There are gaps in the road

Chapter 29 Goodbye White Mask

Chapter 29 Goodbye White Mask
Perhaps because he had been with the prisoners for a long time, Ma Shaokang seemed to be well-informed when he talked about the way to be an official.

"However, if you have to be an official like this, isn't there no one to do practical things for the common people?" Zhao Liang murmured after hearing Ma Shaokang's words.

Ma Shaokang shook his head and said: "Being an official is not to serve the people, but to maintain our Daheng Dynasty. An official who is good to the people is not a good official. An official who is beneficial to our Daheng Dynasty is a good official."

Zhao Liang fell silent after hearing this.

Ye Chuxiao never interrupted.

Ma Shaokang's theory of being an official is actually similar to the "political key" of many netizens. They seem to have some conclusions and opinions, but in fact they are still superficial and absurd.

However, Ma Shaokang has his own specific source, and it is very likely that the "repeat offender" is Tang Sutong, which he said earlier.

"Tang Sutong!" Ye Chuxiao sighed in his heart.

The children of the humble and common people in Shenjing City have the opportunity and qualifications to start learning and practicing, all thanks to Tang Sutong.

It was Tang Sutong who formulated the policy of preaching to the people 15 years ago, and directly used Shenjing as a model to conduct a trial push.

Therefore, since 15 years ago, there have been many schools of spiritual practice in Shenjing City. Children from ordinary families can also learn a lot of spiritual knowledge that ordinary people have no access to at a relatively low cost.

And based on these low-level monks in Shenjing City, the entire Daheng actually has a lot more "nameless" monks compared to ten years ago.

What is the specific significance of the expansion of the group of monks?

This meaning is not in the temple, not in Shenjing, but in the unknown countryside, the forgotten barren and backward land.

Even Qi practitioner monks in the Foolish Realm are stronger than ordinary people, more resistant to heat and cold, and have certain means to deal with some low-level monsters and evil spirits.

It was the emergence of more low-level monks that saved many mountain villages and countryside that were not under the care of the government from the invasion and harm of a large number of demons and ghosts.

And this change all originated from the monk education promoted by Tang Sutong, but unfortunately he failed to promote the monk education from Shenjing to the whole Daheng world.

The resistance is too strong!
Local tyrants, aristocratic families, clans, and those who occupy the mountains and separate themselves, build caves and heavens and blessed lands to refuse to accept the king's practice are the main forces of resistance.

The promotion of monks' ignorance has harmed their interests.

Not only the Mengxue College, but also Tianyilou, which has a rich collection of books and is open to the public, also has Tang Sutong behind it to promote its establishment.

It can be said that in the entire city of Shenjing, monks without prominent backgrounds should accept Tang Sutong's love.

But Tang Sutong has been an official for [-] years, and he has done far more than that to benefit the common people.

The dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment was very lively, but Ye Chuxiao did not see the true face of the "repeat criminal". He just followed the crowd, conducted two crisis drills, and received a temporary seal.

This time, the cultivation level reported by Ye Chuxiao was the first level of suffering.

The strength of this cultivation base is neither good nor bad.

Most of the monks who entered the affliction spent their whole lives in the first layer of adversity.

It will really make people treat them differently when they are in the second stage of hardship.

If you enter the third level, you can completely treat it as a seed of energy, and the treatment will be completely different.

And this kind of cultivation seed, a place like a dungeon to kill one's ambition, can't keep people.

Those with connections and family backgrounds all joined Qianjiao and Jinzhi, which were glamorous guards that maintained the defense of Shenjing and guarded the palace city.

But without background, but wanting to have a bright future, the best places to go are of course the two divisions of Suppressing Demons and Juxie.

In the entire dungeon of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, only Zongbaitoubiao broke through the difficult situation and entered the capable state.

So even though Baitoubiao is actually still just a cell leader, he is half a level higher than Bantou Li, but he is the leader, in fact, in charge of all kinds of things in the prison of the Ministry of Punishment.

Looking at it this way, the combat power of the Ministry of Justice Dungeon seems to be very weak.

But in fact, this is not the case.

In the dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment, there are also some masters who are beyond the jailer system of the dungeon. They are only responsible for helping to suppress and guard the repeat offenders, and they will not intervene in other matters.

Moreover, there is still artifact suppression here. Even if it is only a group of jailors in the stupid state, it is enough to chop to death the monks in the capable state who have no seals to use their means in the dungeon.

On the eighth day after the felon was imprisoned, Ye Chuxiao finally confirmed through various means that the felon was Tang Sutong.

And that is, from the fifth day after Tang Sutong was imprisoned, some monks would often try to break into the dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment, sneak into the fifth floor, and rescue Tang Sutong.

It's just that these monks, regardless of their level of cultivation, have become ghosts under the knife of the prison guard monks.

Ye Chuxiao is just an ordinary jailer serving food, and it is not his turn to charge into battle and take credit for nothing.

"74 people, in just three or four days, a total of 74 prison robbers have been arrested and killed."

"Tang Sutong's followers are really huge." Ma Shaokang said again in the crowd when changing the official seal.

He is always the best informed.

Some prison guards with conscience heard the words, although they didn't dare to say anything, they glared at Ma Shaokang one after another.

Zhao Liang was also among this group of glaring people.

However, these glaring people were recorded by secret observers.

In the next period of time, they all lost their qualifications to rest and have to work continuously in the dungeon.

Ye Chuxiao, who was indifferent, was successfully approved for leave and got a day's rest and bath time.

Of course, before leaving the dungeon, the seal must be handed in and cannot be kept privately.

Ye Chuxiao went out of the dungeon again. This time, he wanted to buy some resources for cultivation, and also wanted to go home and see if Ye Chuyu had 'come back'.

He still had too many questions related to the ship of fortune and Dao Yun, and wanted to ask Ye Chuyu.

Carrying a bag of sweet-scented osmanthus sugar, he returned to the courtyard.

The younger brother Ye Chuqi and younger sister Ye Chuyu were not there.

"Ye Chuqi is studying at the elementary school, and Ye Chuyu is studying at the Huada Niang's house to learn about female celebrities...? Is this the wrong perception that the boat of good fortune stuffed me?"

"It's too perfunctory!" Ye Chuxiao smiled wryly and shook his head.

Of course, if he hadn't met Ye Chuyu on the boat of fortune, maybe this excuse could fool him.

The cherry blossoms in the yard have begun to wither, and a large number of petals are scattered on the ground, leaving no one to take care of them.

A man in white clothes and a mask was standing under the cherry tree, looking at Ye Chuxiao.

"Wait? White clothes? White mask?" Ye Chuxiao tensed up instantly.

"I almost forgot about this episode. The evil demons of the original purpose sect are still 'eyeing' on me." Ye Chuxiao put his palm on the handle of the knife at his waist. It only takes a moment for the long knife to snap Pulling out the sheath, he slashed at the alarm bell on the edge of the door.

When the bell rang, it would naturally startle the surrounding crowd and attract soldiers from the Six Guards of the capital.

"Don't be so wary of me."

"I have no ill will towards you."

"Seeing that you have been missing for a month, you should have set foot on the ship of fortune!" White Mask said to Ye Chuxiao.

 Thank you Zi Fenger for the reward of [-] dots, and thank you for the reward of [-] dots in my most painful time!

(End of this chapter)

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