Chapter 40
"One person is vacant? Then fill in another person!" said the official of the Ministry of Punishment holding the roster.

But before the words were finished, behind the high platform, a servant of the Ministry of Criminal Justice said: "Let the five of them fight together! Let me also see the ability and energy of this dungeon boss."

What he said had a lot of meaning, but the white-headed Xu Biao was struck by lightning when he heard it.

There is a difference between the two words ability and energy, but when they are displayed at the same time, they have completely different meanings.

Five people fought in a melee, under the name of Baitoubiao. In theory, he could easily gather two or three people as partisans, and surround and beat the remaining one or two people.

Then let the remaining few people admit defeat one after another.

But since the servant had already put his words here, Xu Biao couldn't coerce the other four to form a team with him.

You have to fight for real.

And this is only the most superficial meaning.

After thinking about it deeply, it was the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment who expressed dissatisfaction with Xu Biao, but none of the officials of the Ministry of Punishment present expressed any objection.

Xu Biao felt that he was 'abandoned', and he was filled with grief and resentment.

In fact, Xu Biao was nothing to these officials of the Ministry of Punishment. His position could be replaced at any time. His deeds could be done by any cell leader in the dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment with their permission.

Now the wind of change has blown up and down Daheng, but Xu Biao is stubborn and only knows how to use the worst means to make money, so he is already looked down upon.

"The rules are set, let's start!" said the official of the Ministry of Punishment in charge of hosting.

The five people stood in separate positions, Ma Shaokang met the eyes of his adoptive father, and after a little thought, he rushed straight to Ye Chuxiao.

After getting close, he whispered to Ye Chuxiao: "Fight me for a few rounds, and then lose to me, do you hear me?"

On the other side, Li Fu had already raised his knife and slashed at Xu Biao, showing bloody courage that was different from most jailers.

Hearing Ma Shaokang's whisper, Ye Chuxiao sneered slightly at the corner of his mouth, and then kicked him in the face.

Ma Shaokang is a Dharma cultivator, what makes him confident that he can be so close to a martial arts cultivator?

What's more, Ye Chuxiao was almost a big realm higher than Ma Shaokang. This kick was solid, and Ma Shaokang immediately vomited blood, and shot out like a cannonball, crashing into the crowd.

The kick broke several of his ribs.

If you want to get up again, with Ma Shaokang's willpower, it is absolutely impossible.

After kicking Pegasus Shaokang, Ye Chuxiao drew his long knife out of its sheath, and with a seemingly simple strike, he slashed straight at Wu Ting on the right.

Wu Ting is also a martial artist, but his cultivation level is lower than that of Ye Chuxiao.

Facing Ye Chuxiao's knife, he could only resist with the knife in his hand and the scabbard in a hurry.

It's just that Ye Chuxiao's knife seemed to be invisible, but in fact it attached a huge amount of true energy to the blade.

When the knife fell, the knife in Wu Ting's hand, together with the scabbard, was directly chopped into pieces.

The clothes on Wu Ting's shoulders were also torn apart by the surging saber energy, but no blood spattered on Wu Ting's shoulders.

It is not difficult to find that the knife was only placed on his neck, but it did not hurt him at all.

In the hall, everyone was stunned for a moment, but after looking carefully, they couldn't help being shocked.

"Good! Good knife!" An official of the Ministry of Punishment clapped his hands above the high platform.

Ye Chuxiao's knife was not so much a subtle cut as it was finally saving their face.

Such a free-handed knife must have been studied and practiced hard.

Aren't all the jailers in the prison of the Ministry of Punishments full of wine and food?
On the other hand, Xu Biao is also an old official after all, and his realm is higher than Li Fu.

The cultivation base of the energy realm allowed him to squander his saber energy unscrupulously. Under the opening and closing chops, Li Fu gradually failed even with his bloody courage. After several fights, he was forced out by Xu Biao. Within the scope of the competition, he fell back into the crowd.

Li Fuhong focused her eyes, and wanted to rush in again, but was held back by her colleagues.

During the big competition, under the eyes of the officials of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the big competition must go to the end, and the life should not be lightly injured.

If Li Fu didn't know what to do, was kicked out of the competition circle, violated the rules, rushed back to fight again, he would be beheaded by Xu Biao, and no one would complain for him.

At this moment, Xu Biao had turned his head to look at Ye Chuxiao, his expression becoming more and more serious.

"The little tiger who has no teeth, can't wait to challenge the prestige of the Tiger King. It seems that I want to pull out your teeth to make you sober." This is the first time Xu Biao looked at Ye Chuxiao squarely.

And Ye Chuxiao's stunning strike before was indeed worthy of his attention.

"Are you Tiger King?"

"No! You are an old dog at best!"

"And it's an old dog that's been gelded." Ye Chuxiao's words were vicious and cruel, without any room for mercy.

It's already like this, what kind of sympathy does Ye Chuxiao have?
Hearing this, Xu Biao was furious. Under the smoldering emotions, his anger burned, and he repeated his old trick, swinging a knife and spewing out a lot of knife energy, flocking towards Ye Chuxiao.

Ye Chuxiao held the knife in his hand, and only attached his true energy to the edge of the knife, blocking left and right like a leisurely stroll, and then swung away the swaying knife energy.

"I'm a little confused, are you a martial arts... or a law?"

"Such a distance, such unrestrained swaying of saber energy, what should you do if you encounter a real energy realm Dharma cultivator?" Ye Chuxiaoge blocked the saber aura, and walked quickly towards Xu Biao.

Xu Biao backed away unconsciously, and continued to take advantage of his being in an energy environment with greatly increased battery life, slashing his saber energy crazily, and attacking from space.

Such a shot, although it seems gorgeous, is actually a huge waste.

Wuxiu is a practitioner who controls himself, but he can't even fully control the basics of his body and strength.

Perhaps he once also swam through the sea of ​​suffering, wasting hard work.

But the years of flashy life had already rotted him, and he gave up his old persistence and belief.

"Sword Qi, you didn't use it like this!" After Ye Chuxiao said that, he took a step forward and broke into the place three meters in front of Xu Biao.

Then he slashed out with concentration.

The bright silver knife light shone on the hall where the light was not particularly bright.

Wherever the light of the saber passed, Xu Biao's saber energy, which was used to block Ye Chuxiao's approach, tore into pieces.

Then Dao Guang broke the long knife in Xu Biao's hand and fell on him.

Blood splashed out, and the knife mark fell from Xu Biao's left shoulder to his right hip, almost ripping him open.

With one blow, Xu Biao was defeated.

There was no sound in the hall again.

On the high platform where the officials of the Ministry of Punishment were seated, there was sudden applause.

The paper figurine incarnation of Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice stood up and looked at Ye Chuxiao, clapping his papery hands.

"With the cultivation base of the afflicted state, you can compress the sword energy, gather the sword light, and defeat Xu Biao with a single sword. Your name is Ye Chuxiao? You are very young at a young age."

"Do you want to be the warden master?"

"If you want to do it, give me a reason to appoint you." said the paper figurine incarnation of Minister of Justice.

Ye Chuxiao smiled when she heard the words, clasped her fists and said, "Please allow me, my lord, go and bring the prepared things here first, I want to show my thoughts to you lords."

"Yes!" said the paper figurine incarnation of Shangshu Xingbu.

Ye Chuxiao returned to the classroom and brought over the two boxes that had been prepared a long time ago.

Then, in front of everyone, one of the boxes was opened first.

When they saw the contents presented in the box, everyone was puzzled.

She didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Ye Chuxiao's gourd.

 Sacrifice a book, the new book "Inazuma's Daily Monster" by Daoist Yingying.

  The following is a brief introduction, wearing to the Tivat continent, systematic, willing to work hard, and ready to develop.

  However, they encountered the malice of the world and the erosion of the elements, and the people from another world who had no elemental resistance soon died.

  So, everything starts from the resurrection from the dead.

  Light novels, if you are interested, you can read it!
  thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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