There are gaps in the road

Chapter 211 3rd Repair Undecided

Murong Ling said that monks of indetermination can, to a certain extent, guide those monks who have not reached indetermination to the correct path, as long as the original intention and purpose are not revealed.

As for the original teaching, as a super large school in bulk that spans the stars and rivers of the heavens, many of the secret arts that have been circulated in it are worth trying to figure out.

It is assumed that the secret technique of climbing a building is a passage from the dark to the indefinite state of ignorance.

Then the fundamental method of Wugou Tiannv is also a shortcut to the indeterminate realm.

It's just that these directions set by the predecessors lack flexibility after all.

Therefore, in order to cultivate the secret art of climbing a building to the extent that it can overcome indetermination, it requires a monk with outstanding aptitude, who spends at least thousands of years of hard work on climbing.

And the Wugou Three Steps of the Wugou Goddess, every step is an inhuman step, until she completely forgets her feelings, Wugou has no thoughts.

Although long-lived, it is like a rock.

Shortcuts are often flawed.

Ying Shu didn't intend to complete Wugou's three steps, but under Ye Chuxiao's constant influence, she had no choice but to go to the second step, trying in vain to keep herself clean and free from Ye Chuxiao's influence. The purpose of practice is not completely taken away.

As for the lost emotion, she planned it very well... as long as she can win Ye Chuxiao's heart, then Ye Chuxiao can make up for her missing emotion.

Even in this special state, she didn't have to wait until Ye Chuxiao was completely crushed.

The huge negative emotions that remained and flocked to her were, to some extent, an antidote to her predicament.

She planned it well!

Unfortunately, her plan has always been under Ye Chuxiao's control.

Taking advantage of Ye Chuqi's identity as a fundamentalist, he had already infiltrated the fundamentalist church and turned her people into 'me' people.

Ying Shu's move was precisely because she wanted to struggle and escape, and wanted to take a shortcut, so instead she fell into Ye Chuxiao's preset trap.

When the flaws of the Dao of Heaven that belonged to the Daheng world came, it was as if the capital of the sky gave Ying Shu a push, causing her calm mind to instantly be superimposed with another homogeneous artistic conception.

Under the overlap, Ying Shu was not only forced to enter the third step.

At the same time, the will is also superimposed, and the breakthrough of the normal state leads to an uncertain state.

Once her transformation is completed, she will be a very rare double indeterminate.

Ye Chuxiao's domain shrouded Ying Shu's surroundings, and she held her breath intently, not daring to miss any moment.

Kill Yingshu, seize the way of indecision.

This is Ye Chuxiao's pre-planned plan.

In order to complete and complete this plan, Ye Chuxiao waited for five years.

Do you know how Ye Chuxiao lived these five years?
But even at this moment, this is still only a conception, and has not yet been fully realized.

Even if Ying Shu has been completely indifferent, ruthless, and abandoned her desires, she has turned into a real innocent goddess.

As a living being, she still has instincts.

And Ye Chuxiao had to kill him before his powerful 'instinct' took effect.

The grasp of this moment can neither be early nor late.

It's too early, Ying Shu didn't cross that hurdle, and Ye Chuxiao's slaying to seize everything was nothing more than pushing his own heritage and accumulation further upwards, turning it into an alternative peak of artistic conception.

It's too late, Ying Shu has completely controlled the newborn's power, even if she just relies on instinct, Ye Chuxiao is afraid that it will be difficult to kill it and seize the fruit.

In the small refinement world, the lingering energies all calmed down. They obeyed the law and flowed naturally towards Ying Shu. While being absorbed by it, they were transformed into another kind of inspiration, which was released by Ying Shu, enriching the soul. With this dilapidated space.

Before cultivating to the Unsettled Realm, all monks are just absorbers of energy, they are thieves of the Dao, and if the thieves are not dead, the energy gap in the world will become bigger and bigger.

Therefore, monks in some worlds will limit the number of monks in various ways.

Of course, the flaws in the world itself are also a way and method of balance.

After cultivating to the Unfixed Realm, the monks are the Dao Universe, a part of the natural cycle. No matter how much energy the Unfixed monks absorb, they will return the absorbed energy in another way, and even provide new energy. possible.

Just like Murong Ling's remodeling of mountains and forests, and Tang Sutong's offering sacrifices to Taoism with death, they are all expressions of this natural cycle.

With the calm transition of the energy tide, Ying Shu's body exuded a halo of flawless white jade.

Her beauty was magnified to the limit at this moment.

She is like a supreme work of art sculpted by the natural universe, every strand of hair shining in the light has a perfect breath.

At the same time, powerful spirituality and inspiration are waking up in this sleeping body.

"Her instinct is repelling the backlash given by the Dao of Heaven. When the indifference is gone, even if she doesn't have any emotion, she can resist the damage I am doing now with reason." Ye Chuxiao had expected this situation long ago, without hesitation , let alone pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, the Yuanyang Baodao in his hand fell fiercely, and slashed across Ying Shu's seemingly delicate neck.


Yuanyang Baodao seemed to be slashing across the black iron that had been forged hundreds of millions of times. Although it made an ear-piercing sound, it didn't really cut off Ying Shu's beautiful head, it just penetrated less than an inch into the flesh.

Under the cracked skin, what flowed out was no longer blood, but some kind of crystal clear, crystal-like, but viscous liquid.

Holding the knife in both hands, Ye Chuxiao compressed all the power of the domain on the blade in his hand.


The characteristics of Yuanyang Baodao were brought into full play.

When the knife fell, Ying Shu's head finally fell with the sound of 'click' and 'click'.

But soon, the fallen head turned into crystal dust and dispersed.

In the free breathing of energy, Ying Shu's head grew naturally again, as if it had never been damaged at all.

The artifact pagoda flew out, suppressing all energy changes.

Ye Chuxiao struck again with all his strength.

When the blade fell, Ying Shu's body was blown to pieces by the tormenting light of the blade.

But the whole space...even the world seems to be breathing, beating like a heart.

Moments later, Ying Shu's flawless body was intuitively and concisely presented in front of Ye Chuxiao's eyes.

The proportions of any place are perfect, and there is no way to be picky at all.

Even if she was just lying there, without any expression or movement, she was far more seductive than ever before.

Looking at this god-given work of art, no matter how hard-hearted people are, perhaps they should soften their hearts, and then hope to take it as their own.

This beauty transcends gender and species.

It is irresistible.

Ye Chuxiao watched obsessively, raised the knife in his hand several times, but did not drop it for a long time.

He is still human, and has instincts that cannot be restrained.

At the same time, at the other end of the Xindan network.

A huge consciousness that is still sleeping, but has slowly and gradually awakened, is already squeezing Ye Chuxiao's activities and existence space in this network.

Even if the seven emotions and six desires are completely eliminated, and turned into an absolutely rational and indifferent machine, the indeterminate state is the indeterminate state, and the "aftermath" emanating from its existence is enough to make people shudder.

What Ye Chuxiao once complained about was not wrong.

The difference between the indefinite state and the artistic conception is not 01:30.

That's an absolute leap in quality.

In the past, Ye Chuxiao thought about relying on a large number of artifacts and rich background accumulation to fight Wuding... This is indeed his arrogance.

At the critical moment, Ye Chuxiao could of course choose, and asked Tang Sutong for the second time to help him erase Ying Shu and complete the snake swallowing giant elephant.

However, that is the last hole card and should not be used lightly.

Fortunately, the sense of oppression transmitted from the Xindan network awakened the obsessed Ye Chuxiao.

Under the strong visual and spiritual shock, without hesitation, Ye Chuxiao stretched out his hands and closed his eyes.

The two bloody holes looked at Ying Shu's direction and swung the knife for the third time.

This time, Ye Chuxiao didn't just use his own abilities.

He even mobilized the power of the small refining world here with the momentum of 'Heavenly Sword'.

When the knife fell, the two illusory suns remaining in the small refining world fell towards Ying Shu's body at the same time.

An unimaginably violent explosion happened, and at the moment of the explosion, it was Ye Chuxiao's inverted sword intent.

The Heavenly Knife instantly turned into a knife that slaughtered the Dao of Heaven.

The extreme pull of pros and cons made all the energy in the small refinement world full of contradictions.

These contradictory energies were instinctively absorbed by Ying Shu's body, and quickly turned into two hills, and began to use Ying Shu's body as a battlefield to confront and fight.

Ye Chuxiao's knife was not vicious.

He knew that with his current ability, no matter how much he swung his knife, he would not be able to kill Ying Shu, who seemed to be indeterminate in both energy and artistic conception.

Therefore, taking advantage of Ying Shu's instinctive consciousness, he created two opposing energies and let them grow and fight in Ying Shu's body.

With the fierce fighting.

Ying Shu's body began to change constantly between crushing and rebirth.

Finally, her body became more and more illusory, less and less real.

Ambition monks are very strong, and it is unreasonable to be so strong.

But after all, they are only immortal, not immortal.

When the repeated obliteration exceeded the upper limit of endurance, the cultivator of the Indeterminate Realm, if immortal and godlike, also ushered in the end.

Like the bursting of the last bubble.

Ying Shu's perfect body finally disappeared into the phantom-like embers.

And with Ying Shu's demise, along with the flow of Xin Dan, what comes rolling in is double indeterminate cultivation base, consciousness, thought, ability...etc.

Ye Chuxiao had indeed known the secret of Wudingjing in advance.

From a common sense point of view, every effort he makes cannot form another three-dimensional line that does not intersect, allowing his life to leap from a plane to a three-dimensional one, and rise from one dimension to another.

But he is special.

Under the influence of Xin Dan, he has perfectly inherited everything Ying Shu has already obtained.

From this moment on, Ye Chuxiao became indeterminate in energy realm and artistic realm.

And the kind of change that comes from adaptation and exists in the dark, also surges from Ye Chuxiao's soul to his body, and then feeds back from the body to the soul, completing an absolute internal cycle by itself.

At this moment, Ye Chuxiao finally understands why the first choice of the Wuding Realm must be to have the ability of a certain level of parallel and non-intersecting.

Because the human body is a shortcoming, a big funnel.

Everything in life, power, thought, emotion, experience, state of mind, etc., will flow from the body and soul, along the gap of the funnel, to the endless nothingness.

Nothing is fixed, fluid, unchanging.

The truth that was understood one moment will no longer be transparent the next moment.

The experience and skills mastered today will become unfamiliar and forgotten in a few years.

No matter how you continue to maintain your life, life will always end one day.

These are all loopholes and flaws in the human body.

There are people who make up for the lack of heaven.

What about the lack of people?
The meaning of indefinite state is to complete a self-circulation.

What is flowing away from the body in time is returned through this cycle.

The strength and explosion at that moment did not come out of nothing.

It's the power that 'I' gives to 'I'.

The vitality, experience, memory, abilities, thoughts, etc. that the ego has lost will all return at this moment.

And when all these returns are loaded on the body and soul in an instant.

Metamorphosis happens naturally.

Ye Chuxiao's thoughts spanned the distance of time and space.

In the transformation of the essence of life, he is like a soul standing on the hometown looking platform.

Not only saw every detail in this life, but also looked back at the previous life, in the world where scientific civilization exploded, all the knowledge and information he had heard and learned returned at the same time.

"It turns out... I have always had the potential to break through the indeterminate!"

The spark of wisdom shines in the body that has not yet been determined.

In addition to the double cycle of energy environment and artistic conception, another cycle is added.

Wisdom cycle.

The speed of transformation is getting faster and faster.

And when Ye Chuxiao opened his eyes again.

In his eyes, the secrets of the small refining world also became ordinary.

"This is a wreckage of the Unfixed Energy Realm. Because of the uniqueness of the Unfixed Energy Realm itself, this space has the effect of self-generated energy. After Lie Shanyu got it, he transformed it and turned it into an endless fire field. Combined with the realm of artistic conception, it is far beyond the ordinary monks of artistic conception, and has become the peak of artistic conception."

"As for Lie Shanyu's claim that he killed Wudingjing... it's just bragging!"

"Using artistic conception to cut Wuding, there must have been throughout the ages, but it's all a coincidence. If you fight hard intuitively, no matter how strong the artistic conception is, it will be difficult to resist the random shots of Wuding monks." Ye Chuxiao has three sects Undecided, the feeling at this time can be described as extremely good.

Put away the small refining world and walk into the mountainside.

The battle in the belly of the mountain is also coming to an end.

Lord Zhenhai was not killed, but was cut off by Yan Po, and then locked up and imprisoned.

As for the other monks who supported the attack on Ye Chuxiao and others, they were all killed and imprisoned.

Judging from the current battle situation, Ye Chuxiao has won a complete victory.

"President! Hanshan is here to report the incident in the palace!" The moment He Gang saw Ye Chuxiao, his heart skipped a beat. message report.

Ye Chuxiao let out a sigh of relief, her good mood deteriorated a little, but it didn't last.

"I expected it! It's just a slap in the face."

"Now there is no need to rush to Shenjing to activate the darknet, let's fight the awakened guy in Shenjing... for the world!"

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