There are gaps in the road

Chapter 114 My brother is actually a reborn

Chapter 114 My brother is actually a reborn

In midair, crystal clear snowflakes suddenly fell.

A cold current surged in the air.

As the cold wind blew, the two butterfly envoys couldn't stand the sudden cold. They instinctively huddled together, and then spun silk threads around their bodies, forming a big cocoon firmly.

They fell into a dormant state of self-protection, and had no sense of what happened outside, unless someone violently tore the cocoon they were hiding in.

The Butterfly Messenger, who has no combat power, only has this means of self-protection, which is barely reliable.

At least it is not easy to break their cocoons.

Ye Chuqi, who was still stubborn and wearing a white mask, stepped on the wind and snow and appeared: "Ying Shu's house is very cleverly hidden. If it wasn't for Jin Buyu who borrowed the Tiandi Chessboard to do global touch control to find it later, it would be difficult for others to know."

"Later?" Ye Chuxiao raised his head, a drop of thick ink dripped onto the drawing paper, and a flawless landscape immediately appeared in a good landscape painting.

Ye Chuqi looked at Ye Chuxiao with complicated emotions in his eyes.

Then, he actually took off the mask.

Sure enough... it was Ye Chuqi.

Although there was speculation before, it is now confirmed.

"Brother! Do you believe in rebirth?" Ye Chuqi asked suddenly.

This question came so suddenly that Ye Chuxiao's heart beat a beat faster.

Speaking of which, Ye Chuxiao should be regarded as time travel plus rebirth, right?
Ye Chuxiao's eyes didn't change at all, and he nodded, "I believe! After the Wonderful Realm, the soul is completely condensed, and there are Yinshou, and after losing the body, there are indeed some special methods, which can seize the body, reincarnate, rebirth through the shell, and transform into Yin. Longevity is Yangshou."

"It's just that most of these methods have flaws. Either after rebirth, there are still fatal flaws, or they have turned themselves into demons and lost their humanity."

"In terms of cost performance, it's better to turn ghost repair."

Ye Chuxiao calmed down completely through a long conversation.

At the same time, I was also curious why Ye Chuqi asked this question.

Ye Chuqi shook his head and said: "I'm not talking about this kind of rebirth, but... After a person dies, from decades later, back to decades ago, memory and even soul, across the distance of time, carry out rebirth .”

"Aren't you curious, Ying Shu is the Wugou Goddess of the Yuanyuan Cult, and how did I know her secret exactly?"

"From the point of view of the truth, and from the perspective of cultivation, although she and I are both in the original religion, there is a big difference."

Ye Chuxiao put down her pen and looked at Ye Chuqi seriously: "You want to tell me that you came back from rebirth after decades?"

Ye Chuxiao's heart was far more turbulent than it appeared.

He is a time traveler, but Ye Chuqi is a rebirth, isn't it a coincidence?

Looking at it this way, Ye Chuyu, the little girl who was exposed first, really became the best in the family?
It's just... If what Ye Chuqi said is true, then in his original cognition, what happened to his real big brother Ye Chuxiao?

When Ye Chuxiao thought of this, she couldn't help but 'thump' in her heart.

"Is it possible that you just got an illusion?"

"I know that there are at least a dozen ways to cast illusions, which will give people similar illusions. I even saw a monk who was deeply involved in illusions. Others can blow it up easily." Ye Chuxiao calmed down completely, and asked Ye Chuqi.

What Ye Chuxiao was talking about was actually the experience in the academy world.

The monk who was blown up was the one who cast illusions and thought he was the ancient immortal emperor.

Ye Chuqi walked up to Ye Chuxiao's side with a complex and difficult expression.

"In another six days, Lu Baimei, the god arrester, will be found to have died suddenly in the mansion. He suffered twelve stab wounds, his internal organs were all emptied, and there was an uproar across the six doors. It was just a multi-day investigation, but there was no result. .Two months later, Jin Buyu walked out of the dungeon and regained power, and set his sights on the Swordsman Yan Po."

"Then half a year later, he fought Yan Po, the swordsman, in Wufei Gorge on the Lanjiang River, killed Yan Po in Wufei Gorge, and solved this big case. As a result, his authority in the six doors rose, and he began to fight with Shi Huang. Divide into court."

"If neither you nor I have a greater impact on the future, then what I said may become a reality." Ye Chuqi said to Ye Chuxiao.

Ye Chuxiao was slightly silent, and then slowly said: "Whether what you said is true or not...why did you tell me this?"

Ye Chuqi looked at the sky in rapt attention and said, "Brother! You don't know how pleasant it is to find you... still alive after I came back from rebirth."

"Last time, because of my immaturity, I exposed my identity to my fellow members of the original religion, which caused you to suffer disaster. But when I saw that you managed to save yourself from danger, I thought it was because of my rebirth and return that it caused a change. .”

"But even if I asked you to bring a message to Tang Sutong, Tang Sutong still chose to sacrifice the Tao with death."

Ye Chuxiao was slightly surprised when he heard the words. He originally thought that Ye Chuqi asked him to bring a message to Tang Sutong in order to push Tang Sutong to "suicide" and complete the death sacrifice.

It turns out that's not the case!

"That's right! What kind of person is Tang Sutong, and how can I interfere with his life and death with a few words?" Ye Chuxiao couldn't help but feel a little absurd for his arrogance at the beginning.

"It's not just Tang Sutong's sacrifice of death, but Ying Shu still chose Jinbuyi to be her cauldron."

"In that game, when everyone thought that Ying Shu had the upper hand, it was Jin Buyu who won in the end. He used one after another to deceive everyone." Ye Chuqi seemed to let go of his scruples, Unscrupulously exposing the secrets hidden in the heart.

"Wait! Don't talk nonsense." Ye Chuxiao thought of Ying Shu's peeping at her, and stopped Ye Chuqi.

Regardless of whether Ye Chuqi is really a reborn or not, assuming he is real... then the information he has will be extremely critical.

How could Ying Shu eavesdrop on such crucial information?

Ye Chuqi smiled and said: "Don't worry! I changed the formation here a little bit. Even Ying Shu couldn't sense what you saw and heard at this time. Ying Shu actually spent a lot of money on this courtyard. It was built with a little effort, and it is a secret residence in Shenjing, which can be concealed from all kinds of searches and raids. This is the advantage here. I just took advantage of this advantage a little bit, and it can be used to guard against Ying Shu .”

"How did Jin Buyi hide it from Ying Shu, and how did he create a false appearance? Tell me carefully." Since Ye Chuqi has said so, Ye Chuxiao can only believe him.

Of course, what Ye Chuxiao was most interested in was how Jin Buyu reversed the situation, defeated Ying Shu, and won the final victory in this game of heart pills.

After all, judging from the current situation, Jin Buyi is clearly a 'loser' who has been fooled by Ying Shu.

"Wait! Ye Chuqi said just now that in his original memory, Jin Buyi would be released from prison in two months. That is to say, even without my intervention, Jin Buyi was still affected by the pain during his trip to Yunmengze Dragon Palace." Frustrated, he was still imprisoned in the end.”

"Accordingly, this is impossible, because in this incident, I clearly played a pivotal role in the direction of the final result, and it was a great impetus and contributing factor."

"If you leave me alone, the result is still the same...then behind this, there must be a deeper secret, beyond the information I have grasped. No matter what I do in the process, the result is fixed. Maybe I The only one who can be saved is myself and those innocent six-door arresters." Ye Chuxiao's mood became gloomy, he didn't fully believe Ye Chuqi's 'rebirth', but assuming it was true, it was obvious ... He was also fooled.

"I don't know the specific process. After all, Jin Buyi will not write his family history into a book, and then publish it in detail, so that everyone can know." Ye Chuqi spread his hands and said.

Ye Chuxiao agrees with this statement, even if he stands at the height of history, can he really know the truth in all history?
Just delusional!

"However, as far as the outcome is concerned, there are several important points that cannot be ignored. The first is the death of the god arrester Lu Baimei, and the swordsman Yanpo was accused of being the murderer, but he did not refute it. Killed. There must be something hidden in it, and then three years later, Ying Shu broke into the eighth floor of the dungeon of the Ministry of Justice. It seemed that something was alarmed, and then escaped with serious injuries. She couldn't even get out of Shenjing City, and ended up in this courtyard I hid for half a year."

"Half a year later, Jin Buyu married the princess Xiao Yun, and at the same time lent the clan's treasured world chessboard, imitated the gods and capitals on the chessboard, and then destroyed it, thus finding the small courtyard where Ying Shu was hiding."

"After finding Ying Shu, the two of them fought in Shenjing City. In the end, Ying Shu was nailed to the Suzaku gate by Jin Buli, drained of energy and died."

"Before she died, Ying Shu shouted: Who are you! Then she died."

"Part of that battle was witnessed by me."

"So this part, I'm quite sure."

Ye Chuqi told Ye Chuxiao what he knew about the struggle between Ying Shu and Jin Buyu.

"So you pushed me and participated in the struggle between these two people? Want to find out the truth?" Ye Chuxiao was not trying to accuse the teacher, but wanted to find out Ye Chuqi's plan.

As far as the current results are concerned, Ye Chuxiao has benefited.

Ye Chuqi shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I just want to use you to find out Ying Shu's tone and try to get as much information as possible. I didn't know that practicing the Longevity Saber would be related to becoming Ying Shu's cauldron, until I found out that you actually lived in Ying Shu. This courtyard where Ying Shu hides, I am convinced that you should have obtained part of Ying Shu's heart, so I have to show up and have an open and honest chat with you."

"If I had known earlier that you, a monk who was only mere capable at the time, could be targeted by Ying Shu without being picky, I wouldn't let you take the risk."

Although Ye Chuqi is Ye Chuxiao's younger brother, Ye Chuqi, who thinks he has lived for decades longer, regards Ye Chuxiao as his "brother" and wants to help him plan and arrange his route.

"Maybe it's because I'm too good!" Ye Chuxiao said.

Ye Chuxiao was more open to the matter of getting Xindan than Ye Chuqi.

It's not that he has no way out, even if it's Jin Buyi in the future, no matter how fierce and ruthless the disturbance is, that will be in the future.

People who live today don't have to worry about tomorrow's events.

Ye Chuxiao didn't believe it, but with his participation, Jin Buyu's scheme could still succeed.

"You care about Ying Shu and Jin Buyi's heart war because of Jin Buyi?" Ye Chuxiao asked Ye Chuqi.

Ye Chuqi nodded and said: "Yes! Ever since Jin Buyu won the heart pill contest, he broke through the Unfixed Realm, completely overwhelmed Shi Huang, and became the No. 1 of the six sects. Pretending to support the emperor, but in fact using the name of the emperor to eradicate dissidents, in just ten years, the people were in dire straits, and later he directly killed the emperor, sat on the dragon chair himself, and changed the name of the country to 'golden'."

"Afterwards, in order to practice a kind of magic skill, he absorbed the energy of the earth's veins, causing frequent earthquakes and floods. Under his abuse, the world was on the verge of breaking. To prevent Jin Buli from going against the law, he uprooted the original religion in this world."

"Since then, people with some abilities in this world have chosen to go into exile, and those who stay in this world are in danger."

"Some people think that it was because of Tang Sutong's sacrifice of death that he released this demon. That's why I thought, perhaps from the very beginning, preventing Tang Sutong from committing suicide can solve this disaster from the source."

Ye Chuxiao digested the news, feeling a little unreliable, but thought that this possibility might not exist.

Unfixed Realm is a realm that Ye Chuxiao doesn't understand, and even a bit of in-depth information has never been grasped.

He doesn't have a good idea of ​​what a monk in this realm can do.

At the same time, Ye Chuxiao didn't know whether there were other monks in the Unfixed Realm in the Daheng Dynasty.

"In short, if what you said is true, then as long as you don't leave any stumbling blocks for Jin and prevent him from continuing to follow the 'old road', that's the right thing to do."

"And right now, the key thing is the death of Lu Baimei in six days' time!"

"If you can prevent Lu Baimei from being killed, or find out who killed Lu Baimei and why, you can interrupt the rhythm of Jin Buyi, right?" Ye Chuxiao asked Ye Chuqi.

At the same time, he thought to himself: "Similarly, the matter of Lu Baimei is also a touchstone to confirm whether what Ye Chuqi said is true or not."

"If someone really comes to kill Lu Baimei and proves that he has the ability to kill Lu Baimei, it means that what Ye Chuqi said is very likely to be true."

"That's right!" Ye Chuqi nodded.

"It's just that, based on our ability alone, I'm afraid it will be difficult to intervene."

"Although I have the memory and soul strength of rebirth, my cultivation is still only in the realm of energy, which is still a bit worse than yours. It's just that I have more means and hide it well."

"And you are just a cultivator of Wonderland."

"Lu Baimei is also a cultivator of Yijing, and the person who can kill him is at least Yijing."

"Where can we find a cultivator of artistic conception?"

"You can't just report it to Shi Huang like this! He won't believe me, and he won't believe you either." Ye Chuqi sighed and shook his head, but he asked the question in one breath, obviously he had been struggling with this issue for a long time.

"There is one person who might give it a try!" Ye Chuxiao said.

"No! To be on the safe side, I have to find two more..." Ye Chuxiao thought flexibly, without interrupting at all.

Ye Chuqi looked at Ye Chuxiao in surprise. Hearing Ye Chuxiao's meaning, not only could he find a strong person at the artistic level?
What kind of fairy brother is this?
Is this still his elder brother who died young?
Confused about who is the Reborn?
Although the strong artistic conception is not a monk of the indeterminate realm, it is relatively rare to belong to the heavens and worlds, but it is also a real monk with top-level combat power, and it is not so common.

Before Ye Chuqi was reborn, he was nothing more than an artistic conception.

After wandering in another world for decades, he finally died in a catastrophe.

If it wasn't for losing his homeland, he could only choose to wander in the heavens, so that he had no foothold, and the side effects of various cultivations occurred frequently in his body, he would actually have a chance to set foot in Wuding.

"Who are you talking about?" Ye Chuqi asked without understanding.

Ye Chuxiao said: "First of all, Yan Po, he was the target of Jin Buyu, but he didn't refute the other party's statement, obviously he was caught."

"Since this is the case, perhaps it has already begun to show signs."

"So in order to find out the truth, contacting Yan Po is an essential step."

Ye Chuxiao is enthusiastic about this matter, not only because of the series of influences that Jin Bulu caused in Ye Chuqi's description, but also because he has already been in the game, and he can occupy a more favorable position by taking the initiative and actively attacking. Replacing defense with offense... He may not be able to snatch a part of the trajectory that belongs to Jin Buyu to himself.

"What if Yan Po is the murderer?"

"Assuming he was just framed, this is my idea, not the truth." Ye Chuqi said.

Ye Chuxiao said: "We need to find the other two dragons first!"

"That's right! Since you are reborn from the future, do you know where the Yunmeng Dingding in Yunmengze is?"

Ye Chuqi pondered for a moment and then said: "This... I don't know very well, but in the second year after Jin Buyu came to power, there was a big explosion on Mount Yao, and the entire mountain was blown up. Great cut. Jin Buyu also stayed in seclusion for more than a year after the big explosion, and some people suspect that he was seriously injured at that time."

"In my original plan, in case Jin Buyu's rise was not prevented by that time, I would take advantage of the time when he might be seriously injured to assassinate him."

"In a few years, my cultivation should be completely restored."

"Okay! I got it!" Ye Chuxiao didn't delay, and then went out with Ye Chuqi to look for the Dragon King and Dragon Queen on Mount Yao.

On the halfway up a mountain peak on Mount Yao, Ye Chuxiao blew the six sounds of the dragon. The old man Pi, now used to call the Dragon King and Dragon Queen, is perfect.

The music was melodious, and under the effect of Ye Chuxiao's shaking energy transmission, it floated above half of Yaoshan Mountain.

Not long after, Yuan Meng, the Queen of Dragons, appeared in front of Ye Chuxiao first.

"You came to me, did you think about what you want?" Yuan Meng asked Ye Chuxiao.

Yuan Meng on the official ship once promised to give Ye Chuxiao some more benefits.

Ye Chuxiao didn't mention it at the time.

Although Yuan Meng can refuse to admit it now that she has disembarked from the official ship, she does not intend to play tricks.

Her style of work is obviously very different from that of the old dragon Wang Yuanzhen.

"Yes! I want you and the Dragon King to accompany me to meet someone, and then six days later, I will go to the mansion of Baimei, the god of arresting Lu." Ye Chuxiao said.

Yuan Meng shook his head and said, "Neither the Dragon King nor I have the time."

"Boy! I promise to give you benefits, but you can't go too far."

Ye Chuxiao said: "Then what if it's the whereabouts of Yunmeng Ding in exchange?"

Yuan Meng frowned slightly, but then said: "You are not the first one to trade with the whereabouts of Yunmeng Cauldron recently, boy... I think you are quite pleasing to the eye, so I hope you are not wasting my time."

Ye Chuxiao said: "Your thoughts are right. For that old eunuch, Mount Yao is indeed the best place for him to hide Yunmeng's cauldron."

"However, there are too many secret realms on Mount Yao, and most of the secret realms have owners, so it's not easy to break into them by force. If you continue to search like this, you won't offend others, and you will easily be used as a spear."

"I think, you might as well think about it again, is there any other place above Yaoshan, where the old eunuch can go, but feels the safest place?"

"It is always better to work hard than to be blind and reckless."

Yuan Meng pondered for a moment, then moved her eyes up to the top of Yaoshan Mountain.

There, it is the head of the secret realm of the entire Yaoshan Mountain, and it is a private secret realm of the royal family. Outsiders are not allowed to enter it, and it is tantamount to rebellion.

The old eunuch had a very close relationship with the first emperor, perhaps he was summoned to the top of Mount Nayao once.

If he took the opportunity to hide the Yunmeng Great Ding on the top of Mount Yao, it would be extremely safe indeed.

"Unfortunately, we are not allowed to go up to the top of Yaoshan Mountain. This order was issued by Lord Zhenhai. Yuan Yan and I dare not disobey." Yuan Meng said.

"Duke Zhenhai?" Ye Chuxiao carefully searched for this term in his mind.

Then I suddenly remembered that this is not a term that appeared in the past 200 years.

It was more than 300 years ago, a great eunuch who was famous all over the world was given the title.

It was also this great eunuch who suppressed the Four Seas of Daheng, so that the wild people of the four seas, overseas monks, and demons did not dare to plunder around the coast of Daheng.

"The name from more than 300 years ago is still appearing now, Yuanmeng and Yuanyao dare not do it again..."

Ye Chuxiao's pupils dilated slightly: "Indeterminate Realm!"

"Daheng still has Wuding. Tang Sutong, who sacrificed his death to Taoism, is not the only Wuding monk."

"However, if there are Wuding monks sitting in Daheng, how can Jin Buyu be able to completely control the court in just ten years after breaking through the Wuding realm, and even seek to usurp the throne?"

Ye Chuxiao let out a breath.

Where you don't understand, you need to unravel slowly.

Of course, all doubts were based on the premise that what Ye Chuqi said was the truth.

"Let Lord Zhenhai lift the ban, and even help you enter the top of Mount Yao to find the Yunmeng Ding. I can help you operate it."

"Actually, if I successfully resolve the matter of asking you for help this time, maybe you can win an excellent ally." Ye Chuxiao tried hard to start drawing cakes.

Yuan Meng didn't move her expression, but there was a slight fluctuation in her eyes.

Ye Chuxiao continued to add strength and said: "I am a member of the Six Doors. After this incident, I have won the attention of the god catcher Shi Huang. If I help you, it will be better than you running around like headless chickens yourself. "

"Also, you all want to find Yunmeng Dading sooner, and then return to Yunmeng Ze!"

(End of this chapter)

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