There are gaps in the road

Chapter 159 How tall is the sky, what is human?

In the black tide, one after another, figures like those rendered in ink stood up from the tide.

They don't have a face, and they don't have a very complete and fine body structure. All kinds of weapons spread and grow from their bodies, but they exude an astonishing chill.

The whole world is shrouded in this seemingly boundless cold and monotonous.

Ye Chuxiao's sense of the energy of the outside world has already been cut off.

But Ye Chuxiao did not fall into the situation of "isolation and helplessness". The spiritual root of the sacred tree has long followed Ye Chuxiao's growth, and has become more powerful and miraculous.

It is essentially a manifestation of Ye Chuxiao's soul state. In the past, Ye Chuxiao borrowed other people's spirits to help cultivate and cultivate, but now his own soul is already extremely strong, and it is the right way to cultivate the spiritual roots by himself.

When Ye Chuxiao's soul became stronger than the same realm, his spiritual root had also penetrated into a deeper level, and he was no longer just extracting energy from the superficial appearance of the world.

Through the spirit that spread to nothingness, his spiritual root can also draw energy from the endless void for Ye Chuxiao to use freely.

Of course, the evocation talent also played a certain role.

The black tide began to spread further.

They became sticky, like a swamp, or asphalt, sticking to the soles of Ye Chuxiao's feet, but trying to drag him into the abyss.

The rich black fills the entire scroll.

Those who manipulate all this will make the entire formation even more monotonous.

Even if it is because of the loss of the so-called balance.

In the opposition of black and white, the solution still exists.

But if there is only pure black left, then even if the domain of the picture scroll is completely nailed to death, there will be no gaps.

A figure moved.

Immediately afterwards, more figures opened their ferocious fangs.

Ye Chuxiao's eyes were only locked on the tip of his knife, and he didn't manage other trivial matters.

The reason why he wants to fight this battle is to push himself to jump under the strong pressure, and through the way of fighting, let the knowledge solidified in his brain become a natural instinct of the body.

If the thought that has been formed has become an obstacle blocking the progress of the pace.

Then don't think about it, just do it.

The knife in Ye Chuxiao's hand suddenly moved at some point.

No matter above the Nine Heavens or under the Nine Abyss, colors other than black and white were born.

This world, which was about to become pure color, was forcibly pulled back to more colors by Ye Chuxiao.

The formation that was originally in operation was like a screw stuck in a rotating gear.

The fiery magma and the purple thunder seemed to be forcibly connected and connected together under Ye Chuxiao's knife.

This world of rune arrays in the painting, which only accommodates black and white, was cut open by Ye Chuxiao's knife. This is the result of domain collisions.

Ye Chuxiao stared at the tip of the knife because he was waiting for the area above the tip to faint.

A real cultivator of artistic conception, his will will not only be attached to the blade.

Just like a real king, he should definitely not just be the commander in chief of the army.

Thunder and ground fire collided with each other, and the scorching heat and ferocity that sputtered out tore apart the figures born from the thick black tide.

It's just that these things that have no real vitality recover quickly, and as they are shattered, they become stronger and stronger.

They seem to have absorbed the experience and nutrients given by Ye Chuxiao, and have become more detailed, and the weapons they used have also begun to target Ye Chuxiao more.

Even with the forcible intrusion of thunder and earth fire, this place is still a quagmire where the strong are buried.

Living people always have limits and are always exhausted.

But these gadgets fused through domains, formations, talismans, and painting skills will not get tired, and there will be no limits in the set rules.

These black figures, aren't they the changes of the snowman?

It's just a transfer.

It can't be called reincarnation.

The surrounding dead air ripples like a tidal wave.

Ye Chuxiao turned a blind eye to them.

Ye Chuxiao does not rely on the saber technique that he painstakingly acquired in the past.

This is not forgetting the past, but a process from ten to one hundred.

Different periods have different pursuits and goals, which do not conflict.

Longevity Knife is a knife for survival.

Keep walking the tightrope, wandering between life and death, but always limited by the Longevity Knife and become its slave.

Ye Chuxiao can even be sure that those who study step by step and use the longevity knife have never won the favor of longevity.

Its name, too, is misunderstood.

One knife after another, one move after another.

The figures in this black-and-white picture scroll were broken again and again, and then reassembled again and again.

Every reorganization, there will be a change of posture, and after each appearance, they will be stronger, as if endless.

As for Duanmulin, she has been watching, even under the protection of Ye Chuxiao.

She is not only Ye Chuxiao's backer, but also Ye Chuxiao's weakness deliberately exposed at this moment.

If it wasn't for 'protecting' Duanmulin, Ye Chuxiao might instinctively tear open the space and run away.

That would be a waste of this rare practice place, the desperate situation of breaking the boundary.

Under the increasing pressure, Ye Chuxiao's knife suddenly became ethereal, with a texture as if green smoke penetrated the soul.

This is Ye Chuxiao subconsciously breaking away from the original barrier once again, following his instinct to go to the knife, breaking into an immature but free enough situation.

This is rare.

Because the more mature the system, the more difficult it is to break the stubborn disease.

However, nothing is perfect forever, and nothing is 100% mobile and adaptable.

The Longevity Knife, the Nine Styles of the Knife Master, and the various knife techniques and techniques that Ye Chuxiao had learned and perceived were all transformed into another strange substance, which was integrated into Ye Chuxiao's outwardly extending spiritual tentacles. middle.

Accompanied by Ye Chuxiao's sharp blade.

Originally outside the formation battle, Huang Zhentu, who was in charge of manipulating the battle situation, felt in a trance, and his mind was pulled into the formation and attached to the figures under his control.

Huang Zhentu was shocked by this sudden change.

Although he understood the principle, he never thought that someone could easily reverse the cause and effect of manipulation.

Let the person who operates the puppet reverse the effect and become a puppet operated by him.

Behind the seemingly simple principle is unimaginable subtlety and unfathomable.

In an instant, the entire vast field constructed by scrolls, arrays, and talismans became colorful.

The mountains and rivers are covered with colorful colors, the city has red walls and white tiles, the old trees in the distance are green and green, and the tide in front of you is also between black and bright, accompanied by the skylight and cloud shadows, repeatedly jumping and wandering.

When those who control the rules enter the game, the colors that were originally extracted are re-rendered.

Huang Zhentu subconsciously made a large number of figures jump and stand in front of him.

These figures began to merge together, becoming more magnificent giants.

When the giant got angry, it whipped up crazy power and tore at Ye Chuxiao who was standing still with the knife, as if he hadn't moved much.

What they brought was endless energy shocks, but what they contained was the fear carefully hidden behind the yellow array.

Fear of incomprehensible, incomprehensible forces is instinctive.

In addition to fear, rage is derived, which is also instinct.

Ye Chuxiao's blade entered a very unique rhythm.

Before the Hui state, Ye Chuxiao transformed the majesty of the heaven and earth into the sword technique, and after the Hui state, Ye Chuxiao reflected the sky and the earth with the sword technique, so in this world, it has the name of the Heavenly Sword.

But at this moment, Ye Chuxiao's knife and the huge spiritual force attached to the blade are deriving the appearance of all living beings.

Those memories and experiences absorbed by him, those past and present that he has seen or even experienced in the aurora realm, have all become the scenes and objects in his sword technique descriptions.

Then this sword intent, this mood, also began to expand slowly.

No longer simply showing off on the blade.

Ye Chuxiao's real instinctive attempt broke away from the restriction of the knife, allowing herself to integrate into that truth.

At this time, the principles explained by the knife and the man are Ye Chuxiao's further understanding.

In this cognition, Tao is an eternal topic.

What is the way of heaven?

As far as everything in the universe, infinite time, infinite space, and endless variables and invariants are concerned, the way of heaven is nothingness, does not really exist, and is also meaningless.

Before all sentient beings were born in this universe, the so-called heaven already existed, and after all sentient beings left, the heaven still existed.

Therefore, this important way of heaven cannot be investigated, tested, pursued, or imagined.

Abandoned such a boundless pursuit, lowered the field of vision.

The way of the way of humanity!
This does not mean that heaven and man are in harmony, and that the movement of heaven must depend on human will.

It is the concept of the way of heaven, the so-called success or lack, all come from the knowledge of human... or the selfish desires of sentient beings.

As we all know, there are flaws in the practice of any world in the heavens and worlds.

But is this flaw, really a flaw?
Perhaps it is an integral part of itself.

It is precisely because of the limitations of these defects that the practice has not been flooded, and most of the practitioners who have stolen the heaven and the earth, after absorbing the nutrients of the heaven and the earth, return a more complete and intact vitality to the heaven and the earth .

Everything is combining into a reincarnation that is infinitely close to perfection.

The flaws of practitioners are not necessarily the flaws of the world, but the flaws of heaven.

Back to the present.

Ye Chuxiao's knife is no longer simply simulating the sky and reflecting the sky, but asking the sky!
How high is the sky, what is the meaning of people?
When Ye Chuxiao's knife was successfully cut out.

Huang Zhentu's heartbeat was a few beats slower across the field.

Not only was he questioned by Ye Chuxiao, he was also startled by Ye Chuxiao!
This Huijing monk... How did this mere Huijing monk come to have such courage, how did he come to have such courage.

How dare you ask the sky when you swing your knife?
Then Huang Zhentu felt humiliated again.

Because he knew he was being ignored.

On the surface, he was Ye Chuxiao's opponent.

But in fact, he is just a pressure pump that gives pressure. Ye Chuxiao's opponent is not him, but the sky, the way, and the obstacles in his heart.

The huge puppet was shattered without any accident under the blow of the sky knife.

And Ye Chuxiao's blade, like a fairy's finger, shot straight at Huang Zhentu.

This doubt of asking the sky also intuitively appeared in Huang Zhentu's mind.

If he couldn't answer the question, he couldn't get out of Ye Chuxiao's sword move.

Of course Huang Zhentu couldn't answer, so he looked extremely embarrassed under Ye Chuxiao's blade.

He was so embarrassed that he even forgot that his body was still outside the formation.

However, from another angle, the real body outside the formation, and the mind inside the formation, should we really distinguish between them?

Once Huang Zhentu's mind is broken by Ye Chuxiao in the formation, he outside the formation, even if his body is still full of vitality, is nothing more than a living dead.


Layers of airflow compressed, and the roar of the ground fire and the sound of thunder from the nine heavens exploded at the same time.

On the edge of Ye Chuxiao's blade, it seemed that nine dragons of thunder and fire were entwined, tearing towards Huang Zhentu's body at the same time.

In a chilling explosion, Huang Zhentu's body was torn apart.

As for the yellow formation outside the formation, it was only after a sudden realization that he woke up profusely in sweat.

Then, after suppressing the overwhelming fear in his heart, he slowly thanked his companions around him.

"Thank you very much! Fortunately, you changed the rules in time and forcibly empowered Xiao Ye's sword, otherwise I would not have escaped the slaughter." Huang Zhentu said.

He was killed by Ye Chuxiao's seemingly powerful blow.

But he was glad.

Ye Chuxiao's knife should have been like smoke, fog or even a dream, quietly entering the heart, and then prompting the victim to face the way of heaven and ask Tianyi.

The people outside the formation insisted on adding extra thunder and fire to Ye Chuxiao's knife, so that the knife would no longer be ethereal, mysterious, and inferior.

Because of this, Huang Zhentu's life was critically saved.

"You can't underestimate him. He has long had the ability of artistic conception, but because the accumulation is too deep, it is difficult to break through."

"If my guess is correct, they fell into the trap on purpose in order to use our hands to break through the realm." Huang Zhentu's companion held a talisman pen and said.

"They!?" Huang Zhentu remembered in a daze that Ye Chuxiao had companions, and he didn't join the battle alone.

Looking at Duanmulin again, thousands of hectares of waves were created casually, trying to engulf Duanmulin.

But this wave was suppressed by Ye Chuxiao with a single blow.

But Duanmulin just stood on the ice lotus platform, her eyes were empty, as if she was meditating.

"We can't let him continue to sublimate like this!"

"We must interrupt him!" Huang Zhentu said through gritted teeth.

"How to interrupt?" asked the author holding the talisman.

Huang Zhentu said: "Disgusting him!"

"If he wants to meet the strong, he will be strong, so let's use the cheapest, most boring, and least technical things to consume his energy."

"You must know that a person's specific combat state will change with the opponent's change."

As soon as the voice fell, a large number of villains emerged from the formation.

These black little people waved the knives in their hands chaotically and without any skill, and rushed towards Ye Chuxiao clumsily and roughly.

They couldn't pose any real threat to Ye Chuxiao.

But as long as Ye Chuxiao entangled with them for a long time, his heart will be drained, and the reflection of Heavenly Dao, and even the knife that questioned Tiandao, will also be blunt.

Ye Chuxiao wants to spread from the blade to the whole body, even to the extremely powerful domain that encloses a huge space, but he will never succeed.

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