There are gaps in the road

Chapter 5 Homecoming

Chapter 5 Homecoming
The matter ended more casually than Ye Chuxiao expected.

Prisoners who escape from prison are classified as lost.

But all the jailers quickly recovered the prisoner, but it was the leaders of the Ministry of Punishment who made the contribution.

Since there was no loss, then naturally no one caught on to this matter and chased after it.

As for the 'hidden secrets' that can still be dug out, it has instead become some kind of mutual taboo and tacit pretending to be confused.

The only one who can be called unsatisfactory is the jailer in the second district of the third floor.

They were collectively fined one month's salary.

In the rotten water bucket responsible for feeding the prisoners in Section B on the third floor, the edible food became thinner, and the dog shook his head when he saw it.

In the end, it was the prisoners who were still a little bit rich, who took on everything.

A closed loop where no one is damaged seems to be achieved so simply.

After ordering Mao for three days as usual, Ye Chuxiao switched to Xiu Mu for two days.

This is Bantou Li's gesture of favor.

The incident of recapturing the evil demon of the Original Principle Sect made Bantou Li realize that Ye Chuxiao Feiyi and his generation could not be killed all at once, so naturally they could only find ways to repair their relationship.

Although squad leader Li is a jailer squad leader, the jailer under his opponent does not have the power to kill or kill.

On the contrary, to do things, you still need the jailers under you to give face and obey the dispatch.

The reason why Ye Chuxiao's predecessor was able to catch up with the dead end before was more because of taking advantage of the situation to suppress others, not because he himself had such great power and prestige.

Ye Chuxiao is a newcomer now, and she hasn't got a firm foothold yet, so she pretended to only extort 100 taels of silver from Bantou Li, and pretended that the previous conflict had never happened.

Everyone managed to smile on the surface and wipe away all grievances. Li Bantou is still the head of the third-floor B district, and Ye Chuxiao is still the jailer boy who works hard to cook. Everyone has a bright future.

Changing into a clean but pale Hu suit that had been washed many times, Ye Chuxiao finally walked out of the dungeon of the Ministry of Criminal Justice and felt the long-lost sunshine.

Looking up, there are many rainbows hanging above the sky, which looks particularly magnificent.

Unknowingly, the warm spring has arrived, and the ice and snow on the majestic Yao Mountain have begun to thaw and melt. The abundant and rushing water flows to the mountainside, and is cut into countless streams by an invisible force. At the foot of the mountain, a little bit of it is scattered into the magnificent, magnificent and sacred city. The sunlight flows along the water, refracting colorful rainbow light, but evenly falls on the snow-white city walls and vermilion pavilions.

The rainbow that Ye Chuxiao saw was the rainbow light emitted by the refracted light in the sky when the snow water was evenly distributed.

Looking at the rainbow in the sky, even the rotten and rancid smell that lingered on his body seemed to dissipate a little.

From the exit of the dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment, after verifying his identity three times in a row, he was able to walk out of the Yamen, pass through the Dingxing Gate, and arrive at Changsheng Street.

The image that was originally blurred in the memory of the body suddenly became clear and bright.

Walking through the bustling crowd, Ye Chuxiao also had a sense of being down-to-earth.

"So, it's really time-traveling!" Looking at the passers-by around, Ye Chuxiao patted her cheeks to lift her spirits.

"The danger has not been lifted."

"Before me, there are still three difficulties that need to be resolved."

"First of all, I am not the original Ye Chuxiao. The guards and colleagues in the dungeon can't tell the difference. It doesn't mean that the younger brothers and sisters in the original body can't tell. Daheng has a special set up to kill strange ghosts and evil spirits. Secretary, there have been many precedents for such things as evil spirits seizing homes, and I cannot guarantee that those younger brothers and sisters in the family will not report to the Zhenmagic Division after seeing the clues."

"Secondly, my seal has been destroyed. Even in the past few days, I took the opportunity of 'connecting feelings' with the jailers in other districts to quietly collect most of the scattered fragments, but I still can't explain why my seal is broken. If you destroy it, you will not be able to re-apply for a new seal, and at the same time cancel the old seal record."

"Finally, there is the trouble left by Ye Chuxiao, the original body. No matter whether he is being used and manipulated, or he has quietly joined the Yuanzhi Cult and became a member of the cult, and the mission has not been completed, will the evil cult monsters of the Yuanyuan Cult Will you still be squatting at my spot somewhere?"

Thinking of these three problems before her eyes, Ye Chuxiao felt a headache.

Except for these three imminent, life-threatening issues.

Regarding Dao Yun's doubts, Ye Chuxiao also needs to find the answer.

After wandering around the East City for a few hours and spending more than half of the 100 taels that blackmailed Team Leader Li, Ye Chuxiao finally got on the public carriage and returned to his home in Xiuhuafang. , to truly settle down in this world, problems must always be faced positively.

Start with the easiest questions first.

Daheng Shenjing imposed a curfew, and the day time was over, and the closed door drum sounded hurriedly from the turret.

Before the [-] rings of closed doors and drums are exhausted, if there is no emperor's order, officials and nobles to protect the body, they will be captured by the people of the city defense department.

In the past, if you were caught, you would go to jail, but now it is relaxed. Those who have money will pay for their crimes with money, and those who have no money will be punished.

According to memory, he skillfully found the home in Xiuhuafang, knocked on the bronze animal ring on the door, and the door with peeling paint was pulled open a gap after a few breaths.

The little girl with the double bun and the round head cautiously poked out half of her head. Seeing that it was Ye Chuxiao, she seemed to be a little relieved.

"Brother!" the little girl shouted happily.

Ye Chuxiao's face sank: "Chu Yu, I remember I told you not to open the door casually like this, first ask who is coming through the door, and then make a decision whether to open the door after listening clearly, and... It's best to let Chu Qi do this kind of thing."

"That's right! Where's your second brother?"

Ye Chuxiao's strictness was extremely natural.

The little girl Ye Chuyu showed a timid expression, opened the door to let Ye Chuxiao in, then turned around and said quickly: "Second brother went to school, but he hasn't come back yet."

Ye Chuxiao's face became even darker: "The drums are ringing behind closed doors, but he hasn't come back yet? I'm afraid he went to drink with those classmates again!"

Ye Chuxiao's younger brother Ye Chuqi, although only 14 years old, is already a prodigy in drinking.

Since he started drinking at the age of eight, he has been addicted to alcohol, and he has drunk all the wines that can be tasted at relatively low prices on the market.

In the past, he often stole the money hidden by his elder brother Ye Chuxiao to exchange for wine, and his younger sister Ye Chuyu often suffered from his mischief.

In the city of Shenjing, there are many people who practice and learn.

Those who have some family background will send their children to various sects to learn the basics of practice, and at the same time determine the mainstream direction of practice in the future.

In elementary school, not only will the art of civil and martial arts be taught, but more importantly, it will teach students to identify acupuncture points and meridians, learn all kinds of complicated Taoism, basic mudra of dharma formulas, and understand many special terms for practice, etc.

Only by knowing these basic cultivation knowledge can one truly know how to start cultivation, refine one's breath, and strengthen one's body.

Otherwise, if you don't have enough basic knowledge reserves, even if you are given a book of magical skills, you don't know where to start to practice, and it is [-]% crazy.

And this is also a special convenience in Shenjing City.

After leaving Shenjing City, if the children of ordinary people want to practice, they can only sell themselves to wealthy families or have good aptitude and luck, and learn from a certain practice school.

Few are self-taught.

(End of this chapter)

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