There are gaps in the road

Chapter 42 Dungeon Academy

Chapter 42 Dungeon Academy (Monthly Pass Plus)
Under the "expectation" of the officials of the Ministry of Punishment, Ye Chuxiao took office immediately, and immediately became the leader of the jailor from a small jailer... the director of the prison.

However, the title has changed, but in fact it has not changed, it is still a jailer.

Still without rank or rank, he is not considered an official, but only an official.

From this point of view, the reason why the prison guards are far less popular than the fast catchers is that they belong to the Ministry of Punishment.

In the arresting system of the Ministry of Punishment, not all are 'officials', there are quite a few who have already obtained official titles, and even their grades are not low. Among them, there are six famous arresters, who are only under the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, and even the servant of the Ministry of Punishment is not qualified to dispatch .

Every high-level head catcher is considered a mountain in the catch system.

There is also their set of punishment and reward system in the mountains.

Seriously speaking, it is much more complicated than the jailer system.

After all, this is a world of extraordinary manifestation and practice.

Powerful arresters who can catch criminals from all directions are themselves masters in practice. If they are reluctant to give them even official ranks, how can they win people's hearts?

It only took three to five days to find civil engineering repairs to renovate some of the prison cells, and one-third of the ordinary cells were remodeled.

After the decoration is completed, if you don't look at the outside, just look at the inside, it looks more decent than the upper room of an ordinary inn.

A few luxury cells are equipped with wooden or soft pottery 'Sleeping Beauty', this kind of adult artifact specially provided for bachelors to solve their needs, and has become the ultimate luxury in the dungeon.

After leading some prisoners and wealthy households with consumption potential to visit.

These cells with 'Sleeping Beauty' have become places where they compete for bids.

For a 'Sleeping Beauty' who couldn't move, couldn't bark, and even poured her own grease, these criminals and wealthy households even yelled a price that exceeded the most prestigious oiran in Shenjing City.

If the truth is made public, how can those beautiful oirans feel embarrassed?
On the second floor, in a cell in District A.

Ye Chuxiao was standing in front of the table with a prisoner who looked quite immortal, copying the copybooks and learning basic spells.

Prisoners are mainly responsible for teaching, while Ye Chuxiao studies.

At the beginning, Ma Shaokang was guarding a group of criminal officials, and he only wanted to learn how to be an official from them.

It is true that I lost the watermelon and picked up the sesame seeds.

Of course, Ma Shaokang can't even swim through the sea of ​​suffering, so it's useless to say more.

Therefore, his choice, in fact, from his point of view, can not be wrong.

Ye Chuxiao has passed through the sea of ​​bitterness more than once, and the road ahead has already been opened. Naturally, she seized the opportunity to use the high-end prison to lure some cash-strapped prisoners, so she asked them for advice on spiritual practice.

In this way, a group of high-quality 'teachers' are obtained for free.

As officials, most of these prisoners failed.

But when it comes to practice, they are all elites.

Those with the lowest cultivation level are all in the energy realm.

Those with the highest level of cultivation have even entered the fifth realm, the realm of transformation.

It's more than enough to be Ye Chuxiao's teacher.

At this time, although their cultivation was sealed, their theoretical knowledge was still there.

"Your hands are extremely flexible, and you can bow left and right without affecting each other. The sea of ​​suffering of talisman cultivation is not difficult for you to overcome. The main thing you need now is to master as many basic talismans as possible. After all, all high-level talismans, It is composed of basic spells, and high-level runes can create their own spells, and even draw amulets with one thought, all because of a good foundation, and painstaking efforts in the level of basic spells."

The above teachings are quite normal, but they just changed the subject and started planning.

"Once you have passed the sea of ​​suffering, you have to start choosing your spiritual roots so that you can enter the energy realm."

"The old man just happened to know that there is a kind of spiritual root called 'Jade Ink Bamboo', which is the best spiritual thing for talisman cultivators. If you can do me a favor, I will tell you the whereabouts of this spiritual root. You." After practicing a copybook, the prisoner who taught Ye Chuxiao how to practice calligraphy and draw symbols said to Ye Chuxiao gently, stroking his beard.

Ye Chuxiao didn't raise her head, and continued to draw amulets with both hands: "If it's a room change, I can think of a way. Master Nangong will be released from prison next month. There is Sleeping Beauty in his room. If you don't mind, I can arrange for you to jump in."

"If you want me to help out with external communications and bringing messages, then there is no need for it."

The old prisoner's face was slightly stiff, and he waved his hands and said: "The old man is getting old, and he is cultivating talismans, but he has not entered the wonderful realm, and his life is not long. How can he have such thoughts."

"It's just a few words. I want to give more instructions to my nephew. I originally found a few ordinary jailers, so I can convey them on my behalf."

"Then why don't you go look for it?" Ye Chuxiao put down the Langhao brush in his hand and sneered.

"Left and right are just tricks. The so-called rumors are false. Letting me, the prison chief, spread the word broke the rules and fell into your trap. It is true. When I am caught by you, I will be in this dungeon in the future. Do you obey me?"

"You are probably thinking that through the many criminals I have recruited into this dungeon, you can form a faction of your own!" Ye Chuxiao said slowly, every word seemed to hit the old prisoner's heart.

The old prisoner's face was ugly: "This... how do you know?"

He didn't deny it.

After all, in Ye Chuxiao's territory, if you offend him, if you don't admit it, you will suffer.

I dare not speak of lynching.

He just couldn't stand throwing it back in the old dirty, filthy cell.

If it is 'accidental', it is not a single room, and the roommate has some unspeakable hobbies, it will be even worse.

It is ridiculous to say that the power of the warden director is huge, but in this dungeon, he is like the emperor of the earth, enough to punish some criminals.

As for revenge after being released from prison, Ye Chuxiao was right.

He is now directly under the supervision of Shangshu, the Ministry of punishment.

Up and down Daheng, how many people really dare to offend Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment?

In the entire dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment, the only person who has this qualification and ability is Tang Sutong who chose to commit suicide in the first place and sacrificed himself to Taoism.

"It's just a few days of hard work. You are the number 11 prisoner who uses exercises, secrets, spiritual roots, treasures, beauties, etc. to lure me to work for them."

"To be honest, you are more tolerant."

"There are also a few old tortoises who are still pretending to me, putting on an appearance of worrying about the country and the people, pleading for the country and being imprisoned."

"Actually, why bother? Those who really plead for the country and don't spare their own lives are either on death row, or on the fourth and fifth floors. The criminals on the second floor are all because of corruption, style, Being imprisoned for offending Shangguan and other reasons, left and right are not fun." Ye Chuxiao washed his hands in the sink, and wiped his hands with a soft dungeon-made towel.

Ye Chuxiao's words made the old prisoner extremely embarrassed, but he had nothing to say.

"Okay, today's talisman study is over, I'm going next door to learn swordsmanship and martial arts from General Xun." Ye Chuxiao said, turned and pushed the door out.

Then the jailer was arranged to push the old prisoner back to the old cell.

(End of this chapter)

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