There are gaps in the road

Chapter 37 Fate Shows Its Prestige

Chapter 37 Fate Shows Its Prestige

The fourth practice that Ye Chuxiao chose was 'talisman repair'.

Charms are an indispensable part of monks' survival and life.

Combined with Alchemy, Artifact Refining, and Array Painting, they became the four major auxiliary abilities for monks.

But not every monk has the aptitude and qualifications to become a talisman cultivator.

Most monks can only buy spells and use them as consumption.

Ye Chuxiao's predecessor, when he was just learning, had majored in the way of spells, and minored in martial arts.

It's just that after the accidental death of his father, the family had no source for the time being. In order to support the family and protect his younger siblings from wind and rain, his predecessor turned martial arts into a major, joined his father's class, and entered the prison of the Ministry of Justice as a jailer.

In other words, Ye Chuxiao has a foundation in talisman cultivation.

What's more, in the early stage of talisman cultivation, it mainly relied on the four in one of heart, hand, thought, and qi. Ye Chuxiao had completely digested and integrated the talent of skillful hands, and the flexibility of his hands was far beyond ordinary.

For him, the difficulty of drawing spells has dropped significantly.

If a talisman cultivator wants to cross the sea of ​​suffering, he needs to copy hundreds of different inscription fonts within a month to reach the point of proficiency, and then find three basic inscriptions, and practice drawing day and night. If he can write within three months, After finishing the three tanks of ink, more than [-] pieces of each basic spell have been successfully drawn, and the sea of ​​suffering of this rune cultivator is considered to be over.

Naturally, in this process, the resources consumed are much more than that of martial arts practitioners and Qi practitioners.

Because whether it is the copying of hundreds of fonts, special ink, or spiritual paper for writing spells, they are all expensive.

And once the time limit is exceeded and the goal is not achieved, you have to start all over again.

Fundamentally speaking, Fuxiu's practice in the sea of ​​bitterness is actually a process of refining the mind, calming the breath, honing perseverance, and concentrating the spirit.

Time and time again, in a very short period of time, it is almost harsh to squeeze itself, and in an extremely exhausted state, it is necessary to ensure the production progress and quality.

This requirement is also because after reaching the Energy Realm, you need to use the power of heaven and earth to draw amulets. If you are not careful, you will suffer serious backlash.

However, the sea of ​​bitterness, and those who forcibly enter the energy state have never had good results.

Even if you are happy for a while, you will regret it for a lifetime.

"If the Tao of Talisman Cultivation can also be established and overcome the sea of ​​suffering, it will be extremely important to supplement my future means. Although Talisman Cultivation has never been known as the strongest, its existence can be called omnipotent. A variety of spells are enough to give you the ability to deal with different situations. It’s just that if you want to practice a spell, you have to have enough resources to feed it, and I don’t have much spare money now.”

"This is another world of practice. The traditional traveler skills of purifying refined salt, making soap, and making glass in the previous life, don't say I don't know... even if I do, there is not much profit margin for making them."

"If you want money, you have to have power." Thinking of power, Ye Chuxiao thought of the dungeon competition of the Ministry of Punishment and the selection of the 'Prison Master'.

If he can take full control of the dungeon of the Ministry of punishment, he will only pass through the daily oil and water in the dungeon of the Ministry of punishment, and the resources needed by Fu Xiu to enter the sea of ​​suffering will be completely sufficient.

"My fate has reached more than 1000 points, which is enough to sit on one party's fate. It has been a while since I returned to Daheng. It stands to reason... In addition to helping me survive a few crises without any danger , it should also show some differences."

Of course Ye Chuxiao didn't know at this time that Baitoubiao's jumping up and down in order to get the position of the chief of the prison had the opposite effect.

After Tang Sutong's death sacrifice, the monk's inner sealed and suppressed emotions were awakened, and many officials of the Ministry of Punishment were of course no exception.

Yuan Shen, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, was also upright when he was young, but after he cultivated deeply, he gradually became more and more indifferent, and then he abandoned the way of being a man and an official, and only limited himself to being wise and safe. meddle.

Now that the "true self" is revived, it is most unbearable to see people scrambling for dogs.

Then he said, "All members of the Ministry of Punishment should have the spirit of pioneering and enterprising, diligent and brave. Even if it is an exceptional promotion, it is necessary to find out those who are truly capable of taking on heavy responsibilities."

Just this sentence is tantamount to cutting off Baitoubiao's position as the "prison chief".

If it was in the past, the news would naturally be passed down and told to Baitoubiao so that he would give up directly.

No matter how unhappy Baitoubiao is, he can only find ways to change his goal and use the resources in his hands to train his nephew.

But what Tang Sutong arouses is not necessarily all positive emotions, those greedy, despicable, and nasty are also aroused in the same way.

Originally, those middle-level officials who could be greedy or not, but now they are all greedy, and the power in their hands has become a sharp weapon for them to blackmail.

Baitoubiao waved gold with his hands, dotting up and down.

Some people see that they are interested in money, so they deliberately don't remind Baitoubiao. Instead, they blindly take advantage of it so that they can squeeze more.

Poor Baitoubiao has worked so hard all his life to make wedding dresses for others for nothing, but he still thinks he has a great future and is complacent.

Such changes cannot be said to be driven by Ye Chuxiao's fate fluctuations.

Destiny is like a river, and the creatures in it are just walking along the water.

The former Ye Chuxiao was a grain of sand in the river of fate, with no direction and no chance.

But now, he is a leaf floating on the water. When the waves come, he may have the opportunity to take advantage of the waves.

"Xiaoye! When my adoptive father becomes the chief warden, I will ask my adoptive father to change you to me."

"Managing some criminals is more lucrative than managing those gangsters, and you can also learn a lot of ways to be an official in the officialdom, which is good for you." During lunch in the cafeteria, Ye Chuxiao met Ma Shaokang again, Ma Shaokang I also heard that Ye Chuxiao's cultivation has reached the second level of suffering, so he came up to strike up a conversation and solicit.

Ye Chuxiao smiled after hearing the words: "Okay! From now on, I will rely more on Ma Shao to take care of you."

Of course, these words are perfunctory. Since Ye Chuxiao has set a goal, he must take the position of the chief of the prison.

After two days of thinking, Ye Chuxiao already had a plan.

"Ye Chuxiao! You are my father's old subordinate, how much he takes care of you."

"This time, the lords of the Ministry of Punishment will choose the head of the prison. I hope you will help me." A voice cut in, interrupting the communication between Ye Chuxiao and Ma Shaokang.

Turning his head to look, it was Li Fu, the son of Li Bantou, who was speaking.

Li Fu's aptitude is good, and he has passed the second level of suffering at a young age. After Tang Sutong's death sacrifice, his heart of revenge suppressed by indifference has not been concealed.

Of course he didn't know that Captain Li's death was caused by Ye Chuxiao's framing.

Blame it all on Baitoubiao and other dungeon bosses, in order to hastily close the case, they threw his father out as a thunderbolt.

Now he also wants to seize the position of the head of the prison, and then use Baitoubiao and others to avenge his father.

"Damn, what are you talking about?"

"What the hell are you, wanting to grab the position of the chief of the prison?" Ma Shaokang immediately became annoyed when he heard this.

The sound was quite loud, attracting many dungeon jailers who were eating.

(End of this chapter)

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