Chapter 113
The Tongtian Drum was set up by the founder of Daheng Taizu. Its original intention was to listen to the opinions of the people and leave a way for the emperor, and also to preserve a glimmer of hope for those people who have great grievances but have nowhere to appeal.

Of course, after beating the Tongtian Drum, no matter whether it is right or wrong, guilty or not, it must be punished as a crime in the end, otherwise the emperor would not have to do anything else every day, just listen to the people beating the drum.

Daheng has been around for thousands of years, and times have changed. The Tongtian Terrace where the Tongtian Drum is kept has been dusty for many years.

Even if someone is willing to cut his whole body and wants to knock on the Tongtian Drum with grievances, the door lock of Tongtian Terrace has long been rusted, and it is impossible to walk in.

Yan Chong said that he wanted to beat the Tongtian Drum at this time, it was just a rhetoric.

Its original intention is to bring things to the imperial court.

He is a fourth-rank gold medal headhunter, not a nameless and ordinary person who can be manipulated arbitrarily.

Although the gold medal of the six gates is headhunting and rarely goes to the court, it is still qualified to enter the palace to face the saint.

"Yan Chong! Speak politely. This Minister Pei has no malicious intentions. He just wants to protect the face of the court and keep the incidents in the criminal department." As the actual head of the six-door arrester, Shi Huang Open your mouth and say.

These words sounded like they were blaming Yan Chong, but in fact they directly revealed the servant's background.

Although Shi Huang and Jin Buyi are both gods of the six doors, but compared with Shi Huang, Jin Buyi is still a little behind.

At least within the six gates, there are many gold and silver medal arresters, and the most admired one is the god arrester Shi Huang.

Shi Huang can also be called the "chief arrester" in the actual sense.

Seeing their boss stand up and speak, both Yan Chong and Jin Sanniang breathed a sigh of relief.

Before they came back, what they were most worried about was that there was no one in the imperial court to speak for them, and they unanimously chose to let them take the blame and indulge the money.

Although this possibility is not high, the current environment is special. In order to maintain the vitality of the top combat power, it is still unknown what kind of decision the court will make.

Now it seems that in at least six doors, the choice is 'Military Heart'.

Supporting these headhunters who have been 'wronged' is tantamount to stabilizing the minds of all the headhunters of the six sects. Otherwise, once they support the money and choose to give up all the headhunters who returned from Yunmengze, it will be almost impossible. It shows that ordinary headhunters... even if they reach the status of the gold medal, their life and death, honor or disgrace, and existence are not important.

It was a huge blow to the internal cohesion.

As for why, the life and death of some six-door headhunters will be related to the entire six-door headhunter system?

During the day and night in Shenjing this time, those head catchers, could it be possible that they didn't do anything?

They have already used their own methods, notified their acquaintances and friends, and formed a certain public opinion effect with the advantage of numbers.

And the on-site video kept in Jin Zhang's headhunter is iron-clad evidence, which makes Jin Buyu even have to quibble.

"Grandpa! No matter what the reason is for these head-hunters, this trend cannot last!" Pei Shilang still wanted to distinguish a few words.

But I heard Yuan Shen, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, say: "Okay! Go back to the Ministry of Punishment first. Everyone involved in the incident will be guarded separately, waiting for the court to make a decision."

In the dungeon of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Ye Chuxiao came in as a prisoner for the first time.

Without the seal on her body, and being temporarily imprisoned on the back of her neck, Ye Chuxiao finally understood the feeling of being in prison.

The entire dungeon of the Ministry of Justice is full of oppressive, gloomy, and dull atmosphere, as if every breath seems to be strenuous.

This is completely different from the prison guard's perspective and feelings.

"Boss! This cell is specially reserved for you. Not only does it have a full set of living facilities, but also the bedding and sheets are all new. The toilet has been flushed many times to ensure that there is no smell at all. There are also lockers. , as well as fruits, pastries, snacks, and alcoholic beverages can only be served in limited quantities after the midnight...this is also your rule." Several jailers surrounded Ye Chuxiao and arranged a cell for him attentively.

Although it is said that people leave tea to cool down, but now that the world is still uncertain, and Ye Chuxiao's position has not been cut off, these jailers will not be cold immediately.

Even if there is no great wisdom, who can lack little cleverness?
On the contrary, at this time, not only did no one come to add insult to injury, on the contrary, there were quite a few people who planned to come over to burn the cold stove, take a chance, and leave a good impression.

Not only Ye Chuxiao's place, Jin Sanniang and Yan Chong's place also received warm 'hospitality'.

Several silver medals also have their own comfortable small single rooms.

Only those bronze medals are a bit more difficult. After all, they are humble and have no home court advantage, so it is inevitable to be ignored.

"Okay! You all go!" Ye Chuxiao waved his hand to let the jailers disperse.

Then he sat cross-legged on the bed, replaying the cause and effect of the whole thing in his mind.

"Overall there will be fluctuations, but the general direction will not change."

"Since we have safely returned to Shenjing, justice is on our side."

"Not only because we are reasonable, but also because behind us, there are many middle and low-level support from the six doors. It is also because of the Dragon King Yuanyi and the Dragon Queen Yuanmeng, who have seized the court's sore feet, and the Dragon King Yuan The shackle also maintains the smooth weather of the seven states around Yunmengze, which is far more critical and important than a single piece of gold."

"Although the monks of artistic conception are very precious, they are not as stable as the country. The artistic conception is still the strong under the 'boundary'. Only the monks of the indefinite state are above the boundary and can ignore the rules to some extent. "

Ye Chuxiao thought of this, adjusted her breathing, and tried to mobilize her true energy.

But Zhen Qi became extremely lazy, and lay down in the sea of ​​Qi in Dantian, not moving at all.

Ye Chuxiao tried to shake the spiritual root again to collect the energy of the world.

This time, there was some feedback, but at the same time, the prison-suppressing artifact in the depths of the ground also reacted, and just a shot of divine light made Ye Chuxiao's head buzz with pain, and he dared not be presumptuous anymore.

"As a jailer before, I didn't have a clear feeling. This time I'm really in jail. I can empathize with the feelings of those prisoners."

"The whole line of sight and feeling is gloomy and cold. After such a long time, people will go crazy. It's no wonder that people are so flocking to the series of welfare policies I introduced."

"It seems that in the future, we can increase the grade and charge a little more." Ye Chuxiao thought to himself.

In the early morning, the big Hengtian bell in the imperial palace rang 28 times, and the sound of the bell was transmitted to the entire city of Shenjing. If the majestic and domineering voice fell into the ears of the evil spirits, it would even deter and break their courage.

In the Hengyu Palace, above the main hall, there are Daheng Wenwu on both sides.

The seventeen or eighteen-year-old young emperor sat high on the dragon chair. Behind the dragon chair, the queen mother sat on the phoenix couch, but she was hidden in the clouds and mist, so she couldn't see her true face clearly.

It's just that the aura is mysterious, thick and extraordinary, it can be seen that this powerful empress dowager is also a strong practitioner and should not be underestimated.

Under the Son of Heaven, there are also some seats on the steps on the left and right sides.

It’s just that on the seats, except for the position on the third step on the right, where an old eunuch sat upright with his eyes closed, as if he was taking a nap, on the rest of the seats, only fans, swords, spears, jade pens, etc. were placed. Participate in government affairs on behalf of their masters.

No one expressed any objection to such behavior.

The world of practice respects the strong. Even the Son of Heaven must remain humble when dealing with those who are strong enough.

Unless the emperor himself is also a peerless powerhouse.

Boxing and power, combined into one.

That's the only way to overwhelm the contemporary era, and to say the same thing thoroughly.

It's just that such a king is often only the founding emperor who meets the conditions.

Most of the succeeding emperors in the future lost power or punches, or even both.

The young emperor's eyes swept over the vacant seats one by one, with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

As for the only old eunuch present, his eyes subconsciously jumped over the other party, and he didn't dare to look too much at all, and stayed longer.

At this time, the officials of the Ministry of Rites, who were in charge of presiding over the early court, stood up first, selected the three provinces and six ministries, and read out the more important content of the court deliberations.

If a minister has an opinion or idea, he can raise the wat board in his hand, and then the emperor decides whether to call it out, and ask for suggestions at the court.

When all the officials saw the Son of Heaven, they didn't worship the dross three times and nine times. After all, the officials of the imperial court were basically strong practitioners. Not only were they highly cultivated, but they also came from prominent backgrounds. Some officials belonged to families that were even older than the imperial court. Many, too many so-called "etiquettes" that humiliate people will only drive the real talents and strong people out of the court, leaving only mediocrity and idiots.

The heavens and worlds are connected by ships of good fortune, and some monks who have seen all kinds of scenery outside cannot use things like traditions and rules to frame them.

It can be said that although the imperial power is strong, it is not completely above the power of the ministers.

There is a delicate balance between the royal family and courtiers.

For example, when Tang Sutong was in the dynasty, in a sense, the power of the ministers suppressed the imperial power, so that everyone in the world knew that there was a Tang Prime Minister, but they did not know that there was an emperor.

If it weren't for Tang Sutong's many actions, almost standing on the opposite side of all vested interests, he would not have made it seem like "the world is an enemy", and finally chose the way of death sacrifice to inject a little vitality into the world , put hope in the future.

A series of proposals related to the livelihood and life of countless people were put forward, and then passed quickly.

Most of the issues brought up for discussion actually have answers before they are brought up.

Generally speaking, most of the things that can be solved have been solved before. Even if there is a 'relapse' again, it should be done according to the previous regulations.

If it can't be solved, it still can't be solved, and more discussions won't make much sense.

Only a few proposals were controversial, and the simple game of courtiers also contained some turbulent undercurrents in the struggle for power.

Of course, high-end party struggles sometimes use the simplest method.

"Hedong Zhou Mu reported that the massacre of many officials on the Han River happened a few months ago, and the result has already been reached."

"The perpetrator is the old man Shibi. Now he has been captured by Yunmengze Dragon King Yuanjiao, and he still needs to be interrogated by the Ministry of Punishment before making a decision." The official of the Ministry of Rites looked at the wat board in his hand and read.

This seemingly small wat board has long been cast with a powerful information storage spell, and the contents of a library can be stored in it, and can be called at any time.

Hearing this topic, the young emperor's buttocks seemed to have nails, and he wriggled restlessly, as if he wanted to look back, but he didn't dare, he was very entangled.

"There is no need to discuss this matter any more, just ask the Queen Mother to cut me off!" The voice of the Empress Dowager came from the clouds, her voice was clear and melodious, she didn't sound like a woman in her thirties or forties, but a girl in her thirteens and nineteens. .

But Shi Huang, the god of the six gates, stood up from the side and said: "The Queen Mother, the old man Shibi has no grievances or enmity with those officials, why he killed them on the Han River is still to be found out, please allow the old minister to investigate carefully some."

Above the court hall, there was an eerie silence for a short while.

The "little official" who is below the fourth rank and has no news channels may be a little confused and don't know what happened.

However, the third rank and above, as well as the well-informed officials, knew that the old Sibi and many evil masters were secretly recruited by the empress dowager.

It is precisely because the Empress Dowager has these evil masters as her party members that she is able to hold the young emperor firmly in her hands under the oppression of the powerful ministers, and control the discourse power above the court as the Empress Dowager.

The old man Shibi was led by tacit consent, and went to the Langya River to intercept the group of captors who had returned from Yunmengze.

Such behavior at that time was approved by many court leaders.

But now, Shi Huang didn't take the old man Sibi's attack on a group of captors as a breakthrough point. Instead, he took the Hanhe Louchuan bloody incident a few months ago as the point of attack, and took the lead in firing.

This move is clearly to encircle Wei and save Zhao.

Similarly, Shi Huang's sudden attack actually got the acquiescence of many people.

Otherwise, at this time, someone will stand up and 'fight' with Shi Huang.

Instead of letting Shi Huang question the queen mother and force the queen mother into the ring.

"Since Mr. Shi is interested, let's go to trial!" The queen mother said lightly, as if she was not worried about being dragged into a scandal and dragged off the court.

In this way, it seemed that Shi Huang's punch had hit the cotton.

A trace of astonishment flashed across the young emperor's face, and he lowered his head to hide the disappointment on his face.

It's just that many of the officials present, including the Queen Mother, are all advanced practitioners, and the expression he concealed, in the eyes of these people, is simply a face-to-face live broadcast.

The world of practice is so cruel that it doesn't give a young emperor time to grow up.

It's as if a group of people chose a monkey as their nominal leader.

Although the monkey thought that he had really become the talker and wanted to grasp the real power, he showed his teeth and claws, performed various intimidating and deterrent behaviors, and danced and danced... But in the eyes of humans, these behaviors are all ridiculous of.

The young emperor... is like that monkey.

Only when Tang Sutong was around, even if he didn't really promote his naive and immature ideas, he would still listen carefully and give mature suggestions at the same time.

"Then I dare to ask the Queen Mother, what should I do if the person behind the scenes is found out?" Shi Huang didn't hesitate at all, and continued to push forward.

In the clouds and mist, a hand warmer fell out: "Shi Huang! Do you still have Aijia in your eyes?"

"You say this, but are you dissatisfied with Ai's family?"

"What on earth do you intend to do?"

The queen mother was wronged, but at this time, she chose to be unreasonable and just slap her.

Sometimes, it is not the so-called "high-end" people who handle things in a high-level way, but the people standing in the distance, when they look up, they unconsciously blur and sublimate them.

Just like the imagined House of Representatives in TV dramas, members discuss issues by citing classics, expressing their opinions, and eloquently.

In the real House of Representatives, if there is a disagreement, many people will fight, sticks and chairs will fly around, and they will spit and greet their mothers.

The way of dialogue surrounded by clouds and fog is only suitable for a small number of people who have a tacit understanding and pull each other on a small scale.

When facing more people, it will be more effective if it is simple and direct.

"Queen Mother! Please respect yourself!" Shi Huang said seriously.

"The Ai family is shameless today, what else do you want, Mr. Shi?" said the Queen Mother.

"Then you can't send someone to kill Xichuan Governor Ma Bao, Hedong Sima Xue Ding'an and a total of eleven Daheng officials, even if they plan to reveal the secret decree of the former emperor and force you to return to the emperor." Shi Huang simply refused to pretend Yes, open up.

At this time, the hall was eerily quiet.

It's just that some people stood up from the team, with Shi Huang as the leader.

Among them was Yuan Shen, Shangshu of the Ministry of punishment.

Afraid of a der!

Who is Shi Huang?

The chief arrester of the six doors, that is, the top leader of the public security system.

Moreover, he is a hereditary duke who is deeply rooted in the Daheng dynasty.

No matter how powerful the Empress Dowager is, she can't control him.

Moreover, the queen mother blatantly arranged for evil monks to kill officials above the fourth rank, which has stepped on the pain points of many courtiers.

They must limit the Queen Mother's rights.

She can't be allowed to develop so unscrupulously any longer.

"Secret decree of the first emperor?"

"Shigong! Don't talk nonsense about unnecessary things." The queen mother said loudly.

Shi Huang didn't speak, and took out half of the bright yellow imperial edict from his sleeve.

The Empress Dowager's aura instantly weakened.

"Hey... the late emperor left early, you veterans will bully our orphans and widows."

"Forget it! Ai's family is tired, what Shigong wants to do, and he can do whatever he wants!"

"Go back to the palace!" After saying that, the cloud group moved, floated out of the main hall where the government was discussed, and headed towards the harem.

The young emperor looked longingly at the half of the 'Secret Edict' in Shi Huang's hand, but saw that Shi Huang stuffed the 'Secret Edict' back into his sleeve very indifferently, without any intention of making it public.

For Shi Huang, the queen mother who asserts power, organizes party members privately, and recruits evil monks to eradicate dissidents is a qualified politician.

With mature vision and judgment.

Overall, it is good for the development and stability of Dahengchao.

On the contrary, this young emperor, he is immature, but full of vitality and desire, without the corresponding ability, but he is in charge of the world's great treasure... This is a disaster for the people's livelihood.

Any inadvertent decision from the top may cause an immeasurable turmoil among the people.

Queen Mother is gone!

But the emperor is still there.

So the court proceedings continued.

After reading a few routine topics, the officials of the Ministry of Rites finally talked about the matter of the six door gods catching gold and killing their colleagues.

"This matter, I will conduct a self-examination by the six departments, and the officials of the Ministry of Punishment will assist and supervise." Shi Huang said with a dark face.

Seeing that he had just charged into battle, the rest of the court chiefs nodded and said, "Yes!"

The old eunuch, who had been sitting on the chair with his eyes closed, opened his eyes and said, "Those two little loaches are not allowed to go to the top of Yaoshan Mountain, and the rest of the four places are allowed to go on their own."

Shi Huang, who just hated the empress dowager and couldn't get down, said to the old eunuch respectfully at this moment: "Yes! Lord Zhenhai!"

The incident that was thought to cause disputes in the court seemed to be settled easily in this way.

The Ministry of Punishment and the Six Doors self-inspect... that is about the same, how Ye Chuxiao and others deal with it, and how Jin Buyu handles it all depends on what the officials inside the Six Doors and the Ministry of Punishment think and think, and the complexity index plummets several times.

The next day, the results came out.

Although the head arrester of the six doors who died was not performing official duties, he died because of the money left behind by this god arrester.

Therefore, the pensions are all paid from Jin Buwei's private property, which is [-]% higher than the regular pension of Six Doors.

The headhunters of the six sects who survived were all demoted to half a level, and it will depend on their merits to see if they can be restored to their original positions.

This is what it should mean. After all, this operation is not an official operation of the Six Doors. Essentially speaking, most of these arrests are similar to those in the past, and most of them have their own greed for profit.

Of course, not daring to disobey Jin Buyu's order is also the key.

Therefore, it is only half a level.

Ye Chuxiao also changed from a silver medal to a silver medal candidate.

The rank has dropped from seventh rank to eighth rank.

As for Jin Buyi, he was deprived of his position as the god catcher of the six gates, and was temporarily detained on the fifth floor of the dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment, where he became cellmates with Ying Shu.

When it will be released depends on when the imperial court needs him to commit crimes and meritorious deeds.

After being released from prison, Ye Chuxiao immediately took the painting to see Yuan Shen, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment.

At the same time, I asked Yuan Shen for some painting skills and tips for painters to practice.

Yuan Shen didn't accept Ye Chuxiao's painting, but he was willing to teach Ye Chuxiao's artist practice for the sake of the "Misty Mountain Jackdaw Picture".

It took only half a month, and Ye Chuxiao regained his position as the silver medal of the six doors because of his meritorious service in helping his colleagues.

Half a month later, he made an exception and became a candidate for the gold medal. From the fifth rank, he was already considered a proper middle-level official.

In the event of a big court meeting or a major celebration, they are also eligible to enter the palace and participate in the grand event.

In the courtyard that Ying Shu gave to Ye Chuxiao, Ye Chuxiao had loose hair, dressed in snow-white clothes, and was standing barefoot on the fine white sand, painting.

The painter's skills and methods are the same as calligraphy, and also have similarities with talisman repair.

Often the monks who focus on talisman cultivation also practice two kinds of auxiliary practice, painter or calligrapher.

Ye Chuxiao has a batch of old dragon skins in his hand, and he plans to make good use of them in the next period of time.

Although his cultivation is only in the Wonderland, with his spiritual root aptitude, as long as he spends enough time and energy, enough to gather majestic energy, he can draw a powerful enough talisman on the old dragon skin.

After all, in addition to the spells drawn in the void on the spot, those talismans made in advance are originally a means of presetting, storing, and strengthening energy in advance.

In terms of making talismans, Ye Chuxiao has an advantage, and it is not small.

Before implementing it, Ye Chuxiao had to improve his own abilities first.

Applying the painting skills learned from Yuan Shen, and then combining them with the technique of drawing symbols, is what Ye Chuxiao needs to train himself now.

Yifeng and Lanying waited on the side, curiously looking at the painting that was taking shape in Ye Chuxiao's hands, their eyes full of curiosity and longing.

"Paint landscapes!"

"Landscapes are boring!"

"Why don't you draw a beauty? There is such a beautiful woman imprisoned in the dungeon of the Ministry of Justice, don't you know how to use it?" A voice suddenly came from the side, startling the two butterfly angels.

Ye Chuxiao, on the other hand, was very calm, and his strokes were still smooth.

"You can still find this place. It seems that you either touched Ying Shu's old background a long time ago, or left a smell on me." Ye Chuxiao said without raising her head.

(End of this chapter)

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