There are gaps in the road

Chapter 2 Decapitation Disaster

Chapter 2 Decapitation Disaster (Please recommend, please collect, please follow up)
The dungeon of the Daheng Criminal Department, the third basement floor, area B.

Ye Chuxiao was holding a red stick tightly in his hand, and was in a daze, his eyes were out of focus, as if his soul was out of his body.

The rotten wine and food, mixed with the smell of vomit, combined with the damp and dark environment of the dungeon, formed a continuous negative attack in the not spacious space.

She twisted her stiff neck.

Ye Chuxiao hadn't fully recovered from her senses.

After all, the shared basement, in a sense, after a hangover, is similar to the dungeon at this time.

"Dog X's Dawei, you threw me on the toilet again and made me vomit all night?" Ye Chuxiao didn't even dare to touch her cheek at this time, she was in a bit of an embarrassing situation, although escaping wouldn't solve the problem , but at least he won't let himself suffer secondary mental damage.

Finally, he began to shake his head slightly numbly, and even half of his body swayed accordingly.

In this slow and stiff movement, the body after a hangover gradually regained its keen senses.

His eyes searched for the first sip of revival wine in the morning after a hangover.

By the way, the layout of the entire space can be fully seen.

Dim lights, messy cups and plates on the table, iron hooks, nooses, soldering irons and other things hanging on the rocky walls, and some creepy instruments of torture are piled up in the corner of the wall.

Ye Chuxiao slapped herself.

"Damn it, I won't eat the appetizers given by the Yundian people anymore, it's all right now! I'm hallucinating." Ye Chuxiao muttered to himself, then shook the wine pot on the table, listening Hearing the sound that the inside was more empty than the wallet, he sighed again.

And then, a wave of memory, unexpectedly mixed with the strength of alcohol, surged up together.

The intense dizziness and agitation from the soul to the body is like someone stuffed a 43-yard stinky foot into his mouth, and then kicked it hard.

Seeing the mess all over the floor, Ye Chuxiao tried his best not to faint.

After a while, Ye Chuxiao finally confirmed that he had crossed.

Ye Chuxiao, the third-class jailer in the dungeon of the Ministry of Justice of the Daheng Dynasty, was responsible for delivering meals to the prisoners in the third underground floor B area. It could barely be regarded as a fat job. In addition to the monthly salary of one or two dollars and a small amount of rice, The soup money collected from the prisoners was as much as seventeen or eighty taels. In addition to handing over half of it, he can also withhold three or four taels for himself, which is almost double the monthly salary.

There is a water tank in the corner.

Ye Chuxiao held the candle, walked to the water tank, and looked in.

The blurry figure reflected in the water looks more like a soldier of the underworld.

Wearing a light blue Zao Li suit, wearing an oilcloth crown that is not very suitable on the head, and a red cloth ribbon around the waist, there is enough room for relaxation, and it can obviously accommodate a larger belly. Looking directly at the feet, it is wearing The high-soled black-faced boots that barely fit, as for the specific facial features, in such a dim environment, they can't be seen clearly by the side of the water tank only with the dim light of a little candle.

Putting down the candlestick, Ye Chuxiao directly plunged his whole head into the water tank to make himself more awake.

The next moment, I saw the bottom of the water tank, half of the ears that had been soaked and turned white were pierced by nails.

Ye Chuxiao shuddered immediately, and the remnant of alcohol completely woke up.

After taking two steps back and stabilizing his figure, it was only at this time that he had an intuitive and clear feeling about time travel.

Looking at the red sign still in his hand, the original vague memory became more concrete and real.

"Xiaoye! It's your bad luck this time. A felon was lost in the prison. In another day, Mr. Zhao from the criminal department will come to inspect the prison. Since you have won the red lottery, you have to take care of the matter. We will be here in the future." Brothers and sisters will not forget your younger brothers and sisters."

"When your younger brother turns 15, we'll help clear up the relationship and let him take over your class." The words of Li Xin, the class leader, kept echoing in Ye Chuxiao's mind.


"The one who disappeared was a cult demon, and he was engaged in a rebellious business. I have to admit that I helped in private and let the prisoner escape. That would be the end of all crimes. Li Xin just saw that I was young and thought I was easy to handle. My younger siblings are threatening me." Ye Chuxiao stroked the water droplets on her hair, and gradually calmed down.

Before time-traveling, he was one of the members of Yancheng TV's variety show writing group, and was mainly responsible for writing the scenario script of "Cute Star Detective Detective Case".

However, to be honest, this kind of script does not have high requirements for reasoning and suspense.

Instead, it is a requirement to try to meet the performance desire and personality needs of the stars.

Although he is not a professional reasoning screenwriter, Ye Chuxiao is still thinking at this time, using his little knowledge to try to solve the predicament in front of him.

"This is a world with practice, techniques, and mysteries."

"The original owner is a small martial artist who has cultivated to the second floor of the Foolish Realm, and about seven or eight hours ago, the original guard who was originally imprisoned in the second floor of the dungeon disappeared into the prison out of thin air, leaving only The dead skin that sloughed off from the whole body. Some old jailers guessed that it was the demon of the cult, who used the technique of metamorphosis and phantom body taught by the original principle, turned into insects and ants, and escaped from the dungeon."

"However, the dungeon is suppressed by the Daheng artifact. If ordinary people do not have a special seal, it is impossible to display any extraordinary means in this dungeon."

Thinking of this, Ye Chuxiao was going to go to the cell where the cult monster was originally imprisoned, looking for clues.

Although the team leader said in my memory that after a day, Mr. Zhao from the Criminal Department will come to inspect the prison.

But really, 'the day' has passed.

The conversation in Ye Chuxiao's memory happened last night.

As for complaining in front of Mr. Zhao, Ye Chuxiao was not optimistic about the possibility.

Getting lost for a repeat offence, which in itself has a lot of ramifications, and Li Xin, the team leader, dared to push Ye Chuxiao to take the blame, so he must have gained some confidence and acquiescence.

It is a routine operation in the officialdom to turn major events into minor ones.

It's just that the sacrificed person doesn't have to be Ye Chuxiao, it can also be any implicated jailer.

It was just a 'coincidence' that Ye Chuxiao got the red lottery for the crime.

Pulling the iron door at the exit of the room, there was a rattling sound behind the iron door.

Obviously it has been locked from the other side.

He punched hard on the iron door, and the bone-chilling shock force instantly forced Ye Chuxiao back a few steps, before he landed on the ground.

A chill rushed straight from the tailbone to the forehead.

"Not only locked the door, but also took away my seal, preventing me from using my power in this dungeon. This is not even giving me the last chance!" Ye Chuxiao thought to himself.

Now that things have come to this, Ye Chuxiao can only look forward to the arrival of the Golden Finger, which is a standard equipment for traversers.

Sitting numbly on the stool, he silently recited all the gods he could think of, and even tried to summon those famous golden finger templates.

However, half an hour passed without any response.

"No way? If you wear it?"

"It's unreasonable!" Ye Chuxiao said bitterly.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Ye Chuxiao has no choice but to search for any possible solutions.

Just as he was thinking hard, he heard a sound from the door lock.

With a creak, the iron door was pulled open.

A middle-aged man dressed the same as Ye Chuxiao walked in with a drink and a dish.

"Xiaoye! Think clearly, don't be stubborn, this is your life!" The middle-aged man said in a tone as calm as possible.

Ye Chuxiao opened his eyes, looking at the team leader who had always taken good care of him in the past.

"I heard that your youngest son, Captain Li, is about to turn fifteen!" Ye Chuxiao's voice was not mixed with any joy or anger.

"I don't believe you will leave my place to my younger brother. I'm going to have a look at the cell where the cult monster stayed." Ye Chuxiao continued.

Li Bantou, who was trying to be gentle at first, suddenly changed his face.

"Ye Chuxiao! You are already wearing a crime. Instead of putting you in a prison cell, you are allowed to eat and drink in the classroom. This is already a special treatment."

"Don't be foolish, otherwise not only you, but your whole family will not be able to escape." Captain Li said viciously.

Ye Chuxiao looked at the distraught Li Bantou, but became more confident: "I know, if the monster escapes, someone needs to come out and take the blame. Since I was pushed out by you, I can't hide. But a little three Waiting for the jailer, how could it be possible to commit such a serious crime, there should at least be a squad leader behind it."

"Handing over a jailer and a squad leader, wouldn't it be safer for those big men in the Ministry of Criminal Justice?"

"Anyway, it doesn't make any difference to them."

Li Bantou's face suddenly turned blue.

The information he knew was more detailed than Ye Chuxiao's, and he was also clearer about how big a mistake it was for that cult monster to escape.

Because of this, he and others got Ye Chuxiao drunk last night, and after Ye Chuxiao stamped his handprint on the confession, he still couldn't feel at ease.

Only then did there be another 'beating'.

It's just that he didn't expect that Ye Chuxiao, who was originally honest and easy to bully, seemed to have changed into a different person, and hit him instead.

"It's a big deal, and a third-class jailer can't handle it."

"If the higher-ups are determined to pursue the case, it will be no problem for all the jailers in District B to question the crime."

"Boss Li, if I were you, I wouldn't choose to cover my head at this time and take chances. Instead, I would find a way to find the real mastermind behind the scenes." Ye Chuxiao followed closely to suppress the emotions of Captain Li.

After finishing speaking, Ye Chuxiao bypassed Captain Li and pushed the door straight out.

Leaving the classroom full of rancid smell, the smell in the corridor is not good.

The musty smell caused by the dark and damp is still the mainstream atmosphere of the entire dungeon.

The reason why the soles of the jailer's shoes are extra high is also to prevent them from sinking into the wet mud and soaking their toes in the mud.

Following the direction of memory, Ye Chuxiao arrived at the door of the cell where the cult monster had been.

Through the iron fence, you can see the layout of the cell clearly.

A piece of human skin was chained and hung in the air.

What was originally hanging there should not be just a piece of skin, but the whole person.

"Open the door!" Ye Chuxiao said to Li Bantou who followed closely behind him.

Leader Li looked unhappy and wanted to sneer a few words, but he heard Ye Chuxiao say: "Cooperate well with me, in case I really can't find any clues, there will be someone to take the blame at that time, so I won't mention you."

Hearing this, Bantou Li hurriedly opened the cell door as if he had received an amnesty.

Ye Chuxiao walked in and looked around, but did not find any suspicious traces.

After all, he is just a screenwriter for variety shows, not a real mystery novelist, let alone a detective.

After hesitating again and again, Ye Chuxiao still reached out to touch the strange-looking human skin.

If there are any clues, this weird human skin is obviously the most valuable for investigation.

The moment Ye Chuxiao's finger touched the human skin, a strange energy suddenly surged from the finger.

At the same time, Ye Chuxiao's mind felt like a big bell suddenly rang.

The illusory golden clock turned counterclockwise in Ye Chuxiao's mind.

With the movement of the pointer, Ye Chuxiao found that everything in front of him, from the perspective of the soul, seemed to be going back in time.

(End of this chapter)

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