There are gaps in the road

Chapter 216 Accidents occur frequently

When the will expands to the limit, covering almost the entire world, the field of artistic conception also suppresses and overlaps with the world to 100%.

In this kind of overlapping, my heart and heaven's heart, my will and heaven's will almost breathe together and share the same fate.

The extremely strong desire to 'integrate' bursts out from the bottom of my heart.

This desire is instinctive, and it is an inevitable node in the evolution of monks.

The so-called practice is to cultivate the principles presented in this world, and the world itself is the sum of all the principles.

To the world is the way to everything.

Assume that a certain artistic conception monk has really cultivated the supreme meaning, and can completely overlap his own artistic conception domain with the world.

Nor can he last.

In just a moment, it will fall out of this overlapping.

Because he is passively 'losing', with the power of constantly 'losing', it is thankless to measure the vastness of the whole world.

Only by using artistic conception to enter into indetermination, loss and gain, and complete the absolute balance, can this shrouded and overlapping state be stabilized.

However, the strength of the artistic conception field that only covers the world or overlaps the world is not enough.

If you want to fully integrate and digest, you also need to control the world to reach a critical node.

And through manipulating that 'net', Ye Chuxiao is constantly approaching the node.

With just one kick at the door, he can completely succeed, take off completely, and control the complete world.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao even felt that she was facing 'Tang Sutong' across the air.

Across the distance of time and space, they looked at each other and smiled.

Tang Sutong bowed his hands to Ye Chuxiao, as if he wanted to entrust all the weight of this world to Ye Chuxiao.


The sea of ​​bitterness turned up its waves.

Thousands of paths, turned into meteors, smashed towards Ye Chuxiao along the surging sea of ​​bitterness, and even towards this world.

Ye Chuxiao was forced to fall out of that rising feeling.

Look up according to the feeling.

An old monk holding a wooden staff straddled a white elephant, suspended outside the starry sky, surrounded by three defensive chains like star rings, and was casting a spell.

"Xiao Chi?" Ye Chuxiao frowned.

This idea was subsequently dismissed.

"It's the foreign aid that Xiao Chi invited!" Ye Chuxiao confirmed the answer.

After all, Xiao Chi didn't jump out of the cracks in the rocks, just like Ye Chuxiao can make friends with Murong Ling.

Xiao Chi has existed across time and space for so many years, and it is not for nothing.

Ye Chuxiao was not surprised that he would have helpers from Undetermined Realm.

Taking out two 'deeds', Ye Chuxiao burned the deeds and performed a 'summon'.

"I also invite the two fellow Taoists to abide by the contract."

The thought fell, and above the sky, the star gate flickered.

The two figures crossed the distance of time and space, and using the ship of creation as a springboard, they appeared in the void beyond Daheng.

Two Unfixed Realm cultivators stood in front of the old cultivator from left to right. Although they didn't make a move, they had the intention of coercing him.

When Ye Chuxiao sold artifacts back then, he had obtained a small number of "promises" from undecided monks.

This promise was originally made by Schrödinger.

Whether the other party complies or not complies, it all depends on 'morality'.

However, as Ye Chuxiao himself advanced into indetermination, he was still extremely rare in the three indeterminations.

The original promise of Schrödinger has naturally become a stepping stone for friendship and connection.

They come from afar without even having to actually make a move.

Just a vague threat.

Sure enough, with the coercion of these two indeterminate monks who came from afar, the old monk who was originally aiming at Daheng and Ye Chuxiao withdrew the wooden stick in his hand expressionlessly, and then stood still on the star with his hands tied. From outside the sky, it seems to be watching the battle situation.

The fact that he didn't continue to attack showed that the friendship between him and Xiao Chi was not life-threatening.

But they didn't leave directly, but it also shows that the relationship between them is not shallow.

It's still worth paying attention to and paying attention to one or two.

Gathering his mind, Ye Chuxiao continued to 'refine' the world.

As long as the refining of the world is successful, no matter what Xiao Chi's plans are, or what backhands he has, it will be useless.

Plan well.

But of course it couldn't be so smooth.

The three imperial edicts that had been prepared long ago were officially stamped with jade seals.

With the blessing of national luck, at least half of Daheng's luck is resisting Ye Chuxiao's 'compatibility'.

Mountains, rivers, water vapor, and terrestrial veins are just the way of heaven, not the way of humanity.

Of course, good weather and clean seas and rivers can gradually be transformed into a thriving humanitarian trend, but it will take time.

Daheng is still in charge of the world. The little emperor in the palace and the imperial decree in his hand are some kind of manifestation of the power of humanity.

"found it!"

"Xiao Chi, you are really a dog!"

"Your daughter is your shell, and so is your son!" Ye Chuxiao was not particularly surprised that the little emperor who had been acting as the queen mother's puppet was also Xiao Chi's 'clone'.

Perhaps the eldest princess Xiao Muchen was exposed as 'Xiao Chi', which in itself is a cover-up.

She was thrown out as cannon fodder to deliberately attract firepower.

If Ye Chuxiao hadn't grasped the core contradiction, she would have been so persistent.

Xiao Chi's other, more crucial identity, would not have been revealed so early.

"In the palace, I still have some manpower and arrangements."

"But in terms of time, it's actually too late."

"Tang Sutong helped me temporarily seal 'Xiao Muchen', but it is impossible to keep it sealed like this forever. She is still an indeterminate monk, not so fragile."

"Humanity backfires. I want to refine the world in a short time, so I don't have to think about it anymore."

"Unless I learn from Tang Sutong and give up my physical body directly, and sacrifice my life to the Dao with death. It's just that the risk is too high to choose this way, and it is tantamount to severing other choices and paths."

Thinking of Ye Chuxiao here, he turned his attention.

The huge will that almost engulfed most of the world, carrying the weight of the world, slammed into Xiao Muchen who was transformed into Xiao Chi.

If you can't hurt his ten fingers, then cut off one finger first.

When Ye Chuxiao's thought crashed into Xiao Muchen's sea of ​​consciousness.

Just like ten pacifisms, they exploded directly in Xiao Muchen's sea of ​​consciousness.

In an instant, his consciousness was smashed to pieces.

If she was just Xiao Chi, then Ye Chuxiao's move would only make her 'self-isolated' for a while, and after a few rounds of the cycle, she would recover.

But as the 'carrier' of Xiao Muchen, she also has a part of self-awareness.

When Ye Chuxiao detonated her sea of ​​consciousness, her will became chaotic.

The original clear-cut relationship between 'primary and secondary' began to be reversed.

At this time, she was unable to accurately judge whether it was Xiao Chi or Xiao Muchen.

She's perfect!

Even if it's only temporary, even if this kind of fine division can't last long.

But no matter how short it is, three, five, or ten years will always be there.

After waiting for so many years, the day lily is cold.

After Ye Chuxiao's move, although he didn't win the final big game, he was the first to win a move and pulled down one of Xiao Chi's flags.

The next step is to keep an eye on all parties, whoever takes the lead and hits whomever.

No one took the lead, so Ye Chuxiao made steady progress, while continuing to refine all things in the mountains and rivers, while raising troops to change dynasties and stabilize people's hearts.

Eat the whole world into your arms.

The new book has been published and is still under review.

The title of the new book "Master of Myriad Worlds, Master Yue Buqun" was posted on the Infinity Channel of the Heavens.

Everyone is welcome to come and support us!

The old book is almost finished, and there is absolutely no possibility of eunuchs.

Please rest assured!

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