There are gaps in the road

Chapter 6 Cultivation in Folly

Chapter 6 Cultivation in Folly (new book, various requests)

"Brother! Drink tea." The well-behaved and sensible little sister Ye Chuyu has come over with hot tea at this time. Hearing the elder brother's accusations against the second brother as always, she unconsciously smiled, and there was even a smile in her big eyes. A hint of sly chuckle.

Ye Chuxiao raised her head and poured the tea into her mouth.

Then he bared his teeth and grinned: "It's so bitter! Chu Yu, in the future, you should put less bitterness in the tea."

The younger sister Ye Chuyu watched Ye Chuxiao drink the tea in one gulp even though she said it was bitter, and the smile on her face became even brighter: "Okay, big brother!"

According to the usual practice, Ye Chuxiao divided more than half of the money left in her bosom, and gave it to her younger sister Ye Chuyu, and told her to hide it well, so that the incomprehensible second child would not find it.

Then I had dinner with my sister.

As the night deepened, Ye Chuyu was already going back to her room to rest, and Ye Chuxiao also breathed a sigh of relief.

"If I want to fully integrate into this identity and gradually return to being myself, I still need to have more contact with my younger siblings, and then subtly change their impression of me."

"At present, we still try our best to maintain the image of the dull and stern elder brother."

The Ye family can also be regarded as a family of subordinate officials. Although their status is humble, their family background can barely be considered good.

It is not easy to live in Shenjing City. Although the courtyard of the Ye Family is beside the North City Gate and far from the prosperous center of Shenjing City, the area it occupies is not small.

There are two tile-roofed houses in the east and west, which are divided into four rooms, a living room and a kitchen, and a small courtyard.

There is an old cherry tree planted in the yard. It is the time when the cherry blossoms are blooming, and the whole yard is full of fragrance.

Ye Chuxiao stood in the yard with a waist knife in his hand, recalling the knife skills he had learned before, and used it as soon as he thought of it.

Maybe it's because the memory and body memory are well inherited, or maybe it's because of Dao Yun's talent "skillful hands", the sword technique is very fast, almost not jerky, and on the third round of practice, Ye Chuxiao immediately I feel that the speed of knife handling is faster than the predecessor in memory.

Not only that, his comprehension of this saber technique has also been further deepened with continuous practical practice.

The speed of the true qi in the body accelerated as the saber technique became more and more rapid.

At the same time, a warm current rushed from the abdomen to the whole body.

Accompanied by a whistling knife cry, a trace of shallow knife force flew out along the sharp edge of the knife, shaking off a branch of cherry blossoms.

"The third level of stupidity!" Ye Chuxiao really did not expect that the talent strengthened by Dao Yun would be so strong, and he would break through directly after practicing.

Although the Foolish Realm is the first stage of the Nine Realms of Practice, the Triple Stage of the Foolish Realm is only the last stage of this first realm.

But Ye Chuxiao's predecessor was still stuck at this pass for nearly half a year.

Having just broken through her cultivation base, Ye Chuxiao didn't make persistent efforts, but stood in the courtyard, and began to adjust her breathing and exhale.

At the same time, he was sorting out the basic knowledge about practice in his mind.

"Cultivators from ordinary people will not really get involved in practice before the age of 14, but only learn the basics, because normally, children before the age of 14 have not yet developed meridians, bones, muscles, breath, and spirit. Stereotypes, rashly starting to practice, and not having enough high-level nutritional supplements, the possibility of training injuries is greater, and a little carelessness may even cause lifelong defects."

"Only those monks with prominent backgrounds, who have been carefully taught by their teachers since childhood, and have various secret techniques enlightened when they were young, combined with some secret medicines, can break the routine, start practicing at a younger age, and determine their future development. the way."

"Generally speaking, martial arts are not the first choice for ordinary people to practice, but Qi practitioners are. After all, when martial arts are exercising, they need to supplement a lot of meat, and Qi practitioners at the basic stage only need to get up early and face the east, open their mouths Just drink the wind."

"From this point of view, martial arts practitioners are not vulgar, and Qi practitioners are really poor."

"And no matter what kind of practice direction, the division of realms is the same. The three levels of stupidity mean that people who are stupid can reach the realm."

"Cultivation in the Foolish Realm is not too mysterious. Taking martial arts as an example, it is to increase strength and enhance the proficiency of skills at the same time. Of course, practitioners with good talents will walk faster."

"And now, of course, I can be classified as talented."

Thinking of this, Ye Chuxiao felt that the sword technique might not be suitable for him.

The vast majority of sword techniques are based on opening and closing. The carving and study of moves and skills are not as good as swordsmanship on the whole.

Since he has the talent of dexterous hands, it seems that he can use this talent to a greater value by learning swordsmanship instead.

"If one day, the west wind is fierce and the horse is strong, the sword is at the end of the world, and the sword is brave and the heart is in the heart, then it will be great." Thinking about it, the melancholy of crossing has become much weaker.

While concentrating, Ye Chuxiao 'saw' the golden clock again.

At this time, the golden clock is stopped, without any pointer, it is moving.

But at the same time, it is full of 'desire' for a ray of purple light on the side.

It seemed that he wanted to swallow it in one gulp, but because of Ye Chuxiao's refusal, he couldn't do it arbitrarily.

"Dao Yun! What exactly is Dao Yun?"

"Where did it come from? Besides adding talent to me, is there any other use?" Ye Chuxiao thought about it, but there was no answer.

In the early morning of the next day, the brother and sister stood together in the small courtyard, facing the direction where the sun was born in the east, and opened their mouths wide.

Taking Chaoyang Qi for a long time can effectively increase breath, which is one of the most beneficial and cost-effective cultivation methods for ordinary monks. Although Ye Chuxiao is a martial artist, Qi training is the foundation of cultivation, just like Chinese is the foundation of a subject .

As for the younger sister, Ye Chuyu, although she has not yet started to formally practice, but using Daoyin to swallow the energy of the rising sun is still beneficial for building a solid foundation.

Facing the newborn Chaoyang, Ye Chuxiao opened his mouth wide, only feeling that his appearance at this time was simply extremely stupid.

But with the slow advancement of the guiding action, the originally chaotic thoughts gradually subsided.

Without haste or impatience, he seemed to feel that ray of dao rhyme in his body was echoing with the newly born morning sun.

Just waiting for a more careful feeling, the rude sound of knocking on the door interrupted the rare tranquility of the morning.

"It's the second brother who's back!" Ye Chuyu put away his airs and walked quickly to the door.

"Come back! Let him wait at the door." Ye Chuxiao said with a long face.

Outside the door, a weary voice came: "Little sister! Open the door quickly, I am your second brother!"

"Guess what I brought you back?"

"Lao Zhang's pork head meat, and Mrs. Hua's meat buns, open the door quickly, it will be cold after a while."

Ye Chuyu puffed up her face, glanced at Ye Chuxiao, who had a gloomy face, and said, "Second brother! I won't eat your breakfast, and you will return my silver to me."

The voice went out, but there was no echo.

After a while, I saw a fluffy head popping out from the top of the wall, a boy who looked only thirteen or fourteen years old, skinny and skinny, and the next moment he had already straddled the top of the wall.

Just as he was about to fall down, he saw Ye Chuxiao and the stick in Ye Chuxiao's hand.

Shouted: "Mother too!"

In a panic, he rolled back to the other side of the wall.

(End of this chapter)

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