There are gaps in the road

Chapter 4 Intercepting Dao Yun

Chapter 4 Intercepting Dao Yun
"Could it be that he has a bigger plan to help some more important high-ranking cult leaders get out of trouble?" Ye Chuxiao had to guess this possibility.

But the gray-skinned mouse soon stopped somewhere on the fourth underground floor, and then hid in a dark corner without moving, as if it had suddenly shut down.

As time passed, the gray mouse continued to lie in the corner without moving, but it was extremely patient.

But Ye Chuxiao has already taken advantage of the convenience at this time to walk around in a small circle.

After testing, Ye Chuxiao confirmed that he could not get out of the [-]-meter range of the gray mouse. Once he got out of the range, he would be teleported back in an instant.

At present, Ye Chuxiao is still unable to confirm the principle. It is very likely that the opening of the golden clock is related to the breath from the dead skin of the gray mouse.

Ye Chuxiao chose to stand behind the gray mouse, so close to it.

Suddenly, a dazzling purple light, like jumping through time and space, appeared directly above the gray-skinned mouse with a very mysterious rhythm.

There was a light of surprise in the eyes of the gray-skinned mouse.

It jumped up suddenly, wanting to touch the light.

But what it didn't expect was that there was a person standing behind it.

A person who does not exist in this time and space.

Compared with the height at which the gray-skinned mouse jumped, the purple light landed on Ye Chuxiao's body more directly, unexpectedly ignoring the deviation of time and space, and blending into Ye Chuxiao's body.

It seems that this purple light is only limited by space, but not by time.

The moment the purple light merged into the body.

Ye Chuxiao seemed to see the long river of Tao that spanned the vast and boundless land and criss-crossed the worlds.

Compared with the abundant and powerful long river of Tao, the ray of purple light that Ye Chuxiao obtained at this moment is not even a drop of water.

Even so, he still felt that his brain, which was originally chaotic and ignorant, seemed to be opened with an invisible lock.

Many original endless brain holes are being transformed into real and feasible inspiration.

From fantasy to theory, he was already crossing that bridge called talent.

More precisely, at this moment, Ye Chuxiao already possessed a talent that seemed to be born with him.

This talent is so surging, it seems that as long as he studies some theoretical knowledge seriously, and thinks and exercises a little harder, he can cash them out and turn them into real and without false strengths.

"Talent: skillful hands, the flexibility of the hands is greatly improved, and any hand-held weapons or martial arts based on hands can be used quickly." Ye Chuxiao made a brief summary of this talent.

However, this talent is not the whole of that bit of purple light, it is only the part that is revealed by the benefits brought by the purple light.

"Its purpose is for this purple light that suddenly appeared?"

"How does it know that there will be such a magical purple light coming here on the fourth floor of the Ministry of Justice dungeon?"

"Could it be some kind of talent?" Ye Chuxiao thought.

And the gray-skinned mouse, seeing the purple light appearing and disappearing out of nowhere, widened its mung bean-sized eyeballs and let out an angry 'squeak' sound.

For this bit of Dao Yun purple light, he danced on the tip of the knife and paid a high price.

But the purple light disappeared without a trace.

As if it had never been there.

It couldn't accept this result, and after turning twice in place, it climbed out of a rough formation, and then began to make strange breathing sounds.

The seal that originally belonged to Ye Chuxiao floated above Gray Mouse's head, helping him to cover up the pressure from the prison-suppressing artifact.

But the seal of the third-class jailer has an upper limit to its power.

When this upper limit is exceeded, the seal will explode.

Accompanied by an invisible tremor in the air, the seal that originally belonged to Ye Chuxiao exploded into slag and shattered all over the place.

Looking at the debris all over the floor, Ye Chuxiao's expression was uglier than that of a gray-skinned mouse.

Originally, Ye Chuxiao planned to find out where the gray-skinned mouse was hiding, and after returning to real time, he would lead someone to snipe the gray-skinned mouse, and at the same time, quietly retrieve the seal and erase the traces.

But now, the seal was blown up, and the debris was scattered all over the place, but anyone who looked carefully for the traces might find some residues that Ye Chuxiao couldn't gather up quickly.

Moreover, Ye Chuxiao also needs a reason for the blow-up of the seal.

Otherwise, it will be difficult for people to associate.

However, if there is a mistake in the two lines, even if Gray Mouse is caught and imprisoned again, he still cannot avoid the risk of being convicted of colluding with a cult demon.

The gray-skinned mouse who found that the letter was blown up froze, and the whole mouse screamed in frustration and panic.

Without the cover of the seal, it can no longer use any spells in this dungeon.

This is undoubtedly another bad news for the Gray Mouse at the moment.

Seeing that the gray-skinned mouse suffered on its own, and then fell into a trap because it could not use spells, Ye Chuxiao also began to sort out his clues, sort out how to operate in the future, so as to solve the trouble as much as possible, and get himself out of here again. Take it out of the matter.

Accompanied by the bell of the golden clock in the brain.

Ye Chuxiao's consciousness and thoughts return to the 'now'.

In front of his eyes was still that pale dead skin.

And Bantou Li still followed behind him, with an obviously disturbed expression on his face.

Ye Chuxiao pretended to squat down, and then began to touch some messy marks on the ground with his palms.

"There are traces of mice crawling here. Judging from the direction of the footprints, there must be something strange in it." Ye Chuxiao said.

Li Bantou said mockingly: "It's just mouse footprints, there are many in the dungeon."

"There are quite a few rats in the dungeon, but very few of them can leave the cell alive. You haven't given food to the prisoners, Captain Li. You may not know that for many prisoners, rats are a rare delicacy. Therefore, in general cells , there are only traces of mice entering, but no traces of coming out. But look at these footprints, they are clearly outward." Ye Chuxiao said.

Of course, this reason is not enough to be used as a rigorous inference evidence, but Ye Chuxiao, who has known the result for a long time, does not need real evidence, he only needs a reason.

So he changed the subject immediately and said: "I remember that Zhang Daqing who is following you is a talisman of the first stage of stupidity. Let him come over and use these mouse footprints as evidence to draw a tracking talisman."

Li Bantou still wants to say a few words.

But he met Ye Chuxiao's calm and determined face.

"What are you still doing?"


Perhaps Li Bantou was taken by Ye Chuxiao's aura, or maybe he was forced by Ye Chuxiao's previous threats, but he still went after all.

After a while, another jailer was brought back.

The jailer squatted down, relying on the mouse's footprints, holding his seal, and then drew a talisman with a talisman.

When the talisman light dissipated, the mouse's footprints on the ground became brighter.

Following these footprints, the three pursued them all the way. Ye Chuxiao ignored the eyes of Captain Li and explained the situation to the jailers in other areas on the way. The team continues to grow.

About half an hour later, a team of more than a dozen jailers found the unconscious Gray Mouse in a formation trap.

Without the protection of seals, even if the gray mouse has some kind of special talent, it can't avoid all the dangerous traps.

When the veteran jailer with rich experience confirmed through magical means that the gray-skinned mouse was indeed transformed by human beings with evil methods, almost everyone in the team of more than a dozen jailers had eager expressions on their faces. smile.

For most of them, it is not their fault that the fugitives got lost, but they have a share of credit for capturing the prisoners.

It's cheap, how can it not be fragrant?
Only Captain Li, although he also retrieved the 'lost' prisoner, he still did nothing. Even if he didn't have to take any serious danger, he still had to suffer a meal.

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(End of this chapter)

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