There are gaps in the road

Chapter 31 Dungeon Level 5

Chapter 31 The Fifth Floor of the Dungeon
Zhao Liang is dead!

It was Ye Chuxiao's turn to put out the meal.

At midnight, looking at Li Bantou who had fallen asleep peacefully, Ye Chuxiao gently tapped his sleeping point to make Li Bantou sleep more "steadily", then carried Li Bantou to his bed, and then Wrap it up with a quilt.

Afterwards, Ye Chuxiao put on Bantou Li's outfit, and his face changed, following Bantou Li's appearance, becoming exactly like him.

Then adjust the height, body shape, and even the smell emitted by the body and so on.

Not long after, Ye Chuxiao turned into another leader Li.

If he stood face to face with Li Bantou, he would doubt whether he had a twin brother.

From Bantou Li's cabinet, he found a jar of wine, half a pack of stewed meat and a can of fried soybeans, and then Ye Chuxiao opened the door and went out.

With the appearance of Captain Li, Ye Chuxiao walked out of the jailer's resting room and walked down from the third floor of the dungeon.

Of course, Team Leader Li is not qualified to offside without authorization and go to the fifth floor of the basement.

However, he had been in the dungeon for a long time, and his face was familiar. As long as he didn't go to the fifth floor and stimulate his sensitive lines, no one would be serious with him.

Ye Chuxiao had observed some interpersonal interactions of Team Leader Li at a close distance. At this time, when he was traveling in the middle of the night, he did not go straight to the fifth floor of the basement, but stopped on the fourth floor.

At the top of the stairs less than ten steps away from the fifth floor underground, I found Team Leader Huang who was on duty.

"Old Huang! Have two cups?" Ye Chuxiao shouted to the bald-faced leader Huang.

Huang Bantou, who was dozing off while holding the waist knife, woke up in a daze. When he saw that it was 'Li Bantou', he wiped his face completely: "Old Li! It's so late that you don't sleep, What are you doing here with me?"

"I can't sleep anyway, so I want to talk to you." Ye Chuxiao put down the food and drink, and then sighed heavily.

Huang Bantou made up his mind on his own: "It's because of your subordinate Zhao Liang!"

"Young people are ignorant and have to bear the consequences for their own decisions. We, the team leaders, can really tie their hands and feet and make decisions for them?"

Ye Chuxiao said: "Zhao Liang is young and has an old mother at home. It is indeed a pity, but I am worried that his affairs will implicate me and affect my opinion of me."

That being said, it's very classy.

When Bantou Huang heard the words, he didn't dislike Bantou Li's snobbery, but smiled and said: "I am, you old boy, you came to buy me a drink so late, so you are waiting for me here."

"Don't worry, tomorrow I'll go with Lao Xu and Lao Wang to find out what's going on and say something nice for you."

Ye Chuxiao showed joy when he heard the words, and took the initiative to toast a glass.

"Then thank you, Lao Huang, for your righteousness. It's a pity, Lao Wang and Lao Xu still have to guard below, otherwise I will invite them to have a glass of wine."

Huang Bantou said: "You miser, do you think it's dismissed like this? Wait until Xiumu, you will have to treat me to the banquet at Chunxiang Building in Pingliangfang."

The surrounding guards who were originally with Huang Bantou retreated with great insight.

Ye Chuxiao and Huang Bantou were left to drink and chat.

Half an hour later, Bantou Huang, who was in the midst of drinking, was secretly tipped down by Ye Chuxiao, lying on the table as if he was drunk, and did not move.

Ye Chuxiao quickly sneaked into the fifth underground floor.

On the fifth floor, patrolling and guarding became formal and strict.

The cell has become fully enclosed, with only small ventilation holes and food inlets.

With the naked eye alone, Tang Sutong could not be seen in any cell.

But it doesn't matter, Ye Chuxiao has a special positioning method.

At this time, Tang Sutong is most likely to be in the door of which cell has the most guards and the strictest defense.

Because Ye Chuxiao was dressed as a cell boss and walked calmly on the aisle on the fifth floor of the dungeon, he didn't even arouse the guards on this floor's immediate defense.

It can only be said that this dungeon of the Ministry of Criminal Justice has not experienced the 'test' for too long, and it is already rotten.

Even if the so-called strict defense is achieved on the surface, in fact, vigilance is not enough.

"Old Li? Why did you come down?" A jailer who knew Ye Chuxiao asked.

Ye Chuxiao walked over with a smile on his face, and then greeted him very naturally: "I came here because I was ordered by my boss, and I came here to give you a word."

"What do you have to say?"

Ye Chuxiao smiled and said, "Tell me to tell you... have a good dream!"

In an instant, Ye Chuxiao swung his saber.

The long knife was swung out with the scabbard, and even though it could only display the strength of the first level of suffering, it still chopped down in an instant, knocking down the six jailers present.

Ye Chuxiao acted in the image of Captain Li, so she never thought about not being exposed.

He had endured Bantou Li's revenge for being framed for some time.

Now it is just using the way of the other, and returning it to the other.

A set of combos stunned six guards. Ye Chuxiao didn't stop, and rushed straight to the door of the cell with the most guards.

With a figure like the wind, he slashed with a long knife in his hand, and the back of the knife fell, knocking out all the jailers guarding the gate.

Look at the gate of the cell, which is covered with dense lines of spells. Once the gate is opened, it will surely wake up the defense system of the entire dungeon. At the same time, those strong guards who are not in charge of guarding for a long time, but will take action at critical moments , will also appear.

Even if Ye Chuxiao was already standing at the door of the cell, it would be difficult to rescue Tang Sutong who was imprisoned there.

"Master Tang! Is it Master Tang?" Ye Chuxiao knocked on the iron door and shouted inside.

After a while, I heard a voice responding: "It is indeed the old man!"

"Master Tang! I'm here to save you! Just wait a moment." Ye Chuxiao said.

"No! No need! The cell is full of spells and formation patterns. Pull and move your whole body. You must not do this risky move just because of an old man." Tang Sutong's voice came out.

Ye Chuxiao said: "Master Tang! We have already thought about it. As long as all the prisoners on the fifth floor of the dungeon are released at the same time, it is possible to cause chaos and rescue you."


"The detainees on the fifth floor of the dungeon are all vicious and powerful demons who have been detained over the years. If they are born, they will definitely poison the world. If it is because of the old man alone, causing people to die, the old man will thank the world with death, and he will die with regret." Tang Sutong quickly Said, the voice also became louder, it seems to be shouting close to the door.

Hearing this, Ye Chuxiao lowered his head and sighed, and then said: "In this case, there is a monster from the Yuanzheng sect who entrusted me with a message to the old man, and he said... the loyal people in Beijing are all fools." people."

The people in the cell did not respond after hearing this sentence.

After a while, he said: "The old man knows!"

"Hurry up and go! After getting out of the prison, go to the black market Cui Guishou, he will help you find a way to escape from Shenjing."

Ye Chuxiao was taken aback for a moment, Tang Sutong meant that what he said was that he had already seen through that there was only one person in him.

"Master Tang, I'm passing on the words I said earlier."

"I also have a question to ask Mr. Tang. Now that you have been sent to prison, your life is in danger, and your relatives, colleagues, and friends have been hurt. Have you ever regretted it?"

If Tang Sutong was forced into the second floor of the dungeon, there is still time to recover.

But the fifth floor of the dungeon has a completely different meaning.

Prisoners who have reached the fifth floor have always been imprisoned until they die, or they have been stabbed to death, and there has never been an exception.

Even if it was the prince and grandson who came in, it would be the same end.

 Thank you for the reward of 20180113114325096 dot coins hidden by thousands of people, thank you book friend [-] for the reward of [-] dot coins, thank you Liu Zun for the reward of [-] dot coins, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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