There are gaps in the road

Chapter 158 Aurora Underworld

Zhou Jiusheng was just a big gamble before desperation.

The reason why he chose to surrender was because he had no other choice.

But when he saw everything again, what he saw was scattered palaces floating in the aurora, and the endless barrenness. There were still many ups and downs in the barrenness that could be reclaimed, as if there was nothing left. But it seems to have infinite possibilities.

Strong and weak exist in his soul at the same time, which makes him feel very novel.

The shackles of lifespan have been broken, but he also lost the physical body on which he depended, and became an ownerless soul.

As far as will is concerned, Zhou Jiusheng is strong, but as a lonely soul, he has no real energy, no blood, no spiritual roots, mana, etc. He needs to find the right direction and start from scratch.

Of course, once again, the speed of practice will definitely be very fast.

Even though human practice is not the same as that of ghosts, there are many similarities.

"I am dead?"

"But I'm still here?" Zhou Jiusheng finally came to this boring conclusion.

Although it is a snowman, it should not be underestimated.

On this Pluto portrait, there is also aurora flow.

But doubts were eventually crushed by ambition.

The reason why he has not made a breakthrough is precisely because he knows too much, knows too much, and has accumulated too much.

"Okay! Let's go, but we have to be more cautious and fully prepared when dealing with a talisman cultivator. Maybe her direct combat power is not as good as Zhou Jiucheng, but she must be several times as difficult as Zhou Jiucheng," Ye Chuxiao urged. road.

When Ye Chuxiao and Duanmulin walked into the scroll, they also joined the formation.

Originally exhaled into fog, now exhaled into ice.

"It's strange. I feel that I can call everything about him at any time. I can even change his face and manipulate him like a puppet."

"I'm talking about Aurora Mansion Yin, you can continue to study if you find time!"

Since he wanted to learn, of course he was the best learner. Zhou Jiusheng began to study the trajectory of the aurora on the Pluto's portrait, trying to mobilize and absorb the full energy here, and complete the condensing of the ghost body.

The snow is getting bigger and bigger, and the black clouds are getting lower and lower.

Standing together in the snow, the two of them seemed to respond to the rumors... black and white are impermanent.

At the same time, the name of Hades is also quietly circulating in the Huangdou world.

When the team grows, Hades stabilizes, and the reputation gradually spreads.

Borrowing time and celestial phenomena to distribute talismans is a method unique to talisman masters.

Whether it is a monk of the righteous way or a monk of the evil way, people start to panic for a while.

Sometimes, puppets have advantages that living people do not have.

As long as there is life, there is hope.

Precisely because of snowmen, not real people.

At that time, some old monks whose lifespan will be exhausted will come to the door and beg to be accepted.

So much so that it's hard to let go of the mind, twisting all these things into one.

Duanmulin is the one responsible for the bottom line.

The trouble is that in this black and white world, all the bright colors are not allowed to exist.

Since Duanmulin is an independent life, Ye Chuxiao should give her enough freedom and respect where she needs to be given freedom and respect.

Amidst the rumors circulating in the outside world, Ye Chuxiao and Duanmulin seemed to have turned into black and white impermanence who wanted their lives to seduce their souls.

It's just that now, the reputation is not obvious, and the power of the two is not strong enough.

Ye Chuxiao held an oiled paper umbrella and stood side by side with Duanmulin.

The spirit that has become particularly powerful due to the joint practice with Duanmulin is being released, quietly blending into the surrounding environment, simulating the realm of the cultivator of the artistic conception, and building a fighting environment that is beneficial to him.

" really Pluto?" Zhou Jiusheng only thought it was absurd, but he felt ecstatically grateful.

It was almost a mirror image of the 'Pluto' he had seen before.

There have been the old sword god Zhou Jiusheng, the spring and autumn talisman Yin Yuemei, the great Chu soldier Jialiang Shigu, the Baiyue dragon monk Xingku, the Wushuang array road mad song, etc., who were once popular in an era and enjoyed a good reputation in an era, and were tamed by them. Sent into the Aurora Hades.

Zhou Jiusheng's gaze locked on the most mysterious and sacred figure at the top of many Yan Jun.

Vaguely, it seems that one can see that on the goose feather snow, what is branded is actually a series of exquisite and delicate talismans.

Walking into a palace, Zhou Jiucheng looked up, there were many evil spirits depicted in the palace, and sitting on top of the evil spirits were the ghosts, the king of ghosts and Yan Jun.

As long as he understands the secret here, he believes that he can replace it.

There is no need to visit one by one.

When the formation reached its extreme, it was like a picture scroll, as if the three-dimensional world had been compressed into two dimensions.

The sky, the earth, the snow, the city.

The sky seemed to be completely black.

Although her Aurora Hades is still empty, taking in the first Artistic Conception cultivator as a pawn is a good start.

If it really comes to a critical time, you can release them all to create opportunities.

For a simple array, there is often only one solution.

If Ye Chuxiao wanted to make a move, he could only use those cold and icy powers to match the black and white here.


But its temperature is enough to scorch the scroll.

Even if Ye Chuxiao used the pale and domineering pure white fire, it still failed to alert those who ambushed Ye Chuxiao and Duanmulin.

"It's hard to block us, and it's hard to get this stage if we don't show up frontally." Ye Chuxiao said while supporting the oil-paper umbrella that had completely turned into white.

Duanmulin glanced into the distance, and then said decisively: "The Spring and Autumn Talisman Yin Yuemei!"

Aurora Hades, for the Huangdou world, must be like an existence that opened up the world.

Ye Chuxiao could only feel that the air around him dropped several degrees in an instant.

"When there are more ghosts in your underworld, you can use the aurora as the core to condense the currency, and then use the currency to gradually form a complete social system. The strong survive and the weak are eliminated, and the eliminated souls can still be transformed into In the Aurora Hades, all other existences. The current Hades may still be too monotonous and lack possibilities."

At this moment, the world in Ye Chuxiao's eyes is gradually changing into black and white.

"How do you feel?" Ye Chuxiao asked Duanmulin.

They specially selected old and frail old monks to attack, in order to extract their last inspiration and will, and practice a magic skill that is astonishing in the past and the present.

It's just a unique puppet condensed with flying snow talismans, so it's more like an elf in the wind, snow and cold, and can unscrupulously blend with all cold things.

Ye Chuxiao still had a smile on his face: "No, it's the early stage of starting a business! It's hard to avoid. When the stall grows, you can send out tasks and ask your subordinates to help deal with them."

Ye Chuxiao rubbed her head, brushing her neat hair loose.

He is a snowman.

In the past, there had never been a soul that broke free from the body and existed in isolation in the world of Huangdou.

Then stop before the other person gets angry.

As for the ghost cultivation method in the palace, Ye Chuxiao asked Duanmulin to leave it on purpose.

And such power, not only cannot cause harm to the Snowman.

However, the rumors gradually changed in the wind.

In the other hand, he still held the umbrella without any wavering.

"Since they're all here, don't be sneaky!"

I have to say that surrendering Zhou Jiusheng was a good start.

Of course, Ye Chuxiao basically didn't do anything he wasn't sure about.

Those monks who were admitted into the Aurora Hades have more or less recovered part of their cultivation as human beings.

He didn't have the idea of ​​completely replicating the appearance of the Underworld in his memory to the Aurora Hades.

Without Ye Chuxiao's rich accumulation and Duanmulin's almost instinctive understanding of Aurora, it would be impossible to create such a method.

"Hmph, the two demons of the underworld, since they blocked you today, it's time for you to be full of evil." A voice came out.

Because of the complex array, there are many solutions.

Duanmulin was a little depressed and said, "Does it have to be so troublesome every time?"

The palm flew out from the wrist, and under the blessing of the wind and snow, the palm became bigger and bigger, almost occupying all the sight lines, with a feeling of supporting the sky and the earth.

The monotonous tone is the appearance, and the reality reflected is that the rules in the entire space have been almost exhausted, leaving only two simple rules.

For half a year, Aurora supplies almost completely wide open.

Or even just talk it out and resolve the crisis.

In the next six months, Ye Chuxiao and Duanmulin fought for [-] miles.

The tip of the knife cut through the ground, as if cutting out new possibilities.

On the contrary, Ye Chuxiao failed to paint the black and white scroll, which made them feel at ease.

Pale flames jumped on the tip of Ye Chuxiao's knife.

They are all incomparably in line with the meaning of Aurora, and take Aurora as the core of practice.

He has snow-white hair, snow-white eyebrows, a snow-white face, and snow-white clothes.

On the contrary, it will make it stronger.

And the more you practice the Pluto method, the stronger Duanmulin will be as the Pluto.

As for so many ghost cultivation methods, of course Ye Chuxiao and Duanmulin sorted out and created them in the past two years.

Moreover, this strange experience made Zhou Jiusheng see more possibilities.

In terms of accumulation, comprehension, etc., Ye Chuxiao has long been qualified to break into the artistic conception.

In other words, Ye Chuxiao can also use Duanmulin to print these practice experiences.

Fight according to the rules they set, no matter how hard you struggle, you will still be buried.

Ye Chuxiao pressed the knife with one hand, with the point of the knife pointing down, and slashed across the ground.

Many powerful monks hoped to understand the mystery of life and death from the aurora, but in the end, they all returned to the aurora and became part of the infinite illusion.

This is the thing that kills multiple birds with one stone.

"Next, who shall we go to?" Ye Chuxiao asked.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao seemed to be relaxed, but in fact he was already on full alert.

The more powerful the formation, the simpler it is in essence.

Upon closer inspection, whether it is those ferocious little ghosts, or those wanton kings of ghosts, or the serious and cold ghosts, and the majestic and majestic Yan Jun who suppresses hell, all of them imply a strange aurora flowing .

There are lone geese in the distance, and there are still bonfires that have not completely extinguished the smoke nearby.

"This... I'm afraid I can't handle it alone. I still need your help!" Duanmulin scratched her head, and then laughed.

The color of this fire is pure white.

The secret that seems to belong to Pluto is just so open and open.

Therefore, he needs a battle, a battle that is enough to push him to the limit.

He stepped into this trap aimed at him and Duanmulin on his own initiative.

Then, under the kneading of the wind and snow, a figure took shape in the snow.

This simplicity alone is enough to kill everything.

"However, I have to meet his needs for cultivation and continue to give Aurora, otherwise he will experience some changes... It's very strange, I need some time to study it carefully." Duanmulin said with a jump, apparently in a very upset mood good.

Ye Chuxiao was dressed in black, but Duanmulin was dressed in white.

Many high-ranking families and monks from the famous mountain sect even formed an alliance, searching all over the mountains and plains for the whereabouts of Ye Chuxiao and Duanmulin, intending to surround and kill them.

Just like Ye Chuxiao can share Duanmulin's practice, Duanmulin can also share the practice of ghost soldiers in the underworld.

In the endless yellow sand, Ye Chuxiao and Duanmulin stood side by side.

"In the realm of wisdom, but displaying domains, it's no wonder that you have succeeded in sneak attacks many times. It turns out that you have this support." The voice echoing between heaven and earth seemed to have a kind of arrogance looking down.

"This is normal. You are the only one who is special. He has not been recognized by the world. If you want to maintain it, you have to pay the price."

Although she looks like Gao Leng Yujie Fan, she still exudes the fragrance of a young girl in her bones.

"Of course, Aurora Netherworld is equivalent to your personal world. You can create it according to your own ideas." Ye Chuxiao said.

"Of course, if you have any questions, just ask me." Ye Chuxiao said with a laugh.

This made Zhou Jiusheng instinctively suspicious.

Therefore, even if it is also a method of ghost cultivation, the method of ghost cultivation in Duanmulin's Aurora Hades is quite special.

And in this simple rule, even if the formation doesn't do anything, it doesn't give any killing intent.

At this time, Duanmulin took off her disguise and returned to her lively and playful appearance.

Everything, since it seems to be forming a painting, is also like an array.

Often, the artistic conception talisman cultivator may not be the master of talisman Tao, but the master of talisman Tao must be the artistic conception monk.

After carefully studying the trajectory of the aurora flowing, it is not difficult to find that these are all different methods of ghost cultivation.

Tens of feet away, the Snowman stretched out his palm and pushed towards Ye Chuxiao.

The black clouds overwhelmed the city, but the white snow turned into a bridge, communicating with the heavens and the earth, covering everything with a plain white color.

"Okay! I'm looking forward to this day!" Duanmulin began to be full of energy.

"As soon as the mansion guide arrives, the Yin soldiers lead the way, the gate of the underworld opens, and thousands of monks rush in. Isn't it wonderful! Wonderful!"

The cold voice echoed in the endless snowflakes.

Even if she chooses to practice other methods, it will add to Duanmulin's background and increase the width of her cultivation.

The pale fire met the ever-enlarging snowman's giant hand.

The flames melted the snowman's giant hands, and black rain fell from the sky, like ink, coloring the ground under the feet of Ye Chuxiao and Duanmulin.

In an instant, the Taotao River has converged into shape.

The black tide swept in with the power of corrosion and engulfment.

Like cleaning everything.

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