There are gaps in the road

Chapter 35 Whale Fall

Chapter 35 Whale Fall
Next, during the meal, Ye Chuyu answered many doubts for Ye Chuxiao.

Of course, not every question, Ye Chuyu can give the answer.

Although she knows a lot, she is not an encyclopedia and knows everything.

And the world is different, even though the practice system seems to be similar, but there are still differences after all.

Apart from other things, just because of the differences in practice defects, the resulting cultural differences in practice will create a clear gap between different world backgrounds.

Just like, in Ye Chuyu's description, the azure world is a world where all kinds of enjoyment, leisure, entertainment, and skills are brought into play and developed to a very high level, because the foundation of promoting those developments is that many people with various hobbies monk.

But Daheng has no such soil.

After drinking and eating, Ye Chuyu patted his belly and stretched.

"The food is not bad. Although it's not the most delicious I've ever eaten, it's still unique. I answered so many questions for you today. If you don't think about it, just send me away with a meal!" Ye Chuyu said to Ye Chuyu. Chu Xiao asked.

Ye Chuxiao said: "If you have any other requirements, you can just ask. If you can do it, I will definitely do it."

Ye Chuxiao still cares about this cheap little sister who can answer all kinds of doubts.

At the very least, you have to squeeze out everything she knows first before speaking.

Ye Chuyu happily said: "That's good! I want to go to Goulan to listen to the music, so take me there!"

Ye Chuxiao glanced at Ye Chuyu: "It's ridiculous, where would a brother take his sister to such a place?"

"If you really want to go... go in disguise yourself, don't look for me."

"I don't like to go to that kind of smoky place."

Ye Chuxiao said it seriously, but he forgot that before time travel, he was also the little prince of nightclubs.

"Then you can accompany me to stroll around this Pingliangfang, it's okay!" Ye Chuyu pouted and said, looking at Ye Chuxiao more approvingly.

Girls who practice practice are more mature, understandable!
Ye Chuxiao nodded.

Although he hadn't fully completed the practice task that he set for himself that day, it was still possible to spare some time to deal with Ye Chuyu.

After dealing with it, go back and make up the remaining number of swings.

Martial arts practice requires not only experience and ideas, but also long-term practice accumulation to form muscle memory.

After paying the bill, we went to the restaurant.

The two brothers and sisters crowded into the crowd, and soon they were submerged in the hustle and bustle of the city of Shenjing.

Daheng's Shenjing city is naturally bustling and bustling, and in this bustling bustle, apart from the eastern and western cities, the most fascinating thing is the legendary Pingliangfang.

It is like a flower blooming in the Dahengshenjing, an extremely indifferent desert for monks.

The strong smell of fireworks attracts many people, looking for the taste of life and survival here.

But it is unreal.

Shown in front of people's eyes, the glamorous side is like the bubbles reflecting the rainbow.

Pingliangfang is a place crowded with fireworks, and the most famous one is of course the brothel.

Orchids in the Western Regions are good at dancing and are full of exotic customs. The aunts in Mount Zhu have both monks and Taoists, and they are good at co-cultivating secret arts. Xieyuhua from Xieyuhua, Datong's mother-in-law is enchanting, and Xinghu's boat lady is gentle and good at cooking with spoons... All of these can be found in this Pingliangfang, and they are all the best, and there are many The oiran is excellent in color and art, and has a good reputation.

But it's just color, it's not enough to make this place so prosperous.

Musicians, singers, jugglers, storytellers, and jugglers from all over the country all gather here and use this as their best stage to perform.

They all want to be famous in Shenjing, so that they can become famous, step into a wealthy place, seek an identity, get rid of the low class, and it is said that they are superior.

However, this beautiful expectation, is it not a lie of life?

In the world of practice, the upper world belongs only to monks.

And Daheng's monks are almost indifferent.

For them, pleasure, extravagance, and fun have no meaning.

Prosperity is only because, as the capital of Daheng, Shenjing needs prosperity.

It was said that Ye Chuxiao took Ye Chuyu to go shopping, but in fact it was Ye Chuyu who dragged Ye Chuxiao and ran around.

In contrast, Ye Chuyu has the 'freshness' that Ye Chuxiao seems to be forgetting.

Sitting on the theater viewing stage by the street, watching the artists on the stage, who were performing hard, Ye Chuyu's palms were flushed, but Ye Chuxiao remained expressionless.

The noise around him didn't seem to have much to do with him.

But, suddenly, a series of muffled thunders sounded in the sky.

It seems that something has flowed into this originally flawed world in an instant, making this seemingly black and white world instantly become colorful.

In a restaurant not far away, a man in white, with a white tear-stained mask on his face, raised his glass in the direction of the prison of the Ministry of Punishment, and poured the wine in the glass down.

"Mr. Tang, let's go! This world is about to be wonderful."

"Without Duke Tang's generosity today, the common people in this world, even if they are living in dire straits, without the participation of monks, they will still be calm."

"Duke Tang, Wan Gu!"

On Yaoshan Mountain outside Shenjing City, Yan Po danced his knife in the wind. His knife roared and whimpered in the wind, but in the end it just cut off the fallen leaves all over the mountain. The old man carrying the last leg.

Inside the palace city, on the dragon chair, the young emperor suddenly burst into tears, and said, "Teacher!"

The empress dowager with the curtains lowered her eyes, and there was a trace of pleasure and sarcasm on her peerless face.

Above the court hall, the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty were all shaken.

Some people kept silent, some laughed wantonly, some bowed in the direction of the dungeon of the Ministry of Justice, and some burst into tears, beating their chests and stamping their feet.

It was as if a gust of spring breeze suddenly blew into this world, quietly thawing the frozen world, and ushered in all kinds of human forms in an instant.

Ye Chuyu put down the candied haws in his hand, looked up at the sky, and burst into tears for no reason.

"What's wrong with me? Why do I want to cry unconsciously?" Ye Chuyu asked.

At this moment, the expression on Ye Chuxiao's face also became much warmer, and the softness that had been weakened before was thawed and reappeared at this moment.

"Do you know about whale falls?"

"After the death of a huge whale, the speed of falling into the abyss is not fast, but its corpse can provide the nutrients needed for many marine life to survive."

"The dead whale has become the gentleness it returned to the sea, and countless lives have been continued because of its death."

Ye Chuyu's eyes widened when he heard the words. At first he was dazed, but then he suddenly realized: "Is there someone...a peerless expert who has reached the Unsettled Realm, and chose to sacrifice his life to the Dao?"

Ye Chuxiao nodded slightly: "Yes! His name is Tang Sutong!"

Tang Sutong is dead!
Quietly in one afternoon, he committed suicide on the fifth floor of the dungeon of the Ministry of Justice.

When he died, all his thoughts were returned to this incomplete world.

From the moment of his death, the hearts of many monks in the Daheng world, which were frozen in indifference, quietly thawed out.

 Thanks to book friend 20190823125707289 for one hundred coins.

(End of this chapter)

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