There are gaps in the road

Chapter 18 Practice is a business

Chapter 18 Practice is a business
The city of Linzhou became lively, and the taverns, teahouses, and especially the brothels that had been doing well in business were all full.

Ye Chuxiao wandered around in crowded places, talking here and there, listening to a lot of information, and managed to piece together a relatively complete impression of the world.

Finally got rid of the original situation where both eyes were smeared.

Here is a place called 'Tianluo'. On the land of Tianluo, there is not a huge unified country, but one city after another, and a city-state alliance composed of cities.

Linzhou City is a city under the 'Gale Wind City-State'. It is located in the hinterland of the entire city-state, away from the friction and war in the border city, and is relatively more peaceful.

Of course, the so-called peace is only relative.

The monks who come and go are still the number one destroyer of peace.

The reason why Tianluo did not have a complete big country is because it is scattered on this land, and the real masters are the major monk sects.

The monks have no spare time to manage the vast land and people under their command, but they are worried that once a huge country is formed, it will have an impact on their rule, so they deliberately separate cities from cities, city-states and city-states, and even manage them under the same sect. There are blood feuds between different city-states that cannot be eliminated.

In this way, the monks of the great sect only need to send a small number of disciples and allocate a little energy to firmly control the huge resources.

Of course, any system will inevitably slip in another uncontrollable direction after it exists for too long.

The division between the city-states, on the contrary, also resulted in the separation of the hills within the Zongmen.

The larger the sect, the weaker the cohesion, which has become a consensus.

As for the sect of Gale Wind City State, it is Proud Sword Sect, a huge sect that was originally composed of sword cultivators, but now has already been mixed.

Qingxi Sword Sect is one of the many sword sects under the command of Proud Sword Sect.

In this way, it is no wonder that the disciples of the Tianwei Martial Arts Hall that Ye Chuxiao saw in the time travel, would be so panicked.

After all, the son of the head of the Qingxi Sword Sect killed by Wei Ming, the 'Ninth Junior Brother', is equivalent to the son of a feudal lord.

This is not as simple as just a grievance between rivers and lakes.

"Qiu Changling wiped out all the Tianwei martial arts halls, but still missed the Nine Death Demon Art, but I don't know how this 'Pei Sword Lord' feels after hearing the news." In the tavern, a monk from the Shanhe Sword Sect, He deliberately said it loudly, obviously he was very happy to watch Qiu Changling's jokes.

"What do you think?"

"Qiu Changling has not rushed to Linzhou City yet. I heard that it is because the head of the Yushu Sword Sect led a group of elders to personally block the gate of the Qingxi Sword Sect."

"After all, Linfeng City is divided under the rule of Yushu Sword Sect, and Yueting Mountain has always had friendship with Yushu Sword Sect." Someone said again.

"Bullshit friendship, why haven't I heard that the Yushu Sword Sect is going to be the master of the Tianwei Martial Arts Academy? Didn't they hear that the Nine Deaths Demon Art is really alive, so they are rushing to declare their sovereignty?"

"Now that the Tianwei Martial Arts Hall is besieged and the ground is being dug three feet, isn't it all the work of the Yushu Sword Sect?"

Amidst the turbulent discussions, Ye Chuxiao got up from his seat and left the tavern.

He has heard a lot of similar news repeatedly, and it would be a waste of time to continue listening.

"It's more complicated than I thought."

"Whether it is the Qingxi Sword Sect or the Shanhe, Yushu, Liufeng, Yingguang and other sword sects, they all belong to the Proud Sword Sect in essence, and they are all within the framework of the same faction, which means that even if there is friction between them , and it’s hard to really tear your face apart.”

"That is to say, even if I take out the nine-death magic skill as a bargaining chip, it will basically be hollowed out and sacrificed directly."

"It's impossible to try to jump horizontally by using both sides." Ye Chuxiao felt the constraints and difficulties formed by his identity.

Even though he put on the skin of Ninth Junior Brother Wei Ming, he still felt like he was being constrained everywhere.

This is not only a limitation of fate, but also a limitation of identity.

"No wonder there is an option to spend [-] life points to customize your identity, and randomize with ten points of life. If the cut-in identity is too poor, under the pressure of strict social rules, the space for activities in a short period of time is too limited. .”

In fact, with Ye Chuxiao's current income, even if he just leaves the current world like this, he will not lose money.

However, it was just like that, so it was inevitable that I would be a little bit aggrieved.

Walking on the only main street in Linfeng City, the pharmacies on both sides of the main street are already full of long queues of monks buying 'Xingxin San'.

Unlike the Daheng court who kept their practice flaws secret, in the soil of Tianluo, practice flaws are already common knowledge.

The more you practice, the more crazy you become, this is the iron rule of this world.

And in order to suppress the fire of madness, special medicines such as 'Dingxin San' have become indispensable for monks.

Naturally, this kind of medicine has also become the best means for the various sects to control the bottom monks.

Massive resources and wealth can be exploited from the bottom monks every day.

In a sense, the flaws in this world's practice and the flaws in Daheng's practice complement each other to a certain extent.

As for Daheng's shortcomings in practice, Ye Chuxiao has gradually realized it after entering the current world.

"I have to say that my luck is still good. In the different world I entered for the first time, the shortcomings in practice can complement those in the world of Dahengzhu. Although they are not completely in tune, one is emotionally reduced, and the other is emotional. The enhancement is already considered to be more suitable."

"Because of this, I should stay in this world more. If I can go through the sea of ​​suffering in this world, overcome the adversity, return to Daheng, and continue the practice of Daheng, I will be able to stabilize my heart more smoothly and climb to a higher level. High practice."

Ye Chuxiao was thinking while walking, when a group of monks in uniform black uniforms passed by.

Then he stood in the middle of the main street and said loudly: "The city lord has an order. All visitors from outside the city must go to the gate of the city lord's mansion for identity verification, and then assign a temporary ID card. Those who do not have an ID card after two days will be imprisoned first."

As soon as this remark came out, the whole street became noisy.

"It seems that some people have already suspected that I did not leave Linzhou City, but fished in troubled waters and returned to Linzhou City with the idea of ​​being dark under the lights."

"If you go out of the city now, I'm afraid it will be too late, and you will be thrown into a trap instead."

The situation seemed a little critical, but Ye Chuxiao was not nervous, but became more and more excited.

Since Plan [-] is not going to work for the time being, then Plan [-] will be activated.

Turn around and walk into a nearby bookstore.

After buying a few basic geography books, I also bought some paper and pens by the way.

After one night, many people discovered that the flying papers that randomly appeared around Linzhou City seemed to record some extremely mysterious and profound cultivation formulas.

Someone integrated a part of it a little bit, and concluded that these formulas originated from the Nine Death Demon Art.

Because among them, some incomplete secret techniques of resurrection from the dead are clearly recorded.

Immediately, Linzhou City, which was originally only 'lively', became a sensation.

The monks who still received their identity cards at ease were no longer peaceful.

In order to compete for more fragments of formulas, the monks began to fight.

The flaws in the practice of this world have caused the emotions of most low-level monks to be particularly easily provoked.

Ye Chuxiao's collection of fragments and dissemination of some formulas of the Nine Death Demon Art is undoubtedly adding fuel to the fire.

Also because of Ye Chuxiao's behavior, the fate that had already stopped, ushered in another wave of gains in a short period of time, reaching 56 points.

(End of this chapter)

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