There are gaps in the road

Chapter 217 Playing Chess

Chapter 217 Playing Chess (No Eunuch)
When the battle in Yunmengze came to an end temporarily.

The fighting in Xinzhou is also subsiding.

Yan Po and He Gang withstood the pressure and did not let Yunmeng's cauldron be taken away.

Ye Chuxiao personally rushed to help, killing all the looters sent by Xiao Chi, which greatly damaged the strength of Daheng Dynasty.

Yunmeng Ding was still sent back to Yunmengze as promised, and was handed over to the still-dead Dragon King Yuanyi.

From now on, this cauldron will be a nail stuck in Xiao Chi's heart.

He would always think about it, but he didn't want to act rashly, worrying that it was Ye Chuxiao's trap again.

And Ye Chuxiao's goal was achieved.

Since Xiao Chi likes 'clones' and 'distraction', then Ye Chuxiao will help him, let him share more and become overwhelmed.

Being able to create a large number of powerful clones is Xiao Chi's advantage and talent, but it is also his defect and weakness.

If you grasp its weakness, you can hit it head-on.

The battle was completely over, and Ye Chuxiao issued a large number of "deeds". According to the contract, those foreign monks who had signed promises with him began to make up one after another.

Some of them rely on their own power to subvert the local power rule.

Some simply merged into a certain force, quietly controlled it, and set off a frenzy of uprising.

The national destiny of the Daheng Dynasty has not reached the end of the dynasty.

But as anti-flags from all directions were raised, they accelerated the burning of Daheng's national fortune.

Daheng Dynasty's Gyeonggi's control over the local area began to become weaker and weaker.

This also means that Emperor Daheng's imperial decree will soon be worthless when it leaves Shenjing.

And these changes are only offline.

Online battles are more frequent.

Without Xiao Muchen's identity at the front, Xiao Chi's struggle on the 'net' can almost be described as a mess.

Ye Chuxiao attacked the city and pulled out the stronghold, and further grasped the net, and repeated several times to tentatively overlap and merge the world.

Although they were all stopped by Xiao Chi with means.

However, Ye Chuxiao's accumulation and strengthening continued to happen during this process.

About three months later, Daheng lost two-thirds of the country in a real sense, and the area that can actually be controlled is only the generation around Shenjing.

Another half a month later, the Shenwu and Qianjiao armies in Shenjing City led a rebellion. Although they were suppressed, the unbreakable golden body of Shenjing was broken.

The people of Shenjing, who originally thought that Shenjing was impenetrable, are now panicking.

Many people chose to escape from the city, or even defected to the rebel army.

Only two days after the rebellion of the two armies, the news and evidence of the empress dowager's corruption of the harem spread all over Shenjing.

Quan Shenjing was in an uproar.

The Royal Zong family set off a court meeting to dismiss the Empress Dowager. The most gentle 'suggestion' was to send the Empress Dowager to become a monk at Yong'an Temple outside the city after the abolition of her cultivation base.

The courtiers who originally belonged to the Empress Dowager's line were eager to change their ways, and many jokes were made.

This also made Shenjing, who was originally unstable, become more and more undercurrent.

Countless smart people are trying their best to find a way out for themselves and their families at this time.

As a result, those rebels who were already fierce suddenly got some strong support and became even more rampant.

In the end, the little emperor stepped forward and saved the queen mother with snot and tears.

It's just that the queen mother was deprived of [-]% of the power in her hands, and she was banned from the harem forever, and she was no longer allowed to interfere in politics.

This seems to be the little emperor's move to seize power, but from the perspective of the struggle between Ye Chuxiao and Xiao Chi, it is a 'possibility' for Ye Chuxiao to seize Xiao Chi again.

Ye Chuxiao was forcing Xiao Chi to show his true form as a 'little emperor'.

The little emperor might not be Xiao Chiwei's remaining backup.

But it was the last bastion for him to refine the world with the support of the Great Heng Dynasty in the name of 'orthodoxy'.

Once he lost this fortress, even if he was still alive, he would no longer have the capital to come back.

For someone like Xiao Chi, no less than death.

One month later, the three rebel armies gathered outside Shenjing City and attacked Shenjing City for seven days. There were countless casualties, but Shenjing City remained motionless.

On the contrary, on the side of the rebel army, there was some confusion due to mutual restraint.

If this dragging continues, the advantage of the rebel army will be exhausted.

When the ferocious offensive subsides, the next step is for the imperial court to take action to eliminate and beat them, half to recruit and half to eradicate. After a series of tricks, the rebels from all sides will be extinguished.

At the same time, news came from Yunmengze that the dragon king Yuanyi was killed by the former old dragon king.

Yunmeng Dading disappeared along with the former old Dragon King.

The Yunmengze Shui Clan searched frantically, and the interior was in chaos.

In order to compete for the position of Dragon King, all the water dragons have even played out their dog's brains.

The Hanshan Flower Fair also had a change.

Some members began to violate their original intentions and formed groups for their own self-interest.

This is also a situation that must be faced when a loose association is transformed into an organization with a strict structure and huge interests.

It's just that this situation changed at this time, but it is definitely not a coincidence.

It doesn't matter if someone seeks personal gain.

What matters is that they collude with foreign enemies for their own interests and to eradicate dissidents.

This is truly fatal to the Hanshan Flower Club.

On the chessboard, Ye Chuxiao had already killed the 'big dragon' in Xiao Chi's hinterland, but was intercepted at a critical moment.

Not only that, but the rear was on fire.

Xiao Chi's counterattack was not fatal, but quite troublesome.

At this time, if Ye Chuxiao chooses to continue advancing, it is because Xiao Chi is betting on his 'fate' to see who can last longer.

If the rebel army can break through Shenjing in a short period of time and force Xiao Chi to retreat, then he must stand up and end it with Ye Chuxiao.

And judging from Ye Chuxiao's current strength, he is definitely better than Xiao Chi.

But if the Rebel Alliance falls apart, a longer stalemate will follow.

In this stalemate, the advantage that originally belonged to Ye Chuxiao will be eradicated bit by bit.

After losing both online and offline advantages at the same time, even if Ye Chuxiao is superior in hard power, there is nothing he can do about Xiao Chi, and he can only watch him refine the world and surpass him.

The battle situation on the chessboard became more and more anxious.

Ye Chuxiao didn't seem in a hurry.

Even though Yan Po had applied for internal cleaning several times, Ye Chuxiao was still unmoved.

Cleaning is needed, but not now.

It is human nature to pursue profit.

It is nonsense for a group that uses interests as a bond to expect its members to only promote so-called beliefs.

Improper cleaning will only cause internal collapse.

"I don't understand, what are you waiting for?" Yan Po asked Ye Chuxiao holding the knife.

Ye Chuxiao placed a chess piece on the chessboard, and this chess piece went deep into Heizi's hinterland, looking like a discarded piece.

"Of course it's waiting for someone to find out the truth."

"Dahengchao and Buzhen are Xiao Chi's words. Although he has mastered many key people, he can't replace everyone." Ye Chuxiao said.

In Shenjing, above the main hall of the imperial court, Yuan Shen, Shangshu of the Ministry of punishment, directly admonished him.

Qing Jun's side!
 No eunuchs!No eunuchs!No eunuchs!
  Please take a look and tell me, okay?
  The book is almost finished, why do you need a eunuch!
  And continue to recommend the new book "Master Yue Buqun, Master of Ten Thousand Worlds" The new book needs nourishment and follow-up reading. Please support me a lot!
  thank you all!


(End of this chapter)

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