There are gaps in the road

Chapter 215 Fighting against Yunmengze

The clouds in the sky turned white, and the golden sunlight sprinkled on the avenue to the sky, coating the sand grains on the side of the road with a layer of golden light.

Standing on the hill, Tan Taiguang looked at the chaotic battle not far away, took a light breath, then took out a pill that seemed to have flesh and blood wriggling in it, and swallowed it into his stomach after hesitation.

"A man who has received the grace of the country will die if he dies. If he can get rid of the thieves today and take back the artifacts of the country, even if he dies a hundred times, he will have no regrets!"

Tan Taiguang's voice was not loud, but it also dyed the entire hill.

As his body flew into the air, many soldiers who had been ambushing around for a long time also took out similar pills, swallowed them, and rushed out along with Tantai Guang.

"Repay the country's favor and kill the traitor!" Tan Taiguang held a long spear and flew towards Yan Po, who was fighting one against two.

The followers behind him shouted at the same time: "Repay the country! Kill the traitor!"

Everyone was covered with blood. After today's battle, no matter what the outcome was, they would all die.

And this kind of sacrifice is to make each of these bloody people more than double their original combat power.

With the joining of this group of dead soldiers, the originally deadlocked battle situation has become one-sided in a short period of time.

The people from the Hanshan Flower Club and the Yunmengze Shui tribe who came to meet them were all thrown into chaos.

Only a small group of elites guarded the Yunmeng cauldron.

The Yunmeng Ding is a rare magical weapon that can be used to suppress the water vapor of mountains, rivers, and earth, and gather luck.

Therefore it cannot be put away with common storage tools.

But Ye Chuxiao asked the people from Hanshan Flower Club to carry the Yunmeng Dingding to Yunmengze so brightly, the message of provoking trouble was too obvious.

The long knife in Yan Po's hand roared like thunder, and the black light wrapped around the blade released an omnipotent aura.

With a strong wave, the vertical and horizontal blade light has already entered the crowd of dead soldiers who are not afraid of death.

Although these dead soldiers had temporarily improved their fighting strength with the help of the medicine of tiger and wolf, they were far behind Yan Po after all.

As Yan Po's saber light swept across, a small half of them already felt angry on the spot.

The rest is to quickly establish a position, form a unique battle formation, and restrict Yan Break together.

As for Tan Taiguang, he didn't break the opponent's battle against Shang Yan first, but killed the crowd, and rushed straight to Yunmeng cauldron.

His mission is to take back the Yunmeng Great Cauldron. Killing people and defeating the enemy are just a process, not a goal.

Amidst the chaotic formation, a layer of blue flames erupted, and thousands of green lotuses flew out of the flames. These blue lotus-shaped flames, wherever they touched, would burn extremely.

Melting gold and eliminating stones, burning the sky and boiling the sea.

Puff puff puff, clusters of flames besieged Tantai Guang, preventing him from advancing further.

It was He Gang who shot!

He was standing on the side of the Yunmeng cauldron, holding a blue orb in his hand.

Inside the orb, a strange flame-shaped emblem is shining brightly.

Tan Taiguang tore off his burning left arm, his muscles, bones and flesh squirmed, and a new arm grew out quickly.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't frown, as if he didn't feel the slightest pain.

After a moment, he took a deep breath and let out a heavy hum.

A puff of yellow smoke came out of his nose and rushed towards the blue fire lotus.

The yellow smoke collided with the fire lotus, and in the air, there were continuous crisp explosions.

The saber energy was raging, Yan Po seemed to be the god of killing, and with the fierce and domineering saber gesture, he suppressed several artistic conception monks who were besieging him. Combination, and then kill will come back.

Such constant breaking, tearing, and combination, calm, simple, and simple, but also extremely complex and changeable.

Just like the principle between heaven and earth, it comes from the source, but it is life and death, prosperity, yin and yang cycle, but it is so changeable and colorful when it is placed among all living beings and mountains and rivers.

The sound of weapons colliding continued to strike.

The three Yijing monks who besieged Yan Po were surrounded by Yan Po alone.

No matter how they use their means, they will not be able to tear through Yan Po's knife net.

Under the increasingly tight offensive, these people have all kinds of strange spells and hidden treasures, and it is too late to cast them at this moment, making them feel more and more uncomfortable.

Before today's battle, in the eyes of many monks, Yan Po was just a vulgar martial arts conception.

But after this battle, no one would dare to underestimate him.

There may even be rumors claiming that Yan Po is in limbo.

The blossoming fire lotus was in full bloom, and the sea of ​​fire was soaring, pointing directly at Tantaiguang.

But Tantai Guang was wrapped in yellow smoke, and he had no intention of confronting He Gang at all.

He continued to rush towards the direction of Yunmeng Dading.

Faced with Tan Taiguang who was so reckless and charging fiercely.

Although He Gang tried his best, there was nothing he could do for a while.


The knife light was shining, and several figures, splashing blood, flew around.

When it flew out, it killed and crushed some of the dead soldiers and soldiers who had surrounded them at the same time.

Yan broke his sword on top of the white clouds, looking down on all living beings.

Slashing through Changfeng with one knife, both the spreading fire lotus and the entangled yellow smoke were torn to pieces at the same time.

Tan Taiguang, who had been rushing forward, stopped for the first time.

The light of the knife passed over his chest, branding it in the air, leaving deep scratches.

"Who is going to die?" Yan Po held the knife, the blade was dripping with blood, and under the tangled long hair under the gust of wind, there were cold and determined eyes.

The wind blows the rivers and lakes, the rain is dark and the sky is dark, the sound of the nine mountains is the same as the raging waves.

Yunmengze at this moment is by no means a good place.

The dancing lightning, the hissing thunder, and the rushing fury rolled up waves tens of feet high, constantly testing the bottom line of the surrounding mountain defenses.

A white dragon with broken scales and broken horns. Its body was covered with blood holes floating in the turbulent waves, ups and downs.

The woman sitting between the dragon's heads, holding a red wine gourd, is sitting heroically. Although the half-body armor is not revealing at all, it outlines excellent lines.

A precious sword was inserted between the eyebrows of the dragon's head, sucking the white dragon's vitality, but also restraining his soul so that it would not die immediately.

At this time, amidst the wind and rain, a flat boat came.

The person on the small boat was dressed in green clothes, his hair was only tied with a sword-shaped hairpin, and a knife was slung around his waist. Amidst the furious waves, the small boat under his feet was also faintly visible.

Even so, the raging waves did not dare to wet half of his clothes.

"It seems that you are waiting for me?" Ye Chuxiao looked at the figure above the dragon's head carefully.

Then he added another title: "Little Tail!"

'Xiao Chi', who looked like a half-man, half-dragon, faced Xiao Muchen's appearance, his expression didn't change at all, he just raised the wine gourd in his hand.

"Do you dare to drink?"

Ye Chuxiao sneered: "You really are Xiao Chi!"

"It's cruel!"

He shook his head as he said, "I won't drink the wine..."

"There is no need to pretend to be heroic. A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. Whether you have poisoned or not, I dare not drink your wine."

Although Xiao Chi's 'kindness' was rejected, Ye Chuxiao's aura never diminished in the slightest.

"Okay, then die!" Xiao Chi said, waving his sleeves.

The sword that was crucified on the dragon's head was about to fly out and shoot at Ye Chuxiao.

Once the sword was pulled out, Yuan Yao's soul flew away immediately.

Since Xiao Chi made a move, he would not do anything he was not sure about.

It is one thing to send someone to intercept and snatch the Yunmeng cauldron.

It's another thing to come directly to Yunmengze and copy Yuanjiao's lair.

That's what insurance is.

As for Ye Chuxiao, he had expected this change long ago, so he rushed to Yunmengze to fight Xiao Chi.

Ye Chuxiao stood in the same place without moving, but his thoughts, thoughts, and thoughts mixed with power had rapidly expanded and spread out.

The thought was like a sledgehammer, firmly fixed the sword pierced between Yuan Yao's eyebrows, preventing it from flying out temporarily.

Between Ye Chuxiao's eyebrows, there was a crisp explosion.

His hair suddenly vibrated around for a moment.

Between Ye Chuxiao's eyebrows, there seemed to be a slight crack for a moment.

The sword with the flail on it is Daheng's Zhenguo Sword.

Symbolizing the fate of the country and the general trend of humanity, Ye Chuxiao is not a monarch, a relative, or a minister of the country, but he is strong against the sword of Zhen Guo.

Naturally, it will be backlashed by the luck of humanity.

With one foot stomping on it, the Yuanyang Baodao from his waist burst out suddenly.

The moment it escaped, it returned all the pressure exerted by the Zhen Guo Sword with the momentum and power to overturn the world.

The light of the knife lit up, but after a moment, it was all chaotic again.

God's will is not human's will. With human mind, peeping into the mysteries of heaven and earth, it is like a mayfly trying to know the changes of time for thousands of years.

Ye Chuxiao's knife is to forcibly use God's will to crush human will.

The so-called man will conquer the sky, but from the perspective of a hundred years or a thousand years, we look at the changes of hundreds of millions of years.


Between the chaotic sky and water, thunder exploded like a waterfall.

At this moment, the breath of yin and yang became extremely chaotic.

Xiao Chi tilted his head, and a strand of hair was swept away.

Then a scaly cheek appeared, and a drop of thick blood suddenly dripped out.

Then the blood flowed back, and the wound healed instantly.

It's like jumping time and space, omitting steps.

Ye Chuxiao's knife appeared so naturally and strangely above Xiao Chi's eyebrows.

When the knife fell, it was easily broken into two pieces.

The treasured knife fell heavily, but what it hit was the surging infinite water waves.

And after the water wave hardened in an instant, it was crushed again.

It turned into countless steel needles and flying swords, besieging Ye Chuxiao.

Ye Chuxiao didn't move, didn't frighten or panic, and with one breath, all the furious energy was calmed down.

At the same time, these splashing and bursting water waves began to flow in the mid-air, the sky, and the bottom of the water naturally and roundly.

The formation of three-dimensional complementarity, superposition of up and down, and three-dimensional connection is naturally generated.

And this generated array has an energy coat.

Combining many modules, using the array as the engine, it turns into a huge water giant and swipes down with one punch.

smash through the water.

The void is shattered, and everything in the naked eye and perception is like a broken mirror, starting a turbulent journey.

Ye Chuxiao's move seemed violent.

In fact, a little too much force.

With one blow, the three indeterminate abilities of wisdom state, energy state, and artistic state are mobilized.

It's almost as if there are no reservations.

Under such a battle, so in the early stage of the battle, the castration is too exhausted, leaving no hole cards, and rushing out violently.

It is to actively expose the flaws.

No matter how determined Xiao Chi is, he can't help but want to spy on him.

Sure enough, at the same time that Ye Chuxiao drove the water giant to bombard it wildly.

A wisp of sword energy that had completely melted into the nature of heaven and earth stabbed at the back of Ye Chuxiao's head and went straight to the Lingtai between the spaced and the non-spaced, intentionally or unintentionally.

The swordsman does not rely on speed.

Instead it 'disappears'.

With a strong will, the world's 'cognition' of it has been changed.

In this cognition, Xiao Chi has already disappeared.

Of course, the sword of the disappeared person cannot be seen or detected.

This sword, which seems to be fierce, is the sword.

In fact, it means.

Temporarily override God's will with my will.

It can be regarded as a more advanced and advanced usage in the field of artistic conception.

Ye Chuxiao's three items are indeterminate, and her keen spiritual sense has already reached the point of being mysterious.

At this time, I was naturally aware of it, but I didn't dodge it.

Instead, he took a step back, turned around and raised the knife.

Sure enough, the sword stabbing from behind Ye Chuxiao disappeared like an illusion.

Instead, it was a blow from the side.

This is double deception.

While Xiao Chi overwhelmed God's will, he also used his own will to distort Ye Chuxiao's cognition.

Transferred his induction from the side to the back.

From the point of view of uncertain artistic conception, Ye Chuxiao is indeed weaker.

But Ye Chuxiao also has an uncertain state of wisdom and is good at collecting information.

In an instant, Xiao Chi's real attacking direction was calculated.

Instead of choosing to trust intuition, I trusted judgment.

With a sideways knife, he fell hard.

Knife and sword do not collide on the same trajectory, but parallel and stagger each other.

Ye Chuxiao's body dispersed like bubbles.

But Xiao Chi fell out of nothingness, and a corner of his clothes was torn apart.


The thunder smashing against the water, and the strong wind at this moment are just the behind-the-scenes decorations.

Xiao Chi's eyes radiated boundless light like bright lamps.

The nothingness sword shape in his hand began to solidify slowly.

The white dragon struggled and rolled in the waves.

This is a natural muscle and nerve twitch, no matter how firm Yuan Yao's endurance is, he can't bear it at all.

God please!

Ye Chuxiao used the convenience Tang Sutong gave him for the second time.

"Please keep his thoughts within three feet for the time being!" Ye Chuxiao issued an order.

Tianyi or Tang Sutong still only gave vague responses.

Moments later, Xiao Chi's tyrannical will was temporarily restrained, unable to expand wantonly.

Ye Chuxiao picked up the knife, and then laid down layers of knife nets, blocking it like a prison.

At the same time, Ye Chuxiao launched the means he had prepared long ago.

The net that spread to hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers, both positive and negative sides are working together.

For Ye Chuxiao, there is no need for him to rely on the nine stone dragons and the altar. the eye of the formation!
It is the starting point of all that 'network'.

Yuanyang's set is the core 'processor' hidden by Ye Chuxiao.

When Ye Chuxiao was about to close the net, the inner Yuanyang and the outer mountain and river net, under the influence of Ye Chuxiao's intention, crazily overlapped and pushed forward.

At the same time, the ten wisps of dao rhyme were digested and absorbed.

Tao rhyme!

add a bit!

The artistic conception is uncertain, straight into the realm of transformation.

Ye Chuxiao wanted to refine the world in front of Xiao Chi.

He just wanted to force out all the hole cards that Xiao Chi had buried.

If not, with Xiao Chi's ability, Ye Chuxiao would never be able to figure out how much identity he still has.

As long as Xiao Chi's existence is not cleaned up and wiped out, the entanglement will become seemingly endless.

Therefore, Ye Chuxiao made a dangerous move.

When the overall situation is still very favorable for him, completely force Xiao Chi out!

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