There are gaps in the road

Chapter 210 Please Yingshu Transformation into a Celestial Girl

Chapter 210 Please Yingshu Transformation into a Celestial Girl

He Gang and Xu Xiaotian were in danger, and Ye Chuxiao also seemed to be anxious. He swung the Yuanyang sword in his hand and slashed several times. He had already forcibly loaded the domain on the sword in his hand, and then activated the feature, and the light of the sword flew out. Turned into a section of the partition space.

The immeasurable power tore through the encirclement, revealing the submerged two He Gang.

"You guys go out first, I'll be there soon!" Ye Chuxiao shouted loudly.

Theoretically speaking, for Ye Chuxiao and others, there is no need to continue this battle.

However, since the battle has already started, it is not easy for Ye Chuxiao to leave when he says he wants to leave.

Therefore, when the voice fell, Ye Chuxiao activated his speed at the same time, and got close to Lie Shanyu.

Using this method close to personal combat forced Lie Shanyu to temporarily give up the siege of He Gang and Xu Xiaotian.

Seeing that Ye Chuxiao cared so much about He Gang and Xu Xiaotian, and because of this, he came to fight close to him, Lie Shanyu was not surprised but happy.

He thought to himself that Ye Chuxiao's mind was in a mess, and he was pinched by his weakness, so he made a wrong choice.

If this battle is a big victory, it should continue like this, first punish the heart and then kill, and finally claim all the fruits of victory.

As for Ye Chuxiao, after being close to her body, will she turn the tables because of this?
Lie Shanyu never thought of this possibility.

Living in this small refining world made from the remains of the undecided monks, he has already merged with the infinite fire path of this world.

Although it is not uncertain, strength cannot be framed by "artistic conception".

In his eyes, Ye Chuxiao's knife seemed to fall very slowly, but in fact, the time elapsed was less than a breath.

This knife is only a visual illusion of slowness, it is extremely fast, when the extremely fast knife is swung, all the air currents will follow, and the sea of ​​​​fire under the feet seems to collapse and tear under this knife.

Daomang cut towards Lie Shanyu's eyebrows with an extremely fierce and domineering momentum.

Faced with such a domineering knife, Lie Shanyu didn't dodge, but moved forward, and the flame magma around his body condensed, turning into a fierce and strong fire unicorn in an instant.

The fire unicorn opened its mouth wide, swallowed the extreme flames, and then spit out a pitch-black ball of energy light.

This blow really didn't show any skill.

But it is the most unsolvable offensive.

The so-called poor tactics interspersed, rich fire coverage.

All the so-called skills, sword intent, sword intent, etc., are some kind of supplements due to the lack of energy output.

When relying on the explosive and output energy, it can form a crushing time.

Just output it!

The unicorn roared and shot out with a single cannonball. The terrifying explosion began to explode almost endlessly. Ye Chuxiao only felt that his whole body was completely thrown into the boiling oil pan and magma. Everything turned into ruins, melted and disintegrated.

The Yuanyang flying sword surrounded by Ye Chuxiao began to swim away at a high speed.

The immeasurable sword energy that erupted gave Ye Chuxiao a small breathing room with difficulty.

Even so, this space is still being compressed, and it seems to be losing ground.

Creak, creak!
There was an ear-piercing sound like glass rubbing against each other.

The space here exudes infinite malice towards Ye Chuxiao.

Not far away, He Gang and Xu Xiaotian seemed to be against the burst of energy frenzy and wanted to provide some help to Ye Chuxiao.

But in an instant, they were engulfed in this raging tide, leaving no trace.

Seeing this, Ye Chuxiao looked up to the sky angrily and screamed, holding the Yuanyang Baodao tightly in his hand, and the Yuanyang Flying Swords wandering around merged into one at the same time, giving up his defense.

Immediately, he slashed at the tail of the flying sword, and the flying sword, which had amazing penetrating power and speed, tore open the space solidified by the energy blockade, and stabbed at Lie Shanyu's heart.


Outside of the Small Refining Realm, Lord Zhenhai was still struggling under Yan Po's fierce offensive, and almost lost several times. If it weren't for his control over the realm of artistic conception, which had really reached an astonishing level, he might have already died different place.

Suddenly, there was a piano sound.

The sound of the piano with magic power began to interfere and interfere with Yan Po's emotions and will.

Not only that, but there were also people in purple robes who suddenly appeared, standing at the entrance of the Small Refining Realm, and were forcibly destroying the nodes of the formation, trying to forcibly seal the entrance and exit here.

This sudden change undoubtedly proved that Lord Zhenhai was only attracting fire on the surface.

When the advancement of the situation reaches a predetermined stage, more lurking enemies will be exposed actively.

At the moment when the situation seemed to be reversed, infinite light shone from the mountainside. In an instant, it seemed that there were infinite stars, which penetrated through layers of obstacles and forcibly penetrated into the field.

But seeing that He Gang, who should have been killed by a wave of impact in the small refining world, was driving the divine weapon, driving the domain, and carrying the infinite majesty of the law repair fort, came to support him.

Powerful energy broke out in a conflict outside the formation.

The purple-robed man who intended to destroy the formation retreated steadily under the sudden attack.

"You're still alive!" the purple-robed man said first.

Then he seemed to come to his senses: "It turns out that the two people he brought in are really just people in the painting."

"This is blindfolding!"

The blindfold method is indeed a low-end quack trick, but the core principle of this trick is not only to use the blind spot of vision, but also the blind spot of thinking.

Ye Chuxiao had already calculated to this point when he was a bus driver in Zhenhai.

Under the guise of the situation, the real He Gang and Xu Xiaotian were allowed to lurk, but with his own illusion and painting skills, he brought the drawn two people into the small refining world.


The sun burns the sky, life and death circulate.

The battle in the small refining world seems to have entered a state of extreme anxiety.

Ye Chuxiao had already given up on defense, and fought Lie Shanyu in a desperate manner.

And Lie Shanyu was naturally unwilling to marry Ye Chuxiao, so in a short period of time, he fell into a partial passivity.

However, this situation cannot last long.

Because if this continues, Ye Chuxiao will not be able to stand it sooner or later.

Once the momentum declines and one's own strength and physical strength are all exhausted, it is time to give up defense and backlash.

Above the sky, three rounds of scorching sun burst out with boundless light.

They turned into three golden crows, spitting out golden flames.

The raging fire fell and turned into flaming mountains rising abruptly from the burning sea.

Every flaming mountain blocked Ye Chuxiao's way forward.

With such repeated setbacks, the original indomitable momentum seems to have become depressed and decadent.

Ye Chuxiao's expression was cold, and the Yuanyang sword in his hand kept making whining sounds.

It seemed to be pushed to the limit by force.

Such reckless drive seems to be wearing down the spirituality of this rare artifact.

Lie Shanyu heard the mournful sound of the knife, but he was neither sad nor happy, his eyes were restrained, and he could not see the slightest complacency or arrogance.

As a real strong man, he can say any arrogant words on his lips, but he always values ​​and respects his opponents in his heart.

Ye Chuxiao is undoubtedly an excellent opponent.

If the timing changed, he might still be willing to fight Ye Chuxiao a few more times.

"It's a's today, at this must die!" Lie Shanyu pulled hard, and the lingering fire mist in the sky, like the wings of a phoenix, flapped vigorously.

Ye Chuxiao's naked eyes have long been unable to see the surrounding movements clearly, but in the perception of the spiritual sense, she seems to be aware that everything is completely collapsing, the sea of ​​flames, the sky that shines for three days, and the burning mountains... They are all broken, then flow, and finally return to where he is.

This is a kind of spiritual deterrence and blow.

Lie Shanyu's purpose is to use this kind of offensive to disintegrate Ye Chuxiao's last fighting spirit and tear his heart apart.

Yuanyang Baodao and Yuanyang Flying Sword collided in mid-air.

The two forces belonging to Ye Chuxiao confronted each other, forcibly tearing apart a small blank space, allowing Ye Chuxiao to breathe slightly.

Infinite flames, like sharp arrows piercing through heaven and earth, were thrown towards Ye Chuxiao.

They locked onto Ye Chuxiao, trying to drive him to the limit.

Ye Chuxiao frantically raised his hand, then slid backwards, his whole back hit a mountain of flames, and his whole body was instantly ignited.

Ye Chuxiao escaped, and half of his flesh and blood turned to ashes during the burning.

When he recovered, his face was pale and his breath was greatly damaged.

Seeing that Ye Chuxiao was still planning to fight close to him, Lie Shanyu no longer avoided it, but also went up to him in the same lava armor.

Just flipping a palm, on this palm, there is infinite firepower condensed.

In the collision of knife and palm, Ye Chuxiao retreated steadily.

Blood gushed from the corner of Ye Chuxiao's mouth, and his body shape and movement were no longer as sharp and swift as before.

The sea of ​​fire around was still roaring unrelentingly, the superimposition of the induction field and the space, the infinite firepower turned into a force, hitting Ye Chuxiao from all directions, leaving no chance for him to dodge or catch his breath!
Lie Shanyu looked slightly regretful.

He finally felt that Ye Chuxiao gradually gave up resistance.

This is a sign that his heart defense is being completely breached.

Lie Shanyu began to gather his offensive, instead of setting off an endless frenzy.

The scorching sun above the head also gathered its brilliance.

The three big suns that were originally real, finally revealed the truth.

Except for one round of scorching sun, which was extremely real, the other two rounds seemed vain and did not completely fit the space here.

At this moment, Lie Shanyu suddenly saw that Ye Chuxiao, who was supposed to be in a desperate situation and kept slipping into the abyss, actually showed a smile.

Let the violent, crazy energy swallow it up.

Ye Chuxiao's body was reduced to ashes in just a moment.

In the next moment, after Ye Chuxiao's body burned, the many artifacts left behind, like stars, exploded in all directions.

An incomparably huge sacred tree rose from the place where it exploded, and then shook the sky, with branches interspersed, covering the unharmonious two rounds of scorching sun.

"What is this?" Lie Shanyu looked at the sacred tree that was about to tear apart the sky, and pierced into the void to absorb energy, and questioned.

Lie Shanyu instinctively sensed that something was wrong.

He wanted to withdraw and leave, and then reset the entire space, exchanging endless energy for carpet bombardment.

But when he wanted to do this, he found that in fact, it was impossible.

The two scorching suns hanging in the sky temporarily fell under the control of the sacred tree.

And Ye Chuxiao's body, supported by infinite energy, was reborn from the flesh and blood carried in the artifact.

"not good!"

Lie Shanyu wanted to dodge, but only saw the sky split open, the sea of ​​fire, the mountain, and everything was cut into two parts separated by life and death by this knife.

This is a knife that makes disillusionment also shattered, and it is a knife that makes death also face death.

It is the sword that collapses the sky, and it is also the sword of absolute way.

It symbolizes the peak of Ye Chuxiao's will, and it is his determination to get out of the predicament and face the known and the unknown completely.

The light of the knife has fallen, the fire has melted, and above the sky, a round of scorching sun broke through the center.

Looking down, above the sea of ​​flames, there was a bloodstain, starting from the center of Lie Shanyu's eyebrows, spreading towards the throat, chest, lower abdomen...continuously.

In the end, he was completely torn apart.

Together with its vitality, soul, and everything.

Three Dao Yuns flew out from Lie Shanyu's body and were mastered by Ye Chuxiao.

During the shattering, all the accumulation belonging to Lie Shanyu was completely taken over by Ye Chuxiao.

Among them, what is most beneficial to Ye Chuxiao is the improvement of the secret technique of climbing stairs.

Although Lie Shanyu doesn't have the trick that Ye Chuxiao can use to pass on Daoyun and inherit the practice experience of others.

However, as the original leader of the three worlds, he not only practiced the secret art of climbing a building, but also pushed this secret art to a height of 150 floors through some side methods.

Now these 150 floors are all transferred to Ye Chuxiao.

However, Ye Chuxiao's number of floors climbed up by 47 floors.

A kind of richness and confidence that comes from the body and the soul arises spontaneously.

The flames converged, as if only embers were left in the space.

Ye Chuxiao found Ying Shu who was standing on the cliff with a clean face.

She seemed neither sad nor happy about Lie Shanyu's downfall.

Seeing Ye Chuxiao approaching, she was completely fearless.

Entering Wugou's second stage, the emotion she originally obtained was frozen.

It's more like some kind of feeling too forgetful, picking it up and then putting it down is indeed a state.

It's just that the way of the original doctrine is too strong and overbearing, so it should be called evil way.

"You won!" Ying Shu looked at Ye Chuxiao and said dumbly.

She stood there, as a loser who set up a trap, she seemed to be saying to Ye Chuxiao again... What can you do to me?

Ye Chuxiao put the knife on Ying Shu's neck.

Ying Shu didn't resist, but looked at Ye Chuxiao coldly, like a fairy coming out of the moon.

The formation rewinds, and the breath of the outside world surges in.

The small refining world that lost its controller began to be contained and integrated by the world of Daheng.

Ye Chuxiao stared at Ying Shu, and then smiled slightly: "Elder Qiongqi told me that the road to the innocent celestial girl is divided into three steps."

"Forcibly extracting the seven emotions and six desires and turning them into heart pills is the first step."

"To completely close off most of the emotions, to be in love and forget about it, is the second step."

"As for the third step... it is a complete abandonment of human desires to become the way of heaven, and the meaning of the goddess comes from this!"

"Today, I, Ye Chuxiao... I respectfully invite you, Yingshu, to enter the heavenly way and transform into a heavenly girl!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Chuxiao secretly used the technique of inviting gods.

Tang Sutong had already used one of the two phone calls that Tang Sutong had promised.

"Senior Tang, please erase the barriers to her flaws in this world." Ye Chuxiao said.

"Yes!" It seemed like Tang Sutong's response, more like the response of the heaven in this world, echoed in Ye Chuxiao's mind.

In an instant, Ying Shu, who was originally cold, became cold.

Her aura keeps rising, but her human part, as a human part, is dissipating.

(End of this chapter)

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