Chapter 19
Linzhou City, City Lord's Mansion.

On the exquisite sand table, there is a miniature Linzhou City.

If you look closely, you can still see many light spots, swimming flexibly in the shrinking Linzhou city.

Each of these light spots represents a monk.

Of course, not every monk in Linzhou City was recorded in this sand table.

Some monks who are good at concealing aura, even with this sand table magic weapon, can't catch traces, so naturally they won't show light spots on the sand table.

A boy with his eyes turned white stood beside the sand table, with his hands above him, shaking his body constantly, alternating light and dark light wandered around his body, and the light and dark radiated out, covering every light on the sand table. point.

After a while, the boy stopped casting spells and let out a long breath of depression.

"I've searched all over Linzhou City, but I haven't found any trace of Wei Ming."

"Perhaps the Nine Death Demon Art is really so miraculous. It has a unique method that shields the prying eyes of the divination technique." The boy said.

The Linzhou City Lord who was waiting on the side said: "Uncle Chao, should we conduct a more detailed city-wide investigation? Also, the paper used to spread formulas is also a clue. Follow the paper to check, even if the other party hides his identity Make a purchase, and I believe he will soon be able to capture his traces."

"No need! Open the big formation, and then lock the city gates, allowing entry and not allowing exit."

"At the same time, the news will be released. Every two days, the identity registration and confirmation methods will be adjusted. Since he has brought out the Nine Death Demon Art, of course we have to accept them all."

"Just collect all the formulas that have been exposed." After thinking for a moment, the young man said without haste.

Linzhou City Lord was taken aback for a moment, and then seemed to think of something, so he stopped asking and acted according to the order.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao, who continued to wander in Linzhou City, was also wondering.

He has already shown his sincerity and value, so why haven't the monks of the Yushu Sword Sect found him to make a deal with him?
The reason for not voluntarily revealing it is because there are too many people around the city lord's mansion. Once the news is exposed on a large scale, the Yushu Sword Sect can't bear the pressure and will easily choose to 'sell' him.

But if he was secretly contacted by the Yushu Sword Sect and quietly 'protected', the nature would be different.

The difference between active and passive, treatment and results may be worlds apart.

Because of this, Ye Chuxiao had the seemingly flawed operation of disseminating the formula of Nine Death Demon Art.

After Ye Chuxiao heard the news and learned about the new order of the City Lord's Mansion, he found the answer to the doubts in his heart.

"I put the pressure on the Yushu Sword Sect, and now they kicked the pressure back, planning to pick the fruit directly without bearing any consequences?"

"How can they be sure that I will expose all the formulas of the Nine Death Demon Art?" Ye Chuxiao didn't have an answer for the time being.

It wasn't until he entered a tavern again, intending to listen to some information, that his doubts were resolved.

In the tavern, many monks were gathering to discuss the formula of Nine Death Demon Art.

This is the current hot spot, and it is also the purpose of their coming to Zhoucheng, so there is nothing wrong with it.

It is a group of people who compete for the formulas and fight to the death, but there are also a group of people who choose to cooperate and exchange the formulas they have obtained with each other. During the exchange process, it is inevitable to have discussions.

"The living can die, and the dead can live. The way of life and death is all tied to God, emotion, hatred, and thought. The meaning of this sentence is very clear. The transition between life and death is just an external, spiritual and emotional tempering. That's the root, so the fundamental intention of the Nine Death Demon Art is to use the great terror between life and death to temper the supreme spirit and enter the primordial spirit with the extraordinary." A monk said loudly.

"No! No! Listen to this sentence, the flesh and blood of the human body hide the soul, so the flesh and blood are the most important, and the soul is second. The flesh and blood are quenched with treasures, and Dafa is applied to preserve life and nourish the soul. The meaning of this sentence is clearly to put The body of flesh and blood is placed above the soul, and it talks about the principle of nourishing flesh and blood, but it is a pity that we have no way of seeing the specific method of tempering flesh and blood and accumulating vitality, otherwise we can directly start practicing this method." Another one said the monk.

Soon, the monks in the tavern were divided into two factions.

One group believes that the flesh and blood should be tempered, and the soul should be nourished with flesh and blood. The Nine Death Demon Kung Fu is really the supreme magic method for life preservation and self-cultivation.

The other school of thought believes that flesh and blood are just "tributes", and the purpose of nourishing flesh and blood is to better touch life and death, and the spirit and soul will be sublimated in the repeated tempering between life and death.

The dispute between the two factions, if you zoom in on it, is clearly the contradiction between physical cultivation and legal cultivation.

It is of course more reasonable to practice both body and law.

But most people's qualifications, resources, time, energy, etc. are limited.

Under the body and law, there are still hundreds of monks subdivided, let alone these two major categories?
But at the same time, they also gave different interpretations to the formulas that Ye Chuxiao spread out from different angles.

Many things that Ye Chuxiao couldn't understand originally found some answers in the debates among these monks.

"This is the plan of the Yushu Sword Sect. They expected that I would not be able to interpret the Nine Death Demon Art alone, and deliberately created a closed environment for interpreting the Demon Art. These monks from various sects who entered the city have become their tools."

"As for me, if I want to practice Nine Death Demon Art, I must spread the formula again and again, and then absorb nutrients."

"They don't worry at all. What will happen to me after I learn the Nine Deaths Demon Art? After all, from the perspective of Wei Ming's identity, there is no enmity with the Yushu Sword Sect. And the Yushu Sword Sect may not need to deal with the Nine Deaths Demon Art. There are [-]% to [-]% to obtain, as long as the collection reaches [-]% to [-]%, they can enrich their heritage and perfect their own way of practice."

"I took the initiative to spread the formulas of the Nine Deaths Demon Art. In their view, it is a kind of 'self-exposing my shortcomings'. If I mastered the secrets of the Nine Deaths Demon Art, I would definitely hide the secrets, avoid my own shortcomings, and expose my shortcomings. before people."

After reaching the conclusion, Ye Chuxiao was not only not discouraged, but was delighted and excited.

The only thing Yushu Sword Sect didn't expect was that he was not Wei Ming, nor did he have a deep hatred with Qiu Changling.

At the same time, there is no psychological obstacle to spreading the Nine Death Demon Art.

A magical skill that cannot be cultivated is just waste paper.

Only what can really be mastered is the key.

What's more, once Ye Chuxiao uses the power of all the monks in the city to interpret more than half of the Nine Death Demon Art, it will be enough to form his own cognition and opinion.

It is not necessary to publish the secrets of magic skills in the whole book.

In the next few days, Ye Chuxiao continued to operate and spread more magic formulas.

At the same time, the small city of Linzhou was completely overwhelmed by foreign monks.

The disputes and contradictions in the city became more and more intense.

Gradually, it has reached the limit of Yushu Sword Faction's management and tolerance of the city.

Not only that, but as the number of times Ye Chuxiao spread the formula increased, many monks also began to reproduce Ye Chuxiao's behavior, and even added their own opinions.

Part of it is deliberately misleading.

There is also a part that wants to spread one's own ideas, or to get answers to doubts about practice.

As a result, the water is more cloudy.

The traces left by Ye Chuxiao were also stirred up and broken into pieces in this turbidity.

After another four or five days, many monks and vendors appeared in the market, selling the so-called complete book of Nine Death Demon Art.

These complete books are indeed a collection of a large number of formulas that can be collected in the market.

It's just the same passage, but if the order is wrong, the meaning will be very different, not to mention that there are many prejudices mixed in it, which has created many versions of Nine Deaths Demon Art.

Most of the versions, according to the practice, can be predicted to go crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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