Chapter 36
The world changes in an instant, but for ordinary people, it is no different from the previous moment.

The changes that Tang Sutong's sacrifice brought to the world are more corresponding to monks.

And from this moment on, many practitioners who were originally bound by aristocratic families and wealthy families due to their shortcomings in practice have also solved their difficulties in practice.

Intellectually, they are free.

"At least 20 years from now, this world will become extremely exciting." Ye Chuyu imitated Ye Chuxiao and looked towards the direction of the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

"A strong man in an indeterminate realm chooses to sacrifice his way with death, even if it is only 20 years, can he really complete the way of heaven in these 20 years?" At this time, Ye Chuxiao also noticed the weakness of his various emotions. Being active, the anxiety, melancholy, joy, and grief that had been suppressed before all turned into small streams of emotions, gathering in his heart, and all kinds of emotions were mixed in an instant.

Ye Chuyu shook his head: "Even if it's only 20 years, it's not a real completion, it just makes the contradictions in this world more complicated and full of changes."

"But a healthy world is inherently complex."

"Specifically, I'm not too clear about it. Some things, when they are recorded in words and communicated in words, have lost their true meaning."

"You and I don't have enough realm, it's normal to not understand." At this time, Ye Chuyu seemed to have completely lost his childishness, and appeared extraordinarily mature.

Speaking of this, Ye Chuyu reminded Ye Chuxiao: "However, in this world, since some strong people choose to sacrifice their lives, this place will become a gathering place for heroes from all over the world for at least 20 years."

"Because no matter what kind of shortcomings in practice, in this world, it is possible to get some supplements."

"It will be an excellent transit point. If you can't find a suitable corresponding practice world, it is also a very good choice to settle in this world for a long time."

"As you said, the strong in the Unfixed Realm are like whales falling after sacrificing their death, and those ferocious predators will always pounce on them and bite large pieces of flesh and blood."

Ye Chuxiao asked: "Why, isn't the teleportation of the boat of fortune random?"

Ye Chuyu said: "As long as you are willing to spend Daoyun to do fortune-telling at the altar of life, you can know how to send it to this world at a fixed point."

"When you take the ship of good fortune in the future, don't casually reveal that you are from Daheng, otherwise you will be targeted by those who want to."

After finishing speaking, Ye Chuyu began to bid farewell to Ye Chuxiao.

"I'm leaving again, I must return to Zhanlan as soon as possible, and tell my father the news."

Obviously, the Azure World Sect behind Ye Chuyu is the greedy predator in her mouth.

After bidding farewell to Ye Chuyu, Ye Chuxiao did not choose to return to the prison of the Ministry of Punishment immediately, but continued to wander.

When the seven emotions and six desires suppressed by indifference and restlessness returned to normal again, Ye Chuxiao was also full of curiosity about this world that was still very strange to him.

In the next few days, it was visible to the naked eye that the entire city of Shenjing became lively and alive.

High-ranking officials and dignitaries also began to be keen on holding various forms of banquets.

Those old friends and friends who hadn't been in touch for a long time also got in touch again, either forming a group outing, reciting poems, or getting together to discuss spiritual practice.

Even Ye Chuxiao received the invitation.

The "friend" who was studying together at the beginning invited him to go for an outing by the Qushui River outside Shenjing City to reconnect with each other.

However, after thinking about it, Ye Chuxiao chose to refuse.

This is no longer because of indifference, but because he was originally a 'time traveler', not his predecessor, so he went there rashly for fear of revealing his flaws.

The impact and changes caused by Tang Sutong's sacrifice to Taoism with death are naturally far more than just the aspect of "social interaction".

Inside and outside Daheng, there are many more places where wonderful changes are happening quietly.

Putting it in the dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment, it became the original laissez-faire, and gradually began to strengthen control.

The humble place that seemed to be forgotten, the dungeon of the Ministry of punishment, was once again placed in front of those officials and gentlemen, making them start to pay attention to it again.

Naturally, a slit was quietly opened up on the way up where the jailers were stuck.

Ten days later, the prison guards of the Ministry of Criminal Justice will conduct an internal competition.

Those who rank higher can be rewarded and even promoted exceptionally.

At the same time, the dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment will also specifically set up the post of "prison chief". Although in terms of rank, it is still not a grade, it can only be regarded as an official, not an official.

However, he can justifiably command the many jailers in the dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment, manage all affairs, and directly belong to the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment.

The former general manager with a white head and a bald head, he was just a tacit identity, and did not come from an official written appointment.

What's more, he is a "team leader", and it's nothing more than domineering in the dungeon of the Ministry of punishment. When it comes to the official face, any small official of the eighth or ninth rank in the Ministry of punishment is enough to order him around.

But as long as he became the "Prison Chief" directly under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, his status changed drastically.

Naturally, he was no longer the target of those small officials of the Ministry of Punishment who could handle it casually.

In order to be able to successfully obtain the position of 'prison chief', Baitoubiao's expression has become a lot more friendly in recent days, and he has tried to win over many squad leaders with many jailers.

There are also a lot of goods that were transported out of their own courtyards and sent to the residences of the heads of the Ministry of Punishment.

Similarly, those jailers with top-notch cultivation bases are also the targets of Baitoubiao's focus on wooing and threatening, and he mainly pays attention to a "combination of grace and power".

Ye Chuxiao's reported cultivation level has been changed to the second level of suffering. Among the prison guards, he can be regarded as quite outstanding, so Baitoubiao also made a special trip to meet him. threatened.

Although Baitoubiao is very confident that he will get the position of 'prison director', he is still worried that he will capsize in the gutter.

Of course, Ye Chuxiao was not the one that Baitoubiao focused on 'taking care of'.

It's just that several cultivation bases are stuck in the third level of hardship, and they are the old team leaders who have been veterans for many years.

These old team leaders used to obey Baitoubiao's advice.

Things are coming to an end, but after all, people's hearts are separated from their belly.

The small dungeon of the Ministry of Justice is already undercurrents.

Ye Chuxiao still only focused on cultivation.

After spending two-thirds of the spirit beads brought back from Tianluo to buy resources, Ye Chuxiao passed the sea of ​​suffering for the third time.

This time he lived the "sea of ​​bitterness" practice of Qi practitioners.

As we all know, Qi practitioners in the early stages of practice are the most resource-efficient and the easiest among the monks.

However, Qi practitioner's practice in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness was the one that took the longest time and suffered the longest time of "torture" among Ye Chuxiao's three crossings of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness.

After crossing the sea of ​​suffering three times, even if Ye Chuxiao wanted to break into the energy realm, he still had no spiritual roots to use.

If you continue to practice, you will still have to find another direction and cross the sea of ​​suffering.

At the same time, with the body that has gone through the sea of ​​suffering many times, he can refine his true qi and boil his qi and blood.

With the cultivation base of crossing the sea of ​​suffering several times, in turn practicing true energy and widening the pool, the efficiency is more than ten times that of before crossing the suffering.

 Thank you Demon King for your reward!Thanks to the book friend 20171029231606677 for the one hundred coins, thanks for the one hundred coins for persistence and dedication, and thanks for the one hundred coins for Xingyue.

  There is still a chapter with more rewards, please wait a moment!

(End of this chapter)

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