There are gaps in the road

Chapter 41 What is Humanized Prison Management

Chapter 41 What is Humanized Prison Management
In the first box that Ye Chuxiao opened was a miniature architectural model.

It was split into two parts, one part looked no different from an ordinary prison cell, but it looked smaller and more refined.

But the other part is completely different.

It looks very advanced.

In the small model, there are beds, desks, chairs, some books, and paintings on the walls. The most amazing thing is that there is a woodcarving woman sitting on the reduced bed.

If it hadn't been for the bars similar to those of a prison cell, it would be impossible to connect the two parts of the box together.

Seeing the puzzled expressions on everyone's faces, Ye Chuxiao said, "I think the function of the prison of the Ministry of Punishment is not just to detain and guard the guilty. Returning to the outside world, re-becoming a person...even the prisoners who are officials again, what we need to do is to change them and try to make them useful to the court and society, instead of scourges and garbage. "

"And the mystery of change lies in the comparison between these two prisons. Let those prisoners who have seriously reformed and worked hard to live in a good prison. Apart from losing their freedom, they will enjoy the joy of life and see hope. And Those who are obsessed with it can only stand in a dirty cell and continue to be with rats and bedbugs."

Ye Chuxiao's words were high-sounding, and it didn't matter whether the officials of the Ministry of Punishment believed it or not.

As long as they are smart enough, they can quickly detect the huge profits hidden under this set of high-sounding rhetoric.

In the former dungeons of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, all kinds of cruel and cruel methods were used to persecute prisoners.

Like Baitoubiao and his like, they will even deliberately beat some prisoners into tricks, let them frame some rich people, but have no big background and backing, and join forces with the police from the Ministry of Criminal Justice to bring in people who should not have been imprisoned. , for a day trip to the dungeon.

In this way, you can jump out of the 'pattern' of the dungeon and get more oil and water from the outside.

After a long time, some people will get used to it, especially those prisoners who have the opportunity to go out. They would rather suffer more in prison than give up their family wealth in exchange for fewer beatings.

However, once the comparison of the two prison cells presented in Ye Chuxiao's box took shape, it would corrupt the persistence of the prisoners from another angle.

Seeing other people eat well, drink well, sleep well, live in a beautiful house, and wear comfortable clothes, but I don't have any, it is more uncomfortable than being beaten.

If you don't have this strength and ability, it's fine. If you have... you can bear it, it's even more torturous.

The key to Ye Chuxiao's method lies in the saying of "guiding people to be good". With this saying, this well-decorated "prison cell" can be sold to criminals and wealthy households.

Only those that can be grandiose can be promoted and shaped in the dungeon of the Ministry of Justice.

No matter what era, doing anything is better than doing real estate.

After all, the fake gangster rushed into the bank with an AK in his mask, and the real gangster smiled and took out the sales contract and the bank loan.

The Dungeon of the Ministry of Justice has regular users and a large blue ocean. It would be a pity not to engage in real estate.

If Ye Chuxiao wanted to be the head of the prison, the most important thing was how to take care of the interests of the officials in the Ministry of Punishment above Zhou Quan.

After all, there will be no money to eat in the future, and the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment will hold on tight, and it may not be easy to do things that even harm good people.

They are always looking for a new source of income.

Sure enough, the officials of the Ministry of Punishment who realized Ye Chuxiao's different ways of treating the 'magic' began to look at Ye Chuxiao with approval.

As for the paper figurine incarnation of Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, he did not dislike Ye Chuxiao's behavior.

After all, compared with the previous ways of making money in the dungeons of the Ministry of Justice, Ye Chuxiao's method is not only clever, but also 'harmless'.

The poor people who are really wronged and imprisoned must not be able to afford it.

Moreover, even if it is falsification, there must be a few 'true' to serve as a fig leaf.

For those prisoners who really want to get better, this may not be considered a benefit.

"Good! Not bad!"

"I can give you the position of the director of the prison." The paper figurine incarnation of the Minister of Punishment said directly.

He didn't even wait for the so-called Dabi to finish the procedure.

In the eyes of the jailers, a very rare and precious position is actually completely indifferent to a big man like Minister of the Ministry of Justice.

From the perspective of Minister of the Ministry of Punishments, the reason why he wanted to appoint a chief prison officer and stipulate that he was directly under his jurisdiction was to hold the dungeon of the Ministry of Punishments in his hands and beat the officials under him at the same time.

After all, in addition to the criminal proceedings in charge of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, in terms of the people who are actually used at the bottom, it is mainly the two parts of the police and the jailer.

The interests and personnel involved in the arrest are too complicated, even if it is the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment, it is not easy to influence it at will.

Naturally, start with the dungeon first and hold it tightly in your hands.

Who will be the chief executive is actually just a matter of his words.

Ye Chuxiao did well today, that's him.

If Ye Chuxiao fails tomorrow, he will be replaced.

It's not worth mentioning.

Xu Biao was seriously injured, and now he heard the words of the paper man incarnation of Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, and spit out a big mouthful of blood again in a hurry.

Ye Chuxiao is stronger than him, and now he has climbed to his head and became his superior, so if he wants to take revenge, won't he never have a chance?

What's more, the benefits lost in the future, and the benefits that were paid in order to get the position of the chief executive... All kinds of superpositions, Xu Biao didn't directly die of anger, and his physical fitness is already good.

"However, I still want to see what's in your other box." Said the paper figurine incarnation of Minister of Justice.

Ye Chuxiao opened another box, revealing the simplified and miniature version of the spinning machine inside.

"This is a spinning machine, easy to learn and easy to operate. Although the gauze produced is far less exquisite and strong than the embroiderer, and does not have any extraordinary abilities, as long as multiple machines are operated at the same time, the output is not low. , can produce many things related to people's livelihood."

"My lord! The prisoners in the dungeon are also common people. They have the qualification and obligation to work with their own hands to support themselves, not by consuming the court's taxes to support them."

"Those prisoners with low sentences and low viciousness can use labor in exchange for remuneration, improve their food in the dungeon, and even their living environment, so that they can transform themselves and learn a skill from labor." After Ye Chuxiao finished speaking, the gazes behind Ye Chuxiao were full of amazement.

With so many prisoners in the dungeon of the Ministry of Justice, isn't this just cheap labor?
You can't farm in the dungeon, and you can't weave, spin, or sew?
As for releasing prisoners from their cells, would it be dangerous to gather them together?
As long as they are not serious criminals, what kind of waves can ordinary prisoners turn out under the suppression of divine weapons?
As for the officials of the Ministry of Punishment, their eyes were brighter, and they looked at Ye Chuxiao with gentler expressions.

It's high-sounding, but it's "fair and honest" for them to win a steady stream of huge benefits. How can you not like such a new prison director?
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(End of this chapter)

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