Chapter 30
If White Mask wanted to say that, then Ye Chuxiao had to pull out the knife first.

Good man, you trespassed on a private house and entered without asking?
"It seems you don't trust me."

"Then let me make a long story short."

"Tang Sutong was imprisoned in the dungeon of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. I would like to ask you to help me give him a sentence." White Mask said.

Before Ye Chuxiao refused, the white mask continued: "Don't refuse yet, as long as you are willing to help, I will teach you a set of very practical martial arts."

"Bone-changing technique, this is the undisclosed secret of the martial arts system I originally taught. After you learn it, you can not only speed up the bone-changing technique in adversity, but also change the shape of the bones of the whole body at will after the skill is mastered."

"You have to know that almost half of a person's appearance is determined by the bone phase. As long as you can change the bone phase at will, it is equivalent to having a thousand faces, because it does not involve the use of magic, but the method of changing bones. Even Most of the spells used to detect camouflage cannot see through the changes."

The white mask spoke quickly, but he obviously didn't know that Ye Chuxiao already had a better one.

In terms of changing appearance, Nine Death Demon Art can change not only the appearance of bones, but also the appearance of skin and flesh and even the smell of the body. It is the most superior art of disguise.

"No need! We are not the same people. If you want to talk nonsense, I will draw my sword and kill you." Ye Chuxiao said to the white mask.

White Mask obviously didn't expect that Ye Chuxiao would refuse his temptation.

He paused for a moment, as if he was thinking about what bargaining chip he could come up with.

After hesitating, he gave up again.

Instead, he said directly: "The loyal and righteous people in Beijing are all fools. This is what I want you to convey to Tang Sutong. Whether you want to convey it or not is up to you."

"Ye Chuxiao! You are also indebted to Tang Sutong's great kindness, so you have the opportunity to see a different scenery."

After the white mask finished speaking, it quietly disappeared under the cherry tree.

Even though Ye Chuxiao had crossed the sea of ​​suffering twice, she still didn't see clearly how the white mask left.

This shows that the cultivation base of the white mask should at least be in the realm of energy.

All the loyal and righteous people in Beijing are full of fools. Ye Chuxiao understands the meaning of this sentence.

In the past few days, all the prison robbers killed in the dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment were monks in the foolish realm, and they didn't even have a miserable realm.

The practice in this world becomes more and more indifferent as you go up, and monks in the stupid state are less disturbed, so there is still blood in their hearts.

"He asked me to pass this sentence on to Tang Sutong, what does it mean?"

"Behind this, is there a conspiracy of the original teaching?" Ye Chuxiao didn't know what was going on, so he made up his mind not to send a message.

It is true that the predecessor can have a foundation of practice, thanks to the policy initiated by Tang Sutong.

However, it was something that happened before Ye Chuxiao crossed over. Of course, there could be something to do with it, but it would be too far-fetched.

After resting for a day, she didn't wait to return to Ye Chuyu, but in the early morning of the next day, she ran into Ye Chuqi who had returned from drinking breakfast.

After giving his younger brother a "love" education, Ye Chuxiao dispelled a trace of depression in his heart, returned to the dungeon of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and continued to clock in for work.

With more than 1000 points of fate on him, in theory, except for rebellion, no matter what Ye Chuxiao does, he will have some achievements. Not to mention big money in the future, at least small money will not be lacking.

The work in the dungeon of the Ministry of punishment seems to have become dispensable.

However, Ye Chuxiao has no plans to move yet.

At least... you should touch all the dungeons of the Ministry of Justice!

What if I meet another prisoner with Daoyun?

After a while, Tang Sutong's incident eased, so Ye Chuxiao went to clear up the relationship and transferred a patrol job.

The profit of this position mainly comes from turning a blind eye to the private life in some prisons. The profit is not enough, and it is relatively easy to transfer posts under normal circumstances.

After becoming a patrol, Ye Chuxiao will be able to roam around in various areas openly and aboveboard, and investigate the entire dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment.

"I heard that more than a dozen were killed, all of them were monks in the stupid state, and some of them were young children who had just left school. They were encouraged by others at a young age to do such a thing. They lost their lives in vain. Poor!" Zhao Liang said to Ye Chuxiao as soon as they met.

He seemed to be particularly concerned about Tang Sutong's incident, always looking around for news.

Ye Chuxiao sighed after hearing the words.

Right or wrong, Ye Chuxiao admired the courage of those people.

The dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment is a dragon's pool and a tiger's lair. If you come here, you will basically die without life. Those who want to come to the prison will know it in their hearts.

But they all came anyway, without hesitation.

"Tell me, what do they think?"

"The Ministry of Punishment is as strong as gold. They don't really think that they can save people with just a few people, a few swords, some low-level cheap talisman papers and formation flags!" Zhao Liang continued.

Ye Chuxiao said: "Maybe, it's because of my own wishes!"

"Some things, if you do it, you will regret it, and if you don't do it, you will regret it even more."

Hearing this, Zhao Liang was thoughtful.

Two days later, all the jailers were summoned to the lobby on the basement floor again.

The atmosphere in the entire lobby is very dignified.

Three men wearing jailer uniforms were hung in mid-air, bloodstains all over their bodies, the blood dripped down, and would fall on the faces and bodies of some jailers below, but the bodies of these three jailers were already icy cold .

Their blood has already lost its temperature.

Ye Chuxiao recognized Zhao Liang from the three of them.

He was hanging in mid-air, like bacon waiting to dry.

"Recently, some of my colleagues should have been exposed to the wind, listened to some bewitching, and did things that shouldn't be done. To be honest... As your leader, I am very unwilling to do this."

"Everyone of you here is my brother, a robe who eats in a pot."

"Killing any of you will make my heart hurt." Baitoubiao said angrily, but the emotion he reacted was more like anger.

Angry like an old dog who doesn't take care of the back garden.

"However, I have to do this. I must use their death to warn you, do what you should do, and don't touch what you can't touch."

"Otherwise, you will be like them. Not only will you die, but your family will also be implicated." Baitoubiao stood on the high platform in the front and said to all the jailers.

In the crowd, Ma Shaokang said in a low voice: "Zhao Liang has received such a great benefit, he dared to touch such a terrible bad luck."

Another guard on the side said: "I don't know, maybe I was given the ecstasy soup!"

Ye Chuxiao didn't say a word, looking at Zhao Liang's body hanging in mid-air, he frankly realized in an instant that he could no longer stay out of it.

"Not to mention, that sentence... Maybe I should bring it to Tang Sutong." Ye Chuxiao lowered her head, but there was inexplicable anger in her heart.

Rationally, he thinks that this is a return from Tianluo, which has not been completely eliminated due to the influence of the practice defects in the Tianluo world.

His emotions are at the stage of being easily provoked, far from the gradual indifference and coldness of ordinary monks in the world.

But emotionally, Ye Chuxiao thinks... it's definitely not just because of a flaw in practice.

Also mixed with other things.

He wanted to do something, not because of Tang Sutong, but because of Zhao Liang, and those foolish monks who came to the dungeon to die one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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