There are gaps in the road

Chapter 126 Searching the Treasure

Chapter 126 Searching the Treasure
Practice in the Wild Dou Realm, at least below the Unsettled Realm, does not have the effect of prolonging life.

Practitioners cannot increase their yang life after breaking through the wonderful realm, and naturally there is no more ethereal yin life.

However, extraordinary practitioners, their will and thoughts are far beyond ordinary people.

For mortals, the death of the body is the death of the soul.

However, for extraordinary monks above Wonderful Realm, it is not that simple.

In the world of Huangdou, the aurora is the destination of all extraordinary souls. The dead monks, the last light of their will and soul, will gather towards the north and merge into the aurora, and then at the most splendid moment, they will burst out and return to heaven and earth .

It is precisely because, in the deepest part of the extreme north, there is such a magnificent and magical scene, people can even see the deceased ancestors from the aurora, releasing the radiance to their heart's content, that's why there is such a scene. People worship the Lord of Aurora.

See death as returning to the arms of the Aurora Lord.

And according to the younger brother Ye Chuqi, the aurora board has only one function, that is to chase the aurora in the extreme north, and bring the person who manipulates it to witness the final brilliance of all extraordinary souls.

"The last bloom of the extraordinary soul is also the last bloom of aura. For the monks who need to observe the halo of human nature, feel the wonder of agility, and the wonder of the soul, there is no better magic weapon than the aurora board."

"Of course, only in the Huangdou world!"

"Getting the aurora plate and chasing the aurora, I can see countless unreserved and defenseless souls, blooming their last light in the aurora to their heart's content. For ordinary monks, it takes a long time to get The accumulation I have achieved may be just a momentary gain for me, and I can even accumulate a background far beyond ordinary imagination because of this." Ye Chuxiao walked to the center of the three snow-capped mountains according to the instructions in his memory .

Thousands of paper cranes with hundreds of stacked paper talismans flew out of Ye Chuxiao's sleeves, and then arranged in eight rows before sinking into the still violent snowstorm.

These paper cranes will form an offensive and defensive rune array in midair.

Not only will it cover up the abnormality when opening the treasure house, if someone approaches or breaks in, they will all take effect and expel the visitor.

After driving more than a dozen stronger jade talismans into the snow.

Ye Chuxiao finally activated the national treasure seal in his hand with his true energy, and the seal made of black copper flew up from Ye Chuxiao's palm and smashed hard to the snow-covered ground.

The ground shook violently.

The thick snow layer shook violently, and then cracked a deep gap.

The spiritual light of the formation rushed from the ground and shrouded Ye Chuxiao's body, as if distinguishing his aura.

After detecting that Ye Chuxiao was carrying the aura of the Li family, the formation dragged Ye Chuxiao into a specially created formation space.

The space as a whole looks like a frozen crystal, with a biting cold all the time.

There are all kinds of treasures hanging on the ice walls.

For a moment, it seems to dazzle people.

Even after experiencing several tests of the treasure house of six doors, Ye Chuxiao's heartbeat still inevitably accelerated when he first entered the treasure house.

This feeling of being able to pick up treasures is probably similar to the reason why many people like to watch catch-up videos.

A large number of weapons, armors, magic weapons, elixir, as well as some drawn talismans, well-made arrays, and more large-scale siege and enemy equipment made by mechanism divisions are all displayed in this treasure house, divided into categories , Solemn and solemn.

Among them, large-scale siege and enemy equipment accounted for two-thirds of the treasure house.

It is also easy to understand that these large siege and enemy equipment are useless to ordinary monks, but they are very useful to a country, and because of their large size, ordinary storage tools cannot carry them away, even if they are If you can carry it, you can only carry one or two pieces, which will not help the overall situation much.

After Ye Chuxiao processed the Yuanyang ore, there was a large space in the storage bracelet.

Although the siege equipment can't be put in, those powerful magic weapons, precious medicine pills, stored talismans, etc. can be installed in large quantities.

Open the large wooden boxes in the back row of the treasure house.

A whole box after another of high-quality Lingyu was shining brightly in the box, making Ye Chuxiao dizzy.

It is difficult for Ye Chuxiao to estimate how many spiritual jades are hidden here in an instant.

I can only feel that it really is a collection of a country. Even for a small peninsula country like Beiqin, the quiet accumulation over the years should not be underestimated.

Further deepening the association, how much wealth has Daheng accumulated in the millennium?

Nothing to say, continue to collect!
After confiscating them, Ye Chuxiao almost took away the most exquisite treasures in the entire treasure house.

As for the piles of gold and silver property, antique calligraphy and paintings, extravagant jewelry, and equipment enough to assemble a team of thousands of elite monks, Ye Chuxiao only selectively selected some, and bought them on the ship of fortune before putting them in. spare storage tool.

However, the loading capacity of these storage tools is limited, and in fact, they can't hold many things.

Compared with Ye Chuxiao's usual storage bracelet, it is far inferior.

The essence of the storage tool is to describe the Sumeru array inside the solid material, and enlarge a small built-in space by combining the array with runes. Ye Chuxiao's storage bracelet, at the point of rune technology The extremely high island world is already considered top-notch, and naturally ordinary storage tools are incomparable.

Even so, its storage space is only as large as half a basketball court.

Of course, the usual storage tools cannot be used for nesting dolls.

It is a good idea to put more storage tools in one storage tool to act as a mobile humanoid treasure house, but it is difficult to realize.

There will be an effect of mutual interference between Xumi formations. If too many are placed in a short distance, they will be involved with each other, resulting in disordered formations.

As for those magic weapons that have stronger storage effects and even accommodate a small space, they do exist, but their basic structure and forming reasons are different from storage tools in the general sense.

They no longer exist by depicting Xumi-like formations in the material.

But because of the different materials and causes of formation, they are naturally extraordinary.

For example, the Daheng royal family kept a human race bag made of Cuban snake skin, which could not only hold a large number of dead objects, but also live objects.

As long as there are experts carrying race bags to move, a team of tens of thousands of people can appear anywhere in the world in a very short period of time.

This is also one of the reasons why Daheng has a vast territory, but it can always suppress rebellions everywhere.

What it relies on to form is not the engraving of the Sumeru Formation, but the supernatural powers of the upper Cuban snake itself.

Even if the skin of the dead Shang Cuban snake was skinned, most of its physical supernatural powers were preserved by means of means, remaining on the scales of its body.

There is an absolute gap between such treasures and ordinary storage tools.

Although Ye Chuxiao now has a small family fortune, but if he wants to buy such a treasure, he is still a little bit powerless.

It's not worth buying directly on the ship of fortune.

Ye Chuxiao emptied his current family property and might be able to exchange it for a relatively low-end similar item, but in essence it is only a prop for auxiliary cultivation needs, and it is unnecessary to invest all the family property.

"There are no practice books passed down by the royal family of the Li family, no aurora board, and the real fun stuff at the bottom of the box... It seems that there is a secret room in this treasure house." Ye Chuxiao looked around the treasure house, looking for something to do. The hidden chamber.

As for Li Shangcheng's memory, there is no specific structure and environment in the treasure house.

How to say, this is also the treasury of the secrets of the Li royal family, and the most critical part of it, of course, cannot be known to everyone.

"Little brother has never participated in the competition for the treasure house, but I only heard about it later."

"The group of people who fought for the treasure house at that time did not use the key to enter the warehouse in a 'civilized' way like me. Instead, they directly pulled out the entire mountain, opened up the earth, shattered the formation space, and plundered everything."

"To put it more professionally, I am now a Mojin sect, and those monk groups who robbed the treasure house belong to the Xiling sect." Ye Chuxiao interrupted because he did not find any other traces or entrances. I have no choice but to transfer to the ranks of Xiling.

A Yuanyang Thunder Fire popped out of Ye Chuxiao's palm.

With the magic skill of nine deaths by his side, Ye Chuxiao was not worried about whether the treasure house would be crushed to death if the treasure house was blown up.

The Yuanyang Leihuo bullet in the palm of his hand was thrown out.

The thunderbolt, which looked like a fiery red transparent marble, hit the transparent ice crystal wall directly.

Comparable to a full-strength blow from a cultivator in Huijing, and it was a Thunderfire bomb with the Thunderfire attribute, it exploded violently.

A huge amount of golden-red flames filled the entire space as far as the eye could see, amidst the extremely noisy flame effect.

Those large-scale equipment for siege and fighting against the enemy, which were not very good materials, collapsed and fell apart under the power of thunder and fire bombs, and were seriously damaged.

And Ye Chuxiao was also in a relatively small space, avoiding being engulfed by the flame effect.

This thing is out of control once you take it off your hands.

After the violent explosion, shaking, and burning, more than half of the entire ice crystal-like space collapsed. Ye Chuxiao crawled out from under the ruins, shaking the ice shards and debris on his body.

Looking up, under an ice wall not far away, I found a half-looming hole.

Go to the entrance of the cave and look around.

In a pool of dark blue water, an ice lotus is just about to bud.

On the side of the ice lotus, there is also a stone platform.

On the stone platform, there is a jade slip that stores information, and several bottles are carved out of top-quality ice jade. The medicinal pills that seem to be extremely well preserved are presented on the stone platform. There is also a sword with amazing breath on the far side, but it is incomplete. Now, the spirituality is chaotic, it seems that there are two completely different spiritualities entangled in this sword, if you use it casually, you will be implicated by the entangled two spiritualities.


"Where's my aurora board?"

"Could it be that there is a secret room?" Ye Chuxiao went down into the cave first.

First put away a few bottles of elixir, then picked up the jade slip and pasted it on his forehead.

After a while, Ye Chuxiao suddenly realized.

In this jade slip, there are a large number of secret treasures of the Li royal family. Of course... Ye Chuxiao doesn't think much of it.

Compared with the Yuanzhi Sect, which spans all heavens and myriad realms, the so-called accumulation of the small Li family can only be regarded as an 'accumulation' of merit.

Ye Chuxiao holds a lot of secret exercises and techniques of the original teaching, so of course he doesn't look down on these secret books of the Li family.

In addition to the secret books of the Li family, it focuses on the description of the ice lotus growing in the ice for thousands of years and the sword with mixed breath.

"It turns out that it is the Aurora board!"

"The name... is really hard to describe. Who would have thought that the aurora board would look like an ice lotus?"

"It can only be said that the person who chose this name has sinister intentions." Ye Chuxiao thought to himself.

"The name is just misleading. If you look for the board, you will not be able to find it."

"In the future, this baby will belong to me, so it can't be called Aurora Board. It has to be called 'Phoenix Bicycle'." Ye Chuxiao took out three more Yuanyang Thunderbolts, and put them in a proper position. Then he picked up the talisman brush again, stained it with spiritual ink, and began to draw in the air around him.

This ice lotus is obviously not fully mature yet.

The most critical function of chasing the aurora it possesses has not been fully activated.

Forcibly picking, the effect is greatly reduced.

But it's no wonder that the Li royal family will leave a treasure like this vacant instead of using it to cultivate royal talents.

But the Li royal family couldn't ripen this ice lotus, which doesn't mean Ye Chuxiao couldn't either.

In the Three Yang Talisman chart he got from the demon girl Ying Shu, there is a "Three Yang Derivation" Talisman Array, which can use three Yang-filled treasures as the center of the array to suppress and activate all the vitality and vitality in the array .

This talisman array is usually used to squeeze the vitality and vitality of the surrounding environment and to quickly recover from injuries.

Ye Chuxiao possessed the more effective nine-death magic skill, and also had the talent of strong life, so she thought it would be useless.

Putting it here, using the Yuanyang thunder and fire bullets as the core to activate the ten thousand-year-old ice green liquid that bred ice lotus, the effect will only be stronger.

Ye Chuxiao is sure that within three days, this ice lotus, which will take at least ten years to conceive, will be ripened ahead of schedule.

After drawing the array, Ye Chuxiao didn't move it immediately.

Although this place is located in the extreme northern wilderness, it is a dead land.

But what Sanyang derives, absorbs, and transforms is not vitality and vitality in a simple sense.

It will also consume the accumulated energy of a place, which belongs to the breath of summarizing several years, and melts into a short moment.

When it is induced, the movement is inevitably a little louder.

Ye Chuxiao had to make sufficient preparations in advance.

A large number of talismans spilled out.

He also set up a series of "four-fold three-yang ten thousand fire flame formations" with twelve three-yang thunder and fire bombs as the eyes of the formation. Those who rush into the formation, even if their cultivation base reaches the wisdom state, will die in the formation. When not checked, it was easily burned to ashes.

Talisman cultivation and formation cultivation are often inseparable, and their methods have many similarities and similarities, so formation cultivation sometimes also cultivates talisman cultivation, and vice versa. Once there is sufficient time and materials to prepare, cross-class , Annihilating and defending enemies beyond numbers is nothing more than a common thing.

After making enough preparations.

Ye Chuxiao returned to the treasure house and activated the Sanyang Derivative Formation.

The instant the formation started, the ice liquid that was originally quiet, deep, and icy cold began to boil.

And the ice lotus growing in it exudes a dazzling, aurora-like brilliance.

At the same time, around the treasure house, within a radius of a hundred miles, the blizzard began to become more and more turbulent, and they gathered into the appearance of a huge snowstorm tornado, covering one side.

From a farther place, it is not difficult to see the abnormality formed here.

 It's over, the waste paper is destined to be a cook, my wife started to have a headache and muscle aches last night, and my mother is also weak, but there is no antigen, and I dare not go to the hospital, and I can't determine whether it is positive.Except for the waste paper and the baby, the whole family seemed to be ill.

  Cooked breakfast and lunch, served the whole family, and took the time to quickly code a chapter, and I'm going to make dinner..., goodbye everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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