There are gaps in the road

Chapter 38 7 Passion Overwhelming, 6 Desire Burning

Chapter 38

Li Fu ignored Ma Shaokang's clamor at this moment, but stared at Ye Chuxiao, waiting for Ye Chuxiao's reply.

"Li Fu! Your qualifications are still young, and you don't know much about the dungeon. You can't grasp the position of the head of the prison rashly." Ye Chuxiao persuaded Li Fu.

Hearing this, Li Fu's eyes immediately became gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! Ye Chuxiao, you are also ungrateful, and I will come to settle accounts with you after I become the chief of the prison."

After finishing speaking, he dropped his dinner plate and strode away.

When Ma Shaokang heard Ye Chuxiao directly rejecting Li Fu, he said with a smile on his face: "Don't worry about him, he's just a stupid kid who doesn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth. His father is a sinner. If it wasn't for the soft heart of his adoptive father, he might not be able to accept his father." class!"

"Now I still want to jump out and grab the prison director, jumping clown."

Ye Chuxiao nodded and didn't say much.

He just felt a little strange.

The previous Li Fu was so indifferent to the death of his father that he didn't have the slightest extra emotion.

Now, once the gate is opened, he has become so conceited and surly, which seems abnormal.

And Li Fu's situation, is it an isolated case or quite common?
When Ye Chuxiao returned to the classroom, the atmosphere between Li Fu and the other prison guards in the classroom seemed to be freezing.

Seeing Ye Chuxiao coming in, Li Fu's face turned even colder.

"This... what's wrong?" Ye Chuxiao asked knowingly.

A jailer said in a sarcastic tone: "Someone has only been in the dungeon for more than a month, and it is ridiculous to expect to become the chief of the prison."

"Ha! Although I have low qualifications, I am still better than some mediocre and stupid people. I have low cultivation and have accumulated no merits for many years. Isn't it even more ridiculous to secretly think about becoming the chief division?" Li Fu heard the words and immediately retorted.

Ye Chuxiao looked at the jailer who slandered each other with Li Fu in surprise.

Although getting promoted and getting rich, everyone would secretly think about it.

However, it is a bit rash to say it directly without any basis.

"Could it be that it's because I've been suppressed for too long before, and now that I'm liberated, I can't control my emotions?"

"The jailers in the dungeon don't have deep cultivation, and the emotions they squeeze are not too strong. Even so, what will happen to those who have advanced cultivation and have been frozen indifferent for many years?" Ye Chuxiao couldn't help Lenovo.

"It doesn't necessarily mean that it will be released more uncontrollably. After all, practice is to cultivate the mind, and those with profound cultivation should have stronger control over their own mentality."

"Stop arguing! Who will take the position of the chief division, the officials of the Ministry of Punishment will naturally make a judgment, and it is not our turn to criticize."

"Zhao Yong! I'm going out to do some errands later, so I'll trouble you to take over for me this afternoon. I'll bring you a jar of good wine when I come back." Ye Chuxiao said to another jailer in the jail.

The jailer nodded, and added a casual sentence, asking Ye Chuxiao to buy some broad beans and stewed pork to go with the wine.

When Ye Chuxiao came out of the room, before the door was closed, Zhao Yong had already said to the other guards: "The Grand Competition is coming, and he still wants to go out for a stroll, so that's all he wants to do."

"Everyone, there is a large prison cell vacant at the corner at the end of District B. Who is interested in gesturing with me?"

Ye Chuxiao outside the door kept walking, went straight to the gate, handed in the seal, registered, and left the dungeon of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

"How can you stand out from the crowd just by focusing on what you have?"

"There are artifacts in the dungeons of the Ministry of Punishment to suppress them, and there are masters secretly maintaining them. In fact, there are not many places where the jailers use force. The main role of the jailers is to manage and maintain the order of the dungeon. To be clear, it has nothing to do with the handyman. different."

"So, ordinary jailers in the dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment generally have a low level of cultivation."

"Now the officials of the Criminal Department feel that the prison guards should 'move'. In fact, what I have to consider is not what I can get from it, but what I can bring to the officials of the Criminal Department."

"Only by clarifying the real contradictions can we really touch the position of the prison director."

Although the head of the prison is not an official, he is a typical lowly and powerful person.

Directly dispatched by the Ministry of Punishments, this alone is enough to pull this seemingly unofficial position to a height that cannot be ignored.

As long as it is properly managed, the dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment will almost be regarded as the place where the prison chief's family belongs.

The Secretary of the Criminal Ministry is busy with his duties, so how much time does he have to stare at the dungeon?

I went to the West Market to find a skilled craftsman, and made a few boxes, but I didn't bring them back to the dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment, but put them at home first.

After that, continue to exercise daily with the knife.

Since the lack of 'indifference' faded away, Ye Chuxiao's daily practice of swords has also become 'difficult'.

When the body is exhausted, the thoughts of giving up and being lazy are far stronger than before.

It's not all bad, though.

When people are fighting against fatigue, laziness, and giving up, they are also sharpening and improving.

Moreover, the sharpness of the mind can help Ye Chuxiao more effectively to adjust the details of swinging the knife.

Time flies.

Those dao rhyme breaths stored in the golden clock were originally unable to 'use' because they were entangled together.

Now after a period of splitting, it has finally been completely transformed into 21 strands of complete and individual Daoyun aura, which are respectively pasted on the golden clock, like a little texture added to it.

Ye Chuxiao tried to touch the breath of rhyme in it.

In an instant, the golden clock turned backwards, and Ye Chuxiao once again turned into a ghost of time and space, sneaking into the past.

Focusing the line of sight, the snow-capped mountains in the distance are covered with a layer of gold under the sun.

But close at hand is a maple leaf forest.

In the forest, two people are fighting.

"Is it Yan Po and Tang Sutong?"

"Tang Sutong looks younger, but Yan Po looks older." Ye Chuxiao looked at the two in the match and thought.

Maybe it's because, transformed into a time-space 'ghost', Ye Chuxiao looked at the fight far beyond his own level, and his eyes could keep up with their speed.

In the fight between Yan Po and Tang Sutong, Tang Sutong seemed to be able to handle it with ease throughout the whole process, while Yan Po had obviously exhausted all his strength.

Even Yan Po's swing of the knife seemed useless to Tang Sutong.

But judging from Ye Chuxiao's sword skills, Yan Po's sword skills are not only open and close, but also hide infinite murderous intent, which can be described as extremely wonderful.

Even after watching it for a short while, Ye Chuxiao already felt that he had gained a lot.

The fight between the two did not shake the energy of the heaven and earth, but it obviously contained and compressed the power to a certain size.

It was enough to see that the two were sparring with restraint.

After dozens of moves, Yan Po retracted the knife first.

"I lost! Yan Po is convinced, if you have any orders, please ask for instructions!" Yan Po calmly said to Tang Sutong.

Tang Sutong said: "I'm going to do a big thing, but I still need a peerless sword. Your sword is very sharp, but it's not enough. Dare you go to Tianliu Island?"

When Yan Po heard this, his gaze changed slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "What is there to be afraid of?"

 Thanks to the rising power for a reward of [-] dots!
(End of this chapter)

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