There are gaps in the road

Chapter 125 Aurora Board

Chapter 125 Aurora Board

It is not very difficult to obtain the Imperial Treasure Seal.

Although the custody of this thing is not in Ye Chuxiao's hands, as the nominal monarch of Bei Qin, he will always use it when he needs it.

For example, when the envoy of the State of Chu formally submitted the letter of credence.

Ye Chuxiao needs to stamp the national treasure seal on the credential in front of all the ministers and officials, and recognize the legitimacy of the credential.

Prior to this, Ye Chuxiao made a fake in advance according to the appearance of Chuan Guo Bao Xi.

Although Ye Chuxiao doesn't know how to refine weapons, he has the talent of dexterity and plasticity, so it's not difficult to just make an empty shell.

At the court meeting, Ye Chuxiao held the seal in his hand, and solemnly stamped the national treasure seal made of black copper on the Chu State Book, acknowledging that Chu State will still be regarded as the suzerain state in the future, and will follow the regulations, Send a tribute.

But under the eyes of so many people, Ye Chuxiao did not change his face, replaced the real seal with the method of "stealing the sky for the sun", and then put the fake seal into the preserved jade box.

After coming down to court, Ye Chuxiao summoned the envoys of the Chu State and told him to be louder, so he might as well speak louder. At the same time, he gave the envoys of the Chu State the calligraphy and paintings treasured in the palace.

After the Chu State envoy left the palace, Ye Chuxiao did not hesitate, and directly drew his sword to kill the palace guard who blatantly placed him under house arrest during the day.

Then he changed his appearance and left the palace.

After running wildly all the way, when they left the capital of Beiqin, about thirty or forty miles away, they vaguely heard the piercing sound of drums in the capital of Beiqin.

The Beihai ice geese tamed by the Ming clan flew out of the city in groups, searching for Ye Chuxiao's whereabouts.

"It seems that it has been discovered that the Chuan Guobao Seal has been replaced."

"However, what can they do to me?" Ye Chuxiao had enough confidence.

The original purpose teaches Wugou Tiannv's heart pill, which has the effect of interfering with divination, calculation, and breath tracing. It cannot be said to be [-]%, but at least with the background and accumulation of Beiqin's tiny place, it is unlikely to invite those who are proficient in destiny and astrology The Great Gua Master made a move.

What's more, as a crossover, Ye Chuxiao's aura and destiny are partly sheltered and hidden by the ship of good fortune.

Under the superposition, as long as Ye Chuxiao chooses to change his appearance and hide his whereabouts.

It is absolutely extremely difficult to find him out of the vast crowd.

After leaving the capital of Northern Qin, Ye Chuxiao followed the map route in his memory and rushed all the way south to the border between Chu and Liao, which was separated from Northern Qin by a cloud-white mountain range.

Roughly in the shape of a herringbone, the Yunbai Mountains cut out several countries outside of the North Qin Peninsula.

Among them, the strongest and most powerful is the Chu State, and all the areas south of the Yunbai Mountains are the territory of the Chu State.

The impenetrable ice city stretches at the southern foot of Yunbai Mountain, like a giant dragon, circling and winding above the mountains.

As for Beiqin in the northern foothills, although it is bitterly cold, because it is a peninsular country and has a comprehensive marine climate, there are several months in a year, and it is still in a warm and suitable season. People living here are not difficult.

The most difficult thing is the Liao people in the far north, who are close to the endless frozen land.

The Liao people do not have a unified country, but they have a unified belief, the Lord of Aurora, the great god of frozen land and polar regions.

The Liao people domesticated a kind of long-haired moose and made a living by chasing the pastures after the ice and snow melted, so they formed one after another large and small tribes.

There are often conflicts between tribes and tribes for a warm and suitable place to live.

The State of Chu built an impenetrable ice city at the foot of Yunbai Mountain in order to prevent the bureaucrats from going south to plunder.

Different from the "domesticated" Northern Qin, the Liao people were barbaric, fierce, and fearless of death. In order to survive one severe winter after another, they would sacrifice many lives.

Both defeat and victory in the war have 'benefits' for them.

Successfully break through and enter, and plunder the border towns of Chu State, you can get materials to survive the severe winter safely.

Even if it fails, the large number of people who died can reduce the resource pressure on the northern permafrost.

The purpose of Bei Qin's existence was originally to help Chu State and share part of the pressure of provocative people.

As for the treasures of the Li royal family, they are hidden in the wasteland and frozen soil of the Liao people.

After crossing the majestic and towering peak at the northern foot of Yunbai Mountain, a gust of cold wind blew across the desolate and dead frozen ground of the extreme northern ice field, and mercilessly beat Ye Chuxiao's face.

Ye Chuxiao shook out the Yuanyang treasure armor, which covered the surface of the body in the form of soft armor, under the cloth jacket.

The warm breath was fed back to Ye Chuxiao's body from the Yuanyang armor, and the cold that seemed to freeze all the blood in an instant was quickly withdrawn.

"What a harsh environment!"

"This kind of cold has far exceeded the limit that ordinary people can bear. Even if a monk is in such an environment, because he is not used to it, his cultivation will be compromised."

"It's no wonder that in my younger brother's description, there are more heroes among the people in the extreme northern wilderness."

Stepping on a piece of solid ice, Ye Chuxiao slid down the smooth ridge.

People are flying in the wind and snow, while the blizzard rolling behind them, and the occasional collapsing snow layer, are like a rolling snow dragon, chasing after Ye Chuxiao.

Ye Chuxiao shot several wind talismans one after another behind him. Under the effect of the talismans, the cold wind blowing from the extreme north became his most powerful barrier and boost.

When the falling blizzard stopped behind him and collapsed a small pine forest, Ye Chuxiao volleyed over the short hillside, and landed in the deep pine snow.

The snow here is so thick that it can easily cover the top of your head.

Ye Chuxiao had to use lightness skills and agility to step on the snow and skim over the snow without a trace.

"According to the location in the old thing's memory, go further north for about 300 miles, and find a place that is in the shape of a character, and you will arrive at the three columnar snow-capped mountains." Ye Chuxiao checked the location and continued to run.

At this time, the sky is big, the earth is big, and the wind and snow are big, but Ye Chuxiao is so small between the sky and the earth.

In the middle of running, Ye Chuxiao took out the knife again.

The two moves of "wind" and "snow" in the perfect chapter of the sword master's nine moves were used by him one after another. At first, they just followed the script, but gradually they had a trace of their own charm.

The so-called martial arts is originally a process of imitating with the help of tools.

At first, it imitated animals, and then imitated some powerful special life forms, such as dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, etc., which also included imitating the natural power of heaven and earth.

From the perspective of beginners, the nine strokes of the knife master's nine moves are imitating the powerful forces of the nine heavens, earth and nature.

Only after a deeper understanding can one see clearly that the original intention of imitating nature is to tame nature, let the nine natural forces be transformed into "my" intentions, and let nature operate in my way of thinking.

The sword technique is like the way of heaven.

God's will is like a knife... nothing is more capable of swinging a knife down than the sky.

With the in-depth practice of the two knives of 'Feng' and 'Snow', Ye Chuxiao also performed the other few of the nine knives of the knives.

Nine types of connection, it seems that there are only nine natural elements, but in fact, the combination of two, three and three, or even more, will continue to form more elements.

This is another kind of simplification into complexity. From this point of view, the nine moves of the master of the sword in the perfect chapter and the nine moves of the master of the sword in the mature chapter seem to have nothing to do with each other, but they are actually the same.

If you don't understand the mature chapter, it's not impossible to directly start the practice of the perfect chapter, but because you lack the direction, ideas, experience and accumulation given by the sword master, you will take a lot of detours.

From the basic chapter to the perfect chapter, it seems that each has its own emphasis, but in fact it is just describing the different stages of the sword master's perfect sword technique.

They are inherited in one continuous line. If you want to can learn all of them. If you skip learning, you will not learn the true meaning.

If the framework is wrong and not upright enough, it will not be able to cover so many complexities.

Without understanding those complex accumulations, it is difficult to understand how to simplify the "simplification".

"What a powerful sword technique!"

"Your Excellency is the original swordsman!"

"Fight me! Victory, my moose, my tent, my knife, and my women and children are all yours."

"If you lose, leave me your saber and saber skills!" A burly and majestic man in a leather jacket who was nearly two meters tall shouted at Ye Chuxiao from a long distance away.

Behind him is a small herd of about 100 moose.

There were a dozen children and three or four grown women in the cart pulled by tall spear moose.

Because of the distance, and wearing hats, earmuffs, and scarves on their faces, they couldn't see the specific appearance clearly.

But on the moose cart, a woman in bloated clothes suddenly stood up and shouted at Ye Chuxiao, "Are you from Chu?"

"Come and save me! My father is Cao GUI, the envoy of the Northern Patrol Army. If you save me, my father will reward you. Whatever you want, my father will give you."

The tall man in front of the line did not stop the woman from shouting.

He needs this woman to attract Ye Chuxiao to fight with him.

Ye Chuxiao didn't pay any attention to the strong man or the woman. She exerted force on her feet, and the man floated out like a wisp of smoke in the wind and snow, and continued to move towards the destination.

"Cowards! You southerners are all cowards!" The brawny man laughed harshly as he spoke.

Then he said: "If you don't fight with me, then I will strip off your southern girl's clothes in this wind and snow, and give her to the God of Aurora as a tribute."

Speaking of a big jump, he landed on the moose cart and pulled the woman who had spoken before.

He reached out to grab the woman's clothes.

Compared with the figure of this strong man, the woman is as petite and weak as a child.

The woman screamed piercingly.

At the same time, from the torn neckline, a snow-white skin like ice and snow was revealed.

After the hat was lifted, her black and beautiful hair danced wildly in the wind and snow, making people unable to help thinking about how beautiful she is.

Ye Chuxiao didn't stop, and continued to run wildly, turning a deaf ear to what happened behind her.

"Cowards! Incompetent southerners!"

"Help me! Save me! Please save me!"

"My father will give you whatever you want, and I can also be your concubine..." The arrogant voice, and the voice of begging for mercy in despair, kept blowing towards Ye Chuxiao along the wind.

Ye Chuxiao was still running wildly on his way, but if he looked carefully, he could find that above Ye Chuxiao's head, the huge and manic energy of heaven and earth was turning into a funnel shape.

His 'light' is overflowing, and then manipulating these energies of heaven and earth, endowing them with wonderful spirituality.

The voice gradually faded away, as if Ye Chuxiao had gotten rid of this sudden challenge.

However, a ghostly figure suddenly appeared, blocking Ye Chuxiao's way.

In the blizzard, she wore only thin clothing.

The long and slender snow-white legs could not be covered by the thin gauze skirt at all. There was only a silk thread tied on the back, and the woman in the purple bellyband in front of her body covered half of her face with her hair.

The exposed half of her face was so charming and beautiful that one couldn't help but want to touch it.

"What a cruel man!"

"Seeing my slave begging so much, I'm not moved at all." The woman said to Ye Chuxiao with resentment and anger.

Ye Chuxiao didn't look at the scenery that the woman could reveal, but turned around abruptly.


The 'Snow' style of the sword master's nine styles was performed by Ye Chuxiao.

As soon as he made a move, it was the momentum of Blizzard, and the sword's momentum successfully melted into the environment of the world, which is equivalent to using the world as his home field.

As soon as the knife fell, the huge energy that had been secretly accumulated for a long time turned into a giant blade of more than ten meters in an instant.

The strong man who was lying in ambush in the snow was struck by Ye Chuxiao.

Bronze-colored light shone from the strong man's body, and his body swelled around, becoming even taller.

The strong man carried Ye Chuxiao's knife with all his might.

He resisted the blade's slashing force with his body.

But the bone-piercing cold penetrated through the pores and orifices on his body, instantly freezing the blood in his body.

It's just that once they fought, in terms of realm, a strong man who was no weaker than Ye Chuxiao froze into an iceman and lost his life.

"What a cold knife!"

"What a cold heart... ah!"

Like a gust of fragrant wind, the woman floated lightly towards Ye Chuxiao's embrace.

While floating over, countless beautiful illusions echoed around Ye Chuxiao.

"Oh! Illusion!"

Ye Chuxiao held the knife in one hand, and chopped it down with one blow.

The wind knife cut through the wind and snow, and the sharp and cold wind blade cut the seemingly charming beauty in two.

The blood froze on the ice field, and the uncleanness of death was quickly buried by the wind and snow.

The wind blew over half of the broken face. The face covered by the hair was as ugly as a ghost, covered with black scales, and large characters were branded on the scales.

That is the "tattooing" of Chu State. The exiled sinners will have tattoos on their faces to remind everyone of their sins.

It seems that this woman is either a slave who was exiled to the Ice City, or a soldier who escaped, and of course, it may be a family member of the prisoner.

It doesn't matter anymore!

She had already died under Ye Chuxiao's knife.

Stepping on the wind and snow, Ye Chuxiao continued to run wildly.

Because of the harsh environment and the sturdy folk customs.

After three inexplicable fights, Ye Chuxiao finally arrived at the location where the treasure was hidden in the evening of the second day.

Three strange column-shaped snow-capped mountains stand on the barren land in the form of characters.

"finally reached!"

"Aurora board! The magic weapon for chasing the aurora, I'm coming to take you away!" Ye Chuxiao thought to himself.

Aurora, in the world of Huangdou, has a special meaning.

It symbolizes death and the place where the dead return to life.

 Feeling a little weird, a little sore in the back, but it's okay, just a dry nose.It looks like it's coming, but it doesn't mean...Anyway, safe today!

  I beg readers to bless you, whatever waste paper is fine, don’t let your one-year-old son get it on!

(End of this chapter)

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