There are gaps in the road

Chapter 171 Feeding Embryos With Artifacts

Chapter 171 Feeding Embryos With Artifacts

Half of the soul floated out from the divine sword in Ye Chuxiao's hand, and the soul with the appearance of Master Shao opened his mouth and sucked it in, and all the spirituality released after the broken flying sword artifact was sucked into his mouth.

Afterwards, the divine sword emitted a faint aura, and the blade spat out, pure and concise spirituality, directly following the tip of the sword, pouring into the bottom of the Xibing Pool.

Receiving these pure spiritualities, Ye Chuxiao's Yuanyang set also speeds up and undergoes transformation.

"Master Shao! Are you crazy?"

"Since you are awake, why do you still help him?" The master craftsman holding a red spear stood still from a distance, looking at the scene in front of him in surprise.

Even if they are both artifacts, they cannot arbitrarily devour the spirituality released by other artifacts.

In the final analysis, once it is officially put into use, the spiritual weapon or divine weapon contaminated with certain monks' breath is equivalent to changing from a piece of white paper to a colored drawing with a pattern.

Absorb these spiritualities that contain a lot of specific emotional impurities, even if it is an artifact... it will be wiped out of its original purity and gradually become chaotic.

If a large amount of it is absorbed to the point of no return, even a divine weapon will degenerate into a powerful but crazy magic weapon.

Master Shao's soul could not answer the question.

Ye Chuxiao held the divine sword in his hand and pulled it with magic. The artifact-level long sword that fell near the Xibing Pool was forcibly grabbed.

As if aware of the coming tragic fate, the artifact let out a mournful cry as it struggled.

It's just that the master craftsman in the distance seemed to be stunned by Ye Chuxiao's fierce blow just now, not only did not dare to rush to help, but also pulled a little distance away.

After all, relying on forging artifacts, entering the Tao from skills, and breaking into the artistic conception, even if there is no lack of offensive means, as long as you encounter a real strong man like Ye Chuxiao who has been killed, you will automatically be short-sighted. last cut.

When relying on the advantage of equipment, you can also bluff.

Now that the advantage of equipment is gone, the original shape is naturally revealed.

With a violent wave of the divine sword in his hand.

The two artifacts collided violently.

Without the divine weapon long sword that has been blessed by the monk domain, it would have been much weaker. In addition, the divine sword in Ye Chuxiao's hand is based on strong material, and it also has activated indestructible characteristics. The two phases collide, The unreliable artifact long sword was broken open a gap.

At the gap, the same huge spirituality leaked out.

Ye Chuxiao was not satisfied, and continued to swing the sword. After the three swords, the long sword, the artifact with the characteristic of "inferiority", also broke.

All the spiritual release was first absorbed by the divine sword in Ye Chuxiao's hand, and after transformation, the pure spirituality was poured into the Xibing Pool to feed Yuanyang.

It seemed that Ye Chuxiao was unnecessary.

Cultivating Yuanyang, which is not a divine tool, might as well just pick up ready-made ones. As for whether it is a knife or a sword, it doesn't really matter that much to a monk of his level.

In his realm, he should no longer be obsessed with the shape of the utensils.

Even with a noodle in his hand, Ye Chuxiao thinks it is a good knife, it is a good knife, enough to break mountains.

Actually it is not.

They will become Ye Chuxiao's most caring partners if they are cultivated by Yuanyang. Because they grew up with Ye Chuxiao, the characteristics of their birth must be the most suitable for Ye Chuxiao, and at the same time, they are also like exclusive artifacts. The strength of the general increase, and the breadth of a general-purpose artifact.

They may not be the most powerful, but they must be the most suitable for Ye Chuxiao.

This is also something that other artifacts do not have.

At Ye Chuxiao's level, sometimes the struggle is that there seems to be only the slightest difference.

And this slight difference can be magnified to a large extent at critical moments.

With most of the spiritual nourishment of the two mature artifacts, the Yuanyang set at the bottom of Xibingchi has already begun to transform.

The Yuanyang Baodao and Yuanyang Baojia, which Ye Chuxiao uses most often, have burst out with a strong psychic aura, and are vaguely condensing their psychic lines to acquire characteristics.

Of course, the total amount of spirituality of the two artifacts cannot support a complete set of Yuanyang magic weapons to complete the transformation into an artifact.

But don't forget, this is the Soldiers Pool, where a lot of masterless spirituality was originally gathered here.

As for Yuanyang's set, they were not 'white bodies' at all. They fought together with Ye Chuxiao for a long time, and then they were upgraded to artifact embryos.

Injecting pure spirituality is only accelerating the process of transforming them into artifacts, rather than shaping them from scratch into artifacts.

"Looks like it's not enough!" Ye Chuxiao's eyes aimed at the craftsman holding the red spear again.

The master craftsman was so cold that he stopped attacking Ye Chuxiao. Instead, he swung the artifact, wanting to trigger the 'inferior' feature, and pass through the obstacles to return to the picture scroll of Xibingchi.

It's just... here we come!

How could Ye Chuxiao let him go?

In an instant, Ye Chuxiao was already close to this person.

The divine sword in his hand swung fiercely like a knife, and what was condensed and compressed in an ordinary blow was actually the power of the extreme domain.

The master craftsman holding the red spear hurriedly used the spear in his hand to resist, but before the battle, he remembered Ye Chuxiao's relentless, brutal and violent way of driving the divine sword... It was basically the rhythm of the attack, There was hesitation.

Instead of waving the spear to resist, it changed to dodging sideways.

One wrong step, and he fell into the abyss.

Ye Chuxiao chased and fought fiercely, freely switching between complicated and simple moves, and jumping at will.

It only forced the master craftsman to dodge again and again, and his support became more and more reluctant.

Gradually, he also started to get injured. The wounds were not deep at first, but the strength penetrating into the body was a big trouble.

These energies exploded and destroyed wantonly in his body, reaping vitality savagely.

The cultivators in this world are all taking the path of "cyborg cultivating immortals" by substituting vessels for bodies and nourishing bodies with vessels.

This also means that once their defenses are breached and their bodies are damaged, it is not their own powerful body functions that are responsible for recovering blood and healing injuries, but the many magic weapons that are fused with the body.

They use magic weapons to replace their organs and endure all kinds of pressure.

When the body and the magic weapon are damaged at the same time, and there is no chance to breathe, use special metal pills to restore the function of the magic weapon and make up for the damage.

Then, their bodies themselves will gradually collapse.

As for the self-healing property of the magic weapon itself... this is the exclusive right of the divine weapon.

So far, even in the Immortal Treasure Realm, there is no instrument cultivator who can afford to use an artifact to replace every organ in the body.

In fact, if this road is given to those warriors who have survived many battles, it would be more suitable.

The functions of the body's organs are replaced by magic weapons, which are just enough to fight without fear of death. As long as the logistics supplies are sufficient, they can fight until the last trace of soul is burned.

It's a pity that such a body with fighting potential resides in a cowardly soul.

His cowardice turned these advantages into constraints.

Ye Chuxiao cut the opponent's limbs and head with three swords.

The scattered limbs are still alive.

They are even flying around in the air, constantly looking for each other, wanting to regroup.

And the divine weapon-level red spear slipped from his hand without accident.

Ye Chuxiao raised the sword in his hand and slammed it violently.

In the merciless and merciless collision, dazzling sparks burst out from the divine sword and spear at the same time.

Then a series of cracks began to spread.

Another sharp slash.

The master craftsman who had just barely put together the broken limbs saw in despair that the divine weapon spear that originally belonged to him was shattered into countless fragments and fell towards the colorful military washing pool below.

The divine sword in Ye Chuxiao's hand devoured the spirituality released after the shattered spear of the divine weapon without emotion, and then transformed it.

A large amount of pure spirituality was undoubtedly injected into the bottom of Xibingchi, absorbed by Yuan Yang, and became a powerful impetus for Yuan Yang to completely kick the door into the artifact.

He glanced at the Excalibur in his hand.

Cutting off three divine weapons of the same level one after another, even if the sword is mainly about hardness and strength, it is inevitable that there will be some thin cracks on the sword body.

If it takes a long time to cultivate carefully, these gaps may still heal.

"His sword is broken!"

"Everyone! Intensify the attack!" Outside the picture formation of Xibingchi, many master craftsmen who had been on the sidelines waved the artifacts in their hands again.

They saw the dawn of victory... Even if the dawn appeared, it was not quite the same as what they originally planned.

But as long as the result is correct, I can't care about it now.

Ye Chuxiao's ferocity and cruelty, they saw it in their eyes and feared it in their hearts.

Even if it was Nangong Juhong, he couldn't care less about regretting at this time, and just wanted to kill Ye Chuxiao quickly, so that this matter would be settled.

Heavy attacks repeatedly landed on the formation map of Xibingchi.

On the divine sword in Ye Chuxiao's hand, the originally hidden cracks were continuously expanding.

It has a limit after all.

The so-called unbreakable characteristics are just characteristics, not the laws of heaven, let alone the general laws of the universe.

In this world, there are no absolute laws.

The so-called absolute is just that it has not touched its upper limit for the time being.

At the same time, Yuan Yang's set, which sank at the bottom of the Soldiers' Pool, united and burst out with dazzling glare.

They are also divine, and most of them have been transformed into new artifacts, and the rest are also rapidly transforming without hindrance.

A piece of equipment jumped up from the bottom of the pool and fell into Ye Chuxiao's arms one after another.

Wrapped in the armor of Yuanyang, the Baodao of Yuanyang squeezed away the broken sword and fell into Ye Chuxiao's palm, buzzing with admiration.

The rest, such as Yuanyang Feijian and Yuanyang Mirror, also turned into different visions and merged into Ye Chuxiao's body.

The two Yuanyang flying swords were combined into one, settling on top of Ye Chuxiao's head like a hairpin.

Their sword energy stroked every strand of Ye Chuxiao's hair gently, but turned Ye Chuxiao's hair into a part of the flying sword.

Any strand of Ye Chuxiao's hair flying out is a clone of Yuanyang Feijian, which possesses the two basic characteristics of Yuanyang Feijian.

Yuanyang Flying Sword, a single handle, has two extremely practical characteristics of rapidity and penetration.

This makes Yuanyang Feijian, in addition to the ability endowed by its material itself, also like a ghost, which can travel thousands of miles in an instant, making it hard to guard against.

When two Yuanyang flying swords are united, they have a third characteristic... splitting.

Relying on Qi, it can be divided infinitely.

There is no end to Qi, and there is no end to division.

Rather than saying that they are parasitic on Ye Chuxiao's hair, it is better to say that they take advantage of Ye Chuxiao's aura.

Let Ye Chuxiao's hair look like a tyrannical flying sword.

The Yuanyang mirror turned into a halo of light that sometimes flashed behind Ye Chuxiao's head. Its characteristics are calming, exorcising evil spirits, and illuminating me.

Although the actual combat effect is not good, but the auxiliary effect is extremely high... I got rid of the embarrassing position of being dispensable in Ye Chuxiao's Yuanyang set before.

It provided a good foundation for Ye Chuxiao to gain an advantage in the battle of Xindan with Ying Shu and Jin Buyu in the future.

As for the Yuanyang Baojia and Yuanyang Baodao that Ye Chuxiao relied on most, they went to two extremes respectively.

Yuanyang Baojia can actually be subdivided into five parts: breastplate, arm armor, leg armor, waist guard, and feet, so these five parts have five different characteristics.

They are the indestructibility of the breastplate, the great strength of the arm armor, the phantom body of the leg armor, the recovery of the waist guard, and the speed of the feet.

And when the five pieces of equipment are combined, there is a sixth characteristic, Fortified City!

The characteristic of Jiancheng is that, as long as one of the components of the Yuanyang Baojia is intact, the other pieces can be restored quickly.

If the enemy wants to break through the defense of Ye Chuxiao's treasure armor, he must disintegrate all the parts of the Yuanyang treasure armor on his body in an instant.

Yuanyang Baojia provided Ye Chuxiao with six very practical and powerful features when combined.

Yuanyang Baodao... Ye Chuxiao's most commonly used and most relied on partner, but it has only one characteristic.

The heavy impact hit the formation.

The cracks on Excalibur's body were getting bigger and bigger, and gradually began to drop slag.

Master Shao's soul flew out, screaming in pain.

In the next second, he began to demonize.

After absorbing the spiritual impurities of the three artifacts one after another, he has become insane.

Flying away from Ye Chuxiao's side, tore apart the large formation that was already dissolving, and flew out of the formation.

Then, under the horrified gazes of those craftsmen who were caught off guard, there was an extremely splendid explosion.

This explosion ignited the chaos in Shenbing Villa to the extreme.

From before to now... the quarter of an hour that Wang Haolei promised has long passed.

The participating instrument repairers in Shenbing Villa couldn't hold back for a long time, and became more and more chaotic.

The demonic nature released from the explosion also mixed into the chaotic situation, turning into thick gray smoke and mixing with the eruption of the volcano.

Painting...completely done!

The more magnificent and harder to break cage was fully formed under Ye Chuxiao's single-handed push.

At this moment, all the monks in this chaotic picture, including those master craftsmen, felt a suffocating pressure.

Ye Chuxiao's domain also overlapped with this painting at this time.

At the same time, all the features of the Yuanyang set were activated. Except for the Yuanyang mirror, the rest of the features were shared by the domain on the array map.

When Ye Chuxiao's divine weapon, shining with infinite light, came out of the ruined soldiers' washing pool.

That strong shock, like the rhythm of death, beat on everyone's heart.

For some reason, someone had such absurd thoughts in their minds.

"Maybe...we won't win!"

"Even if we have a large number of people!"

 Today is Valentine's Day, the update is a bit late, everyone understands!
  Well, I wish you all a good night tonight.

  If you wait for the update to this point... the waste paper will give you eyes, and you will understand it yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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