There are gaps in the road

Chapter 25 2 Crossing the Sea of ​​Suffering

Chapter 25 Two Crossing the Sea of ​​Suffering

Difficulties are like a sea of ​​bitterness, and it is difficult to overcome.

But at this time, Ye Chuxiao, under the effect of the Nine Death Demon Art, reshaped his physical body in an instant, and crossed the sea of ​​suffering again.

This is the second time Ye Chuxiao has crossed the sea of ​​suffering.

Compared with the first time when a pure martial artist entered a difficult state, this time crossing the sea in a difficult state, because a large amount of sword energy from Qiu Changling was mixed with it, it was cleansed out of the unique sword bone when the sword cultivated through the sea of ​​bitterness.

What is a sword bone?

Bones cannot grow into a sword shape.

If it really grows into the shape of a sword, wouldn't it be a monster?

In the final analysis, it is the growth and shaping of the bones, which is more in line with the orientation of sword cultivation, and lays a physical foundation for acquiring stronger sword cultivation methods in the future.

When the sword qi travels through the body, the muscles and bones of the body are more tolerant to the sword qi.

After all, sword energy is fierce and invincible. Although it is fun to sway, but such abusive power can easily hurt people and oneself.

If you want to play freely, you still have to make changes from your own physical barriers.

There is no one born with sword bones.

Naturally, it is necessary to make adjustments in times of hardship.

The sword cultivator has long occupied the top three positions among the monks' hundred sects, and his hardships are also outstanding.

Among the ten foolish monks, at most only two or three can cross the sea of ​​suffering and pass through the suffering.

However, among the ten sword cultivators, there may not be one who can cross the sword cultivator's heart-breaking heart and broken body.

Seeing Ye Chuxiao's body shattered and then reassembled in an instant, Qiu Changling's eyes revealed an astonishingly cold light, and the strong desire almost turned into a surging tide, flowing out of his body.

"Nine Death Demon Art!"

"I didn't expect that you actually mastered the mystery of the Nine Death Demon Art." Qiu Changling said.

The crowd watching the battle was also in an uproar.

Most of them have also collected and deduced the formulas of Nine Death Demon Art.

In their cognition, the Devil's Nine Deaths Art is of course miraculous, and many of its key points have a great impact on their practice.

However, there was a big gap between this and the scene in front of me.

What Ye Chuxiao showed was a completely different level of supernatural knowledge, as if it was not at all the level they were in now, and they could come into contact with the extraordinary.

Reborn from the dying, and then with the 'help' of the opponent, go to a higher level.

It was just so exciting.

Who doesn't want such a peerless magic skill that can save one's life and become stronger as the battle progresses?

"Nine Death Demon Art! Nine Death Demon Art! It really deserves its reputation. No wonder Qiu Changling is chasing after him. Even if he is only [-]% short of the trick, it almost makes a difference between heaven and earth." An elder of the Yushu Sword Sect was watching sighed in the crowd.

To say I regret it, of course I have some regrets.

After all, the Yushu Sword Sect was once infinitely close to the Nine Death Demon Art. If he had made up his mind at that time to seal off the whole city and then sweep it up, no matter how difficult it was for Ye Chuxiao to hide, he would never be able to hide.

However, the original Yushu Sword Sect chose a seemingly more profitable method. Not only did they not carry out the "mopping up", but instead they fueled the flames by promoting the formula of the Nine Death Demon Art.

However, it is too late to say anything.

At this moment, just like the monks of the Yushu Sword Sect, more and more people looked at Ye Chuxiao who had 'resurrected from the dead', and felt wild desires.

This desire is like accumulated grease, it only needs a spark to ignite it completely.

This is what really stirs the emotions.

The full version of Nine Death Demon Art has now become the goal that many people yearn for under Ye Chuxiao's personal demonstration.

"Come again!" Ye Chuxiao clenched his swords tightly and charged towards Qiu Changling again.

After crossing the sea of ​​suffering for the second time, Ye Chuxiao's burst of power in an instant was more than twice as strong as before.

Two swords were swung out, and the ten-meter-long sword light intersected and fell down, forcing Qiu Changling to retreat temporarily.

The Xuanxu Seven Cuts, which Ye Chuxiao uses alternately at this moment, has turned into Fourteen Cuts impressively.

Under the skillful talent, the two knives are moving, but they go their own way, and the knives complement each other, turning into a net of knives.

At this time, Qiu Changling, even if he was controlling three flying swords at the same time, faced Ye Chuxiao's double swords, he had to raise his spirits and deal with them carefully.

Accompanied by bursts of roaring knives.

Qiu Changling's right shoulder was swept by Ye Chuxiao's saber light.

The long sleeves exploded like fluttering butterflies, and a long knife mark appeared on Qiu Changling's arm.

Although the knife marks didn't penetrate into the bone, most of the powerful slashing power was directly offset by Qiu Changling's tyrannical body.

But for Qiu Changling, this is an 'insult'.

Ye Chuxiao is just a second-level monk who has passed through the sea of ​​suffering and has not yet entered the realm of energy.

And he has crossed the fourth level of realm, even if he suppressed his cultivation, his sleeves were chopped into pieces and his arms were cut by a young junior cultivator, that would be a serious face injury.

Ye Chuxiao got a bargain with one blow, and walked away, Guiyuan's footwork running to the extreme.

Already close to the scope of the stone pillar.

Pulling out the 'Complete Book' of Nine Death Demon Art that was stained with a lot of blood from his waist, Ye Chuxiao waved his sword twice in a row.

A large number of broken leaves have already flown into the group of disciples of Qingxi Sword Sect.

"The cheat book is here, get what you want!" Ye Chuxiao roared.

The monks of Huanhua Sword Sect were moved at this moment.

Qi Shushu raised their heads and took the calming pill first, and then one after another emerged from the hidden formation, mixed into the crowd, and shouted loudly: "Come on! Take the whole book of Nine Death Demon Art!"

"Qiu Changling has no morals and no shame. He is not worthy of possessing the Nine Death Demon Art. If we stand shoulder to shoulder, he can do nothing to us. Whoever grabs it will belong to him!"

With a lot of shouts, the Huanhua Sword Sect's monks took the lead in charging.

The already restless crowd was instantly exploded.

The entire Giant Wood Peak became dry.

"Get out!" Qiu Changling's emotions were also stirred up.

The 'shortcomings' of monks in this world are still impossible for Qiu Changling to be an exception.

His rationality was temporarily suppressed, and because of his high cultivation base, once his emotions were provoked, he lost control even more seriously.

At this moment, he suddenly ignored that Ye Chuxiao was the "living secret book". Seeing a large number of monks rushing up to snatch his complete book of Nine Death Demon Art, how could he restrain the overflowing killing intent in his heart?
The cultivation base of the four realms is fully opened, and at this time there are not only three flying swords flying outside, but a total of twelve flying swords flying together.

With the sword light flying horizontally and the sword energy rippling, it seemed as if the top of the mountain was about to be leveled by him.

Wherever the sword light passed, there was either death or injury.

However, after all, two fists are no match for four hands.

Qiu Changling is certainly strong, but there are also elders and heads of other factions here, even if their cultivation base is weaker than him, it will not be too far behind.

Qiqi teamed up to suppress it, and Qiu Changling had to be restrained.

On the other side, the disciples of the Qingxi Sword Sect encountered a devastating blow.

The Huanhua Sword Sect took the lead, followed by a large number of monks.

The disciples of the Qingxi Sword Sect were completely dispersed from the formation without holding back a few breaths, and then died in the chaos.

Yue Tingshan's daughter Yue Dongling was rescued.

The monks of Huanhua Sword Sect quickly evacuated from the top of the mountain according to the original plan.

As for Ye Chuxiao, he was also among the chaotic crowd, and after shaking around for a while, his appearance had already changed.

Then he put on the monk's gown of the Huanhua Sword Sect and followed the Huanhua Sword Sect's evacuation team, leaving the chaotic and bloody Jumu Peak.

 Thanks to Hongjing Feicai for the reward of 20200511151959490 dots, to book friend 20171029231606677 for the reward of [-] dots, and to book friend [-] for the reward of [-] dots.

(End of this chapter)

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