complexion.

"You're finally here!" Ying Shu looked at Ye Chuxiao, her lips, which were clearly sealed, revealed a hoarse and charming voice.

At the same time, the first layer of psychological hints had been quietly imposed on Ye Chuxiao.

It will be gradually strengthened, and Ye Chuxiao's cognition will slowly break away from reality and be brought into the illusion of words.

"Whoever comes in, you will use this sentence as an opening sentence?"

"Actually, I personally think it's not shocking enough!"

"The mature and beautiful proprietress of Huanxin Pavilion will say to me 'You were so bad last night' and 'You can't do it today, you are already injured'." Ye Chuxiao said to Ying Shu.

The pink and ambiguous atmosphere was brought out by Ye Chuxiao's illusion, and invaded Ying Shu in reverse.

Ying Shu didn't have any superfluous expression, she stared at Ye Chuxiao with her pitch-black eyes with the luster of glass.


"It seems that you have made a lot of preparations to come to see me."

"You even emptied your kidney qi, so that you can temporarily forget about certain temptations."

"Actually, you shouldn't do this, I won't be so superficial." Ying Shu said.

Then Ye Chuxiao's eyes blurred.

A large number of general catalogs of supernatural powers and unique arts were presented in front of his eyes.

The cell wall that was originally covered with blood-sucking vines turned into the wall of the secret room for practicing kung fu.

Every unique technique on the wall is enough to take it out and cause a bloodbath outside.

Even though Ye Chuxiao couldn't see these outlines clearly, he just felt that these were the most powerful and miraculous exercises and secret records.

 Available tomorrow at [-] noon!Ask for support!

(End of this chapter)

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