Chapter 22

After digesting, Ye Chuxiao disappeared in front of others with a seriously injured body in the eyes of others.

After easily getting rid of several pursuers with ulterior motives, Ye Chuxiao moved to a quiet place, changed his appearance, returned to the main street, and opened his business again.

Because of 'cheapness', Ye Chuxiao can often win the favor.

Within a day, at least three or four orders of 'business' can be received.

As for an identity, Ye Chuxiao often only accepts two orders at most, and then hides automatically.

As the turmoil caused by the Nine Death Demon Art became more and more intense, the trend of 'power leveling' in Linzhou City also became more and more violent.

Many cultivators who earn money through power leveling, after reading many different versions of the Nine Death Demon Art Remnants, have also summed up some ways to reduce risks and counterattacks.

This also makes the entire industry more vigorous and prosperous.

Naturally, this increasingly prosperous industry has also become Ye Chuxiao's perfect shelter.

Although this industry has huge profits, the turnover of personnel is fast. Some are young and down-and-out monks who leave after earning a wave of money, just like those female college students who temporarily sell their labor force for tuition fees.

Ye Chuxiao doesn't even need to change identities for a long time, as long as he keeps five or six identities continuously, and then takes turns to appear on stage.

Foolish conditions are easy to repair, but bitter seas are difficult to cross.

No matter which side of the world it is, more than [-]% of the monks in the Foolish Realm accounted for it.

And the monks who have crossed the ignorance, even if they entered the misery, most of them just linger here.

Just because of this state, it is too bitter!

Ye Chuxiao practiced the Nine Death Demon Art, in which the method of directing Qi into the void and transforming the essence into one was enough to help him reduce more than half of the unbearable pain, but he was still beaten to death by this cultivation process.

"Bitter! It's so fucking bitter!"

"The hardships are really not caused by humans!" He spit out two mouthfuls of waste blood, which was also mixed with many toxins and impurities accumulated in the internal organs, giving off a foul smell.

Feeling the body's accumulation and transformation progress, Ye Chuxiao planned to give herself half a day off to relax.

It's been a while since he came to this world, and he hasn't experienced the unique style of this world yet!
In more than ten days, Ye Chuxiao took more than 40 orders of 'power leveling'. The resources provided by others and the power leveling fee were purchased by himself. The accumulated resources were at least thousands of spirit beads.

With such a huge amount of resources piled up, Ye Chuxiao not only tempered and nourished most of his flesh and blood, but also successfully entered the third stage of suffering.

Already began to metamorphose viscera.

"Have you heard?"

"The Qingxi Sword Sect captured the youngest daughter of Yuetingshan, who was studying abroad in the Tianwei Martial Arts Museum, and planned to punish her with ten thousand swords on the Jumu Peak in the north of the city three days later." A group of monks came from Ye Chu. Xiao walked by, one of the monks said.

"This... is too vicious!" Another monk said.

"This one is obviously to stimulate Wei Ming to come out. It seems that there are secrets in the Nine Death Demon Art. Qiu Changling will not stop until he achieves his goal."

"No poison, no husband, the Qingxi Sword Sect has never been a good way. If it weren't for the sects above, it would have been an evil heretic. It is said that Yue Tingshan's daughter is also a disciple of the Huanhua Sword Sect. Many people from the Huanhua Sword Sect have already arrived, and they are negotiating with the Qingxi Sword Sect, and a big battle may break out at any time."

"That's a lot of fun to read. It's a elixir for peace of mind and peace of mind. I'm afraid the price will increase again!"

The discussion among the monks caught Ye Chuxiao's ears and caught Ye Chuxiao's attention.

"Now on the street, the content of the Nine Deaths Demon Art that I have published has reached [-]%. If it is just to draw inferences, this [-]% is more than enough. What is Qiu Changling doing for the complete book of the Nine Deaths Demon Art? ?”

"Could it be that, in this Nine Death Demon Art, is there any secret that I don't know?" Ye Chuxiao looked at the balance of the same number of life points at this time.

After a series of operations by him, the fate point has now risen to a height of 810 seven points.

With such a fate, as long as he does something a little bit, he can sit on one side.

Even if you choose to lie flat, you can live a safe and prosperous life.

However, Ye Chuxiao sometimes thinks that the monks who have obtained the Dao Yun and converted the Dao Yun into a boat ticket, the so-called fate is determined, whether they can do it or not.

"Three days later, Jumu Peak...that would be a good stage for performance."

"If the operation is good, it is very possible to go further and increase the number of life points to more than [-] points."

"With more than a thousand points of fate, next time I go to another world, I can customize my identity and get more convenience. Moreover, with a lot of fate, after returning to Daheng, my little troubles , should also be solved in a very lucky way."

Thinking of Ye Chuxiao here, he naturally had a plan in mind.

At the same time, the mentality that I originally planned to relax changed again, and I started to take orders desperately.

"Set a small goal first, and take five orders a day."

In order to achieve his goal, Ye Chuxiao reduced the fee charged for each 'power leveling' to 45 spirit beads.

Such a low price naturally caused those colleagues who asked for a price of around [-] to stare and reprimand.

However, seeing that he is a "new face", this business may not be sustainable, but it did not cause a crowd to attack.

Two days later, Ye Chuxiao completed his first crossing of the sea of ​​bitterness.

From the muscles, meridians, epidermis to bones, bone marrow, and then to the internal organs, all have undergone a refinement and transformation, becoming extraordinarily transparent, tough, and strong.

The body is strong, the bone marrow has a strong hematopoietic function, and the internal organs are strong, all of which are fed back to the true energy of practice, as well as the martial arts and martial arts at hand.

Many martial arts skills that were originally considered impossible by ordinary "mortal bodies" are no longer difficult at this time.

Holding the knife with one hand, he slashed out with one knife, and the three-meter-long knife light came out of his hand, splitting the two big trees from the middle.

"Sure enough, after successful body training in adversity, Wuxiu began to break away from simple melee short combat, but possessed the ability of medium and long distances, and was no longer a living target. This also corresponds to the next stage after adversity, the energy state!"

"A body that has not been tempered by the sea of ​​bitterness cannot output a large amount of true energy in an instant. No matter how much elixir you take, no matter how many years of practice, no matter how much true energy you have accumulated, it is nothing more than turning the pool into a pool. Big, but the water outlet is still a small thin tube.”

"After body training in a difficult situation, the small tube becomes a water pump, and the output probability is high in an instant. The power of performing martial arts is naturally incomparable. Moreover, the physical talent is stronger. , and the conversion rate have all been greatly increased." Ye Chuxiao felt the changes in his body at this time, and at the same time, with two knives in his hands, he swung more and more freely.

Accompanied by the vertical and horizontal cutting of the knife light, Ye Chuxiao's dexterous talent, as well as the background transformed by the rhyme, were completely digested and absorbed.

Only the pure purple light was left, drifting towards the golden clock and turning into a 'boat ticket'.

At this time, Ye Chuxiao can already absorb a new ray of Dao Yun, which can be used to acquire new talents.

I just don't know how the new Dao Yun will appear, and whether he can seize the opportunity to intercept Dao Yun in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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