Chapter 24
Under the stone pillar on the top of Jumu Peak, the negotiation between head Hong of the Huanhua Sword Sect and Qiu Changling was obviously unsuccessful.

Accompanied by Qiu Changling's signal, two disciples of the Qingxi Sword Sect shot out their flying swords from behind, and at the same time passed through the shoulders of the girl tied to the stone pillar, and blood flowed out of the girl's shoulders.

Painful screams came out, and among the surrounding crowd, many monks showed unbearable expressions, but no one came out to say a word of 'fairness'.

"Junior Sister Yue!" All the disciples of Huanhua Sword Sect showed anger and anxiety. Some young ones couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to rush out, but were stopped by their elders.

"Wei Ming! You are indeed very good at hiding, perhaps because there is also a means of disguising illusions in the Nine Death Demon Art."

"But it doesn't matter. If you don't come out, I will cut Yue Dongling Wanjian alive and send her to see her father. I think that after she dies and goes to the underworld, I will tell my father well, how did you treat her as an apprentice?" There is a lot of love." Qiu Changling's voice echoed on Jumu Peak.

"The devil! This is really a devil!" An old monk who had not yet crossed the sea of ​​suffering said through gritted teeth, but he was just talking.

Ye Chuxiao nodded slightly to the surrounding Huanhua Sword Sect, and then walked out.

"Stop! I'm coming!" While speaking, Ye Chuxiao had already raised the so-called Nine Death Demon Art that he had prepared long ago.

It is not wrong to say that this Nine Death Demon Art is the complete book.

It's just that its "complete" is not the original scripture, but another "complete" version summed up by Ye Chuxiao combined with Yuetingshan's cultivation experience.

It is not so much a complete version as it is a kind of 'translation'.

Although the difference is not very big, sometimes the difference is thousands of miles away.

"What I have in my hand is the complete copy of Nine Death Demon Art, only this one, and nothing else." Ye Chuxiao then pulled his collar slightly, revealing the red lines and symbols under the collar.

"I still have the Xionghuo spell drawn in advance. As long as I have a thought, my whole body will be ignited... including the whole book of Nine Death Demon Art in my hand." Changling has already transported the flying sword.

Qiu Changling looked at Ye Chuxiao, as if he was carefully identifying him, with a little doubt in his eyes, but he didn't say it out loud.

"Very good! I am very happy that you can show up on your own initiative."

"In exchange, I can let Yue Dongling live, but I will cut off her path of cultivation. Not only that, I can also destroy her fertility, so as to prevent her from giving birth to a few children in the future and instilling them with wrong ideas of revenge. .”

"As for you... Wei Ming, if you can give me the Nine Death Demon Art, I can keep your whole body and let your soul go to reincarnation." Qiu Changling said.

Ye Chuxiao raised her head and laughed loudly: "Qiu Changling! Don't talk to yourself, you care so much about the complete book of Nine Death Demon Art, it should be because there is some secret in it, which is extremely important to you!"

"Let Junior Sister Yue go, if she loses one more hair, I will return to the dust with the entire book of the Nine Death Demon Art."

"If you want the full book of the Nine Death Demon Art Cheats, then you can proclaim yourself a self-proclaimed cultivation base to return to the afflicted state, and fight me fairly. If you win me, the secret book belongs to you, and my life belongs to you. If you lose, I want you Cut off your own arm, and let me and my junior sister leave."

Hearing this, Qiu Changling stared at Ye Chuxiao coldly.

Until he saw the red marks on Ye Chuxiao's fingertips, which were shining with flowing fire.

The cover of the secret book of Nine Dead Demon Art is being scorched by the scorching breath.

The madness and hostility on Ye Chuxiao's face are well expressed, and combined with the character setting of 'Wei Ming' who is bitter and bitter, his words are not abrupt.

No one doubted his determination to die.

"Okay! Since you want to die more miserably, I don't mind granting it to you." After Qiu Changling said, his breath gradually fell back.

The cultivation base that originally surpassed the four realms returned to the miserable realm.

Although the cultivation was suppressed, the battle that was about to start was still asymmetrical.

True qi, mana, and sword qi can be suppressed temporarily, but in terms of basic physical quality, Qiu Changling is still beyond the four realms, and the level of fighting consciousness and spiritual thinking is still beyond Ye Chuxiao's comparison.

Ye Chuxiao casually pinned the secret book of Nine Death Demon Art to his waist, and at the same time crossed his hands, and drew out two sabers from the back waist on both sides.

The pair of knives were seized by Ye Chuxiao from the monks who blocked the road before, and after using them for a few days, they were considered smooth.

Qiu Changling stared at Ye Chuxiao, and he didn't talk nonsense afterwards, let alone the so-called strong man's bearing.

Without any explanation, he made the first move.

Ye Chuxiao had just set up his stance when his flying sword was already launched, quite impatiently.

Qiu Changling, who had restrained his cultivation, was running at a much slower speed than what Ye Chuxiao saw through time travelling.

But Feijian is still as fast as thunder and lightning.

As a cultivator system ranked among the top one or two in attack power for a long time in the short and medium distances, the flying sword of the sword cultivator has too many, too many advantages.

And these advantages are all displayed under the use of Qiu Changling.

Facing the flying sword flying towards him, Ye Chuxiao straightened his chest, strode forward, held two knives, opened his arms, and let the flying sword penetrate his chest.


Blood splattered, and sword energy began to sweep Ye Chuxiao's body, destroying his meridians, muscles, bones, and viscera.

However, Ye Chuxiao swiftly shortened the distance to Qiu Changling under such reluctance, the two knives in his hands were like scissors, and twisted towards Qiu Changling's neck at the same time.

The crowd watching the battle let out a burst of amazement.

They didn't expect that this battle would be so bloody and tragic from the very beginning.

'Wei Ming' actually wanted to take the opportunity to forcibly take Qiu Changling away by exchanging his life for his life.

However, in this way, can it succeed?

The answer is of course no.

Qiu Changling has rich experience in fighting, and he had already expected this possibility when Ye Chuxiao threatened him with the Nine Death Demon Art and imposed restrictions on him.

So facing Ye Chuxiao's close-to-body cut, Qiu Changling just waved his sleeves and moved his fingers, and two flying swords flew out from his cuffs, hitting the two swords in Ye Chuxiao's hands at the same time.

Not only that, he stomped his foot on the ground lightly, and dozens of gravels were entwined with his sharp and ferocious sword energy, shooting at Ye Chuxiao together like dozens of swords.

Suppressing the cultivation base of the energy realm, Qiu Changling could not shake the power of heaven and earth, and directly swayed a large amount of sword energy, but he could still endow ordinary stones with seemingly indestructible sharpness.

The lion fought the rabbit with all his strength, what Qiu Changling suppressed was only his cultivation, not his experience and methods.

Even though Ye Chuxiao had obtained all the experience bonuses of Yueting Mountain's sword skills, it was not easy to deal with it at this time.

After fighting for only a few breaths, the sword energy mixed with the chaotic rocks had broken more than half of the body's muscles and bones, and the flesh and blood were so bloody that they lost their human form.

It hurts so much!
The pain of being torn apart and destroyed was even several times more intense than when crossing the sea of ​​suffering before.

But besides the pain, there is another kind of comfort.

New blood, new bones, new muscles, skin, and internal organs are all reborn in the old 'ruins'.

Nine-death magic art, survival from death, metamorphosis and rebirth.

Although Ye Chuxiao is not 'dead', he is already on the verge of death, burning a large amount of medicinal power and energy already stored in his body to reshape his new life.

(End of this chapter)

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