There are gaps in the road

Chapter 23 On the Giant Wood Peak

Chapter 23 On the Giant Wood Peak

Even though he had already passed the sea of ​​suffering, Ye Chuxiao did not insist on the next level, the energy level.

Those who can reach the realm need to find a spiritual root, refine its charm into the spiritual platform, and turn it into a Tao seed.

When the Tao seed takes root and sprouts, it will be able to achieve the purpose of communicating with the heaven and the earth and triggering the power of the heavenly power.

This is also a superficial explanation of the name Energy Realm.

Before refining the spiritual roots and stepping into the realm of energy, monks who have passed through the sea of ​​suffering can continue to dig deep into the potential of their bodies, and even cross the so-called barriers to cross the sea of ​​suffering in other systems.

Ye Chuxiao has a lot of spiritual pearls on hand, so he can barely buy an ordinary spiritual root, which is enough.

It's just that he doesn't want to.

I went to the market to pick up several orders of 'business', which deepened the background of physical training, and at the same time, I also had a deeper understanding of Nine Deaths Demon Art, and even the practice itself.

Dang practice is not only the harvest of resources and wealth, but also the best of all in terms of practice knowledge.

Those ordinary and ordinary monks, even if taken out alone, have no bright spots.

But during their long years of practice, they may not have had amazing flashes of inspiration, and these inspirations were released to their heart's content under the guidance of the formula of Nine Death Demon Art.

Ye Chuxiao, who mastered the master formula, also absorbed these nutrients and transformed them into the merits of his own practice.

It can be said that the ten-day "power leveling" career has also laid a solid foundation for Ye Chuxiao to accumulate knowledge in practice.

It is also thanks to this that Dao Yun can digest so quickly.

Time passed by, and the Jumu Peak in the north of Linzhou City was already full of people.

At the top of Jumu Peak, on a towering stone pillar, a girl in yellow clothes is bound with iron chains. It seems that she is only in the age of cardamom, and she is also cute and cute, but now her face is full of emaciation. On the pretty left cheek , There are still a few bloodstains that have not dissipated.

And under the stone pillar, there are many Qingxi Sword Sect monks standing in formation.

Facing the insults from many onlookers around them, they looked expressionless and cold.

On the other hand, Qiu Changling, the head of the Qingxi Sword Sect, was talking with a man in a dark yellow robe, his expression was full of sternness.

As for the man in the yellow robe, he seemed angry, his words seemed extraordinarily excited, and he had signs of wanting to fight with the sword several times, but because he was afraid of Qiu Changling, he didn't really make a move.

In a mountain depression not far away, a dozen or so young monks wearing light yellow robes stood in the formation that had been set up in advance, hiding their figures, looking at the girl who was bound to the stone pillar, one after another Show anxious color.

"Uncle! Junior Sister Yue must have been seriously injured. If we don't save her, I'm afraid the root cause of the illness will be left behind, which will affect my future cultivation." A young man whispered.

The middle-aged monk standing in front of a group of young monks said: "Your Uncle Hong is still negotiating with Qiu Changling. If the negotiation fails completely, we will incite the crowd to riot, and then rush forward to rescue your junior sister."

"Okay! That's how it should be!" All the young monks' eyes lit up, looking eager to try.

These monks in yellow clothes are naturally monks of the Huanhua Sword Sect.

The Huanhua Sword Sect mainly manages Zhucheng in the southwest of the Proud Sword Sect. It is far away from here, and its overall strength is also inferior to that of the Qingxi Sword Sect.

Therefore, it is difficult to show extra toughness when it comes to the Qingxi Sword Sect kidnapping disciples and blatantly brutalizing them.

Using this strategy is also a helpless move.

"If I were you, I wouldn't act rashly like this." A voice sounded from behind many Huanhua Sword Sect monks.

"Who?" Zhou Changbo, the elder of Huanhua Sword Sect, turned around abruptly. With his sleeves opened, the flying sword was thrown out like flying flowers and falling leaves.

Ye Chuxiao unsheathed her two sabers. With her left hand was a move of "Jianjiang", and her right hand was a move of "Broken Mountain". Using the two moves together, almost all the gaps in this move were made up. Waving like iron pass in general.

Even if the Sword of Flying Flowers rained down like a fine drizzle, it would not be able to break through.

Ye Chuxiao, who has thoroughly digested the talent endowed by Dao Yun, has almost completely accepted Yue Tingshan's martial arts experience. Today's martial arts moves are as if they have been tempered for decades, and they are extraordinarily sharp.

Although Zhou Changbo is an elder of the Huanhua Sword Sect, in fact, he has just survived the sea of ​​suffering, at most he has just entered the energy realm, and his realm has not surpassed Ye Chuxiao too much.

Otherwise, even if Ye Chuxiao intercepts a sword flying out, it will not be able to stop the power of Pei Ran.

After all, the Huanhua Sword Sect is only a small sect under the Proud Sword Sect, and the elders in the sect, with this level of cultivation, are not considered weak.

After all, within a realm, there are very few monks who have the resources and perseverance to cross the sea of ​​suffering.

How easy is it to re-enter the energy realm above the sea of ​​suffering?
"It's me, Wei Ming!" Ye Chuxiao appeared in the image of Wei Ming and said.

Zhou Changbo withdrew his sword and looked at Ye Chuxiao.

"How dare you come?" Zhou Changbo asked in surprise.

Ye Chuxiao said: "Master has given me the great grace of passing on my karma and saving my life. Now that his only daughter is in such a catastrophe, how can I stand by and watch?"

In fact, Ye Chuxiao came here to 'beg to die', fighting for fame and gaining fate points.

Of course, one of the goals is to rescue Yue Tingshan's daughter.

After all, Ye Chuxiao can be considered to have obtained all the inheritance of Yueting Mountain, which shortened the time and energy he spent on learning many martial arts.

It can be regarded as some cause and effect.

Hearing this, Zhou Changbo looked at Ye Chuxiao with some admiration.

Then he shook his head and said: "Although you have already passed through the sea of ​​suffering, it is certainly not easy to release a large amount of true energy, but Qiu Changling is a person who has crossed four realms. Among them, it is also enough to be an elder."

"If you show your face at this time, you are throwing yourself into a trap."

"If you have this heart, brother Yue Quanxia will be happy if he knows it, but don't waste your life just because of it."

Ye Chuxiao said: "If I'm the only one, then of course I will die if I go here, but there are all the knights from the Huanhua Sword Sect, so I have some confidence in rescuing Junior Sister Yue."

"Wait a while, I have to bear with that old thief Qiu, let Junior Sister Yue suffer some punishment, and take a few swords from him."

Seeing the changes in the expressions of the Huanhua Sword Sect, Ye Chuxiao didn't hold back, and continued to speak quickly: "In this way, everyone in the audience will be initially provoked to anger."

"In the future, I will stand up first, threaten to challenge Qiu Changling, and then use the whole book of Nine Death Demon Art as bait."

"When the right opportunity comes, I will completely sprinkle the formula of the Nine Death Demon Art on the place where the disciples of the Cleansing Sword Sect formed an formation."

"At that time when the crowd gathered, it was a good time to break through the formation and rescue Junior Sister Yue."

Of course, this is not Ye Chuxiao's entire plan, but it is also part of his plan.

If it goes well, it won't be a problem to rescue Yuetingshan's daughter.

This plan seems to be not much different from the previous plan of Huanhua Sword Sect monks.

In fact, the Nine Death Demon Art is used as the key point to strengthen and connect the plan.

For Qiu Changling, the Wei Ming that Ye Chuxiao pretended to be, and the complete book of Nine Death Demon Art in Wei Ming's hands, were the people he must kill and the things he must obtain.

With Ye Chuxiao's appearance, his attention will be completely diverted, and Yue Tingshan's daughter will no longer be important.

And the onlookers will really riot because of the Nine Death Demon Art, and attack the formation of Qingxi Sword Sect.

Otherwise, even the monks in this world are particularly easy to be provoked and have no interests to lure them. It is an extravagant hope to let them be pawns and help charge forward.

 Thank you for the reward of 1040 dots for my most painful time, thank you Hanyu for the reward of [-] dots, and thank you Evergreen [-] for the reward of [-] dots.thank you all!
(End of this chapter)

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