Chapter 170

"It's despicable to actually set up an array in advance!" Nangong Juhong angrily reprimanded.

But at this moment, what responded to him was no longer Ye Chuxiao's words, but five active volcanoes erupting at the same time.

Spreading magma, billowing smoke, flying volcanic ash, and monks flying around made the whole picture extremely chaotic.

All kinds of sounds that burst out in the chaos echoed in this confined space, constantly adding up an uneasy atmosphere and atmosphere.

"Master! The eye of Xibingchi was transferred to the divine sword that he just sent into it. If we want to break the formation, we must first break the divine sword." Hua Yiren, who reacted immediately, He has already led the warriors of Shenbing Villa to forcibly break through a wave of light barriers.

It was just blocked by the formation and returned without success.

Nangong Juhong only felt his head buzzing again, and couldn't help but coughed, the internal organs involved hurt.

"Leave him alone for now, seal the Xibing Pool, and solve the chaos in the villa... He is a casual cultivator from outside, and he hastily set up an array, just to cause some riots. The formation was torn apart... as a last resort, the original formation foundation was allowed to be damaged, and the disturbance was suppressed first." Nangong Juhong did not regret that he had cheated Ye Chuxiao at this time, but regretted not being more cautious.

He had sent people to monitor Ye Chuxiao day and night, but he didn't know what method Ye Chuxiao used to get rid of the surveillance and do these things.

"For this matter, I still need to borrow from you. After passing this hurdle, all the proceeds from this time will be discussed with you. My Shenbing Villa will never keep it."

After finishing speaking, Nangong Juhong turned his head and said to the master craftsmen who came to participate in the competition: "Everyone! Let you see a joke!"

"We can't let them succeed. If we want to kill us, we have to kill them first." Someone began to respond.

More people passively choose blind obedience.

After all, it is impossible for Shenbing Villa to take such a big piece of cake all by itself.

In the final analysis, artifacts are auxiliary tools. They provide possibilities, but how much this possibility can be used depends on the user.

Where is this?

In order to deal with Ye Chuxiao, Huang Zhentu once set up a black and white formation, and finally even wanted to wipe the entire formation into pure black.

An elderly master craftsman stroked his beard and sighed: "The way they do this is really unethical and too utilitarian. Even if it is money that touches people's hearts, then don't lose our integrity as a craftsman."

Speaking of Nangong Juhong, he felt another burst of pain in his heart and liver.

At the same time, it also hedges part of the risk.

Inside the Excalibur, the soul of Master Shao, who was still resting and was about to absorb a large amount of spirituality before coming out, had to be forcibly awakened.

But in such a chaotic situation, it is extraordinarily convincing.

For a while, although the turmoil in the Shenbing Villa eased a little, the chaos, killings, and chaos did not stop.

One faction continued to stand on the sidelines and kept a distance from the Shenbing Villa, while the other faction joined in, summoned their artifacts, and surrounded the small Xibing Pool where Ye Chuxiao was hiding.

Excalibur has three divine characteristics, which are indestructible, invincible, and immortal. The divine weapon's spiritual characteristics combine with the monk's domain, and these characteristics will be diffused and magnified into the entire domain, and the domain will be completely controlled. Orientation enhancement.

The effect of the spell dissipated, and the corpse was thin and fragile, scattered like glass.

The powerful sonic boom shocked many people.

Those external beatings from many artifacts were also resisted by this stable structure and could not be broken.

"I'm Wang Haolei, a master craftsman. Listen to me. Although the Shenbing Villa is responsible for this matter, it never intends to persecute everyone. Please proceed carefully and allow us time to deal with the matter."

At this time, Ye Chuxiao was all taken advantage of.

The two activated the characteristics of the artifact at the same time, and then attached it with the realm of artistic conception.

Although he didn't take part in Ye Chuxiao's fortune, he used this game to let the craftsman get the signboard of the world's number one master craftsman, and let the sword absorb all the spirituality of the spirit weapon obtained in the competition. The deal with Nangong Juhong is good.

"If you still have any ability, use it as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late when you are cracked." Ye Chuxiao said to Master Shao who turned into a sword spirit.

"After a quarter of an hour at the latest, all restrictions will be lifted and everyone can come and go freely."

"Then let's do it!"

When people are in a group, it is difficult to maintain rational judgment, but the chaotic situation, the erupting volcano, splashing everywhere, and the energy clusters that erupted wantonly deepened and intensified this.

A terrifying force erupted, tearing Ye Chuxiao's body apart.

"Who knows if Jiangmen and Shenbing Villa wear the same pair of pants?"

"Then dig him out first."

Half of the spirit body escaped, and before finding out what the problem was, it was controlled by a spirit seal sent by Ye Chuxiao.

It's just that the matter has come to this, it is better to end the riot as soon as possible.

At the same time, the ferocious flying sword directly penetrated all of Ye Chuxiao's defenses and stabbed at his heart.

All kinds of artifacts are shining with brilliance, and under the blessing of the artistic conception master's domain, the power of all artifacts is activated to the maximum.

Corresponding to chaos and complexity is order and simplicity.

In the Xibing pool, Ye Chuxiao manipulated the formation, drawing a lot of spirituality, and continued to inject it into Yuanyang's set.

"Shenbing Mountain Villa is not credible now, but Jiangmen still has credibility." Some monks were persuaded.

With the activation of the Unbreakable Divine Rune, Ye Chuxiao's domain overlaps with that of Xibingchi.

The seemingly majestic body broke and fell to the ground.

Every impact is a violent collision of turbulent energy.

"What's the matter with you Patriarch Shao? Just let people manipulate you like this?" Another master craftsman was dissatisfied.

In Xibingchi, Ye Chuxiao, who always seemed to be wandering in the sky, suddenly opened his eyes.

It would not be a good thing for him if everyone opposed and confronted Shenbing Villa with unanimous gunpoint.

"Look around, and then look at the fire essence of the sun, don't you understand? We have all become materials for refining treasures."

"Hold me tightly, superimpose your domain, and activate the indestructible lines in the divine sword." Master Shao said with difficulty.

Some artifacts, if they contain similar characteristics such as 'severing', 'shattering' and 'destroying', will have an impact on the unbreakable characteristics.

This is located in the Shenbing Villa, and there are people all over the mountains and plains.

Being in the game, no one has figured out the mystery within a short period of time.

In Xibingchi, Ye Chuxiao frowned when he saw such a 'lively' scene.

In a short time, it directly penetrated the three-layered barrier propped up by Ye Chuxiao and entered the pool of washing soldiers.

Excalibur has characteristics, and other artifacts naturally have characteristics.

"Attacking is not enough now, is there any 'inferiority' characteristic in everyone's artifacts?"

Nangong Juhong's eyes swept across the entire chaotic villa, and then returned to the Xibingchi, which was condensed into a painting.

Master Shao finally regained his senses from the chaos. He was about to manipulate the divine sword to resist Ye Chuxiao, but he felt a strong sense of resistance from the depths of his soul. Resisting this will will make his soul tear and burn. burn.

They just didn't expect that Ye Chuxiao's methods were so powerful, and he came alone, with one person and one mood, but almost turned the world upside down.

"That's all!" the master craftsman who held a long sword and let the flying sword walk around said disdainfully.

Amidst the conversation, as many as ten god craftsmen, each holding a god weapon, shot from different positions, and attacked at the Xibingchi where Ye Chuxiao was hiding.

"I am in the Fengfeng Hall, and I am best at refining offensive weapons. This inseparable entry has strong characteristics. I have three divine weapons in the Fengfeng Hall."

Enduring waves of shock and pressure, Master Shao was more anxious than Ye Chuxiao.

The basis of the picture scroll array is these two words.

Formation and domain, domain and divine ability, trinity, formed a more stable structure.

But at this time, Ye Chuxiao was in the Shenbing Villa, and the formation map drawn by Ye Chuxiao highlighted the "complexity and chaos".

A large number of magic weapons and weapons flashed in the air, and landed on the formation of warriors and monks in Shenbing Villa, taking many lives in a short time.

In the end, it is also a game between domains and domains.

The divine sword flew over and jumped into Ye Chuxiao's hands.

Because it is not just the right time and place that are against them, but also people.

"Villager! No way! Five artifacts working at the same time can't break through the barrier outside, and it's even getting stronger and stronger. I'm afraid we have to figure out the strangeness of this formation first." Hua Yiren said.

This was originally absurd, and there was no reason to say it.

At the same time, dozens of tall shadows were seen, and their reflections were outside the 'picture scroll' turned into Xibingchi.

Above the clouds, a giant held a golden gong and rang it vigorously.

When these tyrannical forces act together, the Excalibur, which is located in the center of the formation and is responsible for acting as the eye of the formation, also hums and trembles violently.

"Even if you use the Unbreakable feature, the use of the feature is dependent on the expansion of the domain. Once you consume too much and have to take back the domain, this place will still be breached." Shao Shenjiang said.

The talent of Pluto synchronized from Duanmulin is no joke.

"I already guessed it!"

These participating monks, as long as they are still in chaos, this picture will always be complete.

Of course, Ye Chuxiao doesn't need to worry about this trouble at the moment.

The divine sword in his hand was swung like a knife, and he swung it out with one blow, sending a figure flying away.

In the end, it was divided into two factions.

The four craftsmen were holding different artifacts, beating on the thick walls of the array.

"There are more than a dozen artifacts outside, attacking at the same time, trying to tear you apart."

But not everyone bought Wang Haolei's account.

Above the clouds, several craftsmen from Shenbing Villa returned one after another.

The figure holding a red spear fell into the pool of Xibingchi with flames trailing from its tail, and slowly floated up, bleeding from its seven orifices.

The most remarkable characteristic of this divine sword is that it is strong and strong, but no matter how strong and strong it is, it also has an upper limit.

Regardless of whether this guy is a sword spirit or a ghost, his essence is a soul state, and he will be at the mercy of Ye Chuxiao.

Wang Haolei also got into trouble before he ate any meat.

Artisan Shao has spent his whole life refining weapons, and has polished several artifacts. Since this divine sword is the 'body' he prepared for himself, it is natural that he used the best means and the best materials.

"Big fellow, wait another quarter of an hour, maybe everyone will be refined as sacrifices!"

The sound turned into air waves, reverberating in the delineated 'picture frame', and everyone heard it.

After the collision, a large amount of energy aftermath hit the already chaotic crowd.

On the surface, the handling of Shenbing Villa is actually safe.

One or two other forces need to stand up and help them bear part of the pressure.

"Since Wang Shenjiang is the guarantor, then I will believe it for the time being, and wait for a quarter of an hour."

"The people from Shenbing Villa want to dominate the world, and he wants to kill us!" A person shouted loudly in the crowd.

Only Excalibur, under constant pressure, made a 'crack' and 'crack' sound.

A group of master craftsmen who were not from Shenbing Villa stood together and had a discussion.

If Ye Chuxiao confides his heart to them face to face at this time, then Ye Chuxiao will definitely tell them.

"It's really self-inflicted. Shenbing Mountain Villa has such a bad face. It's ugly. After eating the head, you will eat the top. If you eat both ends... it's like kicking the iron plate." After clearing the tricks, he sneered.

Otherwise, if the chaos continues, even if the storm is calmed down in the end, the signboard of Shenbing Villa will be completely rotten and smelly.

"Is there anything else you can do?"

It seems that it will be broken and interrupted at any time.

I have to say that this is indeed a very outstanding artifact.

The master craftsman who just emerged from the water holding a red spear showed a horrified expression: "Little...!"

Wang Haolei showed embarrassment, but he still said: "The patriarch may still be asleep, and the person who used the divine sword must have activated a certain characteristic of it by accident."

Before he finished speaking, he brought the unparalleled divine sword and cut the throat of the master craftsman who was manipulating the flying sword and holding the long sword.

"It's solved!" The figure holding the long sword slowly condensed, and the flying sword that flew out was returned back full of spirituality, wandering around this person constantly.

"Patriarch Shao has added the property of indestructibility to the divine weapon he forged. As long as the domain of the person holding this divine sword will not be closed, it will be difficult for us to break through the defense with this characteristic." Wang Haolei, the master craftsman of the craftsman, said.

After finishing speaking, two master craftsmen came out. One was holding a red spear, while the other was holding two swords, one long and one short. The long sword was held and the short sword was used in combination.

Therefore, when the master craftsmen of the Shenbing Villa brought divine weapons and attempted to tear up the formation, even if their attack power was astonishing enough, they could not break the formation and tear up the formation.

About 10 minutes later, the attacking craftsmen stopped briefly.

Ye Chuxiao stretched out his hand to hold the sword, and he spontaneously understood the various functions of the divine sword.

Ye Chuxiao didn't seem to care and said: "Then it can be delayed for a while!"

"However, the picture I drew outside... is hard to understand. I'm afraid you can't control this situation!" Ye Chuxiao sneered to himself.

After Ye Chuxiao finished speaking, she focused her attention on realizing the magical effect of the divine sword in her hand, as if she no longer cared about the outside world at all.

"If there is, please use the ability of inextricability and innocence, jump directly over the barrier, enter this room, kill or capture this person alive, and the matter will be resolved."

"Control the situation first, and then close the door to deal with me?"

Ye Chuxiao remained motionless, and the attacks from the outside world became more and more violent every time.

"One artifact is not enough, then add a few more artifacts."

At that moment of lightning and flint, the flying sword that was originally wandering and blocking could not stop the terrifying sharpness at all.

Under the blessing of the invincibility of the divine sword, the flying sword was shattered, and the broken artifact released a terrifying and powerful spirituality.

The entire washbasin is boiling.

Ye Chuxiao clapped the divine sword in his hand: "Filtrate it! You digest the impure spirituality yourself, spit out the pure ones, and send them to the bottom of the pool."

(End of this chapter)

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