There are gaps in the road

Chapter 26 New talent

Chapter 26 New talent

At the wharf outside Linzhou City, the monks of the Huanhua Sword Sect had already boarded the boat.

Although he is a monk, his cultivation level reaches the third level of the energy realm, and he can fully interact with the heaven and the earth. Under normal circumstances, he will not be able to walk with the imperial weapon until he is no longer afraid of consumption. However, traveling along the river is still a faster way for most monks to travel.

Beside the grove on the side of the pier, Ye Chuxiao and Yue Dongling were standing opposite each other.

Yue Dongling, who had already taken some healing elixir, was still pale, but barely had the ability to move around on her own.

"Senior Brother Wei! Are you really not going to the Huanhua Sword Sect with us?"

"Brother, with your talent, it is very easy to join the Huanhua Sword Sect. Senior Master Hong also appreciates you very much. If you can be defeated by Senior Master Hong..." Yue Dongling looked at Ye Chuxiao Said.

Ye Chuxiao shook her head: "No! Huanhua Sword Sect is too far away, I'm afraid that if I go too far, I will forget my hatred."

Yue Dongling bit her lips when she heard the words, with complex expressions on her face, and then said: "Otherwise... I'd better stay with senior brother and you!"

Ye Chuxiao said indifferently: "Are you staying? Are you holding back?"

"Don't be too ambitious, practice hard after returning to the Huanhua Sword Sect, you haven't even survived the sea of ​​suffering, why are you talking about revenge with me?"

"Do you really think that Qiu Changling is made of paper?"

Yue Dongling's face froze when she heard the words, and the courage she had mustered up once again blew up.

She is not a particularly persevering and strong person. In fact, most people are like her.

Even with the spur of hatred, it can't change the fragility of nature.

"This is for you!" After hesitating, Ye Chuxiao still handed Yue Dongling the method of 'guiding Qi into the void' in the Nine Death Demon Art.

In any case, she is Yuetingshan's daughter.

Ye Chuxiao's cultivation and martial arts can progress and grow rapidly, mostly because of the legacy of Yueting Mountain.

Ye Chuxiao still chose to do this even for the 'karma' that didn't exist.

At least, this can make him feel at ease.

With Yue Dongling's method of directing Qi into the void, combined with the commonly known formulas of the Nine Death Demon Art, it is almost equivalent to obtaining [-]% of the "Nine Death Demon Art". It still depends on Yue Dongling herself if she cultivates something famous.

Any magical technique is the foundation, and the most important thing is always the practitioner.

Cultivation is a difficult and lengthy process, and it is not something that can be accomplished overnight if you have a magical skill.

Of course supernatural powers are important, but looking at them from a higher perspective, they don't seem to be that important anymore.

Looking at the silk scarf that Ye Chuxiao handed over, which was full of formulas, Yue Dongling finally made up her mind, changed her position, avoided the sight of those fellows on the boat, and took a pendant from her chest.

Unscrew the jasmine bead from the pendant and hand it to Ye Chuxiao.

"Senior Brother Wei! My father gave it to me before sending me to the Huanhua Sword Sect, saying that there is a great opportunity hidden in it."

"I've studied it for a while, but I can't comprehend it, so I'll give it to you!" Yue Dongling said.

Ye Chuxiao took the pearl flower, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, the golden clock in his mind also began to tremble slightly.

"It's Dao Yun!"

"There is actually a dao rhyme hidden in it."

"And it's an unused dao rhyme. On the premise that I have completely digested the previous dao rhyme, this dao rhyme can give me new talents and improve my understanding and aptitude limit." Ye Chu While Xiao was surprised, he suddenly realized.

Yueting Mountain itself has a dao rhyme, and according to the law that dao rhymes will attract and approach each other, it seems not surprising that he can find another dao rhyme.

It's just that Yue Tingshan is not like Ye Chuxiao, he has no qualifications, no way to get on the ship of good fortune, go to other worlds, and quickly digest the fused Dao rhyme.

So even if he got the second Dao Yun, he could only keep it and give it to his daughter.

As for why, Yue Tingshan didn't let Yue Dongling absorb Dao Yun directly, but gave her to keep it in this way.

Maybe it's because... the mood is complicated!

I want my daughter to become better, but I am not satisfied with my own situation, and I have the extravagant hope of digesting Dao Yun and absorbing Dao Yun for the second time.

"Do you know what's in here?"

"Your father is right, this is indeed a great fortune." Ye Chuxiao said to Yue Dongling.

However, Yue Dongling took two steps back and forced a smile on Ye Chuxiao: "Senior brother Wei! Don't tell me, no matter what is inside, it is yours!"

After that, she took a few steps back and turned around.

When he got to the pier, he was about to step on the deck, but he turned his head to look at Ye Chuxiao, looked at Ye Chuxiao seriously, as if he wanted to imprint him in his heart, and waved vigorously.

"Senior brother Wei! Thank you very much! Next time... the next time we meet again, I will definitely, definitely get to know you again." After Yue Dongling finished speaking, she turned into the cabin with the support of her fellow senior sister.

After untying the noose, the bow and stern formations were activated, creating a gust of wind.

The boat left the pier, and when the sails were raised, the boat began to slide quickly on the river, and disappeared from Ye Chuxiao's vision in the blink of an eye.

"Does she already know that I'm not Wei Ming?" Ye Chuxiao thought of Yue Dongling's last words.

Shaking his head, these are not important.

With a little force on the fingertips, the bead flower shattered, and the Dao Yun stored in it flew out and escaped into Ye Chuxiao's body.

Fusion of Dao Yun again, the feeling that once had once, gushes out again.

In an instant, the body and mind seemed to be locked again.

The imprisoned inspiration, as if the gate had been opened, was generated continuously, and then poured into Ye Chuxiao's body, becoming a part of potential and background, and stored.

Ye Chuxiao once again witnessed the criss-crossing river of Dao.

He tried hard to fly higher and see more.

But in an instant, he was beaten back to his original shape.

A wisp of dao rhyme can only take him to observe the long river of dao for a moment.

Ye Chuxiao, however, wanted to imprint that image firmly in his heart.

It's just that the more you remember, the faster you forget.

Ye Chuxiao didn't notice the newborn's talent until the impression of the long river of Tao faded away.

"Talent: strong life, extremely strong vitality, has a very strong physical activity talent, from now on, the means of squeezing vitality will greatly reduce the harm to me, and at the same time, the means of toxins and curses are threatening to me sex, will be reduced.”

"This talent seems to come from the fact that I have practiced the Devil Art of Nine Deaths."

"Combined with the Nine Death Demon Art, even if you have made enough preparations, there is only less than [-]% chance of 'resurrecting from death'. In the future, the success rate will exceed [-]%, infinitely close to [-]%."

"That is to say, as long as I store enough 'nutrition' in my body, I can be resurrected repeatedly, with several lives more than others, and the more I fight, the stronger I become."

(End of this chapter)

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