There are gaps in the road

Chapter 3 My partner is actually myself

Chapter 3 My partner is actually myself (new book please support)
"Obtain the residual breath of Dao Yun, start time retrospect, please intercept Dao Yun as soon as possible." The golden clock sent Ye Chuxiao such a message, and then there was no more movement.

But at this moment, in Ye Chuxiao's sight, what was hanging on the iron hook was no longer the pale human skin, but a living person.

Thick iron hooks passed through the person's lute bone and tailbone respectively, hanging him in mid-air.

Such inhuman torture, if it were an ordinary person, he would have died long ago, but this cult monster who was hung up has a cold smile on his face all the time, with green, almost transparent eyes, But he didn't focus on Ye Chuxiao. Obviously, in this time-spanning confrontation, his and Ye Chuxiao's status were not equal.

Ye Chuxiao tried to move around, but still did not attract the attention of the cult monster.

This made Ye Chuxiao not quite sure whether he had crossed the distance of time to see and come to the past, or he was still staying in the present, just glimpsed the remaining traces of the past.

However, no matter what state he is in now, Ye Chuxiao is sure that he can only observe, but cannot truly exert influence.

Even if he really went back to the past, he is just a ghost existing in this time and space.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao's fingers were touching a little flying debris in the air.

When he subjectively wanted to lift this bit of flying debris, the unshakable weight seemed to be what he was about to lift up, a star.

Looking closely at the expression on the face of the cult monster, Ye Chuxiao could easily find that he didn't seem to have any negative emotions such as darkness, anger, and fear waiting to be executed at any time after being imprisoned.

If you look closely at his expression, you can even feel a little bit of anticipation.

"What is he expecting?"

"Looking forward to an accomplice coming to rescue him?"

"If I stay here, can I see his accomplice? Find the real culprit who released the evil cult monster?" Ye Chuxiao thought to himself.

However, such thoughts only stayed in Ye Chuxiao's mind for a moment, and then he saw 'self'.

Although he is not completely sure about his appearance, the clothes on his body, his body shape, etc. are enough for Ye Chuxiao to make a definite conclusion.

In particular, the same scar on the forearm of the left hand can be used as irrefutable evidence.

Of course, at this moment, Ye Chuxiao should call the 'self' in front of her a 'predecessor'.

Strictly speaking, Ye Chuxiao who was observing at the other end of time is not the same person as Ye Chuxiao who appeared outside the cell at this moment.

It looks like the predecessor is here to deliver food.

According to regulations, even if it is just food delivery, there should be more than two people traveling in a group every time.

In the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, it is strictly forbidden for jailers to travel alone to contact prisoners.

But Daheng has been established for thousands of years, and many regulations have long been abolished. The position of the prison guard of the Ministry of Punishment has been passed down from generation to generation, and there have been a large number of vacancies. Ding continued.

Holding a moldy food bucket in his hand, the bucket contained food that had rotted long ago, with no trace of the original traces, and was mixed with a lot of muddy soup.

For anyone's sphincter, the contents of this bucket are a great test.

One bite down, clean and hygienic.

However, even with this kind of food, if the prisoners in the prison want to eat a mouthful of dry food, it will still be thin, depending on the face of the jailer in charge of serving the food.

If the money is enough, it is also possible to book a table from an outside restaurant.

This is also one of the main income items of the prison.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao finally saw clearly the complete and clear appearance of 'him' at this time.

This body gave him the first impression that he was young and full of vigor. This kind of vigor was like the sun at seven or eight o'clock. It was hot and dazzling as if it carried infinite possibilities. He was an old man in his 30s who was suffering from illness all over his body. , absolutely incomparable.

He has not completely transitioned to the stage of youth, and he can barely be called a teenager. He is not tall, but he is not short, but his appearance is considered to be above average, his skin is slightly dark, but his bones are good. The only shortcoming is His eyes looked a little dull and slack, and the ugly jailer's attire also sealed most of his appearance.

Suddenly, Ye Chuxiao felt the concentration of eyes behind her.

Turning around suddenly, he found that the evil cult monster hanging in mid-air was looking straight at the 'predecessor'.

"Have you brought something?" The cult demon opened his mouth, his sealed tongue, but at this moment it was hitting the air, making a strange and low sound.

The 'predecessor' numbly took out the apparently 'modified' jailer seal from his pocket.

This seal should have been in the form of an iron talisman, with a drop of blood in it, which is a one-to-one match with the user, and cannot be used by outsiders.

But at this moment, on the seal, there was a blood-colored gecko, which broke away from the control of the 'predecessor' and flew down in front of the cult monster.

After obtaining the seal, the cult monster bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed blood on the seal. The bloody lizard swam around, sucked in the blood, and quickly merged into the seal.

After completing the cover of the seal, the demon man of the cult began to chant the mantra with his breath.

As the incantation became more and more rapid, a layer of pale skin fell off the body of the cult monster.

Pi took his place and continued to hang in mid-air.

However, the evil cult demon who was freed from the shackles rolled over on the spot and turned into a gray mouse.

If you look carefully, you can also find that this gray mouse has no hair on its whole body.

"I'm the accomplice?" Ye Chuxiao had 1 'fuck' in his heart.

He thought that the seal was taken away by Bantou Li, but he never thought that it was lost at this moment.

In this way, even if he returns with the information he has, he cannot get out of the predicament, but instead freezes himself in a deadlock.

No matter what the predecessor did this kind of thing.

The conclusion that he is an accomplice of the cult monster is beyond doubt.

Even if the predecessor was manipulated and used, that cannot be used as a reason to clear the charge.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao's brain began to spin rapidly.

He must find a way to get out of this predicament.

"First of all, I want to determine whether the cult demon who turned into a mouse has really escaped from the dungeon of the Ministry of Justice."

"Escaping from the prison does not mean that you have really escaped from the dungeon. There are eight floors in the Dungeon of the Ministry of Justice. Although the last three floors of the Dungeon of the Ministry of Justice have never been opened since the Fengshen Rebellion 300 years ago, but The five-story dungeon is also divided into four areas, A, B, C, and D. Not only is the scope extremely wide, but also the organs and settings are complicated. Even as a prison guard, I only know the organs and formations in the third-floor area B for a certain period of time. set up."

"It is not an easy task for a cult monster to become a mouse to escape from the dungeon in a short period of time."

In a moment of thought, Ye Chuxiao had already followed the gray-skinned mouse out of the original cell.

Then I saw that the mouse seemed to know the layout and mechanism of the dungeon quite well, and dived all the way, going deeper into the dungeon.

(End of this chapter)

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